HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.28.25 Agenda Packet January 28, 2025, 5:30 PM I. Call Meeting to Order (Vice Chair Michael Keenan) II. Adoption of January 7, 2024 Minutes (Attendees at January Meeting – Chair William Mitchell, Vice Chair Michael Keenan, Jonathan Bridges, Caleb Rash, Ed Trice, Greg Uhl III. Old Items of Business IV. Regular Items of Business Case BOA-996 – Jonathan Weinbach, applicant and property owner, is requesting a variance of 2’ from the minimum required Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation requirement of 17’ per Section 9.8.2.A of the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance. This property is zoned R-15, Residential and is located at 206 Gazebo Court. V. Other Business VI. Adjourn MEMBERS OF THE BOARD William Mitchell, Chair | Michael Keenan, Sr. Vice-Chair Will Daube | Caleb Rash | Greg Uhl BOARD ALTERNATES Jonathan Bridges | Michael Sanclimenti | Ed Trice Rebekah Roth, Director of Planning & Land Use | Karen Richards, Deputy County Attorney NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, CONFERENCE ROOM 139, WILMINGTON, NC 28403 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT The New Hanover County Board of Adjustment held a regular and duly advertised meeting at 5:30 PM at the New Hanover County Government Center Complex, 230 Government Center Drive, in Conference Room 139, in Wilmington, NC on Tuesday January 7, 2025.   Members’ Present   William Mitchell, Chair  Michael Keenan, Sr., Vice-Chair   Caleb Rash   Jonathan Bridges Greg Uhl   Present, not serving Ed Trice  Members Absent Michael Sanclimenti Will Daube     Ex Officio Members Present Ken Vafler, Planning Operations Supervisor   Karen Richards, Deputy County Attorney Marshall Fugate, Administrative Specialist The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by Chair William Mitchell.  FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Chair Mitchell explained that the Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial Board appointed by the Board of Commissioners to consider ordinance variances from residents in New Hanover County where special conditions would create unnecessary hardships. He said the Board also hears appeals of the County’s interpretation in enforcement of the Unifled Development Ordinance. The appellants have thirty days in which to appeal any decision made by the Board to Superior Court. Chair Mitchell asked if there were any corrections to the last meeting’s minutes. Chair Mitchell called for a motion to accept the December 10, 2024, meeting minutes as written or with noted changes. Mr. Keenan made the motion to approve the minutes as written to which Mr. Rash seconded. The board unanimously adopted the minutes.  Chair Mitchell swore in Planning Operations Supervisor Ken Vafler; and Contractor Alex Chmiel. CASE BOA-995 Mr. Ken Vafler provided an overview of a variance request related to a proposed pool installation at 1504 Meridian Terrace. The applicant is seeking a variance of approximately 30 feet from the required 75-foot conservation resource setback to construct a 13 x 26-foot pool. The pool would encroach into the setback approximately 30 feet on the west side and 25 feet on the east side. The property is located in the Avenel subdivision, off Porter’s Neck Road near the Figure Eight Island Bridge, in an R-20 residential zoning district characterized by single-family homes on lots of approximately 20,000 square feet. Conservation resource maps identifled the presence of a salt marsh on the property’s north side, conflrmed through fleld veriflcation. This classiflcation mandates additional performance controls, including impervious surface setbacks and runoff retention. The proposed pool would encroach approximately 338 square feet into the setback area and include a 400-square-foot pervious apron on two sides to manage runoff. The board and the applicant’s contractor, Mr. Chmiel, discussed potential environmental impacts, such as erosion and runoff. Mr. Chmiel explained that the pool would be constructed with pervious decking to mitigate runoff and that a silt fence would be installed during construction to prevent erosion into the adjacent marsh. These measures, standard for waterfront construction, are designed to minimize environmental disruption. Mr. Chmiel emphasized that the ten-inch thick concrete pool walls would serve as a retaining structure, reducing the need for additional retaining walls and limiting site disturbance. Stormwater management methods, including pervious surfaces and rain barrels, were highlighted as essential features to retain runoff and handle signiflcant storm events effectively. Mr. Chmiel stated that that these mitigation strategies would ensure minimal impact on the conservation area. The board reviewed historical precedents for granting variances in similar circumstances and discussed the applicability of the 75-foot conservation resource setback provision, which has been in effect since 1984. Previous variances for pool construction encroaching into conservation resource setbacks were cited, establishing a precedent for allowing such encroachments when appropriate mitigation measures are implemented. The board considered whether the proposed mitigation measures, including pervious surfaces and stormwater management strategies, adequately addressed environmental concerns to justify the requested variance. Mr. Chmiel provided details about the soil composition and construction process for the proposed pool. The top two feet of soil in the area are predominantly sandy, with clay material at deeper levels. The pool would be constructed with ten-inch thick concrete walls, providing stability and serving as a retaining structure to eliminate the need for additional retaining walls. With an average depth of flve feet, a portion of the pool would extend out of the ground due to the site’s steep slope. Mr. Chmiel stated that site disturbance would be minimal, with any excavated areas backfllled and covered with sod upon completion of the project. The discussion concluded with an overview of the permitting process, including the requirement for a CAMA (Coastal Area Management Act) permit. Mr. Chmiel noted that the permitting process was already underway but was paused due to the setback requirements, necessitating the current variance request. The board acknowledged the applicant’s efforts to comply with regulations and implement mitigation measures, and they planned to deliberate further before rendering a decision. Board Member Uhl made a MOTION to APPROVE the Variance SECONDED by Caleb Rash. The motion to recommend approval of the variance passed 5-0 with the decision based on the following conclusions and flndings of fact: 1. It is the Board’s conclusion that, if the applicant complies with the literal terms of the ordinance, specifically the 75’ minimum conservation resource setback requirement per Section 5.7.4.B.1 of the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance, that an unnecessary hardship would result. This conclusion is based on the following FINDINGS OF FACT: • The Applicant purchased the home with the intent of installing a swimming pool as they had done with their previous home. • The Applicant considers it a hardship that they will not be able to enjoy outdoor time with their family nor host their family holiday gatherings as they had envisioned doing when they purchased the home. 2. It is the Board’s conclusion that the hardship of which the applicant complains results from unique circumstances related to the subject property, such as location, size, or topography. This conclusion is based on the following FINDINGS OF FACT: • A majority of the applicant's property is outside of the fiood zone. The zoning classiflcation of the property is such that there is a 75’ COD setback that has no mitigation into the setback for swimming pools. This is different from the much more common AEC setback which allows encroachment into the setback for swimming pools anywhere from 37.5’ to 42’. • The more common AEC setback is seen in much more fragile environmental areas such as the conservation resource zone, and properties with canals and other waterways. 3. It is the Board’s conclusion that the hardship did not result from actions taken by the applicant or the property owner. This conclusion is based on the following FINDINGS OF FACT: • When the applicant purchased the property in November 2020, they were never informed a swimming pool would not be permitted due to the zoning classiflcation. • The applicant’s property is over ½ of an acre with the majority of the property outside of the fiood zone. They would have not purchased the property with the knowledge a swimming pool would not be permitted. • The only location in the backyard that a pool would be permitted has a well that was existing when we purchased the property. 4. It is the Board’s conclusion that, if granted, the variance will be consistent with the spirit, purpose, and intent of the ordinance, such that public safety is secured, and substantial justice is achieved. This conclusion is based on the following FINDINGS OF FACT: • The Applicant believes the variance request is consistent with the spirit and intent of the ordinance. One assumes that the spirit and intent of the 75’ setback is to be noninvasive and conserve the wetlands. • According to the survey, the swimming pool we are proposing would encroach an average of approximately 30’ or less into the COD setback leaving the swimming pool an average of 45’ or more away from any wetlands. • This encroachment we are asking for is less of an impact/encroachment when compared to what is allowed for the more common AEC setbacks in more environmentally fragile areas. • In applicant’s opinion the swimming pool would have no impact on the wetland and there would be no runoff during rain events. • The proposed swimming pool would have surrounding barriers and gates up to NHC code and would have no impact on the safety of the public. Meeting Adjourned There being no further business before the Board, Vice Chair Keenan made a MOTION to ADJOURN the meeting, SECONDED by Mr. Rash. The motion to adjourn the meeting passed 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15pm Please note the minutes are not a verbatim recording of the proceeding.   _____________________  Executive Secretary   _____________________  Chair    _____________________   Date  VARIANCE REQUEST BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 28, 2025 CASE: BOA-996 PETITIONER: Jonathan Weinbach, applicant and property owner. REQUEST: Variance of 2’ from the minimum required Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation requirement of 15’ per Section 9.8.2.A of the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). LOCATION: 206 Gazebo Court PID: R08500-010-002-000 ZONING: R-15, Residential District ACREAGE: 0.40 Acres BACKGROUND AND ORDINANCE CONSIDERATIONS: The applicant is requesting a variance of 2’ from the 15’ minimum Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation requirement established at this location per Section 9.8.2 of the UDO. This request would allow a single- family dwelling to remain as constructed by meeting the minimum National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) elevation requirement of 13’ as shown on the adopted Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for the county, but not New Hanover County’s locally adopted higher regulatory standard of 15’. Any variance of this nature does require different criteria than for other variances specified in the Unified Development Ordinance, which are outlined below, and staff would seek assurance that no impact the community's standing in the National Flood Insurance Program would occur. The property is located in the southern portion of the county in the Inlet Point Harbor subdivision, approximately .2 miles west of the Intracoastal Waterway. The property is designated on FIRM panel 3131 within a Coastal A Zone Special Flood Hazard Area with a Base Flood Elevation of 13’. As a participant in the NFIP, the county is required to adopt and enforce FIRMs as well as floodplain management regulations, which are located in Article 9 of the UDO. A fundamental floodplain management regulation for residential development in the flood zone is that living space must be elevated to a point defined as the Reference Level to account for the potential of inundation from increased water surface elevations to this point during a flood event. REFERENCE LEVEL The top of the lowest floor for structures within Special Flood Hazard Areas designated as Zones A, AE, AH, AO, A99. The reference level is the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor for structures within Special Flood Hazard Areas designated as Zone VE. The structure lies within a Coastal A Zone (CAZ), for which the UDO requires that structures shall be designed and constructed to meet V zone requirements, as anticipated flood conditions in these flood zones are expected to include wave action or storm surge. As such, the required reference level is measured from Mean Sea Level to the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member. VARIANCE REQUEST BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 28, 2025 The minimum NFIP requirement for elevation is defined in the UDO as the Base Flood Elevation (BFE): BASE FLOOD ELEVATION (BFE) A determination of the water surface elevations of the base flood as published in the Flood Insurance Study. When the BFE has not been provided in a Special Flood Hazard Area, it may be obtained from engineering studies available from a federal, state, or other source using FEMA approved engineering methodologies. This elevation, when combined with the Freeboard, establishes the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. New Hanover County has an adopted freeboard requirement, which is an additional elevation requirement of 2’ above the Base Flood Elevation shown on the FIRMs in order to account for unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than those calculated for the FIRMs. The Base Flood Elevation with the added Freeboard requirement result in what is defined as the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation or RFPE. REGULATORY FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION The “Base Flood Elevation” plus the “Freeboard”. In Special Flood Hazard Areas where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) have been determined, this elevation shall be the BFE plus two feet of freeboard. In Special Flood Hazard Areas where no BFE has been established, this elevation shall be at least two feet above the highest adjacent grade. Figure 1: Illustration of typical locations of Base Flood Elevation (BFE), additional elevation via Freeboard requirement, and Regulatory Flood Protection (RFPE, also referred to Design Flood Elevation (DFE)) for elevated piling construction in V-Zones and Coastal A Zones. Source – Longboat Key Observer. VARIANCE REQUEST BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 28, 2025 Figure 2: Subject Site with Adjacent Special Flood Hazard Area Designations. The mapped Base Flood Elevation at the subject property is 13’; combined with the locally adopted 2’ freeboard requirement the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation is 15’. On April 12, 2024, a permit application was submitted to construct a new single-family residence at the subject property. An elevation certificate based on construction drawings was submitted with the permit application; this certificate showed a raised slab foundation type but was subsequently revised to show a foundation elevated on pilings in order to comply with construction standards in the Coastal A Zone. Both versions of the elevation certificates showed building elevations based on construction drawings with the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member at an elevation of 15.1’ above mean sea level. The data provided with the permit application on these documents demonstrated compliance with the reference level meeting the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation of 15’. During the development review process, if any permit review version contains an item that needs correction, needs additional supporting documentation, or may need additional clarification before approval, the plan reviewer may set the review status to “resubmit required,” which will initiate a subsequent review in the permitting software. The initial two permit review versions were set to this status as a V-zone certificate, which is a requirement for development in the Coastal A Zone, was not provided. The V-zone certification was provided on June 3, 2024 with data demonstrating that the elevation of the bottom of the lowest horizontal structure member would be at 15.10’, meeting the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation Requirement at this location. After the third review version, the permit was approved by both the Department of Building Safety and Department of Planning & Land Use on June 4, 2024, and the building permit was issued on June 5 with notes pertaining to floodplain management requirements. On these permit notes, staff did note an incorrect Base Flood Elevation and Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation with a note of “BFE 12’; lowest horizontal member elevation 14’”; presumably due to the differing flood zone designations and base flood elevations in close proximity to the parcel. Although this note was in error, all required design certifications including Site VE Flood Zone Coastal A Flood Zone AE Flood Zone VARIANCE REQUEST BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 28, 2025 two elevation certificates and the V-Zone certificate certified a compliant minimum elevation value of 15’ to the lowest horizontal structural member. The building permit notes also indicated the requirement that an original surveyed under construction elevation certificate must be provided within 21 days of the completion of the lowest floor, or reference level. The UDO requires that an elevation certificate be provided within seven calendar days of the establishment of the reference level elevation, and that it shall be the duty of the permit holder to submit this certification to ensure compliance before further construction takes place. Permitting records show that a residential building framing inspection was issued a partial pass on September 11, 2024 and a residential electrical rough-in inspection was issued a partial pass on October 11, 2024. Notes from the electrical rough in inspection refer to the base flood elevation and reference level with the following notes: “AE 13' flood zone, 15’ Required Design Elevation (freeboard), slab at 13.1', lowest framing member of 1st level is 15.1'.” In order to ensure the under-construction elevation certificate was completed and received in the prescribed timeline, staff monitored this permit to ensure that this requirement was met. In late July, telephone attempts by former staff members were made to obtain a status update on this requirement. On September 20, 2024, staff e-mailed the applicant to request the status of the under-construction elevation certificate. On September 25, the applicant advised staff that he would work to have this completed. On October 3, the under-construction elevation certificate was completed by the surveyor, and the data demonstrated that the bottom of the lowest horizontal member was at an elevation of 13.0’, which is 2’ below the required reference level for construction in the Coastal A Zone at this location. E-mail correspondence between county staff and the applicant related to obtaining the under-construction certificate is attached as an exhibit to this report. This certificate was uploaded by the applicant to the county’s permitting software on October 9, 2024. However, due to the lack of an automated notification, planning staff was not aware that this was complete and in the software for review until a revision to the building permit was submitted on November 1. Therefore, construction continued on the structure for at least three weeks before staff discovered the issue with compliance. The applicant was then notified by staff of the issue on November 4, and a directive to stop work on the structure was issued on November 8, to which the applicant has complied with. Thereafter, staff continued to work with the applicant on potential methods to achieve compliance with the applicable code regulations. VARIANCE REQUEST BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 28, 2025 Site Photos showing front profile of structure showing approximate location of the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member, or Reference Level. This Reference Level has been certified at 13’, 2’ below the required elevation of 15’ which represents the locally adopted higher regulatory standard. Although the structure is currently constructed with the lowest horizontal member to the FEMA minimum requirement of 13’; compliance must be demonstrated with the 15’ adopted local standard. Achieving compliance with the local required standard can be completed either through an alteration or renovation of the structure as built, or the issuance of a variance from the locally adopted freeboard standard. Consideration of potential impacts to the county’s standing in both the CRS Program and NFIP are necessary when considering a variance from floodplain management regulations. Staff is required to submit all finished construction elevation certificates annually to the Insurance Services Office, which reviews for errors in the certificates, some of which may pose potential issues of compliance. In addition, county staff is required to furnish documentation on any variances issued during the respective reporting period, and these would also be required to be submitted during a future FEMA Community Assistance Visit. A variance of this nature should be evaluated with the applicable criteria in Article 9 of the UDO, which differs from the four conclusions of law by which the typical variance is evaluated by (see Board of Adjustment Power and Duty Section of this report). To ensure the county’s standing in each of these programs, a variance should not be seen as setting a precedent, increasing the degree of liability for flood damages and higher insurance premiums on the county, or that it is a relaxation of adherence to floodplain provisions or higher regulatory standards unless the variance criteria can be met. Staff has proposed a number of mitigating measures to increase the likelihood that this request, if approved, would not affect the county’s standing in either program: - Demonstration to CRS and/or FEMA representatives that such a decision was the most equitable and least impactful decision for all parties involved; Approximate Location of RFPE VARIANCE REQUEST BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 28, 2025 - Provision of data showing the county’s historic record of compliance with NFIP standards and adherence to our higher regulatory standards; - Provision of records showing successful annual recertifications since entry into the CRS program in 1990, as well as successful cycle verification visits that improved the county’s rating and total point allocations in 2017 and 2022, respectively; - Provision or records showing successful Elevation Certificate reviews in annual CRS recertifications since this requirement was implemented; - Data showing that no variances have been issued by the county since 2008; - Disclosures of insurance implications, potential risk to flood damages, and liability that the property owner would acknowledge; - An evaluation and revision to protocol and training procedures to ensure that the potential for such an error in the future is mitigated to the fullest possible extent; - A revision to the county’s internal permitting workflow which now requires that a workflow step confirming a compliant under-construction elevation certificate be submitted and approved before any additional inspections can be conducted; - Continuing education on development requirements and procedures in Special Flood Hazard Areas in partnership with the Wilmington-Cape Fear Homebuilder’s Association has been conducted. The applicant contends that the variance is necessary to allow the residence to remain as constructed with the reference level meeting the FEMA minimum standard Base Flood Elevation of 13’. Additional information is provided from the applicant on the required variance application. In summary, the variance request would allow the structure to remain with the lowest horizontal structural member at 13’ or 2’ below the required Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation of 15’. In addition to the mitigating measures discussed above, staff proposes the following conditions be placed on the request should it be granted by the Board: - Granting of this request shall be contingent upon review and confirmation by applicable partner agencies that no adverse effect to the county’s standing in the NFIP will be incurred; - Disclosure that the structure does not meet the locally adopted elevation requirement and acknowledgement by property owner and successors that any potential damages or insurance implications shall be borne exclusively by the property owner and successors via deed restriction. VARIANCE REQUEST BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 28, 2025 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT POWER AND DUTY: The Board of Adjustment has the authority to authorize variances from the terms of the Unified Development Ordinance where, due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the regulations would result in unnecessary hardship. In granting any variance, the Board may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with the Unified Development Ordinance. A concurring vote of four-fifths (4/5) of the voting members of the Board shall be necessary to grant a variance. Variances from provisions within Article 9, Flood Damage Prevention, of the UDO have different criteria than the typical variance request where findings are required to meet four conclusions. Variances from Article 9 may be issued for: 1. The repair of rehabilitation of historic structures upon the determination that the proposed repair or rehabilitation will not preclude the structure’s continued designation as a historic structure and that the variance is the minimum necessary to preserve the historic character and design of the structure; 2. Functionally dependent facilities, if determined to meet the definition as stated in the County’s Stormwater Management Ordinance, provided subsections 2, 3, and 5 of Section 9.7.5.I, conditions for Variances, are satisfied, and such facilities are protected by methods that minimize flood damages during the base flood and create no additional threats to public safety; of 3. Any other type of development provided it meets the requirements of this section. Due to the technical nature of this case, staff has drafted pertinent facts related to the standards governing variances from floodplain management regulations that are in italics below. The following standards are considerations that must be found for the granting of a variance from floodplain management regulations: After an analysis of the proposed use and the information provided as part of the application package staff has compiled the facts provided in the application and identified through staff technical review and analysis. They are organized by the applicable conclusion. These findings are preliminary and additional relevant facts may be presented during the public hearing. Compiled facts may or may not support the Board’s conclusion. In passing upon variances, the Board of Adjustment shall consider all technical evaluations, all relevant factors, all standards specified in other sections of this article. 1. The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of other; a. The space below the elevated building will comply with all other requirements in Article 9 of the UDO prior to occupancy. 2. The danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage; a. The elevation of the structure does meet the minimum NFIP requirement, but not the locally adopted higher regulatory standard with 2’ of freeboard. The freeboard requirement is an additional 2’ of height added to the BFE to account for the many unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the height calculated for a selected size flood and floodway conditions. 3. The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner; VARIANCE REQUEST BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 28, 2025 a. The elevation of the structure does meet the minimum NFIP requirement, but not the locally adopted higher regulatory standard with 2’ of freeboard. The freeboard requirement is an additional 2’ of height added to the BFE to account for the many unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the height calculated for a selected size flood and floodway conditions. 4. The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the community; a. As a private residence, the structure will not provide direct services to the community. 5. The necessity to the facility of a waterfront location as defined in the County’s Stormwater Management Ordinance, as a functionally dependent facility, where applicable; a. As a private residence, the structure is not dependent upon a waterfront location and is not a functionally dependent facility. 6. The availability of alternative locations, not subject to flooding or erosion damage, for the proposed use; a. The structure is located on a private lot and is constructed on the parcel. 7. The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated development; a. The structure is within an area with additional single family detached dwellings and is compatible with existing and anticipated development. Adjacent structures on Gazebo Court, built in 1991, 2006, and 2013, are elevated with reference levels in the range of 14’ to 21.4’. These structures are located on the west side of Gazebo Court where the current Base Flood Elevation is 12’ and appear to have met the required elevation at the time of their respective construction. 8. The relationship of the proposed use to the Comprehensive Plan and floodplain management program for that area; a. The 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan classifies this area within the General Residential Place Type. Single-family detached dwelling units at a density not to exceed 8 units per acre are consistent with the plan. The property is currently zoned R-15, Residential District, which limits density to 2.5 units per acre. Provisions within the UDO limit density for certain developments within the VE flood zone to 2.5 units per acre, so the structure is also consistent with the floodplain management program for this area. 9. The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles; a. The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles will not be impeded by the requested variance if granted. 10. The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise, and sediment transport of the floodwaters and the effects of wave action, if applicable, expected at the site; and; a. The elevation of the structure does meet the minimum required NFIP base flood elevation of 13’, but not the locally adopted 2’ freeboard requirement of 15’. The freeboard requirement is adopted in part to account for the many unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the height calculated for a selected size flood and floodway conditions. 11. The costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions including maintenance and repair of public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems, and streets and bridges. a. It is not anticipated that the cost of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions would be altered if the requested variance were granted. VARIANCE REQUEST BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 28, 2025 The UDO also places several conditions upon variances from any provision in Article 9, Flood Damage Prevention, of the UDO: 1. Variances shall not be issued when the variance will make the structure in violation of other federal, state, or local laws, regulations, or ordinances. a. The 2’ freeboard requirement is a locally adopted higher regulatory standard and if granted the structure would still comply with the minimum NFIP standard of 13’. 2. Variances shall not be issued within any designated floodway or non-encroachment area if the variance would result in any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge. a. The property is not located within a designated floodway or non-encroachment area. 3. Variances shall only be issued upon a determination that the variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief. a. The requested variance does represent the minimum necessary to afford relief. All other floodplain management requirements will have been met for the structure. 4. Variances shall only be issued prior to floodplain development permit approval. a. The floodplain development permit was issued for the structure on June 4, 2024. Due to the circumstances leading to the reference level not being met, the floodplain development permit could be revoked, and a new floodplain development permit could be required to be issued contingent upon the issuance of a variance. 5. Variances shall only be issued upon: a. A showing of good and sufficient cause; b. A determination that failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship; and c. A determination that the granting of a variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety, or extraordinary public expense, create nuisance, cause fraud on or victimization of the public, of conflict with existing local laws or ordinances. 6. A variance may be issued for solid waste disposal facilities or sites, hazardous waste management facilities, salvage yards, and chemical storage facilities that are located in Special Flood Hazard Areas provided that all of the following conditions are met. a. The use serves a critical need in the community. i. Not applicable to this structure as it is not a solid waste disposal facility or site, hazardous waste management facility, salvage yard, or chemical storage facility. b. No feasible location exists for the use outside the Special Flood Hazard Area. i. Not applicable to this structure as it is not a solid waste disposal facility or site, hazardous waste management facility, salvage yard, or chemical storage facility. c. The reference level of any structure is elevated or floodproofed to at least the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. i. Not applicable to this structure as it is not a solid waste disposal facility or site, hazardous waste management facility, salvage yard, or chemical storage facility. d. The use complies with all other applicable federal, state and local laws. i. Not applicable to this structure as it is not a solid waste disposal facility or site, hazardous waste management facility, salvage yard, or chemical storage facility. VARIANCE REQUEST BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 28, 2025 e. New Hanover County has notified the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety of its intention to grant a variance at least 30 calendar days prior to granting the variance. i. Not applicable to this structure as it is not a solid waste disposal facility or site, ii. hazardous waste management facility, salvage yard, or chemical storage facility. ACTION NEEDED (Choose one): 1. Motion to approve the variance request based on the findings of fact (with or without conditions). 2. Motion to table the item in order to receive additional information or documentation (specify). 3. Motion to deny the variance request based on specific negative findings in any of the four (4) categories above. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD William Mitchell, Chair | Michael Keenan, Sr. Vice-Chair Will Daube | Caleb Rash | Greg Uhl BOARD ALTERNATES Jonathan Bridges | Michael Sanclimenti | Ed Trice Rebekah Roth, Director of Planning & Land Use | Karen Richards, Deputy County Attorney NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, CONFERENCE ROOM 139 WILMINGTON NC 28403 ORDER TO GRANT/DENY A VARIANCE – Case BOA-996 The Board of Adjustment for New Hanover County, having held a public hearing on January 28, 2025, to consider application number BOA-991, submitted by Jonathan Weinbach, applicant and property owner, is requesting a variance of 2’ from the 15’ minimum required Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation requirement per Section 9.8.2.A of the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to use the property located at 206 Gazebo Court. Having heard all the evidence and arguments presented at the hearing, makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT and draws the following CONCLUSIONS related to the ordinance standards: 1. The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of other; • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 2. The danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage; • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 3. The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner; • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 4. The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the community; • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 5. The necessity to the facility of a waterfront location as defined in the County’s Stormwater Management Ordinance, as a functionally dependent facility, where applicable; • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 6. The availability of alternative locations, not subject to flooding or erosion damage, for the proposed use; • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 7. The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated development; • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 8. The relationship of the proposed use to the Comprehensive Plan and floodplain management program for that area; • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 9. The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles; • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 10. The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise, and sediment transport of the floodwaters and the effects of wave action, if applicable, expected at the site; and; • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 11. The costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions including maintenance and repair of public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems, and streets and bridges. • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. Additional conditions for variances as stated in Section 9.7.5.I of the UDO: 1. Variances shall not be issued when the variance will make the structure in violation of other federal, state, or local laws, regulations, or ordinances. • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 2. Variances shall not be issued within any designated floodway or non-encroachment area if the variance would result in any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge. • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 3. Variances shall only be issued upon a determination that the variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief. • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 4. Variances shall only be issued prior to floodplain development permit approval. • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 5. Variances shall only be issued upon: a. A showing of good and sufficient cause; • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. b. A determination that failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship; and • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. c. A determination that the granting of a variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety, or extraordinary public expense, create nuisance, cause fraud on or victimization of the public, of conflict with existing local laws or ordinances. • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. 6. A variance may be issued for solid waste disposal facilities or sites, hazardous waste management facilities, salvage yards, and chemical storage facilities that are located in Special Flood Hazard Areas provided that all of the following conditions are met. a. The use serves a critical need in the community. b. No feasible location exists for the use outside the Special Flood Hazard Area. c. The reference level of any structure is elevated or floodproofed to at least the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. d. The use complies with all other applicable federal, state and local laws. e. New Hanover County has notified the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety of its intention to grant a variance at least 30 calendar days prior to granting the variance. • _______________________________________________________________________. • _______________________________________________________________________. THEREFORE, on the basis of all the foregoing, IT IS ORDERED that the application for a VARIANCE from the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to allow a 2’ variance from the 15’ minimum required Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation requirement per Section 9.8.2.A of the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) be GRANTED/DENIED. Approval is subject to applicant within 7 days signing a document acknowledging applicant’s consent to all of the following conditions, if any: • Granting of this request shall be contingent upon review and confirmation by applicable partner agencies that no adverse effect to the county’s standing in the NFIP will be incurred; • Disclosure that the structure does not meet the locally adopted elevation requirement and acknowledgement by property owner and successors that any potential damages or insurance implications shall be borne exclusively by the property owner and successors via deed restriction. If the applicant does not sign a document acknowledging consent to all listed conditions, then this approval is null and void. ORDERED this 28th day of January, 2025 ____________________________________ Chair Attest: ________________________________ Kenneth Vafier, Executive Secretary to the Board BRICK SOLDIER COURSE AS PER SPEC BRICK AS PER SPEC BRICK SOLDIER COURSE AS PER SPEC BERMUDA SHUTTER AS PER SPEC FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'- 0" 9'- 1 12" P L A T E H E I G H T 23 ' - 2 " A P P R O X I M A T E O V E R A L L H E I G H T FINISHED FLOOR FINISHED GRADE 7'- 8 " W I N D O W H G T . 10 ' - 6 " G A R A G E B U M P O U T 12 ' - 6 " F R O N T P O R C H PL A T E H E I G H T SHINGLES AS PER SPEC RAISED SEAM METAL ROOFING AS PER SPEC WINDOWS w/ SOLDIER COURSE ABOVE & BRICK ROWLOCK BELOW AS PER SPEC 6 12 6 12 6 12 LEFT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'- 0" BRICK SOLDIER COURSE w/ KEYSTONE AS PER SPEC GARAGE DOOR AS PER SPEC BRICK AS PER SPEC BRICK SOLDIER COURSE AS PER SPEC BERMUDA SHUTTER AS PER SPEC WINDOWS w/ SOLDIER COURSE ABOVE & BRICK ROWLOCK BELOW AS PER SPEC RAISED SEAM METAL ROOFING AS PER SPEC ROOF LINE BEYOND SHINGLES AS PER SPEC 6 12 612 6 12 6 12 612 1 El e v a t i o n s 24 1 8 H e a t e d S q . F t . Th e P i n e I s l a n d April 01, 2019 REVISED DATE: OF: SHEET NO.: PLAN NAME: October 18, 2018 DATE: 6 Pine Island DESIGNED BY: Pr e m i e r H o m e s & Co m m u n i t i e s , L L C 2418 Heated Sq. Ft. 72 Entry Porch Sq. Ft. 796 Garage Sq. Ft. 412 Screened Lanai Sq. Ft. 01 A p r i l 2 0 1 9 FINA L VER S I O N REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'- 0" WINDOWS w/ SOLDIER COURSE ABOVE & BRICK ROWLOCK BELOW AS PER SPEC BRICK AS PER SPEC BRICK SOLDIER COURSE AS PER SPEC SCREENING AS PER SPEC SHINGLES AS PER SPEC 6 12 RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'- 0" WINDOWS w/ SOLDIER COURSE ABOVE & BRICK ROWLOCK BELOW AS PER SPEC RAISED SEAM METAL ROOFING AS PER SPEC BRICK AS PER SPEC BRICK SOLDIER COURSE AS PER SPEC BERMUDA SHUTTER AS PER SPEC ROOF LINE BEYOND SHINGLES AS PER SPEC 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 2 El e v a t i o n s 24 1 8 H e a t e d S q . F t . Th e P i n e I s l a n d April 01, 2019 REVISED DATE: OF: SHEET NO.: PLAN NAME: October 18, 2018 DATE: 6 Pine Island DESIGNED BY: Pr e m i e r H o m e s & Co m m u n i t i e s , L L C 2418 Heated Sq. Ft. 72 Entry Porch Sq. Ft. 796 Garage Sq. Ft. 412 Screened Lanai Sq. Ft. 01 A p r i l 2 0 1 9 FINA L VER S I O N ILLUMINATED TREY CEILING MASTER BEDROOM 8' S U M M E R K I T C H E N GR I L L w / H O O D IC E M A K E R (3) 2-8x 5-0 SCREENED LANAI 36" GAS FIREPLACE 4- 0 x 1 - 0 T R A N S O M 2- 0 x 3 - 0 3-0 POCKET DR. LI N E N 30 " K N E E - SP A C E (3) 2-8x 5-0(3) 2-8x 5-0 3-0 SCREEN DR. POST AS PER SPEC (TYP.) CERAMIC TILE SHOWER 3- 6 x 3 - 6 G B W 2- 8 P O C K E T D R . 72 " S O A K I N G T U B 3- 0 B I H I N G 2- 8 48 " V A N I T Y PANTRY 48 " V A N I T Y OV E N S DW REFRIG CO O K T O P COFFERED CEILING MASTER BATH 10'- 0" CEIL'G HT. KITCHEN BEDROOM #3 3 CAR GARAGE 3- 0 C . O . DINING ROOM 3-0 C.O. 3- 0 C . O . STORAGE 3-0 D 3-0 DR. 2-8x 3-6 36" VANITY 6-0 BI PASS BU I L T I N 2- 8 x 5 - 0 9'- 0" CEIL'G HT. DEN/ OFFICE 42" VANITY 5-0 BI PASS WIC 4- 0 x 1 - 0 T R A N S O M BEDROOM #2 2- 8 COFFERED CEILING FAMILY ROOM 2-8 2- 8 BATH #2 60 " T U B / S H O W E R POWDER RM. 9'- 0" CEIL'G HT. 10'- 0" CEIL'G HT. 3- 0 12 L I T E D R . 3-0 3-0 3- 0 C . O . 3- 0 C . O . (2) 2-8x 5-0 2-8x 3-6 W 3- 0 F U L L L I T E D R . 2-8 (2) 3-0x 6-8 ELLIPTICAL TOP 2x6 WALL 16 - 0 x 7 - 0 G A R A G E D R . 8- 0 x 7 - 0 G A R A G E D R . (2) 2-8x 5-0 2-0x 2-0 2-0 2-0 2- 8 x 5 - 0 UTILITY 24"x 48" PULL DOWN STAIRS 7'-0"7'-0" 2'-7" 16'-6"6'-4"6'-4" 12'-8"31'-4"14'-0" 58'-0" 6'-4"6'-4"12'-8" 2'-6"3'-6"6'-8" 12'-8"2'-2" 7'-4"9'-2" 18'-8" 4'- 8 " 3'- 8 " 5'- 2 " 2' - 1 0 " 6'- 0 " 10 ' - 4 " 2'- 8 " 13 ' - 8 " 2'- 4 " 3' - 6 " 3' - 2 " 3'- 4 " 3'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 4'- 2 " 3'- 0 " 27 ' - 0 " 2'- 0 " 30 ' - 0 " 6'- 0 " 10 ' - 2 " 6'- 2 " 6'- 8 " 18 ' - 8 " 48 ' - 0 " 86 ' - 0 " 2-0x 2-0 2'-10"3'-2"5'-0"5'-0"3'-2"2'-10" 6'-0"10'-0"6'-0" 22'-0"6'-6"11'-3"5'-7"12'-8" 58'-0" 6'-6" 10" 10'-0"5'-7" 4'-10"5'-2" 10'-0"6'-0" 5" 6'-4"6'-4" 3'-0"3'-6" 13 ' - 0 " 2'- 4 " 5'- 8 " 13 ' - 8 " 2' - 6 " 14 ' - 1 0 " 52 ' - 0 " 1'- 1 1 " 30 ' - 1 " 2'- 0 " 86 ' - 0 " 3' - 2 " 2'- 6 " 2'- 4 " 9'- 4 " 2'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 7'- 5 " 7' - 6 " 4'- 4 " 2'- 4 " 4'- 4 " 2' - 0 " 3'- 2 " 13 ' - 8 " 4'- 8 " 2x6 WALL 21 ' - 6 " 16 ' - 4 " 13'-10" 20'-2"4'-0"3'-10" 4'-8"4'-0"5'-4"7'-10" 29 ' - 1 0 " 4'- 4 " 7'- 6 " 4'-0"14'-0"4'-0" 4'- 0 " 3' - 6 " 4'- 4 " 2'- 4 " 4'- 0 " 10 ' - 0 " 13 ' - 6 " 10'-2" 2'- 4 " 4'- 4 " 2'- 0 " 5'- 6 " 8'-0"4'-0"4'-8"9'-4" 3'-4" 3'-4"10'-0"2'-8" 6'- 4 " 32 ' - 0 " 6'- 2 " 13 ' - 8 " 12 ' - 2 " 2'-2"4'-2"9'-8" 5' - 6 " 11 ' - 1 0 " 4'- 1 0 " 4'- 2 " 11 ' - 0 " 4'- 0 " 3'- 4 " 4'-0" 30 " G L A S S D R . 2- 8 x 5 - 0 2- 8 x 5 - 0 7-0x 9-0 MASONRY OPENING FOYER ENTRY PORCH 12'- 6" CEILING HGT. HALL 12-0x 8-0 TELESCOPING SLIDER 2x12 WALL 3- 0 D R . BU I L T I N 2'-2" 3'-8" W D REFRIG OV E N S CO O K T O P DW 10 ' - 2 " 6'- 2 " 6'- 8 " 18 ' - 8 " 15 ' - 4 " 5'- 8 " 6'- 4 " 31 ' - 0 " 4'-6"6'-10" 7' - 1 0 " 2'- 4 " 9'- 0 " 18 ' - 6 " 2'-0" 6'-2"9'-10" 2'-0" 6'- 8 " 2'- 4 " 22 ' - 8 " 6'- 2 " 10 ' - 2 " 8'-0"38'-2" 4'-8"2'-0" 3'-4"4'-10" 3'-0"11'-2" 22'-0"6'-4"9'-8" 24'-0" 3' - 6 " 3' - 2 " 2'-10" 9' - 1 0 " 18 ' - 4 " 8'-0" NOTES: 1. 9'-0" CEILING HEIGHT, 9'- 1-1/2" PLATE HEIGHT. (U.N.O.) UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2. SET WINDOWS AT 7'- 10" A.F.F. (ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR) U.N.O. 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FRAMING 4. WALL WIDTHS ARE FIGURED AT 3.5" (U.N.O.) 5. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL EXT. STAIRS AS PER SITE CONDITIONS 6. SEE WINDOW MANUF. FOR EGRESS AND ROUGH OPENING REQUIREMENTS. FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'- 0" 3 First Floor Layout 2418 Heated Sq. Ft.The Pine Island Ap r i l 0 1 , 2 0 1 9 RE V I S E D D A T E : OF : SH E E T N O . : PL A N N A M E : Oc t o b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 8 DA T E : 6 Pi n e I s l a n d DE S I G N E D B Y : Premier Homes & Communities, LLC 24 1 8 H e a t e d S q . F t . 72 E n t r y P o r c h S q . F t . 79 6 G a r a g e S q . F t . 41 2 S c r e e n e d L a n a i S q . F t . 0 1 A p r i l 2 0 1 9 F I N A L V E R S I O N Located in AE flood zone 12ft+2ft = 14ft BFE Flood resistant material must be used W D REFRIG OV E N S CO O K T O P DW24" x 12" THICK CONTINUOUS POURED FOOTING WITH (2) #5's or (3) #4's EACH WAY 12'-8"31'-4"14'-0" 58'-0" 3'- 2 " 2'- 0 " 25 ' - 5 " 7'- 5 " 10 ' - 2 " 6'- 2 " 6'- 8 " 18 ' - 8 " 48 ' - 0 " 86 ' - 0 " 6'-0"10'-0"6'-0" 22'-0"6'-6"11'-3"5'-7"12'-8" 58'-0" 10" 10'-0"5" 15 ' - 4 " 5'- 8 " 52 ' - 0 " 1'- 1 1 " 30 ' - 1 " 2'- 0 " 86 ' - 0 " 4'-0"18'-0" 4'- 0 " 6'- 4 " 32 ' - 0 " 2'- 0 12" 16 ' - 3 " 4' - 0 12" 31 ' - 0 " 16 ' - 0 " G A R A G E D R . O P E N I N G 8'- 3 " 1'- 5 " 2'- 0 " 7'- 5 " 5' - 6 " 1'- 1 1 " 5" B R I C K VE N E E R 5" BRICK VENEER 5" BRICK VENEER 8' - 0 " G A R A G E D R . O P E N I N G 36" SERVICE DR. OPENING 4'-6"6'-10" 7' - 1 0 " 2'- 4 " 9'- 0 " 18 ' - 6 " 2'-0" 6'-2"9'-10" 2'-0" 6'- 8 " 2'- 4 " 22 ' - 8 " 6'- 2 " 10 ' - 2 " 8'-0"38'-2" 4'-8"2'-0" 3'-4"4'-10" 3'-0"11'-2" 22'-0"6'-4"9'-8" 24'-0" 3' - 6 " 3' - 2 " 2'-10" 6'- 0 " 10 ' - 4 " 5" B R I C K VE N E E R 4'- 8 " 11 ' - 8 " 5" B R I C K VE N E E R 5" BRICK VENEER 5" BRICK VENEER 5" B R I C K VE N E E R 5" BRICK VENEER 5" BRICK VENEER 5" B R I C K VE N E E R 5" B R I C K VE N E E R 5" BRICK VENEER 5" BRICK VENEER 12'-8"16'-6"2'-2" 4" CONC. SLAB 4" CONC. SLAB 4" CONC. SLAB WITH 6x6 10/10 W.W.M. OVER 6 MIL VISQUEEN VAPOR BARRIER OVER COMPACTED SAND FILL 4" CONC. SLAB WITH 6x6 10/10 W.W.M. OVER 6 MIL VISQUEEN VAPOR BARRIER OVER COMPACTED SAND FILL 9' - 1 0 " 18 ' - 4 " 8'-0" 1 FOUNDATION STRUCTURAL NOTES: (140 & 150 MPH WIND ZONE)FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'- 0" ** FOR FOUNDATION WALL HEIGHT AND BACK FILL REQUIREMENTS REFER TO CODE TABLES R404.1.1. ASSUMED SOIL BEARING CAPACITY = 2000 PSF. CONTRACTOR MUST VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS AND CONTACT SOILS ENGINEER IF MARGINAL OR UNSTABLE SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED. ** REINFORCE W/ (3) #4 OR (2) #5 BAR (3" BOTTOM COVER) DEPTH: BELOW FREEZE LINE ( 12" MINIMUM ) WIDTH: MIN. 16" (UNO) WALL FOOTING AS FOLLOWS: NOTES: 1.ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO EXTERIOR OF FOUNDATION WALL. 2.ALL LOCAL CODES GOVERN OVER ANY DIMENSIONS AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO A CONSTRUCTION START. 4 Foundation Layout 2418 Heated Sq. Ft.The Pine Island Ap r i l 0 1 , 2 0 1 9 RE V I S E D D A T E : OF : SH E E T N O . : PL A N N A M E : Oc t o b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 8 DA T E : 6 Pi n e I s l a n d DE S I G N E D B Y : Premier Homes & Communities, LLC 24 1 8 H e a t e d S q . F t . 72 E n t r y P o r c h S q . F t . 79 6 G a r a g e S q . F t . 41 2 S c r e e n e d L a n a i S q . F t . 0 1 A p r i l 2 0 1 9 F I N A L V E R S I O N Located in AE flood zone 12ft+2ft = 14ft BFE Flood resistant material must be used 6: 1 2 VAL L E Y V A L L E Y H I PHIP 11'-0" 6:12 6:12RI D G E 6:126:12 RI D G E 5'-0" HI PHIP VA L L E Y HIP HIP RI D G E RI D G E RI D G E RIDGE VALLEY HIP HIP HIP VALLEY HIP HI P HI P H I P VA L L E Y 6'-4" 22 ' - 3 " 23'-2" 5'-712" FRAME AT 10'- 6" PLATE HT. FRAME AT 12'- 6" PLATE HT. 6: 1 2 6: 1 2 6: 1 2 6: 1 2 6: 1 2 6:12 6:12 6:12 6:12 6:126:12 6:12 6:12 6: 1 2 6: 1 2 ROOF TRUSSES AS PER SPEC'D RO O F T R U S S E S A S P E R S P E C ' D 3698 12.33 177 12.39 12.43113 NOTES: 1. ALL ROOF PITCHES ARE AS NOTED 2. RAFTERS ARE TO BE FRAMED ON 2x4 PLATE ON TOP OF CEILING JOIST 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FRAMING TO CENTER LINE OF RIDGE. 4. ALL RIDGES, HIPS, AND VALLEYS ARE TO BE SIZED BY OTHERS 5. OVERHANGS ARE TO BE 17" FROM FACE OF FRAMING SCALE: 1/4" = 1'- 0" ROOF FRAMING LAYOUT (RIDGE VENT) ATTIC VENTILATION REQUIRED: PROVIDED: ·CALCULATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON VENTILATORS USED AT A MINIMUM OF 3 Ft. ABOVE THE CORNICE VENTS or VAPOR BARRIER IS INSTALLED ON THE WARM IN WINTER SIDE OF THE CEILING (SEE R806.2 RESIDENTIAL CODE) ·CATHEDRAL CEILINGS SHALL HAVE A 1" MINIMUM CLEARANCE BETWEEN BOTTOM CHORD OF ROOF AND INSULATION ______ Sq. Ft. of ATTIC 300 = ______ Sq. Ft. EACH of INLET and OUTLET INLET: _____ Sq.Ft. PER LINEAR Ft. of VENT _____ LINEAR Ft. of VENTX = ______ Sq. Ft. of VENT / .07 OUTLET: _____ Sq.Ft. PER LINEAR Ft. of VENT _____ LINEAR Ft. of VENTX = ______ Sq. Ft. of VENT.11 5 Roof Framing Layout 2418 Heated Sq. Ft.The Pine Island Ap r i l 0 1 , 2 0 1 9 RE V I S E D D A T E : OF : SH E E T N O . : PL A N N A M E : Oc t o b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 8 DA T E : 6 Pi n e I s l a n d DE S I G N E D B Y : Premier Homes & Communities, LLC 24 1 8 H e a t e d S q . F t . 72 E n t r y P o r c h S q . F t . 79 6 G a r a g e S q . F t . 41 2 S c r e e n e d L a n a i S q . F t . 0 1 A p r i l 2 0 1 9 F I N A L V E R S I O N RAFTER/TRUSS AS SPEC'D 2x_ PORCH HEADER PORCH POST AS PER SPEC 4" CONC. SLAB FILL 12d HOOK HURRICANE CLIP AS REQ'D 2018 NC BUILDING CODE: RESIDENTIAL - 150 MPH WIND ZONE TYPICAL WALL SECTION 2x4 SPF #2 or BETTER BOTTOM PLATE (2) 2X4 SPF #2 or BETTER TOP PLATE 2x FREEZE BOARD 2x SUB FASCIA BOARD 2x SHINGLE MOLDING R-38 CEILING INSULATION MIN. MAINTAIN 1" AIR SPACE 15 lb FELT PAPER 6 MIL. VAPOR BARRIER COMPACTED SAND FILL 4" CONC. SLAB 16" MIN. 8" M I N . 1' - 0 " M I N . SOIL NOTES ELECTRICAL NOTES CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT NOTES NOTES CONCRETE NOTES GENERAL NOTES w/ ADDITIONAL 5" BRICK LEDGE "SIMPSON" H10 HURRICANE TRUSS CLIP or MTS12 TWIST STRAP AT EACH TRUSS CONNECTION (INSTALL AS PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS) 58" ANCHOR TO FOOTING at EACH POST APPROVED "SIMPSON" HOLD DOWN ANCHOR (ABU66) 2x4 PRESSURE TREATED SOLE PLATE 6 x 6 10-10 W.W.M. CONTINUOUS ENTIRE SLAB 1500-2000 LB. ASSUMED SOIL BEARING PRESSURE MIN. (2) #5's or (3) #4's CONTINUOUS REBAR w/ 25" MIN. LAP at ALL SPLICES CONT. POURED CONC. FOOTING -3000 PSI MINIMUM CONC. 4" BRICK w/ 4" BRICK LEDGE BEARING FOOTING w/ TYPE "S" MORTAR (ASTM C270 MIN REQUIRED) "SIMPSON" MAS (990) MUDSILL ANCHORS 24" O.C. MINIMUM & AT ALL WINDOW or DOOR LOCATIONS U.N.O. R-15 WALL INSULATION MIN. 38" WALL SHEATHING NAILED w/ 8d at 3" O.C. and 6" at INTERMEDIATE 2x4 SPF #2 or BETTER STUD WALL 16" O.C. TYP. PRE-FABRICATED ROOF TRUSS SPECIFICATIONS AND HIGH WIND LOAD CALCULATIONS BY MANUFACTURER 58" ROOF SHEATHING NAIL w/ 8d's 3" O.C. EDGES & 6" O.C. INTERMEDIATE SHINGLES or APPROPRIATE ROOFING AS PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS (2) 5/8" THRU-BOLTS w/ LESS THAN 50% NOTCH IN POST (IF MORE THAN 50% NOTCH IN POST 516" STRAP/ PLATE w/ (4) 12" BOLTS MUST BE USED) THESE DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN PREPARED BY THE DESIGNER and FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING THE GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PROJECT, and FOR THE OWNER'S USE IN CONSTRUCTING OF THIS PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE w/ THE DESIGN INTENT. THE OWNER AGREES THAT ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CODES and ACCEPTED STANDARDS SHALL BE THE OWNER'S and FURTHER AGREES THAT, EXCEPT FOR NEGLIGENCE ON THE PART OF THE DESIGNER, THE OWNER WILL HOLD HARMLESS INDEMNIFY and DEFEND THE DESIGNER FROM and AGAINST ANY and ALL CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THE DOCUMENTS. IT IS ALSO AGREED THAT THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF THE DESIGNER DO NOT EXTEND TO OR INCLUDE CONSTRUCTION REVIEW, PRODUCT and MATERIAL SELECTION, DESIGN OF MECHANICAL or ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, or ANY OTHER ASPECT OF PROJECT PLANNING BEYOND THE SCOPE OF ESTABLISHING DESIGN INTENT. ALL ORGANICS, TOP SOIL, and SOFT CLAY TO BE REMOVED UNDER ALL FOOTING and SLAB LOCATIONS. ANY BACKFILL TO BE DONE w/ CLEAN SELECTED FILL COMPACTED IN MAXIMUM 8" LAYERS TO 98% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY and OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT UNDER FOOTINGS and MAXIMUM 6" LAYERS TO 100% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY at OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT UNDER SLABS. SOIL TESTING SHOULD BE DONE PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION BY A SOIL TESTING COMPANY. 1.4" THICK 3,000 PSI CONC. SLAB 2.6 x 6 W1.4 x W1.4 WWF (WELDED) IN BOTTOM 1" OF SLAB. 3.4 MIL. VISQUEEN VAPOR BARRIER 4.BOTTOMS OF ALL FOOTINGS SHALL BEAR AT LEAST 12" IN UNDISTURBED SOIL. 5.PROVIDE NO. 4 REBAR THRU-OUT PROJECT. 6.VERIFY FIN. FLOOR ELEVATION w/ DESIGNER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 7.PROVIDE DOUBLE JOIST UNDER ALL WALLS, TUBS, & CABINETS WHICH ARE PARALLEL TO FLOOR JOISTS. 8.ALL BOLTS FOR BEAM-PILING CONNECTIONS ARE TO BE 58" DIA. HOT DIP GALVANIZED. 9.MICRO LAM BEAMS ARE TO BE ONE PIECE NO SPLICES. SIMPSON STRONG-TIE: "MTS" TYPICAL HEADER ATTACHMENT at PORCH 12" SHEETROCK 2018 NC BUILDING CODE: RESIDENTIAL - 150 MPH WIND ZONE TYPICAL PORCH SECTION ·ALL WORK SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE w/ NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, STATE, AND LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES and UNDERWRITER'S LABORATORY (U.L.) ·THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR ALL SERVICES and UTILITY CONNECTION CHARGES. ·CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN NECESSARY APPROVALS and PAY FOR ALL REQUIRED PERMITS and TESTS. ·ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN COMPLIANCE w/ WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS OF MANUFACTURERS. ·VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL OUTLETS, RECEPTACLES, DATA TERMINALS, TELEPHONE OUTLETS, JUNCTION BOXES, ETC. ·NO BRANCH CIRCUITS CAN BE LESS THAN NO. 12: ALL BRANCH CIRCUITS NO-8 AND SMALLER SHALL HAVE TW 600 VOLT INSULATION. ALL BRANCH CIRCUITS SHALL BE COPPER IN CONDUIT AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. FEEDERS SHALL HAVE THW 600 VOLT INSULATION. ·PROVIDE NEATLY PRINTED DIRECTORY FOR PANELS. ·WIRE ALL FIELD ASSEMBLED DEVICES FOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. ·CONTACT TELEPHONE COMPANY FOR ROUGH-IN OF PHONE OUTLETS DURING CONSTRUCTION. VERIFY OUTLET LOCATION w/ DESIGNER. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED w/ TELEPHONE ROUGH-IN. ·THE SUBCONTRACTOR FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE REQUIRED TO KEEP THE WORK INSTALLED BY HIM IN REPAIR and PERFECT WORKING ORDER TO ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF COMPLETION and FINAL ACCEPTANCE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH, FREE OF COST, TO OWNER. ALL MATERIALS and LABOR NECESSARY TO COMPLY w/ THIS GUARANTEE. THIS GUARANTEE SHALL SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDE LIGHTING FIXTURE LAMPS. ·CONTRACTOR SHALL AVOID TRENCHING UNDER THE DRIP LINES OF TREES UNLESS APPROVED BY OWNER or DESIGNER. ALL TRENCHES UNDER THE BUILDING, DRIVES, and WALKS SHALL BE BACKFILLED w/ COMPACTED SAND. ·EACH STUB OUT FOR LANDSCAPE LIGHTS TO BE ON A SEPARATE CIRCUIT. ·PROVIDE GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER CIRCUITS AT ALL LOCATIONS REQUIRED BY CODE. ·PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 20% EXPANSION IN ELECTRICAL PANELS and SERVICE. ·UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, FLUORESCENT LAMPS SHALL BE "WATT MISERS" or SYLVANIA SUPER SAVER w/ NOMINAL RATED WATTAGE 20% LOWER THAN THE STANDARD LAMPS. CHECK LAMP MANUF. TO BE CERTAIN THAT LAMPS ARE COMPATIBLE w/ FIXTURES. 1.CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS FOR ALL FOUNDATION WORK SHALL BE GRADE "N" TYPE- 1 LIGHTWEIGHT, FM 1350 PSI. 2.CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT MORTAR TYPE "M" or "S" TO REACH MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 1800 PSI WITHIN 28 DAYS. 3.ALL STEEL REINFORCING SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO ACI CODE WITH PROPER LAPS. 4.HORIZONTAL JOINT REINFORCING AT 16" O.C. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5.FILL SOLID WITH PEA GRAVEL CONCRETE MIX ALL CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS BELOW GRADE, AT VERTICAL STEEL, AND AT ANCHOR BOLT LOCATIONS WITH LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED 48". 6.(1) #4 VERTICAL REINFORCING BAR TO EXTEND DOWN TO FOOTING w/ 6" HOOK at 32" O.C. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7.1/2" DIAMETER x 16" LONG ANCHOR BOLTS TO SILL PLATE AT 32" O.C. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED(FILL CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CAVITIES at ALL ANCHOR BOLT LOCATIONS) 8.WATERPROOF FACE OF CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS BELOW GRADE WITH (2) COATS THERMOSEAL or APPROVED EQUAL. 9.REFERENCE ASTM FOR CONSTRUCTION IN COLD WEATHER AND ACI 530-88 AND 530.1-88 FOR CONCRETE MASONRY CONSTRUCTION IN COLD WEATHER OR LATEST EDITIONS. 10.REFERENCE ASTM C476 FOR GROUTING OF C.M.U. WALLS. 1.ALL CONCRETE WORK SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE w/ APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS OF THE AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE and THE CONCRETE REINFORCING STEEL INSTITUTE. 2.LAP ALL REINFORCING BARS A MINIMUM OF 24 BAR DIAMETERS BUT NOT LESS THAN 12". STIRRUPS and TIES LAPPED at LEAST 6 BAR DIAMETERS BUT NOT LESS THAN 2 12". WWF LAP NOT LESS THAN 6" 3.BENDS FOR STIRRUPS and TIES SHALL HAVE RADII ON THE INSIDE OF THE BAR NOT LESS THAN ONE BAR DIAMETER. BENDS FOR ALL OTHER REINFORCING BARS SHALL HAVE RADII ON THE INSIDE OF THE BAR NOT LESS THAN 3 BAR DIAMETERS. 4.PROVIDE A MINIMUM SPACE BETWEEN ALL RE-BARS and THE GROUND OF 3". PROVIDE A MINIMUM SPACE BETWEEN WELDED WIRE FABRIC (WWF) and GROUND or TOP OF SLAB OF 1 12" 5.PROVIDE MINIMUM 3,000 PSI STRENGTH CONCRETE AFTER 28 DAYS WITH A MINIMUM OF 5 BAG MIX. SLUMP- 4" MINIMUM AND 6" MAXIMUM. 6.WET FORMS AND GROUND BEFORE PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. 7.PLACE CONCRETE NOT LATER THAN 1 12 HOURS AFTER STARTING TO MIX CEMENT and WATER. 8.WHEN POURING OF CONCRETE IS ONCE STARTED, IT SHALL BE CARRIED ON AS A CONTINUOUS OPERATION UNTIL THE PLACING OF THE SECTION IS COMPLETED. PROVIDE PROPERLY DESIGNED CONSTRUCTION JOINT AT APPROPRIATE LOCATION IF THE CONTINUOUS OPERATION IS IMPRACTICAL. 9.REFERENCES FOR CONCRETE ASTM D698 & ACI 318. ACI MANUAL II HOT WEATHER CONCRETING ACI 305 & COLD WEATHER CONCRETING ACI 306. ·DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. USE WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE GIVEN TO FACE OF STUD or MASONRY and TO CENTER LINE OF BEAMS or GIRDERS. SUBMIT TO DESIGNER ANY DISCREPANCIES FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ·ALL WORK SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE w/ 2018 NC BUILDING CODE; RESIDENTIAL, RECOGNIZED INDUSTRY STANDARDS, CRAFTSMANSHIP STANDARDS IN THE AREA, ALL MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS, and ALL OTHER APPLICABLE CODES. ·THE CONTRACTORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BUILDING THIS PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE w/ THE PLAN AND SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS HE RECEIVES A WRITTEN NOTIFICATION FROM THE OWNER or DESIGNER TO THE CONTRARY. ·THE CONTRACTORS SHALL OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL NECESSARY PERMITS. ·THE DESIGNER DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PROJECT IN ANY RESPECT OTHER THAN THAT OUR WORK and JUDGEMENT RENDERED MEET THE STANDARDS OF CARE OF OUR PROFESSION. ·THE LOCATION OF THE EXISTING UTILITIES and STRUCTURES SHOWN HEREON ARE APPROXIMATE. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE EXISTENCE and ACTUAL LOCATION OF SUCH WHETHER SHOWN HEREON or NOT, PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION; ANY DAMAGES SHALL BE REPAIRED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR. Two H2.5A MTS12 (LTS,HTS or SIMILAR)H10 Simpson Strong-Tie: "MAS" (Alternate Installation for Brick Ledge Applications) 12" SHEETROCK BRICK VENEER AS PER SPEC or SIDING AS PER SPEC De t a i l s / N o t e s 6 24 1 8 H e a t e d S q . F t . Th e P i n e I s l a n d April 01, 2019 REVISED DATE: OF: SHEET NO.: PLAN NAME: October 18, 2018 DATE: 6 Pine Island DESIGNED BY: Pr e m i e r H o m e s & Co m m u n i t i e s , L L C 2418 Heated Sq. Ft. 72 Entry Porch Sq. Ft. 796 Garage Sq. Ft. 412 Screened Lanai Sq. Ft. 01 A p r i l 2 0 1 9 FINA L VER S I O N National Flood Insurance Program V-Zone Certification Property Information For Insurance Company Use Name Nelson Royall Rev Living Trust Policy Number Structure Address or Other Description 206 Gazebo Court City State Zip Code Wilmington NC 28409 SECTION I: FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION Note: To be obtained from FIRMs in effect at the time of the certification 1. Community Number 370168 2. Panel Number 3131 3. Suffix K 4. Date of FIRM Index 08/28/2018 5. FIRM Zone VE-13 and AE-13 SECTION II: ELEVATION INFORMATION Note: This form is not a substitute for an Elevation Certificate. Elevations should be rounded to nearest tenth of a foot. 1. Elevation of the Bottom of Lowest Horizontal Structure Member …………………………….….…. 15.10 feet (NAVD 88) 2. Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation (RFPE) ………………………………………………………. 15.0 feet (NAVD 88) 3. Elevation of Lowest Adjacent Grade ………………………………………………………………..…. 9.3 feet (NAVD 88) 4. Approximate Depth of Anticipated Scour/Erosion Used for Foundation Design……………..……. 0.5 feet (NAVD 88) 5. Embedment Depth of Pilings or Foundation Below Lowest Adjacent Grade................................... 8.0 feet (NAVD 88) SECTION III: V-ZONE CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Note: This section must be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect. Initial all that apply. EB I certify that I have developed or reviewed the structural design, plans and specifications for construction and that the methods of construction to be used are in accordance with accepted standards of practice for meeting the following provisions: EB a) The bottom of the lowest horizontal structure member of the lowest floor (excluding the pilings or columns) is elevated to or above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation; and, EB b) The pile or column foundation and structure attached thereto is anchored to resist flotation, collapse and lateral movement due to the effects of the wind and water loads acting simultaneously on all building components, including grade beams and bracing, if applicable. Water loading values used are those associated with the base flood including wave action. Wind loading values used are those required by the applicable State or local building code. The potential for scour and erosion at the foundation has been anticipated for conditions associated with the flood, including wave action. SECTION IV: AREAS BELOW THE LOWEST FLOOR Note: This section must be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect. Initial all that apply. EB I certify that I have developed or reviewed the structural design, plans and specifications for construction and that the design and methods of construction to be used for the breakaway walls are in accordance with accepted standards of practice for meeting the following provisions: EB a) All areas below the lowest floor are free of obstruction (including open lattice work, insect screening, bracing and grade beams as allowed in accordance with FEMA Technical Bulletin 5 and ASCE 24); or b) Breakaway walls are constructed in accordance with prescriptive design in FEMA Technical Bulletin 9: Breakaway Walls; or c) Breakaway walls shall collapse from water load less than that which would occur during the base flood without causing collapse, displacement, or other structural damage to the elevated portion of the building or supporting foundation system. SECTION V: SAND DUNES AND MANGROVE STANDS Note: This section must be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect. Initial all that apply. In accordance with 44 CFR 60.3(e)(7) and Paragraph G103.7 of the North Carolina Building Code, the construction: EB a) Does not alter sand dunes or mangrove stands; or b) Alters sand dunes or mangrove stands but does not increase potential flood damage. SECTION VI: SEPTIC TANKS Note: This section must be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect. Initial all that apply. EB a) There is not a septic tank serving the building; or In accordance with 44 CFR 60.3(a)(3) and (6), Section G701.1 of the North Carolina Building Code, and ASCE 24-14 7.3 and 9.7, the sanitary sewer system: b) Is designed and adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement resulting from hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads, including 150% of the effect of buoyancy and is designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharges from the systems into flood waters; or c) Is located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding. SECTION VII: UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS Note: This section must be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect. Initial all that apply. EB a) There is not an underground fuel tank serving the building; or In accordance with 44 CFR 60.3(a)(3)(iv) and ASCE 24-14 Section 9.7, the fuel tank(s) servicing the structure: b) Is designed and adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement resulting from hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads, including 150% of the effect of buoyancy, is designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharges from the systems into flood waters, and calculated flood-related loads take into account the eroded ground elevation. SECTION VIII: ABOVE GROUND FUEL TANKS Note: This section must be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect. Initial all that apply. EB a) There is not an above ground fuel tank serving the building; or In accordance with 44 CFR 60.3(a)(3)(iv) and ASCE 24-14 Section 9.7, the fuel tank(s) servicing the structure: b) Is elevated to or above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation on a detached platform with a foundation that meets the requirements of Section III, or c) Is underneath or attached to a building and is elevated in accordance with ASCE 24-14 Table 4-1. SECTION IX: SWIMMING POOLS Note: This section must be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect. Initial all that apply. EB a) There is not a swimming pool or hot tub located on the subject property; or In accordance with the North Carolina State Building Code Section G801.5, the North Carolina Residential Building Code Section AV103.3, and ASCE 24 9.6.2, the swimming pool / hot tub is: b) Located and designed to be structurally independent of buildings and structures; or c) Located in or on elevated floors or roofs that are at or above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation; and d) Is elevated so that the lowest horizontal structural member is at or above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation; or e) Is designed and constructed to break away during design flood conditions without producing debris capable of causing significant damage to any structure; or f) Is designed and constructed to remain in the ground during design flood conditions without obstructing flow that results in damage to any structure. SECTION X: FILL Note: This section must be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect. Initial all that apply. EB a) No fill has been placed on the site; or b) Any fill placed on the site is at less than a 5:1 (20%) slope and is similar to natural soils in the area; or c) Is at a greater than 5:1 (20%) slope but will not cause or worsen wave runup or wave reflection capable of damaging adjacent buildings. SECTION XI: EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURES Note: This section must be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect. Initial all that apply. Bulkheads, seawalls, retaining walls, revetments, and similar structures are considered erosion control structures. EB a) No erosion control structures have been placed on the site; or b) Erosion control structures are located at least 30’ from any structures; or c) Erosion control structures are not located beneath any structures and will not cause or worsen wave runup or wave reflection capable of damaging adjacent buildings. SECTION XII: CERTIFICATION Name of Certifier Edward Brunner, P.E. Title Professional Engineer Seal Firm Name Brunner and Assoc. LLC License Number 29208 Street Address 901 Shoreline Drive West Phone Number and Email (910) 575-6799 City Sunset Beach State NC Zip Code 28468 Signature Date 05.23.2024 N.C. Division of Emergency Management 04/2020 Permit Expiration: 12/02/2024Issue Date: 06/05/2024 New Hanover County Building Safety 230 Government Center Drive Suite: 170 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798-7308 Phone Permit NO. 24-005966 Permit Type: NHC Residential Building Work Classification: NSFR Permit Status: Issued Location Address Parcel Number R08500-010-002-000 206 GAZEBO CT, WM, NC 28409 Contacts ApplicantJonathan Weinbach 2012 Wolcott Road, WILMINGTON, NC 28405 (910)313-3331 JNWEINBACH@GMAIL.COM Mechanical ContractorREGIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION (LIC# 20063) 653 BIRDIE LN, SOUTHPORT, NC 28461 (910)443-5096 REGIONAL.SERVICES@LIVE.COM License: 20063 General ContractorPREMIER BUILDING LLC (LIC# 75502) PO BOX 16089, WILMINGTON, NC 28408 (910)313-3331 License: 75502 Plumbing ContractorWRIGHTSVILLE BEACH PLUMBING CO INC (P) (LIC# 32036) 146 HINTON AVE, WM, NC 28403 (910)256-2873 License: 32036 Mechanical ContractorSIMPLY MECHANICAL LLC (LIC# 34004) 257 ALCOR LN, SOUTHPORT, NC 28461 (910)712-3001 License: 34004, 34004 Electrical ContractorBROOKS ELECTRICAL LLC (LIC# 35404) 7486 Cordoba CIR 105, Leland, NC 28451 (910)431-5527 brookselectric910@gmail.com License: 35404 Description: erect new single family brick home Occupancy Type:Valuation:$407,852.42 Total Sq Feet: 3,698.00 R-3 Residential, one-and two-family Fees Amount NHC Floodplain Residential Final Inspection $25.00 NHC Homeowner Recovery Fee $10.00 NHC Residential New Const & Additions Permit $1,630.82 Total: $1,665.82 AmountPayments Total Fees $1,665.82 $1,665.82Paid Amount Due:$0.00 Set Back Between Structure: 10' Set Back Left: 10'Set Back Right: 10'Set Back Rear: 10'Set Back Front: 20' UE Zoning final is required- Project located in floodplain, Coastal A (LiMWA), BFE 12', lowest horizontal member elevation 14' (Freeboard), breakaway walls for enclosed areas and flood resistant materials required below freeboard elevation; flood vents required below freeboard; all equipment must be at or above freeboard elevation, including ductwork. An original surveyor's under construction elevation certificate must be provided to the inspection dept within 21 days of completion of lowest floor. An original finished construction elevation certificate for completed construction must be provided to the inspection dept prior to occupancy. FDP-24-000035 Special Zoning Comments: Special Notes and Comment: Contractor hereby agrees to take full responsibility as required by law for compliance with all State and Local Codes and Ordinances pertaining to construction and the conditions of this permit. All construction debris must be removed by the contractor. The county will not pick up any construction debris. Please call 910-798-7308 for inspections. Inspections requested by 3:30pm will be scheduled for the next business day. Inspections requested from 3:30pm to 5pm are scheduled for the day after the next business day Monday through Friday. Any disagreement with a decision made by a Building Safety Official (i.e. field inspector, or plan reviewer) may be brought before the Chief Building Inspector for review. June 05, 2024 Page 1 of 1230 Government Center Drive Suite: 170 Wilmington, NC 28403 1 Vafier, Ken From:Fulford, Damion Sent:Friday, December 27, 2024 3:49 PM To:Vafier, Ken Subject:FW: FW: FW: 206 Gazebo Court 06.04.2024 Damion Fulford Planning & Land Use Technician (Zoning Compliance Official) New Hanover County - Planning & Land Use (910) 798-7521 p | (910) 798-7053 f dfulford@nhcgov.com 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 www.NHCgov.com From: Jonathan Weinbach <jnweinbach@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 12:28 PM To: Fulford, Damion <dfulford@nhcgov.com> Subject: Re: FW: FW: 206 Gazebo Court 06.04.2024 ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** OK. Again, this is never brought my attention. Thank you for reaching out and bringing me to my attention. I will get mine here to work on this now. Thank you On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 3:15 PM Fulford, Damion <dfulford@nhcgov.com> wrote: In the approval notes from 6-5 it was noted that an elevation certificate would be required while the building was under construction and one when construction is finished. I will attach the notes from the permit below. Damion Fulford Planning & Land Use Technician (Zoning Compliance Official) New Hanover County - Planning & Land Use (910) 798-7521 p | (910) 798-7053 f dfulford@nhcgov.com 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 www.NHCgov.com From: Bouffard, Christine <CBouffard@nhcgov.com> Sent: Friday, September 20, 2024 3:09 PM To: Fulford, Damion <dfulford@nhcgov.com> Subject: RE: FW: 206 Gazebo Court 06.04.2024 2 Damion, it states the requirements in the permit notes when it was approved, see below. Also, please caution Mr. Weinbach that a CO may not be issued without the Building Under Construction EC. Thanks, Christine 3 Christine Bouffard 4 Zoning Team Lead New Hanover County - Planning & Land Use - Planning & Zoning (910) 798-7074 p | (910) 798-7838 f CBouffard@nhcgov.com 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 www.NHCgov.com From: Fulford, Damion <dfulford@nhcgov.com> Sent: Friday, September 20, 2024 3:04 PM To: Bouffard, Christine <CBouffard@nhcgov.com> Subject: FW: FW: 206 Gazebo Court 06.04.2024 Damion Fulford Planning & Land Use Technician (Zoning Compliance Official) New Hanover County - Planning & Land Use (910) 798-7521 p | (910) 798-7053 f dfulford@nhcgov.com 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 www.NHCgov.com From: Jonathan Weinbach <jnweinbach@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, September 20, 2024 3:01 PM To: Fulford, Damion <dfulford@nhcgov.com> Subject: Re: FW: 206 Gazebo Court 06.04.2024 ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** This is the only certificate I have. This was what was required to get a building permit. Nobody ever indicated that I needed an under construction certificate. I’m not sure what the difference is . Just let me know. Thanks On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 2:57 PM Fulford, Damion <dfulford@nhcgov.com> wrote: Do you have the under construction elevation certificate available? Damion Fulford Planning & Land Use Technician (Zoning Compliance Official) 5 New Hanover County - Planning & Land Use (910) 798-7521 p | (910) 798-7053 f dfulford@nhcgov.com 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 www.NHCgov.com From: Jonathan Weinbach <jnweinbach@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, September 20, 2024 2:51 PM To: Fulford, Damion <dfulford@nhcgov.com> Subject: Fwd: FW: 206 Gazebo Court 06.04.2024 ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Michael Thorpe <mike@thorpedesigngroup.com> Date: Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 12:23 PM Subject: FW: 206 Gazebo Court 06.04.2024 To: Jonathan Weinbach <jnweinbach@gmail.com> Attached is the letter, and an email from the engineer. Please let myself or the engineer know if you have any questions. Thanks, Mike Thorpe 6 From: todd sentrydesigns.com <todd@sentrydesigns.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 7:27 PM To: Michael Thorpe <mike@thorpedesigngroup.com> Subject: RE: 206 Gazebo Court 06.04.2024 Mike, Please find attached the letter for the Piling Foundation and Garage Stem Wall @ 206 Gazebo Court. During the Site Visita few concerns were noticed:  The truss drawings provided today do not match the truss drawings that the piling and structural design ws based upon o Some point loads are different and some are significant enough that they should be reviewed for integrity. o To give you a full analysis for the integrity of the design to accommodate the “new” loads we would need to do a full analysis and calculations  It is possible that the structural as designed will accommodate the new layout but I noticed additional point loads, girder trusses and load bearing points that were not in the original truss layout  It might be a good idea to revaluate the loads and piling layout to ensure that all loads are accounted.  We did not get a TJI floor layout and shop drawings. 7 o It was noticed that the (2) 14” 2.0E LVL Beam at the rear garage wall is not installed o To give you a complete and accurate assessment for the integrity of the TJI floor joists at that location we would need to see those documents  Since the joists are sitting above the cmu wall it is probably that they are sufficient  I did not bring up this point in the letter but it may be good for you to inform your builder  The Smart Vent in the Right Front of the Garage wall is not installed  There do not appear to be any footings poured for the brick columns around the pilings o The brick lintels were designed similar to a garage door opening and need to be fully supported on each side by the brick around the pilings as a column and will also need a footing per the design  The home is considerably lower than expected and then was indicated (described) in the V Zone Certificate o “IF” the survey provided is accurate the grade is roughly 9.8’ at the front porch area, along the front of the home  The front of the home at that location is approximately 32” (2.7’) above the grade  The “bottom” of the lowest structural member is expected to be 15.10’ per our V Zone Certificate calculations  Based on the provided survey and the field measurements the bottom of the lowest structural member is current approximately 12.5’ above sea level which is roughly 2.6’ (2’-7”) lower than anticipated.  As it was noticed that the brick masons were at the job site and beginning their work if an adjustment to the height from grade is to be accomplished or adjusted it is imperative that the builder know immediately of this discrepancy. Todd Bottoms todd@sentrydesigns.com www.sentrydesigns.com