HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-12-24 Signed BOA MinutesBOARD OF ADJUSTMENT The New Hanover County Board of Adjustment hetd a regutar and duty advertised meeting at 5:30 PM at the New Han.over County Government Center Comptex, 230 Government Center Drive, in Conference Room 139, in Witmington, NC on Tuesday November 12, 2024. Members Present Wittiam Mitchett, Chair Michaet Keenan, Sr., Vice-Chair Witt Daube Ed Trice Cateb Rash Greg Uht Michaet Sanctimenti Ex officio Members Present Ken Vafier, Ptanning Operations Supervisor Karen Richards, Deputy County Attorney Members Absent Jonathan Bridges Lisa Maes, Administrative Coordinator Marshatt Fugate, Administrative Speciatist FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Chair Wittiam Mitchett exptained that the Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judiciat Board appointed by the Board of Commissioners to consider ordinance variances from residents in New Hanover County where speciatconditions would create unnecessary hardships. He also noted that the Board hears appea[s retated to the County's interpretation and enforcement of the Unified Devetopment Ordinance, with appettants having thirty days to appeat any decision to Superior Court. Attorney Karen Richards provided background on the case to give ctarity for future reference. she stated that pursuant to NC Generatstatute 160D-1402, Source contracting appeated the variance deniaI decision made on August 27'l', 2024 which was based on the ftoodptain etevation criteria. Judge Jensen from superior court ruted that the deniaI was unsupported by competent, materia[, and substantiat evidence in view of the entire record and may have been arbitrary or capricious. The meeting was catted to order at 5:30 PM by Chair Wittiam Mitchett. The judge ordered the Board to grant the variance. An order, incorporating att speciat conditions previousty agreed upon, was written in cottaboration with Mr. Grady Richardson and dated October 31, 2024. At this time, the Board needs to make a motion to adopt and ratify the order from Judge Jensen and then proceed to grant the variance. MOTION TO ADOPT AND RATIFY ORDER Motion: Vice Chair Keenan made a MOTION to adopt and ratify the order per Judge Jensen's ruting This was seconded by Witt Daube. . Att in favor: 5 - 0 VARIANCE GRANTING Fottowing the adoption and ratification of the order, Chair Mitchett ca[[ed for a motion to grant the variance, inctuding the four stiputations estabtished in the originaI case. Motion: Chair Mitchett made a MOTION to grant the variance with the four originat stiputations. This was seconded by Witt Daube. o Al[ in favor: 5 - 0 ADOPTION OF 2025 MEET!NG SCHEDULE Chair Mitchett presented the proposed 2025 meeting schedu[e to the Board for adoption. Motion: Chair Mitchett made a MOTION to approve the 2025 meeting schedule, seconded by Vice Chair Keenan. . All in favor: 5 - 0 Meeting Adjournment: Chair Mitchett made a MOTION to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Greg Uht . All in favor: 5 - 0 Meeting Adjourned The meeting was adjourned at 5:37pm Please note the minutes are not a verbatim recording of the proceeding. P[ease note the minutes are not a verbatim recording of the proceeding. Executive Secret ry Chair tzl'.l z.l Date