Agenda 2010 01-19AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmin ton, NC g JASON R. THOMPSON, CHAIRMAN • JONATHAN BARFIELD, JR., VICE-CHAIRMAN ROBERT G. GREER, COMMISSIONER • WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER BRUCE T. SHELL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • SHEILA SCHULT, CLERK TO THE BOARD JANUARY 19, 2010 9:00 A.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Jason R. Thompson) INVOCATION (Mike Ashcraft, Pastor, Port City Community Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Appointment of Christine McNamee to the New Hanover County Community Action, Inc. Board 3. Approval to Submit a Grant Application for Funding from North Carolina's 2010 National Recreational Trails Program for Signage and Improvements at the Blue Clay Bike Park 4. Approval of a List of Items to Deaccession from the Museum Collection 5. Approval for Leading Into New Communities (LING, Inc.) to Apply for Grant Funding from the NC Governor's Crime Commission (NC GCC) with New Hanover County as the Applicant Agency 6. Adoption of a Resolution Accepting Two (2) Scanners Donated to the County from the NC State Board of Elections 7. Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Donation of Dental Sedation Equipment to St. Mary Dental Clinic 8. Adoption of a Resolution Approving Disposal of Carbon Monoxide Animal Euthanasia Chamber 9. Ratification of a Grant Application for the Strengthening Families Program 10. Approval of $87,463 Grant Award from the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management to the Sheriff's Office 11. Approval of Release of Tax Value 12. Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments ESTIMATED REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS TIMES 9:20 a.m. 13. Presentation of Service Awards to Retirees and Employees and Introduction of New Employees 9:35 a.m. 14. Smart Start Presentation 9:45 a.m. 15. Presentation of the New Hanover County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for FYE 06/30/2009 by Gary Ridgeway with McGladrey & Pullen, LLP Auditing Firm 9:55 a.m. 16. Southeastern Center for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services 2008-2009 Annual Report 10:05 a.m. 17. Consideration of Direction of Solid Waste Request for Proposals Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~nl n vi/ i~/14.vly 10:25 a.m. 18. Consideration of Grant Application to the NC Division of Public Health Epidemiology/HIV/STD Prevention Program, HIV/STD Prevention and Testing Activities, Non-Traditional Counseling, Testing and Referral Sites (NTS) 10:30 a.m. 19. Consideration of Ratification of Application for Infant Mortality Grant, Healthy Beginnings 10:35 a.m. 20. Consideration of Three-year Grant Application for Innovative Approaches 10:40 a.m. 21. Election of Board of Directors for the New Hanover County Financing Corporation 10:45 a.m. 22. Consideration of Commissioner Appointments to Various Boards and Committees 10:50 a.m. 23. Committee Appointments NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 11:10 a.m. 24. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 11:20 a.m. 25. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 1 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Thompson CONTACT(S): Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the following meetings: Agenda Review meeting held on December 30, 2009 Regular Session meeting held on January 4, 2010 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 1-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 2 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Thompson CONTACT(S): Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Appointment of Christine McNamee to the New Hanover County Community Action, Inc. Board BRIEF SUMMARY: Sam Lane is retiring from the Department of Social Services and resigning as a member of the Community Action, Inc. Board. LaVaughn Nesmith, Director of the Department of Social Services, recommends that Christine McNamee be appointed. She will assume the position of Assistant Director for Economic Services on February 1, 2010. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Appoint Christine McNamee to the New Hanover County Community Action, Inc. Board. ATTACHMENTS: DSS recommendation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 2-0 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ DEPARTMENT ~F SOCIAL SERVICES r M. ~ 1b5Q GREENFIELD STREET ~ POST OFFICE DRAWER 1559 WILMINGTaN, NORTH CAROLINA 28442-1559 . , '.,`;~~L~`t~~~`'~~Y ~'ELE~LI~~E ~910~ 798-300 ~'AX ~910~ 7q8-3627 La Vaughn ~'esrnith Director L< < E ~ ~ ~ .a ~ ~ ~i! November 3, 2009 ~ ~ ~~~~~y~~ C~. NTew ~--Ianover County Board of Con~~r~issio~~ers ~~~~~;~{~:}~:~t~~t~ ~ Ted Davis, Jr. Chairman Jason R. Thompson, Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barf eld, Jr. William A. Caster Robert G. Greer 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 'Wilmington, N.C. 25403 Dear Cornm~ssloners: This letter is intended to serve as a recommendation of Christine McNamee to represent the New Hanover County Department of Social Services on the New Hanover County Community Action, inc. Board. Christine McNamee will assume the position of Assistant Director for Economic Services on February 1, 2010 upon the retirement of Sam Lane who currently represents the agency on the board. Ms. McNamee has been employed at the Department of Social Services for more than ~ 5 ears in the osition of Human Services Planner and most recently, Planning and y p . Business S stems Manager. With her many years of experience to the agency and her new y res onsibilit of over site of benefits to enhance child well being she will ably represent the p Y interest of those in need, ~ trust that you will consider my recommendation of Christine McNamee to the New Hanover Count Community Action, Inc. Board because her serving will allow this agency Y . to continue the close working relationship that we have already established. Sincerely, LaVaughn Nesmith Director, New Hanover County Department of Social Services Board of Commissioners Meeting (11 /19/2(11(1 2-1-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 3 DEPARTMENT: Parks PRESENTER(S): 1im McDaniel, Parks and Gardens Director CONTACT(S): Janine Powell, Development Coordinator SUBJECT: Approval to Submit a Grant Application for Funding from North Carolina's 2010 National Recreational Trails Program for Signage and Improvements at the Blue Clay Bike Park BRIEF SUMMARY: VVe are applying for funds to be used to add directional signs, GPS and skill level markers and orientation signs to the Blue Clay Bike Park. VVe are also applying for funds to make improvements to increase capacity due to popularity of the trail. The grant requires a 25% local match which can be either cash or in-kind services. We will be using $20,000 in-kind services of County staff time to plan and install the signs as the match. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval to apply for NC Recreational Trails Program funding for the Blue Clay Bike Park. ATTACHMENTS: 2010 National Recreational Trails Grant Application Blue Clay Bike Park Brochure COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 3-0 DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION Applicants can use this one page to provide a detailed project description if desired. This information will be used to evaluate this application. In the early 1990's, neighbors and local bike enthusiasts began developing a series of bike trails near the local Juvenile Detention Center. The land was a former landfill that was no longer in use and the area had been used for training by the New Hanover County Sheriffs Department. In 2005, New Hanover County acquired the land to build a new jail facility. Since acquiring the land, the County has been working with the local cycling community to bring the bike park up to New Hanover County Parks standards. We are in the process of signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Cape Fear Cyclists, the group that has been the "de facto" operators of the trail. This MOU will enable us to clearly define the roles of each partner so that safety and proper maintenance are ensured. Blue Clay Bike Park consists of eight miles of single track trails. The course was built by volunteers and contains over 15 hand built bridges and crossings. Blue Clay Bike Park is a popular destination for "bikers in the know", but is largely undiscovered by the general public. Bringing the park up to standards will allow New Hanover County to publicize the park and increase its use. The purpose of this grant will be to bring the current park up to standards by replacing the bridge structures, adding safety and trail information signage and improving the trails. The first task will be to replace all 15 of the bridge/crossing structures currently on the course. The new bridges will be built for safety and durability and will be completed by a combination of County employees who are experts in construction, and volunteers. This task is essential to the success of the project. while the nature of a mountain bike trail implies hazards and danger, we want to minimize the potential for injury where ever possible. We will be adding 12 safety/informational signs throughout the course to let bikers know about hazards, difficulty levels, and alternate paths. Right now, there are no signs that direct beginners to easier paths or to direct more experienced riders to challenging areas of the trail. In addition to the safety signs, we will add GPS markers every .25 of a mile. A large, 4 x 6 sign with a map, rules of the park, and other information will be added at the trail head. All signs will be made of 12 gauge, vandal resistant aluminum and will be installed by County staff. 2010 RTP Application Page 5 Board of Commissioners Meeting VI/ 17/GVIV 3-1-1 FINANCIAL SUMMARY 62916.79 1. Amount of RTP Grant Requested $ 20000 2. Cash Match (from Project Deliverables Page) $ 46848 3. In-Kind Match Labor, Services, Land and Materials $ (from the In-Kind Match Documentation Page) 66848 4. Total of Cash Match and In-kind Services (Add 2 & 3 above) $ Note: This figure must equal or exceed 25% of the RTP grant amount requested or the application will not be considered for funding! 129764.79 5. Total Project Costs (Total of 1, 2 & 3 above) $ Board of Commissioners Meeting VI/ 17/GVIV 3-1-2 b!~ .r N ~ O ~ O --a ~ '~~N ~ oOM O O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~d i~ - E m ei ~i F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t ~~l~ a~~ a~~~ ~ ~ This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 4 DEPARTMENT: Museum PRESENTER(S): Ruth Haas, Director, Cape Fear Museum CONTACT(S): Ruth Haas, Director, Cape Fear Museum SUBJECT: Approval of a List of Items to Deaccession from the Museum Collection BRIEF SUMMARY: The Museum staff and Museum Advisory Board have been diligently culling items from the permanent collection that have no relevant provenance, are in very poor condition, or are duplicates of better examples. This process is a recommended step in effective collections management. The items recommended for deaccession have all been reviewed by the Curator, Director, Collections Committee, and Museum Advisory Board. Recommendations for disposition are also provided. Many of the listed items are identified for destruction because they are in such poor and deteriorating condition. Others have been identified for auction, a procedure which removes the sale from immediate conflict of interest with the Museum. Income earned from items sold at auction goes into a restricted account used to conserve or purchase artifacts for the collection. An object may also be recommended for transfer to another collecting institution. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Accept the recommendation of the Museum Advisory Board to deaccession the items identified on the attached list for deaccession from the Museum's Permanent Collection. ATTACHMENTS: Deaccession List COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 4-0 Collections Committee Deaccession Proposal September 2009 ACC. # OBJECT, DATE, DONOR, ISSUE RECOMMEND 1962..67.1 Dictionary, c.1890; Mrs. Eustace Norfleet, 1) Auction donor No object documentation or history 2) Destruction Poor condition: leather rot, spine broken, pages torn; would be expensive to conserve 1971.8.3 Purse, 1920; Mrs Carroll, donor 1) Destruction No object documentation or history Poor condition: celluloid handle crumbling 1980.1.20 Photographs (12),1893; Found in Storage 1) Chicago Historical Society Relates to Columbian Exposition, Chicago IL; not local 2) Auction Part of Service Cap, rubber roll, c.1950; Jessie 1) Destruction 1987.104.1 Moseley, donor Poor condition: rubber crumbling 1992.33.164- Xmas wrapping paper ~ ornaments, tissue 1) Auction 166,169,171- paper, handkerchiefs; various dates; Estate of 178,179,180- Hester C. Donnelly, local artist 2) Destruction 185,189-194, Unlikely to be displayed 212, 213 1997.55.677 Negative, c.1925; Estate of Claude Howell, 1) Destruction Donor No image; blank negative; pointless to keep 1998.1.60 Extension cord, c.1940; Found in Storage 1) Destruction Poor condition: rubber dried out & cracking Does not belong to any other object in Collections Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 4-1-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 5 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Frankie Roberts, Executive Director, LINO, Inc. and Chris Coudriet, Assistant County Manager CONTACT(S): Chris Coudriet, Assistant County Manager SUBJECT: Approval for Leading Into New Communities (LING, Inc.) to Apply for Grant Funding from the NC Governor's Crime Commission (NC GCC) with New Hanover County as the Applicant Agency BRIEF SUMMARY: Frankie Roberts, Executive Director of LING, Inc., requests that New Hanover County participate as the applicant agency for a grant application to the NC GCC. There is no match requirement for New Hanover County. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval. ATTACHMENTS: LING, Inc. Letter COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 5-0 Frankie Roberts, Executive Director Tracey Ray, Assistant Director BOARD ~IEl1IBERS Pastor Perry Griffin, Chair i ~ ~ ~ John Craig, Vice-Chair, Colonel, US Army (Ret) Leading Into New Communities John Williams, Treasurer Linda Brett-Kell, Broker Madelene Brooks, Analyst Frank Davis, IT-Marketing Consultant Robert Philpott, Captain USCG (Ret) Cheryl Sutton, HUB Coordinator December 28, 2009 Mr. Chris Coudriet, Assistant County Manager New Hanover County Government 230 Government Center Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Mr. Coudriet: would like to request that the New Hanover County Commissioners give consideration to New Hanover County acting as the applicant fora 2010 North Carolina Governors Crime Commission grant application in which Leading Into New Communities is the implementing organization. We would like to thank the Commissioners for being our applicant over the past four (4) years. This year we are requesting $225,700. A waiver is also being requested of the Governors Crime Commission for the 25% cash match for 2010 that we have covered in the past with our City of Wilmington dollars that we also anticipate getting this year also. Leading Into New Communities, Inc (LING} has the vision of creating a successful re- entry into society of previously incarcerated persons through advocacy for policy change and individual rights and the provision of direct services through a strong, focused collaboration of organizations to develop knowledge, understanding and resources regarding re-entry. In response to the approximate thirty to fifty ex- offenders that have returned to New Hanover County weekly since the NC early release legislation in 2007, LING has facilitated a strong collaboration of organizations entitled the New Hanover County Reentry Task Force that is committed to facilitating the reentry of prisoners to our community to help them achieve self sufficiency and avoid recidivism. Task Force members include corrections; public safety, health and human services, employment and education just to name a few. P. 0. Box 401 • Wilmington, NC 28402 • Phone X91 D)762-4635 • Fine (910)763-3937 501 ~c) 3 nonprofit organization All donations are tax deductible ~ greatly appreciated! Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 5-1-1 In early 2010, construction will begin on the ME Roberts II Transitional Living Facility, the renovation of the previous Jail Annex, leased from New Hanover County. We have applied for our permits for the renovation as early as December 15, 2009. NC Governors Crime Commission funding expenditures will include staff for the new forty bed facility (seven positions), along with other operating expenses such as rent (current facility}, office equipment and supplies, contracted services for training, legal representation and program evaluation, and staff and client travel expenses. Thank you very much for your consideration of our request to the Board of Commissioners in January about our funding opportunity and request. Sincerely, Frankie Roberts Frankie Roberts, Executive Director P. 0. Box 401 • Wilmington, NC 28402 • Phone X91 D)762-4635 • Fine (910)763-3937 501 ~c) 3 nonprofit organization All donations are tax deductible ~ greatly appreciated! Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 5-1-2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 6 DEPARTMENT: Elections PRESENTER(S): Bonnie Williams, Elections Director CONTACT(S): Bonnie Williams, Elections Director & Lena Butler, Purchasing Supervisor SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Accepting Two (2) Scanners Donated to the County from the NC State Board of Elections BRIEF SUMMARY: The NC State Board of Elections purchased two (2) Lexmark scanners valued at $4,000 and donated them to the County's Board of Elections to be used in their day-to-day operations. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution accepting the donation and adoption of the ordinance for budget amendment 10-140 to record the value of the transaction. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution B/A 10-140 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 6-0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION ACCEPTING SCANNERS FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Elections Office had a need for scanners to carry on their day- to-day operations; and WHEREAS, the NC State Board of Elections purchased two (2) Lexmark scanners valued at $4,000 and donated them to the New Hanover County Board of Elections Office; and WHEREAS, budget amendment # 10-140 for accounting purposes only, is required to record the value of the donation, and said budget amendment is attached as part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, the County Manager, Finance Director, and New Hanover County Board of Elections Director recommends acceptance of the equipment and approval of related budget amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Lexmark scanners valued at $4,000 are accepted as a donation from the NC State Board of Elections and the related budget amendment is adopted; and that County staff is directed to process any required documents to finalize the transaction. ADOPTED this the 19th day of January, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 6-1-1 AGENDA: January 19, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10-140 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10-140 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Board of Elections Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Board of Elections: Su lies-E ui ment $4,000 Total $4,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Board of Elections: Miscellaneous Revenue-Contribution $4,000 Total $4,000 Section 2: Explanation To accept the donation of two (2) LexMark scanners from NC State Board of Elections with a fair market value of $4,000. This budget amendment is for accounting purposes only to record the donation. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10-140, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted,19th day of January, 2010. (SEAL) Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 6-2-1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 7 DEPARTMENT: Health PRESENTER(S): Eric Ireland, Deputy Health Director CONTACT(S): Eric Ireland, Deputy Health Director SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Donation of Dental Sedation Equipment to St. Mary Dental Clinic BRIEF SUMMARY: In FY 2008, Duke Endowment funded our project to provide dental sedation for children in Brunswick and New Hanover counties. As such the department purchased dental sedation equipment with the Duke Endowment funding. The Health Department particularly sought Brunswick Community Hospital as a partner, but due to other priorities for the hospital that partnership has not materialized. New Hanover Regional Medical Center had some interest, but insisted on using its own sedation methods in existing operation rooms. The sedation equipment has gone unused, and it is our desire to put this equipment to great use.We propose to donate the sedation equipment for immediate use. This is consistent with our overall community strategy of allocating resources where they are most needed. GS 160A-280 allows a city or county to donate to another governmental unity within the United States, a sister city, or a nonprofit organization incorporated by: (i) the United States, (ii) the District of Columbia, or (iii) one of the United States, any personal property, including supplies, materials, and equipment, that the governing board deems to be surplus, obsolete, or unused. Staff recommends that the equipment be donated for immediate use to St. Mary Dental Clinic. This is consistent with the County's overall community strategy of allocating resources where they are most needed. If approved, the equipment will provide portable sedation capability and dental cart that will replace a 30- yearold cart currently being used by St. Mary Dental Clinic. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval to donate dental sedation equipment valued at $9,930.75. ATTACHMENTS: Request from Duke Endowment for donation of dental equipment Dental Equipment Sales Invoice Resolution Public Notice COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 7-0 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 7-0 December 9, 2D09 Lin Hollowell Assistant Director, Health Care Division The Duke Endowment l~ North Tryon Street, Suite 35~ Charlotte, NC 282U2-4~ I Z Dear Lin, It was great to talk to you on the phone the other day, and we certainly look forward to your visit when you can get here. As I have said to many who work with me on this project, this entire idea started through conversations with you. S ince then, we have leveraged more than $2 million for Cape Fear HealthNet to help the low-income uninsured access health care. I wanted to inform you of a transfer in some equipment we purchased through the first year of The Duke Endowment's funding of our project, in FY 2~~. The New Hanover County Health Department sought dental sedation equipment to assist its Mobile Dental Unit. The idea was that it would partner with Brunswick Community Hospital, or even our hospital, when it had younger patients who needed a great deal of dental work and were unable to keep from Bdgeting in the dental chair. The Health Department particularly sought Brunswick Community Hospital as a partner, but that relationship has not materialized. Cur hospital had same interest in the cases, but insisted on using its own sedation methods in existing operation rooms. In the interim, many of the key players left the area, and, as a result, the program has not started. However, last November, St. Mary Dental Clinic launched a free clinic in the same space where Tileston Medical Clinic used to be. The clinic had done a phenomenal job, opening three or four days a week and often treating more than 25 patients a day. Dur Emergency Departments know to directly refer patients to St. Mary, and it is helping reduce unnecessary visas t ere. St. Mary has subsisted an donated equipment and a small budget from some donors, including our hospital (though HealthNet has helped it access grant dollars -including some from this year's CareShare grant -and helped it land a Cape Fear Memorial Foundation grant}. This week, Eric Ireland, assistant director at the Health Department, showed the sedation equipment to the executive director and medical director of St. Mary Clinic, and a match was made. The equipment provides portable ~-ray capability and a dental cart that will replace a 3~-year old cart St. Mary had been using. flew Han~~rer ~egi~nal Medical Center ~ ~~3~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~tr'i ~tfP~~ / V~fi~IT111~~~011, i~~ ?84~~-`.~~~~J Board of Com~r~~ss~orie~s~eting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 7-1-1 So, unless The Endowment has concerns or other questions, we propose to transfer the sedation equipment for immediate use at St. Mary Dental Clinic. This is consistent with our overall community strategy of allocating resources where they are most needed. Please let me know if there is a problem or concern. I have asked Eric at the Health Department to co-sign this letter to ensure we are together on this request. Thanks again, -w~ ~ Cott whisnant Eric Ireland Chairman Assistant Director, Cape Fear HealthNet New Hanover County Health Dept. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 7-1-2 - 1 ~ I ~ I r4 I a n ~-I ~L a 7 7 r J f.+' r n 1 ~'I I, f •a ~'-t~ - 1 ` - 4a 5 ~'y~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ d 1 ~~4' , ~ ~ ~r I pfd L l} I I :~i a r'~~ f I'~If ~ ~ i~ "rte r •J I~ ~ 1' I- t- 1 ' ` }5 ~5-• {"I ~ ~}1 ~ +F I, ~1 FI ~i1+ I•, ~ 11~, II I L° L ~'I IY r J 55 L5 ! r ff 1 ~1 i 1 I a ~ i a r' .'y 1 J i al 1• ~ i 4-... r ~1 ~ 1~ ~ 4r5 1 I ~ ' rY t~ F Ire r .•-T~..-..•..L•r~•vr:.:-.,ter ti•-•-•~-•'-4~ ..._..y.. • ...•._,.._......,.•r-~.-...,__..._,_n.~~,; h:...~_-. __•..~,••,•;~.•~~f,~.., 5- ~.ti - ~ ~ ~ n li+~ s , a ~•44••r•••_ +~ra a..-i__ _i.k"__.-_=~tiFi!~•.'~,r?'--•.4.~_L .44i•Y a.•~ a{~5.4~+v~w.^ai=f iai••~.~~'-f ._~ri-~ T_•_T__.•:=T."_+~T•.•::l••~+C-___=-•F'ti, i==: ::J.t 'L:C=':~r_Y_~•.+J 4i:! .i-.'I~ IT~i".•'_•'ai+.•.t.•...i..."...•.r..,•,•._-.~,.....zz.•.v.•+•a......,•..,..~.rv...Y..,...J...•y-~5.._..••,5••.+fs-:•a,__!y_•...5.i•i•.r•f••v+f r+'e,4•.f••~_5•',••e•e }5'ihi•.. iL455r'il'ti.si.Li,,_...n , r.vf++_+ ,-•J.-••-"-•{i-: •1,}ai. ~•."'i Imo. ~L . w ;~~,a,a~ '•a ~~~r_~~~ ~.,L+~.r-I.•-~. •r~ ~F + } 4y - 5r•'+ti + },,;,'y, +~~/may •~•;~•w.•L ti y ~ ~i ,'R..-{l y=.. .;r{~5.~;~., .fr ~„_1r.~a~~.~ a~'~ ~ !•-~ta~~~ ~ -J-4++ _ -.Tt •L •~ti_- _~5~_~1 ~`tFt J'~/-~L J1. 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My ~dtt '~nols Hdp . ~`Y1~ I +.~Y •4IY ~ J~ .7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.._~Y. 1 Y..r.~; 1 1~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~1. ~ ~ _ r Year PO ~d51~ , (~Rec~+~ pemit name HENRY SCHEIN INC. Q~dc Ent PQ opa~ amount O.QQ Addtrss PD 8D~ 37195....... , Contract , _ , _ . ~encbt 3733 , Remit ~ Pa Inquiry Vandar name HENRY SCHEINlNC, " ~.-......w... ~ ~ : 0152 I'1~'T58URGH ~ ~ ~ ~ 'PA ~ 525Q. . berms . _ , . V'~w Adc~ass Jcxxnai Ira Dt~ ~~.,,....r<-.. Y., .+1...~ Ret~na~e F.......~.......~.~ a(~l AR Rai _x_.. _r~~..~..._..~.t..~._.._.... ~nMOice :8~C1`I ~5 _ , Desc ,DENTAL ~QUIPMENTµ.. . ~ ~...r._.~ . 5ubc Pa~cnts Grote a~r~ w..r..~...~ ~.5~.7~ ~ta~wc ~ ~ ~ i _ f...~ _ _ . . Disc datt~ der {3~d~26~~ J Red ..H.......l'^ . 4_,...._.......,,.....,.....~ L,,...._...... ~ . . , . dl~C ~1CrC~ .,:~.i ~AY ~0 I~~~ry SCE? C~4 _._..,.r.__.~_ • W~tAlYiOl,l~lt ~ _._.,~...~,...,...,._._~,~.~J~ ~Llb r«..~K~` Inds ~rkalrorr ..._r...... ~ w, , c........____.__.._ ~NCj~r€E~~tQ . LM_.~...~~~~~I~ ~I~aIt~W ~ ~ .....wt ~iC4rrlrrl~~'itS a F Lrr~o Crr~ Object..,..... ; ~ . ~ InvArn~ocrr~t 1~~~.....,.~ ~r ~ ` ~ ~i ~ ~ w~ ' Z 1~3 1~4gp 3~.~9' N 1 310 14~i1 X14.97 N 1 Tatar ~ ~ ~.93~.75. . . , , - k J ~ M.. - ~ ~ ~ ~ Board of Commissioners Meeting - ~ n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly /-2-2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION DONATION OF DENTAL SEDATION EQUIPMENT TO ST. MARY DENTAL CLINIC WHEREAS, in fiscal year 2008, Duke Endowment funded the County's Health Department project to provide dental sedation for children in Brunswick and New Hanover counties; and WHEREAS, the department purchased dental sedation equipment using Duke Endowment funding for approximately $10,000; and WHEREAS, the Health Department sought to establish a partnership with Brunswick Community Hospital; however, due to other priorities, the partnership never materialized; and WHEREAS, because the partnership never materialized, the sedation equipment has gone unused; therefore, County staff recommends that the equipment be donated to St. Mary Dental Clinic, a nonprofit organization which provides free dental service to patients from around the area who live below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines; and WHEREAS, at their meeting on January 6, 2010, the Board of Health approved the donation of the equipment to St. Mary Dental Clinic; and WHEREAS, GS 160A-280 allows a city or county to donate to another governmental unity within the United States, a sister city, or a nonprofit organization incorporated by: (i} the United States, (11) the District of Columbia, or (iii) one of the United States, any personal property, including supplies, materials, and equipment, that the governing board deems to be surplus, obsolete, or unused; and WHEREAS, County staff has posted a public notice at least five days prior to the adoption of this resolution approving the donation as required by the statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the dental sedation equipment be donated to St. Mary Dental Clinic for use in their free dental program and County staff is directed to process any required documents to complete the transaction. ADOPTED this the 19th day of January, 2010. NE~U HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 7-3-1 PUBLIC NOTICE At its January 19, 2010 meeting, New Hanover County's Board of Commissioners will consider adopting a resolution to donate dental sedation equipment to St. Mary Dental Clinic. The equipment will be used in their free dental program and was purchased by the County in 2008 for $9,932. Published: Sunday, January 10, 2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 7-4-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 8 DEPARTMENT: Health PRESENTER(S): Jean McNeil, Animal Control Services Manager CONTACT(S): Jean McNeil, Animal Control Services Manager SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Approving Disposal of Carbon Monoxide Animal Euthanasia Chamber BRIEF SUMMARY: This is a request to sell the carbon monoxide (CO) chamber formerly utilized for canine euthanasia at the New Hanover County Animal Control Services (NHCACS) shelter. Staff recently was charged with becoming certified euthanasia technicians according to state guidelines. Included in these guidelines was an annual inspection of the CO chamber. This inspection was a baseline requirement prior to the use of the chamber after completion of the certification in August 2009. The chamber had been used solely for vicious dogs since its purchase. NHCACS staff worked with Dr. Bob Weedon as one of the trainers for the certification process. During the training he developed an alternate protocol for euthanasia of vicious dogs. Staff gained expertise with the new protocol as they awaited the chamber's inspection. The decision was made that the chamber was no longer needed, since these fractious dogs could be euthanized both humanely and safely by the alternate method. The CO chamber was purchased for $14,306. Current market value for the unit is $10,059. Sale of the commercially-manufactured unit will make it available for use by another agency. A budget amendment will be brought back for Commissioners' approval when sold. Funds from sale will be used to replace washer and dryer at Animal Control. Sale of the unit will cause no change in positions. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval to sell the CO chamber valued at $10,059 for use in another county. ATTACHMENTS: Comparisons -canine euthanasia and adoptions last 5 years Resolution for Disposal of CO Animal Euthanasia Chamber COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 8-0 New Hanover County Animal Control Services Prepared for January 6, 2010 Fiscal Year Total # Dogs Total # Dogs Total # Dogs Euthanized Ado ted Relocated FY 04/05 1098 441 43 FY05106 977 538 47 FY 06/07 798 404 41 FY 07/08 743 483 40 FY 08/09 716 441 56 Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 8-1-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION DISPOSAL OF CARBON MONOXIDE CHAMBER WHEREAS, the carbon monoxide (CO) chamber formerly utilized for canine euthanasia at the New Hanover County Animal Control Services (NHCACS) shelter is no longer needed because amore humane and safe method developed by Dr. Bob Weedon will be used; and WHEREAS, it is requested that New Hanover County Board of Commissioners declare this personal property surplus; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the County to sell said surplus property by electronic public auction using GovDeals at according to the procedures prescribed in NCGS 160A-270(c) which authorizes the disposal of personal property electronically using an existing private or public electronic auction service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County as follows: 1. The personal property detailed above is hereby declared to be surplus property. 2. That the Finance Director's designated representative, pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 160A-270(c), is hereby authorized to dispose of the personal property by electronic public auction using GovDeals at www.govdeals.com and if not sold using GovDeals, may be disposed of using any other method authorized by the NCGS 160A-270, and that said representative be further authorized and directed to execute necessary documents, transfer title, and perform all necessary functions associated with this disposal. 3. All surplus property will be sold "as is," all sales will be final and the acceptable forms of payment are cash, certified check, money order, and Visa or MasterCard. New Hanover County makes no express or implied warranties of merchantability of any surplus property, or part thereof, or its fitness for any particular purpose regardless of any oral statements that may be made concerning the surplus property or any part thereof. ADOPTED this the 19th day of January, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 8-2-1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 9 DEPARTMENT: Health PRESENTER(S): ]anet McCumbee, Personal Health Services Manager CONTACT(S): Janet McCumbee, Personal Health Services Manager SUBJECT: Ratification of a Grant Application for the Strengthening Families Program BRIEF SUMMARY: The NC Division of Public Health-Women's and Children's Health Section has invited health departments to apply for funds to initiate parenting classes using researched curricula such as the Strengthening Families Program. Strengthening Families Programs(SFP) are comprehensive curricula targeting children ages 3 to 11 years old and their parents. SFP consists of parenting, children's life skills, and family skills training courses taught together. The Child Advocacy and Parenting Place (LAPP) Exchange Club Center, Inc. in Wilmington has already adopted the SFP and has ten trained staff who can expand their program with this funding, and increase the number of families positively affected by these parenting classes. The NHCHD submitted this grant on behalf of the LAPP Center and act at the contractor for the service. We will provide fiscal oversight and report accordingly to our state office, and work cooperatively with the program as we refer families we encounter to them, for parenting classes. The application is for $90,000 as follows: $40,000 for February-May, 2010; potential continuation with re- funding for FY 10-11 for additional $50,000. The funds, minus administrative costs to NHCHD, would be spent by CAPP for staff time and supplies to hold parenting classes. No County positions would be created and no County match is needed. The contract would end when funds are no longer available. The grant application deadline was January 7, 2010. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Ratify submission of the Strengthening Families Program Grant Application on behalf of LAPP and if awarded, to enter into contract with them for the service. ATTACHMENTS: Budget COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 9-0 ~ r-I z ~ w ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o~ ~ 0 0 0 0~ O N O O O O O O ~ O N O ~ N N O ~ N c'7 O N CO ~ ~ CO f~ f~ ~ N N ~ ~ ~ ~ t'~ O } ~ N ~ N ~ N Q Q o ~ ~ ~ w .N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ _ N CO ' O O O In O ' ' ' ' ~ In ~ O ~ O ~ ~ f~ N N f` ~ N J CO N ~ N W w o ~ ~ z ~ ' ~ O ~ 0 0 0 0 0 ~ o o o 0 0 0 0 0~ z a N O In O O O In O N O O ~ In O In N C~ In ~ ~ ~ CO ~ ~ CO ~ f` ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ c~ 00 O N~ N ~ r r O U L ~ O w O z ~ Q ~ = c~ ~ ~ _ X ~ ~ ~ a~ N w ~ ~ ~ ~ N O U z N O O X ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ N X {f} N r N X ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~1 X N ~ p In N N U U ~ V N X O N t~ V ~ N ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ M Q L C C~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ .-.V ~ O N ~ ~ X U 00 - ~ ~ N N O X ~ X X O~ O C {f} S O D o ~ N O ~ N Q~ cA N ~ ~ t6 ~ U r ~ O In N O ~ ~ In O C L~ y G ~ ~ U 0 O L off} Q U N O N ~ N L ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ Q v .Q O ~ O N ~1 ~ ~ N ~ ~ N ~ ~ X ~ ~ ~ N ~ (6 ~ ~ U ~ ~ j N J ~ ~ ~ N ~ Q W ~ 3 ~ ~ N ~ i ~ p ~ ~ N 't6 N ~ ~N ~ N ~ U N rl J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 N ~ = ~ N 0 ~ O ~ ~ ~ O x t~ ~ U ~ ~a~ ~ 3 ~ 0 3 U ~ Q~_ ~ ~ ~ U ~ x cn ~ 0 ~ ~ L ~ ~ J U1 3~ ~ O i U N~ ~ ~ C U~ Q L N L O U Q ~ L W U~ ~ U ~ d s N ~ LL ff} U t N U ~ 2 ~ U J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ O U ~ ~ ~ O l/~ O O O O O O O O O O O O In O O O N f` lt') N O N ~ ~ O O O O O O C'~ In CO N In O CO In In f` C'~ I~ O ti O ti ~ O O N N ~ ~ N ~ f` ~ ~ N N ~ CO O 1~ O 1~ N J f~ ~ c~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ N CO ~ ~ aA - N ~ M ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ a U 0 } o W O ' ~ In O O ' In O ' ~ ~ N ' N W N p N tD ~ tD ~ ~ 1~ 1~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y t0 ~ O O O O O O O In O O O O ' O O O N CO ~ O O O O O O O O O~ N O f~ lt') O N ~ In O O O (n +r O O N N ~ ~ N ~ N f` ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ 00 O O O ~ f~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ (V ~ O N In O ~ N ~ M ~ O ~ N N L N ~ ~ L ~ 0 ~ - ~ ~ ~ p N ~ I c W X Nt ~ ~o ~ ~ o~ O N L i = N N N In ~ ~ N ~ N X ~ O C + p N ~ N Q~ L ~ 3 N t~ N ~2 0 ~ ~ ~ Q L ~ ~U~ c~ ~ N ~ N X ~ ~ ~ X ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ X N ~ N ~ ~ N U +r ~ C t0 ~ ~ N LL ~ ~ N ~ ~ p O~ N ~ In V ~ Z Z~ C ~ ~ ~ In In ~ U X ~ O O ~ N N M N ~ ~ vi ~ ~ t~ N ~ t~ N - - W W ~ ~ N ~ cn ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ N N U ~ ~ Z ~ i U ~ ~ N ~ ~ _ ~ ~ O ~ c ~ ~ W W ~ t~ ~ O J O X ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 L ~ N ~ 0 ~ ~ O~ N N N N W N C Q ~ c~ O ~ ~ ~ C ~ 0 ~ OX ~ ~N~~ W ~ L ~ N C 3 ~ t~ ~ a~ J a~ o Q Q V~ Q J ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w=as ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ °o o ~ Ego ~~0 OQV•°~ m ~ 0 3 U ~ p N U N.-. O~ Z Z J Z L Z ~ a ~ N ~ L~ U N - 3 Z U~ ~ o~ N o as a~~ o ~ Q E c o c a~ Q ~ o o~~~ Q Q~ cn a Q Q z t~ ~ U a 3 cn ~ LL U cn owl ~f G~ ~1 nef~ U a a ~ ~ ~ t~ t7 ~ a ~ C~ } vii i~~~.vly 9-1-1 ~ o z ~ w O N ~ O O O O O O O O O O O ' O In ' O ' O In ' O ' O O ~ ~ In O O O O O O O O N 1` O to O In N In t~ N Q N (D N N ~ ~ to ~ N ~ ~ ~ 07 ~ O W ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ O N ~ ~ ~ ~ Q L {f} {f} {f} {f'} {f'} {f} {f} {f} {f} {f'} {f} {f} {f} ~ J ~ Q ~ In O O O O O O O In O O ' O In ' O ' O O O ~ ~ W ~ N O O O O ~ O O N O G7 O to In In In t~ ~ ' to o0 N ~ 00 ~ N N ~ ~ ~ M M 2 0 ~ ~ N N ~ 00 ~ ~ a z LL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N p ~ O o 0 0 0 0 0 m o o ~ o~ o ~ U N p O O O C4 O O f` N 00 In f` l() 1~ CO pp O o0 to N ~ M 00 ~ ~ t0 ~ ~ N N ~ ~ G1 ~ ~ O ~ Z Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = X - ~ ~ L X N ~ ~ Z ~ ~ W N ~ ~ ~ O H U v ~ ~ ~ N ~ N X ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~1 X N ~ O In N N U ~ N N V N X~~ O ~ t~ V W N 3 ~ ~ M Q C M N U) ~ L N V ~ p N ~ ~ X ~ p ~ ~ N N ~ ~ Q ~ ~C J ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ E - ~ ~ N ~ X J X `.^0~0 X X O~ O C {f} Q 00 ~ -o O C~ L Q C ~ X~ O N O C ~ V C y ~N L ~ ~ L~ U .O N~~ Q U N ~ ~ L 3 i ~^.o ~ Q~ •Q ~ ~ JAN ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ N O N - ~ Q 3 X ~ 0 3 ~ U _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ X N t~ o a ~ ~ +r ~ ~ 3 L ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ U N Z U L~ ~ L~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ H W p~ N~ p~~~ p p - Q E C~ O~ a L 0~ O O (OD ~ 0~~ t06 LLJ L ~ ~ L O 0 0 ~ s 3 0~ t6 U~ U~~ ~ o N 3 v C~~ V..a s N~ v N v~ ~ a U a~ a a.. a m o a~ ~ N U ~ ~ N 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ' O O O W J O O O O O O~ O tD N N O H O O O O~ 0 0 In O ~ O o0 ~ ~ 00 00 00 O ~ ~ 1` ~ C4 ~ N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ U ~ N O t~ N N ~ M N M a ~ ~ W O w ~ ' O O O O O O O O O O D O S ~ O O O O O O O O ~ O O O O ~ O O O o0 N ~ N ~ ~ N In ~ In O In In ~ c0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N c~ m ~ ~ ~ N f` c~ c~ ~ N N ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ LL ~ ~ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ' O O O O O O O O tD ~ O to ~ O N O ~ 00 In O In O O lf) O O o0 O O ~ N In ~ ~ ~ 0~ f` ~ ~ ~ ~ t6 ~ C~ In r r r ~ ~ N {f} EF} Ef} {f} {f} EF} {f} EF} d~} EF} Ef} {f} {f} ff} d~} {f} {f} EF} {f} {f} N N Q Q ^ ~ ~ N O l0 0 N N ~ ~ ~ Q X N~ ~ Np ' ~ In _ _ m ^ ~ ~tfl ~ N ~ N ~ s j ~ L p N O N~~11 V v N ~ N N ~ V O ~ N O X N ~ ~ N~ N X W W N X~ ~ ~ 3~ X N N N N ~ N N ~ O ~ ~ O O~ ~ ~ X X O ~ ~ p ~ U N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L L ~ ~ 0~ X c X X X~ X Q= ~ X ~ N N m O~ J ~ ~ N U ~ O L ~ O ) ~ O 01 Q 0 V X d~ X U O X~ O Q N Q c~ ~ ~ •N ~ ~ ~ Q ~ 0 ~ • • o ~ v, ~ U ~ N c~ w W N ~ N O N ~ 00 Q 'IOC ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ U CC cL~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L N ~ 0 ~ Q N ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ r ~ G ~ r O m 0 ~ O U ~ N N O ~ O N N o~ ~ 0 - E ~ .c. o.~ o a~ o~ a Q L o o~ Q v L ~ ~ L ~ - o z ~ and of - 1 1 ne M®e ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ a~ U ~ ~ L ~ w z t~ ~ U a X N ~ V N V 2n ~cv~ n m a C~ cn ~ U cn J a U a a~ ~ 9-1-2 ~ o z ~ w O N ~ cc~ ~ N O O O ~ I O N E ~ Q CO ~ ~ ~ In M 00 G a N N N ~ 01 0~ ~ Q N i _ {f} Ef} {f} EF} {f} ff} {f} Ef} ~ J ~ W } ~ ~ O ~ ~ ti O 2 ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ z {f} Ef} {f} EF} {f} Ef} ~ ~ O ~ U ~ N ~ to t~0 N OC ~ ~ ~ N W ~ N ~ ~ 7 O w 1~ Q ~ ~ iJ~ {f} ff} ff} Ef} = O ~ N O L N t0 ~ ~ L z ~ ~ _ ~ O r ~ X O ~ X ~ O 0~ p ~ X N ~ N X ~ ~~11 N ~ ~ Z N S V ~ = N ~ N w v N p N ~ ~ ~L a~ 3 .N N~ N ~ N x ~ N N J _ N O > N ~ ~ 'N i N " X N Q~ .y N L N ~ 0 p L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fJ1 N ~ ~ ~ N N V V) J ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L a N ~ L ~ N ~O ~ `.N ~ - 0 H ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ N p cc~ ~ N~ X N~ L~ ~ 0~, a 0 } m J X O U~~ U X~~ N m p ~ N i L(~ QQN _ Z W ~ p ~ G 3 ~ ~ O p = ~ ~ ~ - ~ a W J LN ~ 0.*-'' ~ 0~ t~ 7 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ v a t~~ asN~~~v~ cnv ~ ~ c~ W ~ O ~n rn N N 1` O 1` N w ~ ~ ~ Cfl 00 ~ O ~ ~ _ 1~ 0~ 1` N N Q U ~ ~ N 1` 00 a W ff} ff} 'V'~ Ef} {f} {f} {f} {f} W O N N ti ti N ~ ~ C O ~ ~ ~ w w w w ~ 1` ~ N N ~ ~ M M {f} {f} Ef} {f} {f} {f} Q O O 0 0 O ~C O N O O O V w w w w w N N ~ ~ ~ ~ {f} Ef} {f} {f} {f} {f} ~ ~ N ~ O 0 N Cfl ~ ~ > Z Z ~ \ ~ 0 o N N ~a ~ ~ N W W ~ a* N N ~ O N N N° N N W~ N Q ~ E ~ X J J H 7 ~ w ~ mo ~ cn a a V ~ ~ l7 Q i~~? ~ ~ H W~ _ p °C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o m a ~ p ~ ~ 0 J 7 ~ N L Z Z 0 o ~o m a a ~ ~ U ~ ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~ Bohr of o ml stoners Meeting w z a ~ t7 C7 H H n ~ a n ~ n ~ 9-1-3 GRANT IN KIND TOTAL DIRECT SERVICE $ 35,000.00 $ 1,772.00 New Hanover County Fiduciary &Admin Fees $ 5,000.00 Tota I / Tota I $ 40,000.00 $ 1, 772.00 TOTAL DIRECT SERVICE $ 45,000.00 $ 32,447.00 New Hanover County Fiduciary &Admin Fees $ 5,000.00 Tota I / Tota I Yea r 2 $ 50,000.00 $ 32,447.00 TOTAL/TOTAL Direct Service $ 80,000.00 $ 34,219.00 New Hanover County Fiduciary &Admin Fees $ 10,000.00 Total/Total ~2) Years with In Kind Support $ 90,000.00 $ 34,219.00 Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 9-1-4 TOTAL $ 36,772.00 $ 5, 000.00 $ 41,772.00 $ 77,447.00 $ 5, 000.00 $ 82,447.00 $ 114,219.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 124,219.00 Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 9-1-5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 10 DEPARTMENT: Sheriff PRESENTER(S): Edward J. McMahon, Sheriff CONTACT(S): Edward J. McMahon, Sheriff SUBJECT: Approval of $87,463 Grant Award from the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management to the Sheriff's Office BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Sheriff's Office has been awarded an $87,463 grant from the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management. The grant funds are designated for a radio upgrade for the bomb team robot and a First Defender XLS 1 Spectrometer, which is a hand held instrument for in-the-field identification of toxic industrial chemicals, narcotics, contraband, chemical weapons, white powders, and explosives. When responding to critical incidents, the robot's radio upgrade and spectrometer will afford the Sheriff's Office bomb team the ability to more safely evaluate the situational status on scene arrival and more effectively conduct and render safe operations. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has made the funds available through the State Homeland Security Grant Number: FY2008-GE-T8-0033 to implement the goals and objectives of the State Homeland Security Strategy 2007-2009. A Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management and the Sheriff's Office is required and attached for review. Funding source is Federal $87,463. There is no local match requirement. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Accept the grant, authorize the County Manager to sign the Memorandum of Agreement, and adopt the ordinance for budget amendment # 10-137. ATTACHMENTS: MOA B/A 10-137 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 10-0 ,~i I! Y ~ i,~ p 'rl r I ~ y i - Board of Com eting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 1 ~ - 1 - 1 k ` _ ` I1 s ~ i ~ i ~I _ ~ S ' , I~ r u ~ lui ~ di l i' •nn i r 1 ~~I 'I I~~ I it h ~ I ' _ ~ Board of Co eting n~ n a~ ~ n vii i~~~.vly 10-1-2 i I ~ ~ ~ i . ~ I11 ii . ~ I,9 1 i Q Ili; - . Iii fl ii ~1~I' ii r Board of Com ting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 10-1-3 i i i ~Id1'~ i I i i ' III ' ' 1 i ~ ' ~ _ M W ~ I i M i, I Board of Com eting n~ n a~ ~ n vii i~~~.vly 10-1-4 i x i a dl': ~ I i' i' 'ii ~ J i, I ~E i J ~ E q ~ = a l~ Board of Com eting n~ n a~ ~ n vii i~~~.vly 10-1-5 I i ~ I ~ I'I q, i I 19 I ff~~''I ~ u q ~ . . Board of Com eting n~ n a~ ~ n vii i~~~.vly 10-1-6 i ,i - - r _ , t - - - - i Board of C eeting vii i~~~.vly 10-1-7 - - - I i I i I i I I f ~ _ I i I I I i II i I I i I I I _ II I I i i I ~ i I I i I F I I i i i I I I I a - I I I ~ Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 10-1-8 AGENDA: January 19, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10-137 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10-137 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriff sOffice/Uniform Patrol Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Sheriff sOffice/Uniform Patrol: Ca ital Outla - E ui ment $87,463 Total $87,463 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriff sOffice/Uniform Patrol: Grant -Federal -Department of Crime Control & $87,463 Public Safet , Division of Emer enc Mana ement Total $87,463 Section 2: Explanation To budget grant award of $87,463 received from Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management. These funds will be used to upgrade and purchase equipment for the Bomb Team to more safely evaluate and render safe operations during responses to critical incidents. There is no local match required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10-137, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 10-2-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 11 DEPARTMENT: Tax PRESENTER(S): Roger L. Kelley, Tax Administrator CONTACT(S): Roger L. Kelley, Tax Administrator SUBJECT: Approval of Release of Tax Value BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the following taxpayers be granted the SR/DA, Veterans or Circuit Breaker Exclusion. Applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request: Ashley, Earl $45,000 Barnett, Dorothy 92,274 Bradford, Howard G. 103,151 Blake, Barbara 0. 131,597 Carrion, Raymond Jr. Shirley B . 79,499 Craig, Mildred Patricia 74,337 Dixon, Susan 45,000 Drakeford, Mildren 63,240 Duncan, Charles Wm. Mary 45,000 Duncan, Homer H. 69,455 Everett, Lois 25,000 Gurganious, Harlee B. Connie F. 45,000 Hewett, James E. Hrs. 88,949 Hill, Quenton B. Alene M. 45,000 Johnson, Charliebelle Delores Etal. 23,667 Johnson, Floyd A. Pearline 56,485 LaFlamme, Daniel J. 97,917 Madison, Juanita 25,000 Melahris, Ekaterini 55,205 Morrison, Bradley 45,000 Schnibben, Dolores 92,570 Tuttle, Shirley M. Etal. 72,040 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request adjustments be approved. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 11-0 Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 11-0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 12 DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments BRIEF SUMMARY: The following budget amendments amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. 10-141- Health Department 2010-37 -Sheriff's Office 2010-38 -Sheriff's Office RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of the ordinances for the budget amendments listed in the summary above. ATTACHMENTS: B/A 10-141 B/A 2010-37 B/A 2010-38 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 12-0 AGENDA: January 19, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10-141 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10-141 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health/NC Asthma Program Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Health/NC Asthma Pro am: Advertisin Cost $9,000 Trainin and Travel 150 Su lies 850 Total $10,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Health/NC Asthma Pro am: Grant -State - NC Asthma Pro ram $10,000 Total $10,000 Section 2: Explanation The New Hanover County Health Department has been awarded $10,000 from the North Carolina Asthma Program to reduce the burden of asthma. Funds will be used to purchase materials, media campaign resources, and to promote the smoke-free public places initiative. The Air Quality Flag program will increase the awareness of the Air Quality Index and air quality forecasts. The Board of Commissioners approved the grant application at their October 19, 2009 meeting. No matching County funds are required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10-141, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 12 - 1 - 1 AGENDA: January 19, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2010-37 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2010-37 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Controlled Substance Tax Department: Sheriff s Office Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax: Su lies $10,390 Total $10,390 Revenue: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax: Controlled Substance Tax $10,390 Total $10,390 Section 2: Explanation To budget receipt of $10,390 on 12/18/09. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2010-37, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 12-2-1 AGENDA: January 19, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2010-38 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2010-3 8 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Federal Forfeited Property Department: Sheriff s Office Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Pro e Su lies DOJ $4,220 Su lies IRS 170 Total $4,390 Revenue: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Pro e Federal Forfeited Pro e DOJ $4,220 Federal Forfeited Pro e IRS 170 Total $4,390 Section 2: Explanation To budget receipt of $4,220 on 12/21/09 (Department of Justice) and $170 on 12/23/09 (IRS). Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2010-38, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 12-3-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 13 DEPARTMENT: Human Resources PRESENTER(S): County Commissioners and Bruce T. Shell, County Manager CONTACT(S): Libby Moore, Human Resources Analyst SUBJECT: Presentation of Service Awards to Retirees and Employees and Introduction of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: RETIREES Victoria Harvin, Tax Department - 20 years of service Harriet Page, Department of Social Services -16 years of service Nancy Trussell, Health Department - 20 years of service David Weaver, County Manager's Office - 28 years of service FIVE (5) YEARS Christopher Boswell, Sheriff's Office Lynn Boswell, Health Department Regina Bradley, Health Department James Doyle, Sheriff's Office Marie Hemmen, Health Department Chad Hollar, Sheriff's Office Patricia Holt, Health Department Edna Johnson, Sheriff's Office Clifton Meadows, Sheriff's Office Edwin Morton, Sheriff's Office Amanda Newman, Sheriff's Office Tonya Reynolds, Sheriff's Office Kari Sanders, Department of Social Services Hans Schult, Inspections James Smith, Sheriff's Office Justin Stegall, Sheriff's Office Garret Winkler, Inspections Michael Wolford, Sheriff's Office TEN (10) YEARS Tonya Ballard, Information Technology Ricky Gibbs, Health Department Donald Hoffsher, Parks Department Hattie Moore, Inspections Felicia Myott, Health Department FIFTEEN (15) YEARS Kymberleigh Crowell, Governing Body Susan Fred, Department of Social Services Arthur Malpass, Inspections Paula Marn, Department of Social Services Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 13-0 David Swan, Sheriff's Office TWENTY (20) YEARS Jeannie Henderson, Department of Social Services Gregory Lockamy, Sheriff's Office William Oakes, Tax Department Miranda Pearce, Department of Social Services Beverly Thomas, Finance William Shiver, Tax Department TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEARS Ronnie Anderson, Environmental Management Edgar Eason, Sheriff's Office Gerald McDuffie, Environmental Management NEW EMPLOYEES Russell Bordeaux, Sheriff's Office Margaret Burns, Department of Social Services Jamie Cavenaugh, Department of Social Services Corey Devane, Youth Empowerment Services Christopher Dwy, Department of Social Services Katharine George, Department of Social Services Heather Lee, Department of Social Services Bob Moulton, Sheriff's Office Grant Vick, Fire Services Jennifer Nease, Youth Empowerment Services Martha Potter, Sheriff's Office Marisa Prokopovich, Health Department Katelyn Register, Health Department Jason Windham, Sheriff's Office Timothy Wilson, Sheriff's Office RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Present service awards and recognize new employees. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Presented service awards and recognized new employees. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 13-0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 14 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Janet Nelson, Executive Director and Ben Wright, President of the Board of Directors, Smart Start of New Hanover County CONTACT(S): Janet Nelson SUBJECT: Smart Start Presentation BRIEF SUMMARY: Janet Nelson and Ben Wright will give a presentation about Smart Start of New Hanover County. They will share a brief video during their presentation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 14-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 15 DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER(S): Gary Ridgeway with McGladrey & Pullen, LLP Auditing Firm CONTACT(S): Avril M. Pinder, Finance Director SUBJECT: Presentation of the New Hanover County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for FYE 06/30/2009 by Gary Ridgeway with McGladrey & Pullen, LLP Auditing Firm BRIEF SUMMARY: Presentation to the County Commissioners of the audit for fiscal year ended 06/30/2009. The presentation of the New Hanover County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended 06/30/2009 will be made by Gary Ridgeway with McGladrey & Pullen, LLP, our external auditing firm. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request Commissioners listen to the presentation and approve the New Hanover County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended 06/30/2009. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Accepted the financial report 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 15-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 16 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Foster Norman, Southeastern Center Area Director CONTACT(S): Chris Coudriet, Assistant County Manager SUBJECT: Southeastern Center for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services 2008-2009 Annual Report BRIEF SUMMARY: Annually, local management entities are required to present to the boards of county commissioners in the mental health, developmental disabilites, and substance abuse catchment areas served. Foster Norman, Southeastern Center Area Director, will present the 2008-2009 Annual Report to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear and accept annual report for the Southeastern Center catchment area. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear and accept annual report for the Southeastern Center catchment area. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation and accepted annual report 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 16-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 17 DEPARTMENT: Environmental Management PRESENTER(S): David F. Weaver, Assistant County Manager CONTACT(S): David F. Weaver, Assistant County Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of Direction of Solid Waste Request for Proposals BRIEF SUMMARY: The existing Request for Proposal (RFP) for management of the County's solid waste and facilities was closed for submittals on October 23, 2009. The County received seven proposals. Since that time, the County has learned of innovative approaches that may offer benefit to the County. In order for these approaches to be considered at the same level of analysis as the existing seven proposals and in order to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the existing seven proposals, it is necessary for the Board of Commissioners to take the following actions by adoption of the attached resolution: The County will: 1. Issue a new RFP on February 1 essentially identical to the existing RFP. 2. The County will notify the existing seven proposers that they may choose to submit their existing proposals in response to the new RFP. If the existing proposal is submitted in response to the new RFP, then the County will be able to continue to keep the proposal confidential. Modifications to the existing proposal that may have occurred during the recent analysis and interview process will be considered as part of the existing proposal. In addition, the existing proposals maybe modified during the submittal period under the new RFP. If a new proposal is submitted, the County will be required to allow public review of the existing proposal submitted in response to the first RFP. The proposer will be required to notify the County of their choice to submit either their existing proposal or a new proposal by January 29, 2010, the date of expiration of the existing proposals. 3. The County will reject all seven existing proposals effective January 30, 2010. Those existing proposals which are submitted in response to the new RFP as discussed in action #2 above, however, will be kept confidential. All others will be open to public review. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Commissioners adopt the attached resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 1l -0 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: A motion to adopt the resolution with a 30-day period to receive proposals and a 30-day period to evaluate and give a recommendation to the Board was approved 4-1, Commissioner Greer dissenting. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 1l -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION REJECTING BIDS FOR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES WHEREAS, New Hanover County issued a Request for Proposals (RFP-09-0432) for Solid Waste Management Services and proposals were received on October 23, 2009; and WHEREAS, after receipt and evaluation of the proposals, the County received information regarding innovative approaches to the Solid Waste Management Services that were not submitted as proposals by the October 23, 2009 deadline as required; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners would like to consider and evaluate these innovative approaches and has determined that it is in the best interest of the County to reject any and all proposals submitted under RFP-09-0432 and re-issue the RFP to solicit both conventional and innovative proposals. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that all proposals received in response to RFP-09-0432 for Solid Waste Management Services are hereby rejected and staff is directed to re-advertise the project with a new RFP essentially identical to the existing RFP. In addition, existing proposals may be submitted to meet the new RFP and confidentiality will continue to be maintained. ADOPTED this the 19th day of January, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 1l - 1 - 1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 1$ DEPARTMENT: Health PRESENTER(S): Eric Ireland, Deputy Health Director CONTACT(S): Eric Ireland, Deputy Health Director SUBJECT: Consideration of Grant Application to the NC Division of Public Health Epidemiology/HIV/STD Prevention Program, HIV/STD Prevention and Testing Activities, Non-Traditional Counseling, Testing and Referral Sites (NTS) BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) recognizes the need for new strategies to combat the HIV epidemic. The NTS Project has created an opportunity to overcome some of the traditional barriers to early diagnosis and treatment of HIV infections by implementing new models for diagnosing HIV infections outside traditional medical settings. Through collaboration between community-based organizations, county community planning groups, and AIDS Care Organizations, NTS projects have been able to increase access to HIV/STD services and provide HIV tests (rapid and/or traditional), syphilis tests, gonorrhea, Chlamydia and hepatitis C testing to local populations with 1) a high prevalence of HIV/STDs, 2) high risk factors for HIV/STDs, and 3) limited access to traditional HIV/STD counseling, testing, and referral services. NTS projects identify areas frequented by persons at high risk for HIV/STDs or by members of populations with high HIV/STD prevalence to serve as testing venues. NTS projects educate persons about the risks of hepatitis C and refer them for testing. They also ensure that HIV-infected persons are successfully linked with HIV medical care and psychosocial services through active follow-up and referrals. No matching County funds are required and 1.75 FTE will be created. Positions will be eliminated when grant funding ends. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve application for HIV/STD Prevention and Testing Activities, Non-Traditional Counseling, Testing and Referral Sites (NTS) in the amount of $100,000. ATTACHMENTS: Budget COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 18-0 APPENDIX 4 LINE ITEM BUDGET -HIV BUDGET PERIOD: June 1, 2010 -May 31, 2011 Applicant's Name: 2010-2011 New Hanover County Health Department Budget I. PERSONNEL SERVICES Salary/Wages 59,628 Social Security 4,562 Medical /Health Insurance 21,816 Retirement 2, 915 Disability 161 Total Personnel Services 89,082 II. OPERATING EXPENSES Food 240 Speakers Fee Interpreter Services Rental/Leased Space 1,900 Ut111t1eS Travel/Training 684 Lodging Meals 66 Laboratory Costs 500 Office Visits 800 Internet Services Provider Charges Telephone Service Cellular Phone Service 360 Postage, Freight, Delivery Printing, Binding, and Duplication General Office Supplies 700 Advertising 3,318 Educational Supplies Participant Support Costs (Incentives) 1,000 Computer Equipment (must be less than $5,000) 1,350 Total Operating Expenses III. CONTRACTED SERVICES Subcontractor's name/title: Describe: (Ex: Bookkeeping, professional services, etc.) Total Contracted Services Fiscal Year 2010 - 2011 Grant Total Budgeted Expenditures 100,000 Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 18-1-1 APPENDIX 5 Budget Narrative -HIV LINE ITEMS: I. PERSONNEL POSITION # 1: Salary: $ 37,710 Position Title (repeat as needed for all Personnel) _Health Educator Key responsibilities for the project: Provide public education and imblement community grams related to the HIV/STD awareness and testing Annual Full Time Salary Rate : $ 3 7.710 Number of months of salary budgeted to project: 12 Salary budgeted to the project: $37.710 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) of position time allocated to the project 1 FTE Social Security: $ 2,885 $ _37,710 salary budgeted to the project x .0765 = 2 885 Medical/Health Insurance: $ 11,484 Annual costs for medical/health insurance benefit for full time employee: _11,484 Number of months of medical/health insurance budgeted in proj ect: 12 Retirement: $_37,710 salary budgeted to project x 0.0489 (retirement contribution rate) =1i Long Term Disability: $_37,710 salary budgeted to project x 0.002705 (disability contribution rate) = 102 POSITION # 2 Salary: $ 21,918 Position Title (repeat as needed for all Personnel) Administrative Support Technician Key responsibilities for the project: _ Office support including recebtionist duties, billing, human resources, finance, and IT functions Annual Full Time Salary Rate: $29,224 Number of months of salary budgeted to project: 12 Salary budgeted to the project: $21,918 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) of position time allocated to the project .75 FTE Social Security: $ 1,677 $ _21,918 salary budgeted to the proj ect x .0765 = 1677 Medical/Health Insurance: $ 10,332 Annual costs for medical/health insurance benefit for full time employee: _11,484 Number of months of medical/health insurance budgeted in project: _12 Retirement: $_21,918 salary budgeted to project x 0.0489 (retirement contribution rate) =1i Long Term Disability: $_21,918 salary budgeted to proj ect x 0.002705 (disability contribution rate) = 59 IL OPERATING EXPENSES Food Service $ 240 Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 18-1-2 Food will be provided program participants at bimonthly educational program meetings. It will be purchased from local grocery stores. This expense will be $40 per meeting x 6 meetings = $240. Rental/Leased Space: $ 1,900 Total square footage 2~ Total square footage used for program 200 Travel/Training Project staff will use private vehicles proj ect related travel (i.e. education, outreach, training, and other project activities). Estimated at 20 miles/week at $.55/mile x 50 weeks = $ 550 Registrations for conferences and meetings related to HIV/STD program; providing networking and educational opportunities for staff at a cost of $134 Meals $ 66 Expense for meals during attendance at conferences, meetings and other events to receive continuing education and to develop networking opportunities. 1 staff person x 2 days x $33/day = $66 Lab Costs $ 500 Expenses for additional off site lab testing ofpatients -anticipate 4 testing referrals for additional testing x $125 lab service = $500 Office Visits Expenses for referrals for additional follow-up with private physicians Anticipate 4 referrals x $200 per visit = $800 Cellular Phone Service: $ 360 Purpose of cellular phone service: Program related communications by the Health Educator Who is the cellular phone service provider? -Individual's choice What is the cellular phone service plan? _$30/month allowance What is $ 3 0 rate /month budgeted to the proj ect? -for 12 months General Office Supplies: $ 700 Purpose of general office supplies: Use of items such as staples, staplers, toner, pater, binders, pens, clips, etc. Advertising 3- Local billboard and radio advertising promoting education and testing for HIV/STD Participant Support Cost (Incentives): $1- Purpose of incentives: To encourage project service recipient to participate in focus groups which will provide the project input to improve the quality of its services. $1,000 for incentives such as pocket calendars, pens, cups, and promotional materials related to HIV/STD education and testing Computer Equipment: $ _1,350 Purpose: To support project work and activity; create educational and training materials; research (data recording, search, and analysis); recordkeeping and analysis; word processing, spreadsheets, publishing spreadsheets, publishing, communications (e-mail, Internet, etc.). l work station with basic desktop and accessories - $1,000 1 printer - $ 3 5 0 III. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Contracted Personal Services- None GRAND TOTAL for Fiscal Year 2010- 2011 ~ 100,000 Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 18-1-3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 19 DEPARTMENT: Health PRESENTER(S): Janet McCumbee, Personal Health Services Manager CONTACT(S): Janet McCumbee, Personal Health Services Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of Ratification of Application for Infant Mortality Grant, Healthy Beginnings BRIEF SUMMARY: Request ratification of application for a Minority Infant Mortality Grant called Healthy Beginnings, through the Division of Public Health. It would strengthen community-based efforts to address prenatal health disparities, and thereby improve birth outcomes among minorities in New Hanover County. The New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) envisions this as an opportunity to implement an extension of our current Maternity Care Coordination (MCC) and Child Service Coordination (CSC) programs to provide additional services to minority women from pregnancy to two years postpartum to decrease infant mortality. The targeted population will be African American women with a focus on the overweight and obese. The recipients will participate in the MCC and CSC care programs with additional services geared toward healthy living. They will receive information on nutrition, exercise, preconception health, parenting and healthy lifestyle habits. Incentives will be given to award compliance to the program. The grant award can be up to $100,000 per year for three years. The funds will be used to augment the salaries of current staff such as a Health Educator, Maternal Outreach Worker, Program Support, Maternity Care Coordinator and Dietitian, or to add hours to part-time positions to achieve the goals of the grant. Collaboration will take place with local churches, resource agencies, housing areas and local medical clinics. The agency that will be awarded the funds will be notified on March 15, 2010 and the contract will begin June 1, 2010. The grant application was due January 8, 2010. No County match of funds is required and any additional hours or temporary positions created upon receipt of this grant would exist only during the duration of the grant. The grant application is for $300,000 ($100,000 per year for three years). RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Ratify submission of the Healthy Beginnings Grant Application to the Division of Public Health for $300,000. ATTACHMENTS: Abstract for Grant Budget COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 19-0 Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 19-0 NE~V HANOVER COUNTY , _ ~ HEALTH DEPARTMENT z ~ W 2029 S. 17th STREET ~ ~ - Q~ a WILMINGTON NC 28401 ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEAV~~ TELEPHONE (910) 798-6500 FAX (910) 341-4146 Abstract Minority Infant Mortality Grant- Healthy Beginnings New Hanover County Health Department is requesting consideration for funding to implement the Healthy Beginnings Program. In order to strengthen community- based efforts to address perinatal health disparities, and thereby improve birth outcomes among communities of minorities, the North Carolina Targeted Infant Mortality Reduction (NCTIMR) program has merged with Healthy Beginnings Program. The Healthy Beginnings Program is funded through the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health. Infant mortality rates dropped in North Carolina in 2008 and the minority infant mortality rate was the lowest in the state's history. However, New Hanover County's (NHC) infant mortality rate among minorities was 8 deaths per 1000 live births compared to 4 deaths per 1000 live births in the white population. The New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) envisions this as an opportunity to implement an extension of Maternity Care Coordination (MCC) and Child Service Coordination (CSC) care coordination services to address minority infant mortality in New Hanover County. Current MCC and CSC programs consist of case management, health education, home visits, and follow-up services. With additional funding and implementation of Healthy Beginnings, we would provide additional services to a caseload of minority women to improve birth outcomes and prevent infant mortality. The targeted population will be African American women with a focus on the overweight and obese. The recipients will participate in the MCC and CSC programs in addition to follow up services during the prenatal period and for two years post partum. They will receive information on nutrition, exercise, preconception health, parenting and healthy lifestyle habits. Incentives will be given to award compliance to the program. The grant will be awarded up to $100,000 per year for three years. The funds will be used to pay for a percentage of time for a Health Educator, Maternal Outreach Worker, Program Support, Maternity Care Coordinator and Dietitian. Collaboration and outreach will take place with local churches, resource agencies, housing areas and local medical clinics to increase support for these women and their families. The agency that will be awarded the funds will be notified March 15, 2010 and the contract will begin June 1, 2010. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n "Healthy People, Health 1'ri v 1 onment, Healthy Community" Infant Mortality Grant - Healthy Be~innin~s Proposed Budget Year one Year Two Year Three Salary & Fringe $ 91,391 $ 94,120 $ 96,758 Operating Expenses Contract Services $ 2,250 $ 540 $ - Postage $ 240 $ 240 $ 240 Supplies $ 3,456 $ 2,662 $ 914 Printing $ 200 $ 100 $ - Mileage Reimb $ 2,000 $ 1,875 $ 1,625 Training/Travel $ 463 $ 463 $ 463 Total Expenses $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 19-2-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 20 DEPARTMENT: Health PRESENTER(S): Janet McCumbee, Personal Health Services Manager CONTACT(S): Janet McCumbee, Personal Health Services Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of Three-year Grant Application for Innovative Approaches BRIEF SUMMARY: Four Innovative Approaches grants are being awarded to NC Health Departments by the NC Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health, Women's and Children's Health Section, and Children and Youth Branch. Innovative Approaches is an initiative that aims to improve existing programs and to help create the best possible state and local system of care to promote child success in North Carolina. Innovative Approaches recognizes that North Carolina needs to (1) invest more resources in promoting child success; (2) invest new and existing resources in evidence-based programs; (3) build the infrastructure to help these programs be successful; and (4) support the creation of a population-based integrated system of activities that promotes child success. Target population is children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). The Maternal and Child Health Bureau defines CYSHCN as "children who have or are at risk for chronic physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional conditions and who also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally." We have secured support of our local Community Care of North Carolina (Access III of the Lower Cape Fear) as this project requires strong collaborative partnership with them. Existing staff can be used for implementation and long term commitment. No matching County funds are required. The project period is February 14, 2010 - May 31, 2012, with the option to extend for two additional years based on performance and funding availability. Up to four (4) awards will be made through a review of applications process. Successful applicants will receive a base award of $100,000 in the first budget period February 14, 2010 -May 31, 2010 for planning and $250,000 each in the second (June 1, 2010 -May 31, 2011) and third (June 1, 2011- May 31, 2012) budget periods. This should allow us to add personnel and operating expenses to implement the grant. No County match is required. Project will end when grant funding is eliminated. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: To approve submission of an application for grant funds ($600,000) for Innovative Approaches awarded by NC Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health, Women's and Children's Health Section, and Children and Youth Branch. Year One 02/14/10 to 05/31/10 $ 100,000 Year Two 06/01/10 to 05/31/11 250,000 Year Three 06/01/11 to 05/31/12 250,000 $ 650,000 Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 20-0 ATTACHMENTS: Abstract Innovative Approaches Budget COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 20-0 New Hanover Count Health Department W 2029 South 17th Street ' ' QP 0~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4946 NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEAVS~ Phone (910)798-6500 FAX (910) 341-4146 Abstract for Innovative Approaches: A Local System Improvement Appr for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Innovative Approaches is an improvement initiative that aims to improve existing programs and to help create the best possible state and local system of care to promote child success in North Carolina. Target population is children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). The Maternal and Child Health Bureau defines CYSHCN as "children who have or are at risk for chronic physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional conditions and who also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally." This grant provides opportunities to increase community resources, staff training and expand community networking capabilities. Existing staff will be used for implementation and long term commitment. The grant involves a Planning Phase from 2/14/09 through 5/31/09 with the option to extend for two additional years based on performance. During the Planning Phase the Health Department would work closely with UNCG, Children and Youth Branch and a community steering committee to develop a Logic Model for change and Program Planning based on local community data. UNCG will continue provide oversight during the entire grant period. We will build on our current capacity and community collaboration with the Local Interagency Council for Special Needs Children, which serves birth to five years. We will work toward inclusion of children of all ages, as the school aged child often has no care coordination available. Our school nurses will be an integral part of this project, and families with special needs children will be supported through all transitions and stages of development. The steering committee to be created will be comprised of local agencies and must include the Health Department, Community Care of NC, Social Services, Smart Start, Mental Health, School System, Health Care Provider and at least two family members of a child with special health care needs. Funds will be used to increase capacity of child serving organizations to meet the needs identified by steering committee. The purpose of the Innovative Approaches initiative is threefold: (1) to foster and support community strategies to create effective systems of care for families of CYSHCN; (2) to identify promising practices, and then; (3) to help disseminate these practices to other communities. The five stated goals for Innovative Approaches are that families of children and youth with special health care needs will: (1) partner in decision making at all levels, and will be satisfied with the services they receive; (2) receive coordinated ongoing comprehensive care within a medical home; (3) be screened early and continuously for special health care needs; (4) have services organized in ways that families can use them easily; (5) receive the services necessary to make appropriate transitions. We expect sustainability beyond the three-year grant period through identification of additional community resources, in-kind support from other agencies, staff development and integration of the completed project into existing agency commitments as our community has history of partnership longevity. "Healthy People, Healthy Environment, Healthy Community" Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 20-1-1 Innovative Approaches Proposed Budget Year One (February -May 2009) Salary & Fringe $ 32,541 Operating Expenses Contract Services $ 36,710 Supplies $ 6,505 Computer supplies $ 9,750 Printing $ 2,200 Advertising $ 9,000 Mileage Reimb $ 245 Training/Travel $ 3,049 Total Expenses $ 100,000 Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 20-2-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 21 DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PRESENTER(S): Wanda Copley, County Attorney CONTACT(S): Wanda Copley, County Attorney SUBJECT: Election of Board of Directors for the New Hanover County Financing Corporation BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board will need to appoint three (3) Directors to the Board of the New Hanover County Financing Corporation. The term for each director is three (3) years. The New Hanover County Financing Corporation was formed under the North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation Act to, among other things, assist the County in the financing of the purchase of essential real property, the construction of essential improvements and the purchase of essential personal property. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Board of Commissioners appoint three (3) directors. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Appointed Robert G. Greer, Bruce T. Shell and Avril M. Pinder 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 21-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 22 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Thompson CONTACT(S): Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Consideration of Commissioner Appointments to Various Boards and Committees BRIEF SUMMARY: Appoint Commissioner representatives to various boards. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments. ATTACHMENTS: 2010 Board list COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Made same appointments at 2009 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 22-0 0 0 N N O ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ C4 ~ 111 ~ W N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ O O ~ O O ~ ~ N N ~ N N ~ N N ~ ~ ~ L ~ ~ ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ L ~ L ~ ~ L ~ ~ a~a~a~~~a~a~a~~a~~a~~.a~a~a~a~a~~~.a~a~La~ LL ~ ~,`~`~n°o`~v~`~o`~on°`~na~a~a~ocn`~`~~n o V NNN_mmUC~~mUm~m~UUmUUC~C~~UmmUUcnUC~ ~ L L L L ~ L L L ~ L ~ L L L L L L L ~ L L L L L L L ~ ~ c~caa~a~a~a~c~ooa~c~ocaa~oa~a~oa~a~c~a~a~ooa~~oa~ c~ ~ ~ o 0 0 0~ o 0 0~ o~ o 0 0 0 0 0 0~ o 0 0 0 0~ o o ~ Z ~ ~ ~ .N .N .N .N .N .N .N .N .N .N .N .N .N .N .N .N .N .N .N ~ .N .N ~ N c~ ca rn cn cn rn ~ N ~ cn ~ ~ ~ cn N cn cn cn cn cn ~ cn cn cn ~ rn ~ cn N ~ p ~ V c~c~~~~~a~~~~a~~a~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~c~~~ a~ ~~oooo.~ooo.~o.~ooooooo.~ooooo~oo ~ l~ UUUUUU>UUU>U>UUUUUUU>UUUUUUUU 0 Z W ~ ~ a~ I\ ~ w ~ o ~ > a~ L N ~ a~ 0 LL ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ ° o ~ U ~ L ° O p~ Q > V 0 0 Q Q O ~ O N~ ~ - - ~ ~ N L ~ N N~~ N~ O~ N O S ~ O Q c~~m°'o'o ~ ~ '~'~oca3~ m =a~L ~~o~ ~o°o~~ w ~ oo~~~~cnooU ~~~°oUa~c~ oU~~~QQ ~ ~ UU~~L~~N~_n~ ° N~~~~~o~ UU~a~a~U~~~>~ Uw~o~~~~ O nn~ c~ cA c~ O LL LL L L c~ ~ N U ~ L.L L.L L.L ~ r°n ~ N ~ L ~ L~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ U ~ L L > ~ ~ LL ~ p L L L L L O~~ ~ ~ O O ~ Q Q p O N ~ ~ L N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q Q m N N N N N ~ O ~ ~ m (n (n ~ to O ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O O O .N (~LLLLLLLLLL~'Um~ O~ ~ ~wUU=UUo~S>(n p O N N N N N N~~ U O O N N ~ V N .L (a (a (a ~ O (n (n .L O N N O O O p 2 U O~ 0 0 0 Q U U U U U U U ~ ~ I L= J J J J J Z Z Z~~ (n ~ Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 22-1-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 23 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Thompson CONTACT(S): Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Vacancies exist on the following Boards and Committees: Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority (WAVE) Inspection Department Advisory Council Juvenile Day Treatment Center Advisory Board Plumbing Board of Examiners Tourism Development Authority RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments. ATTACHMENTS: Committee Information and Applications COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: The following appointments were made: Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority (WAVE): Chris Hawkins and Jeffrey B. Petroff were appointed Inspection Department Advisory Council: Rodney Q. Harris was appointed to the Residential Builder category Juvenile Day Treatment Center Advisory Board: Angela Williams Lee was appointed Plumbing Board of Examiners: Ernest (Bart) Duarte was appointed in the Master Plumber category Tourism Development Authority: John W. Andrews was reappointed to the Restaurant owner/manager category; Brett Darlington was appointed to the Carolina Beach hotel owner/manager category; Charles Pennington was reappointed to the Bed and breakfast owner/manager category Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vii i~~~.vly 23-0 This page intentionally left blank. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (WAVE TRANSIT AUTHORITY) 2 VACANCIES - 3-Year Term 12/31/12 ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS REAPPOINTMENT Brian Berger Amanda Davis Chris Hawkins Jeffrey B Petroff Attachments Committee Information Sheets Application Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-1 CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY WAVE TRANSIT AUTHORITY Number of Members The Authority consists of 11 members 1 County Commissioner, 1 City Council member, 4 members appointed by the County Commissioners, 4 members appointed by vllilmington City Council, and 1 member appointed by the Authority from a human service agency served by public transportation services Term Three year terms Regular Meetings The Authority meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 12 40 noon in the Wave Transit Baard Room located at 1110 Castle Street. Statute or Actian Creating Board In July of 2494 the INNHTA, the WTA and NHTS were dissolved and a new transportation Authority was created utilizing NC §160A-25 The merged entity officially became the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority effective July 1, 2994 The new Authority kept the name Wave Transit. Function The Authority is to develop and maintain an effective, efficient, and safe system of public transportation services within the county Transportation services provided shall be designed to maintain and encourage the use of public transit and shall contribute to the economic vitality of the community, the conservation of natural resources and the protection of the environmen#. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Don Betz, Chairman Unexpired 9118101 121311x8 2518 Park Avenue First 12/15/98 12/31/11 Wilmington, NC 28403 163-1991 ~ H } 383-1919 ~W} William D Bryden First 4121103 71311x6 895 Gull Point Road STAB 104} 12/31109 Wilmington, NC 28405 ecand 5!1510 910-509-9113 Christine McNamee t l 1130106 Department of Social Services Second 1124 1213119 George M Qalan,Uice-Chairman First 12111101 12131110 1813 Elease Lane Wilmington, NC 28403 256-4565 County Commissioner Representative Appt. 12115108 Not designated Jonathan Barfield, Jr Wilmington City Council Representative Laura W Padgett Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-2 CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY PAGE 2 1NAVE TRANSIT AUTHgRITY TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT E~CPIRATION City Council Appointees Henry Adams Euran S Daniels Andrew Koeppel Captain David R. Scheu Human Services Agency Representative Linda Pearce First 12!1!2409 ~NHC} 12131112 G02 Wright Street Wilmington, NC 25441 343-$ZO9 ~W} 232-8310 ~c} Directar• Albert Eby WAVE Transit File !WAVE p p gax 22gg BIC#31-12 49 Wilrningtan, NC 28402 242-2053 office 343-8311 Fax Revised ~ 21~ 412009 Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-3 ~flUln ~3~ ~~~~~n~mcnt ~:antcr ~riu~ ~rd~ ~,~~T~~ ~~3it~ 175 '~ltmi~gt~r~ ?~C ~~~D3 "~clcpl~a~ X91 ~ 1 '~~~w71~~ E~x ~~~€?j ?~~-7145 r.,„,,..~. _wa,~....~.~.. ~n~ Add~+~~~: ins f~i~~n ~ddr~~~ d~"er~n~; ~..._~,.wu...~n..~ ~~~i~~ ~n ~~~~or~ ~ti+~~ fir #~e ~~r~~~ of ~as~ri~~ ~ er~sa ~crt+o~ of tie ~~mmn~~#y~ ~~n~ta~e~° ~~°~~~n Ir~ax~ ~n St~l ~~~~.~u~,......M...,~......_.~...~....d.~. p~rac~~ enrrc~t~y em~rlay~d #~e ag~~~~ ax d~~~rt~e~# tur vu~~~~ #~is ap~lic~#io~ is ~t~d~. ~~st resi~~a ~i~Il~~~ ~o~i#~#~ ~v~10~ Nei' l~a~a~~~r f'ou~~~ u~va ~p~c~~~t~a~#, a+~cor~~~~e ~rit~ Art~~~'~l, ~~r~ip~ 4 tie ~e~ i~~fl~r~r ~~~~t~ Pe~o~~e~ ~o~~tv.~ ~~ro~'~s~i~il~~~ N~ti~r~l ,~~~~~~i~~ ~~~~~~~u~ ~ Az~.c$~. ~r~~°~~.~~ ~ P~ '~'~~n~~~r ~~~v~t~~~: ~'I}"~r~.rJUt~ ~~.vi~ and ~f~mur~i~~► ~~~~~~~g~n~ i~V~~r do y~ ~v~~ t~ ~~l~c ~bi~ b~~rd~~n~>rni~~~? ~ra~~~~u~ ~~~n,si~r ~~~~~.~e,T.~~'~~s~ M~_~. b ~ ~f~ ~ ~ "r ~ ~oaf1~# ~f ~~~r*~C' ~ ~ t~o~rrYf ~~mA~::~~l1~~~~ I s~~ h~~ ~ C~~~Ct ~r p~i~nt~! C~~~iCt Q ~ ~ttoro~~ ~ p~r~tor~~~t' ~5ue~ f~~t ~t~o?b~t Sh~gtt! ~t~#~ tl~~ b~~i~f to bF~~6r ~~~~~r~ ~~~t~ lrrasp~ti~~ ~~ar~ d~rrin~ ~ ~~bitC rn~#+~g ~~a m~#rer s~oui~ ~t~ta too ra~~ure rs~ ~l~e cc~rr+ct, ~~taidr'r~g l~h~t P~~Ishe l~~s a sap rate, ~rl~~~~ ~r m~~~t~r~ i~ta~a~?. a~thar dirt i~3t, in ~~s~a ~~~er ~~n~}~ara~~~ rho ~a~tber S~oat~d tt~9~t axc~~e trir~~at 1~a~~lf matr~~ nn ttt~ r~a~te~". '~h~~ ~r~~~ v~~~~ce~n ~v+~u~~ fan ~r~ s~~ ~~d~~~ by t~~~ c~~~~e~~ ~~v~~~ ~c~mur~i~~~~~~ with ~~~~~.~n~~ .gin ~~m~.t~.~~ ~ ~tr~~a~~ ~1.an~~.n~ ~~~r~~.~.vo~~~ ~i~~i~~ ~1~h~~ ~nn~~~p~~ ~an~ ~n~rd~l~~~~~~ nn w~~~~ ;pan ~rvin~~ ~.....w ...m. ,~~~.w.. ~~~t tb~ ~~e~~ p~~sa~r~l ~r~~~~~~~s a~~ ~h~n~ nu~b~l~: ...,~,..,_...~...y.....~ ._...~.A..,.....y.. .,...~,~,M,....~....~.. A~p~i~~tas ~rekc~pt ~~e Apr 18 moat~a r~~~~~~ ~ld~ for ~~~t~~a~l cv~r~~~t~ Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-4 } ~eW Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive ~ Suite i7S r~ C~'B11nISS10n~1"5 C~3~IN~~~'~"EE t~'F~CAT~O~ Wilmi~tgtan, NC 28403 Tclcphor~e (910) 798.7149 FSx• {9](~) 74$-713 BQardlCommittee: Cape Fear Pulalic Transportation Authority Name:,Amanda L Davis Home Adds: 2~.9 R~,vergate Lane wilmingtan NC 2B412 (Street) City) (Zip Cade Mailing Address if differeet: Same E-M~Address: Atavis~a~,1 ~~m Nome Pone Fax Ce[~ Business 910-508-2071 ~carr: L~~~ag ~n . 35 ears ~ Race: White A e: 36 New Hanauer ~~unty Y N[aie. Female. g (inform atian far the purpose Qf assuriag a cross section of the ca~a munity) ~mplayer,The Davis Law Firm, P C 244 Princess St ,Suite 12, Wilmington, NC 28401 (A person currently employed by the agency or department forwhieh this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vi, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Fvlicy.) Ocxaipa~ion; Attorney, Land Development, Business Cantx'acts ~ Litigation Professional ,Activities: NC Bar Association & Kiwansis Club Applicant Volunteer Activities, Board Member of the American Red Crass Cape Fear Chapter V~hy do you wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? =understand the impo:ctance of metro transportation Efficient planning promotes less road cost better air quality & increased land values t;opftict of fntere8t, ya board memt}er believes he 1 she has a ~anfiiCt or potential canllict of interest on a particular issue that member should Mate this beNefta the other members of his !her respective board during 8 public m~estfng ~"he member should state the nature of the conflict, detaiiing that hafsha has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct ar ir~dire~t, in the issue under eonsiderativrr. The member should then excuse himself !herself Fram voting on the ma fter ~'Vhat areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Development of an image that encourages future use increases private business contributions Qualifications for serving: I ha~re an Econola~ics Degree, a Land [use ~ Business Law Practice Additionally,Y have seen hour Haustan Texas integrates the private sector in public works Utber municipal or county boardslcommittees an which you are serving: None yet List three local personal references and phone numbers: f. Attorney ~h:K'~.s ChelebQraw~,cz, ~910~ 2~1-597 Z. Regina Witte, ~'ice-~Pres ,Healthcare Liability Solutions Inc, Houston TX ,(713a~Q2-679 3. Jen Caison, Mgnr, ~iardison ~ Chamberlin CFAs, i9]~0~ "~99--382 Date: ~ t ~ i ~ ~ Signatu 1 App ' ations are ept on tale for 18 ~nnnths Ilse reverse side for additional com meets Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-5 The Davis Law Firm, P.C. a44. Princess Street, Suite is Telephone (9io) Sob-2o~i Wilmington, NC 284oi AttyALDavisC?aol.com January 4, 2oio Ms. Teresa Elmore 23o Government Center Drive Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: Applicant for the Cape Fear Public Transporta#ion Authority Dear Ms. Elmore, Thank you for sharing with me where citizen response is needed. I have considered what you told me and it caused me to remember a turning point. As I was dr~vuig Bast Belk's at Independence Mall, I remember seeing an elderly woman slumped over a grocery cart one day While I stopped at the fight before First Baptist Church waiting something inside me said, "Go Delp that woman," It was Apri12oo9 and up ur~ti] that moment ~y ~if~, ~ Lad ~aeve~ even once considered picking up a stranger and offering them a ride. 1~T~verthelQSS, I felt compelled to help. So, turned and around and approached her When I offered her a ride, she looked at me like I was a little strange to offer. After my insistence and her checking me out, she agreed. As I drove her home I discovered she was a life long Wilmington~an who had been the nanny to the family of another attorney in tower wrth whom I had gone to high school. As we chatted on the way to her home, she asked me why I had stopped.. I told her just as I tell you here, To which she responded that she was distressed as she walked out of Belk's that she may not be able to physically walk back to her home from the bus stop She was an elderly woman and she did not have a car The "bus" was the only way she could get to her part time joh at Belk's. She went on to say that she had been having a hard time making the walk home since the bus stops had been moved. She said, "I use the grocery cart to help me get from Belk's to the stop " I never looked at those random grocery carts at bus stops the same again. Until then, I saw grocery carts at the bus stop and thought, "That's despicable, people taking carts." ~n that day, my perspective was changed. I realized just how much our elderly in our community depend on public transportation. I then understood lust hQ~v important where bus stops are located and, the safety of those stops selected is. As we move into a society where oil is less abundant and more costly, those choices will become even more important. I want to be part of the solution. I want to use my degree in economir,~ to help find the best solutions. Enclosed please find my application for the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authori#y Count me in, if I am so chosen. Sincerely, ~ Amanda. L. Davis Attorney & Counselor at Law Board of Commissioners Meeting ~ 01/19/2010 23-1-6 New Hanover County a~a Government Center [)rive Board o£ Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION suite 175 Wilmington, NC ?8~Q3 Tclcphonc~ 1 l1) 79R 71 ~9 Fax (91Q)798 715 BaardlCommittee: Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Name Chris Hawkins Home Address 707 McRae Street Wilmington 28441 (Street} (City) (7,ip Code) Mailing Address if different: Same E-Mail Address N/A Nome Phone 910-343-5209 Fax Ceff Business ~ ears Living in New Hanover County 47 years Male, r Female: Race; African American Age• 47 (Information Tor the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer None Et1 person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 cif the i~ew Hanover County Personnel Foliry } Occupation. C°mmunity Advocate for the Disabled Professional Activities Wilmington YMCA Membership Baord, VolullMteer Activities Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities, Miracle Field Committee tiVhy do vau wish to serve on this boardlcammittee? In order to ensure that the disabled and elderly communities are fairly represented when changes occur within the transit system Conflict of Interest: ~ a board member believes he I she has a conflict or potentr'af conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belreita the other members of his 1 her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, er'Iher direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration, The member should [hen excuse himself /herself from voting on the matter What areas of concern would you like to sec addressed by this committee? I would like to see more passenger amenities within the city, more accessible bus routes and expanded bus service countywide qualifications for serving• A former business owner and current bus rider 1 serve on several local boards I will bring insight, leadership and understanding to the rioard if appointed Other munici al or county boardslcommittees an which you are serving Mayor's Committee far People with P Disabilities List three local personal references and phone numbers 1 Leo E Shepard 910-395-6614 ~home~ 910-232-7713 ~cell~ ~ Bill Saffo 91a-395-2244 W ff~NOVf ~ C~ David Jones 910763-67$0 ~F ~UM~'~~SS~~I~~RS 3. Date• ~ ~ Signature: ~ 4pplications are kept on file for 18 months Use reverse tide for additional comments y * t d Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-7 New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board Uf Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Wilmin7ton NC 28403 Telephone (91Uy 798 7149 Fax. (410} 74R 7145 BoardlCommittee• Cape Fear Fublic Transportation Authority Wave Tranist Authority Name: Jeffrey B Petroff Home Address 5484 Eastwind Road Wilmington, NC 2B4D3 {Street} (City} (Zip Code} Mailing Address if different: ~~1°1e as above E-Mail Address. Dpetroff @CLDeng com Nome Phone 910-796-9922 Fax 910-254-05D2 Ce[[ 910-540-1346 Business 910-254-9333 Years Living in New Hanover County• 11 years Male: ~ Female: Race: White Age; 33 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Elmplayer• Coastal Land Design, PLLC (A person currently employed by the agency nr department forwhich this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New H anover C ounty Personnel Polley ) Civil Engineer occupation, Professional Activities: Active member of PENC ~Professianal Engineers of NCB and ACEC Volunteer Activities Volunteer with the Wilmington YMCA Triathlon Club Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? I feel that public transportation will play a primary role in the future health and growth of our community Gonffic# ot` lnteres#: !f a board member believes he /she has a conf!!ef or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue that member should state this belief to the other members of his /her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separafe, private or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/ herself from voting on the matter What areas of concern would you like tv see addressed by this committee? Everyday concerns such as covered stops and benches as well as future growth concerns including trolley and bus use Qualifications for serving: I'm a licensed civil engineer in NC, SC and TN and often deal with transportation and planning related issues Other municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: N/A ~ ~1 ~ o ~ E ~I r List three local personal references and phone numbers. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D r~ ~ ~~~9 1 Andy Mills 914-233-8581 Frank Braxton 910-520-3347 ~~~W H~~~~C'r~t~ C~ 0~ C a~"~!~'irfii~l~~~R~ Alex King 910-474-4848 Date: December 3 D, 2 0 D 9 Signature: Applications are kept on file far 18 months se reverse ~ nal comments Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~s ,I 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ December 30, 2009 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' } ~ ~ ~ ~-`~f ~ ~ i ~~f ~~~1~;{'ti; R New Hanover County ; ,thy=~ r~,~h ~~s Board of Commissioners 23o Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC X8403 Re Position for Wave Transit Authority Dear County Commissioners Please f nd the attached applzcat~on for the open pos~t~on with the Wave Transit Authority I've been a resident of New Hanover County for the past 11 years and would like to be involved In the future growth of our public transportation system. As a civil engineer and small business owner, I feel that a safe and well designed public transportation system ~s essential to the economic growth of our community If you have any questions or need add~t~onal information, please do not hesitate to contact me Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Jeffrey B Petroff, F.E Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-9 This page intentionally left blank. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 23-1-10 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL 1 Vacancy (Unexpired Term - 7/31/2010 or First - 3-Year Terms 7/31/2012) 1 -Residential Builder ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS CATEGORY REAPPOINTMENT Rodney Q Harns Residential Builder Attachments Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-11 NEIN HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Number of Members S, appointed in categories as follows Commercial Builder, Electrical Contractor, Engineer, Mechanical Contractor, Plumbing Contractor, Residential Builder, and 2 At-large Term of Office Three years Regular Meetings The Council shall meet at least quarterly and may, at its discretion, establish a more frequent meeting schedule Meetings are held at the New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Department, 234 Government Center Drive, Suite 110, Wilmington, NC Ac#ion Creating Council The Caunty Commissioners established the Council on June 15,1905 increased membership to ~ an July 13, 1998 Purpose The Council will provide advice and guidance to the Inspections Department to ensure consistent, timely, economical, professional, and efficient service as an integral part of the department's purpose to protect the lives and property of the citizens living in New Hanaver Caunty TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Sam J Guidry At-Large First 812104 1131101 414 West Blackbeard Read Second 1123107 1131110 Wilmington, NC 28409 191 4140 ~H} 163-3155 ~W} David F Michael Commercial Builder First 1120109 1131112 5124 Cak Bluff Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 350-4226 ~H} 392-5220 ~W} Vacant Residential Builder Unexpired 1131110 James Britton Piner Electrical Contractor First 1123107 7131110 5514 Myrtle Grave Road Wilmington, NC 25409 199-3944 ~H} 219-0848 KWIC} Howard Resnik Engineer First 7120149 1131112 3614 Winston Boulevard Wilmington, NC 28403 198-1909 ~H} 191-4441 ~W} David Lee Smith, Acting Chairman At-Large First 1112144 7131141 905 Sapwood Lane Second 1123141 1131114 Wilmington, NC 25411 651-0394 ~H} 362-1148 William C Tchouros Plumbing Contractor First 1124106 1131149 9142 Baothbay Court Second 1124149 7131112 Wilmington, NC 28411 586-2368 ~H} 193-6451 ~W} Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-12 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL ~CONT ~ TERM OF gFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS CATECgRY APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION James Steele vUilliams, III Mechanical First 1124106 7131109 5441 Blue Clay Road Contractor Second 112x109 7131112 Castle Hayne, NC 28429 675-3471 ~H} 199-6611 ~V11} Dennis Bordeaux, Inspections Manager File llnspectians New Hanover County Planning and Inspections B1C #40-109 Department 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 vVilmington, NC 28403 198-11 l5 Rev~~ed ~ ~i~ 6i2ao9 Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-13 011051200 1~ 43 9203~35~a~ H;LE BUT~DING Ca PAGE 01101 Ne~w• ~~~a~v~r County a3a oo~cr~mevt Ceote: px;Y~ ~as~rd of Comsaon~rs C~~~VIITTEE A~~~CATION su"~ "5 W~lmmgtoa,l~C 29x03 1`~lsphoae {910) 793-7149 Fsx.(910~?98.714~ BaartlJCommittee: IDAC Inspectiana De~aartmerit Advisory Council Name; Rodney Q Harris ~o~e .A,ddress: 7422 FZ9hermar~ Creak ~3rive ~ilrningtcn 28405 (Strcct) (Cltyl (Zip bode) Mai~ug ~4ddre~s [f dx~'exe~at; ~-M~ Address: r°dney harri$[~t~ale-building cozA Nome Phon~~ 91oW452-1151 Fax. 910-515-2G42 Ce[[. 91~-4~3-5444 Aus~ness• 9xv-3i3-2448 dears L~v~ag ~n New Hanover Coymty' 32 years Neale, Female:.~,.Y1. Raee; White Age: 5~ (inioxaa~tlan C4r the purpose o~ ~sauring a cross stction otthe camm~ait►) Em~Ioyer• Hale Building Compenyr LLC and H~r~ever Building ~artnerg, LLC (v pex~on currently employed ~y the agencg ar deportment far ~+1~l~h tka5 ~pplicsgan m•dc, moat resl~,~ b~Aal6~cx pasldo~ rw,itl, Ncw Hanover t'onnty upon ~ppo~otment~ In accor0~pcc with Ardcle Y~, 5ecdon A of the Kew ~ R~nover Cauuty R~~raoenel p~Ylcy.) ~c~pBtl~i. Husine@a Developme»t Manager for CommgrC~al and Re~id~ntial Client® FrofessjaaaX Aetlvftles: Reeidenti~►1 8ui].der since 199 ~ ~penad Hanover Building Partners in 197 ~oXunteer Ac~;v~tles: St Mark school Wb~y do your ~~sb~ to serve on tais bQardlcolmn~ttee? I feel 1 have exporience tv offer because of my teriurv as a residential builder and naw as I am moving into the c~eunarcial sector a8 w®11 Conf!!ef of ~ntvr~~t 119 bo8ld rnamOSr A9JfQU9s h~ J sha has a canFtic! ar potantlel can~9lct eJ Interest oa a pa►~Icular f►sve ghat R1@mbor should stare lh;c bQNaptp ~e other mg►r'idgl8 ofhia/hgr rg~p9cNve bverd dUn1tQ 8 pUb1IC rNavtin~, Trfe m6mbBrshoul4stata t~16 li8lur& Qf tn9 COIi111Ct, deFaitfnp tn~t I!B/5AA has ~ S9peret9, privafa ormpllgl8fy ~nfBta9l, 9lth8r' dirpCt Or tRdll'9Gk, in !ha i9SUp und8r COA~id~ratl0~ Tt19 m 9mber 5nauld ~1?9A 9x~u~~ htm3al~/ l!9!'~9tf Frcm vatlrl~ OR the molter What areas of Gonceru would you dike to see addressed by this ~oaor~allttee? T have nv special areas of oar►cern but I ~oeuld lik$ to see a highly funetion$1 depertrnent oaken the market return$ ~uclx~cations fax serving: I have been a partner in a raoid~ntial construction firm since 1992 I aEormed my ooan GonBtructioa aQmpnay in 1997 and xork daisy with allents in vonstruct~on ether raulalcl~al or county boardslco>~~Ittees ou w~ieh you alre serving: None at this time ~ have served ~n the Planning Baard~ several yeaxa es Chaix~aan fist three Ioc~ ~personaI re~e~renees sad phone un~~ers: 1. Dan Martin 91b-7~4-480 Z. Darryl Mille 91~-350-1~~~ Tim I~Iilam 91x-799-3435 date: ~7anuary 2 0 i Q Slg~aature: ,~►pplicalione are kept do file ;Ror i$ mantha $e reverse eldz Fnr addltlo~Al eomme~49 Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-14 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS JUVENILE DAY TREATMENT CENTER ADVISORY BOARD VACANCY 1 At-Large Member Term of Office unexpired term -April 30, 2010 or First term - April 30, 2012 ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICATIONS REAPPOINTMENT Tonya Barber Meicha Elizabeth Covington Diggs Angela Williams Lee (Previously appointed (4/2007-4/2009) but Ms Lee was unable to continue serving because of a serious illness She has returned to good health and the advisory board has asked that she be reappointed (email from Chairman William Trant included in backup) William Clancy Thompson Attachments Committee Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-15 NEW HANOVER COUNTY JUVENILE DAY TREATMENT CENTER ADVISORY BOARD Members 9 ~5 At-large members and 4 representatives from each of the following agencies Southeastern Center, New Hanover County Schools, NC Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and Department of Social Services} Terms 3 years Members may not serve more than two consecutive full terms and cannot be reappointed until at least one year after the last term Purpose To develop necessary policies far the efficient and responsive operation of the Juvenile Day Treatment Center JDTC}, to advise the JDTC Director on programs and services to meet client needs, to help establish goals and objectives to achieve successful outcomes, to advise the County Manager and County Commissioners concerning the operating and capital needs of the JDTC, and to serve on relevant committeeslsub-committees, and to actively promote public awareness of and advocate for the JDTC and its services Established by the Board of Commissioners 1216/2004 Qualifications Any County resident 18 years of age or older who has a sincere interest and commitment to promote positive youth development and to help youth succeed in their home community Members shall be required to sign a Conflict of Interest agreement, which will be provided in advance of their appointment. Meetings Regular monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday at 2'00 p m at the Juvenile Day Treatment Center TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Vacancy 413011 D Robyn Gantt First 4121108 4130!11 1914 An n Street Wilmington, NC 28401 431-5092 ~C} 191-9293 ~W} Zachery S Mitcham First 4120109 4!30112 6909 Eschol Court Wilmington, NC 28409 233-2359 ~ H ~ Mary Springer Unexpired 4120109 4130110 915 S Seventh Street Wilmington, NC 28401 251-1065 ~H} D Diana Woolley Unexpired 4116101 4130108 348 Friday Drive First 4121108 4130111 Wilmington, NC 28411 686-6008 ~H1v1J} Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-16 JUVENILE DAY TREATMENT CENTER ADVISQRY BI~ARD ~C~NT } Agency Representatives ~propased bylaw change County Schools William R. Trant, Chairman Undesignated NC Department of JJDP~ Nancy Cavil Department of Social Services Wanda Marino Directar~ Kathy Stoute File IJDTC 18 S Th i rd Street BIC #4 09 Wilmington, NC 28451 198-5452 ~0~ 342-2405 Fax} Revised 1212~1D9 Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-17 Elmore, Teresa From William Trant [William Trant@nhcs net] Sent Monday, November 30, X009 3 46 PM Ta Elmore, Teresa Cc Stouts, Kathy; ddwilm84o a~aol com Subject: YES Advisory Board ~s Elmore, ~ any replacing aiana Woolley chair of the YES Advisory Board We spoke this morning about Angela Lee's col~l~unication ~vith you about her status on the YES Advisory Board We suggest the following The Advisory Board received a setter from Brian Brosnan sore months back resigning from the Advisory Board t is su ested that An ela Illlilliar~s Lee be a ointed by the bounty or~n~ission to replace Mr Brosnan We also suggested that Ids Fee's previously subrr~itted application for the Advisory Board bs accepted in support of the proposed appointment t appears that ~s Lee was seriously ill for some time and missed a number of meetings loo that she has returns to good health, she remains interested in serving because she has ~esn in attendance at the ast several meetings We hops that this can be worked out at the next bounty ~orr~n~ission nesting This also ~vould be timely for the Advisory Board, since its next r~ssting is not until January Thank you for your assistance with this matter Please contact rye if further inforrr~ation ~s needed on this request Sincerely, William R Tram ~ecutive Director Spe~iai ~ducatior~ and Related Services I~ev~ Hanover County Schcals 4~.~ Carolina Beach Rand W~lm~n~ton, NC ~~41~ phone ~~~a} ~~4~4445 l~Ax ~~~0}~~~4-~4~~ PUBLIC RECORDS LAW NOTICE Please be advised that a-mails and attachments sent from this a-mail address, as well as e-mails, replies and attachments sent to this a-mail address, may be "public records" under North Carolina Public Records Law, NCGS Chapter ~ 3~ All "public records" are subject to disclosure to the media and the public ~ S1G 4b 142f2a7b(~82950582433 ! Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-18 New Hanover County 2~0 Government Center Drive Bard of Commissioners COMMITTEE APFLICAT~ON site 175 Wilrningtfln, NC 2803 Tetep~one (910) 748-7149 Fax:(910 798-7145 BoardlCammittee; Juvenile Day Treatment Center Advisory Board Name: Tanya Barber Home Address; 4941 Marlin Court Wilmington 28403 (Street} {City) {Zip Code} Mailing Address if different: Address. ms~tonya b~yahoa cam Home Phone 910-805^1773 FQ~. Cell 910~5D8-8284 Business Years Living in New Hanover County: ~ 1 Male: Female: ~ Race: White Age: 29 (Information for the purpose of assuring a crass section of the community) Em to er; Ashford University Full Time Psychology Student w/minor in Child Develo~mnent~ Py {A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, iri accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New Hanover County PersonnelPolicy ) O~upation. Psychology Student professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: School lmpravement Plan Winter Porky , Children's Book Club Winter Park Why do you wish to serve on this hoardlcommittee`~ I have a strong interest in assisting the expansion of services both preventative and post judicial for at risk youth in my community Conftlct of tnteresx !f a board member beNeves he /she has a conflict or pvten#lal conlllctof Interest on a part~uiar Issue, that member shauid state thls beliefto the other members of his / her respective board during a pubilc mss#ing. The member should state the nature of the canfllct, detallJng~ that he/she has a separa#e, private or monetary lnteres#, etcher direct Qrlndlrect, !n fhe Issue under censldera#lan. the member should then excuse himself/herself from vvting an the matter V4~hat areal of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee`! I have not been privy to current and specific projects being worked/advised an ualifications for serving: A S in Criminal Justice/Police Sciences, B A Psycholgoy w/minor in Q Child Development, Non profit work in childrens programs tither municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: Not currently serving on any other municipal or county boards/committees List three local personal references and ph~le numbers: Amanda Kendrick 910-fi85~5757 ~ ~ ~a~~ 1, Nadirah Rahman 336-9080987 i rrex 91a~5g9-7853 8b, D~ C~h;M~SSIQ~ER~ ~ Kristine Gut e Date: November ~0, X009 signature: Applications are kept on iile for lt3 months [1se reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-19 New' r~i~tl~cav4r Csrur~ty 2~' li~]v~')'It}trcnt C'nli~ur Uiivu a.~uar~l u!'~'ut~a~ni~~iuuer~ CiC~1~M~~'!'~CE~ A,~a~'~~I~CATIC~IW IN~1111111~;11111,~1 ?K~(13 1 ~ ~ ~ O It1; (9 ! (1 y 7') ~ i 1'x'1 Ill t ~ ~ ~ I>1 ~ 1<I ~1 C I' c L. ~ ~ 13t1a r cllC U111 It ee V ~ C _ t~ ~ I i, ~ ~ ~ ~ , + ~ I ry i L ~ ~L r (ti;reet~ ally) (7i1~ (,n~le) M li A dr~s~ >tl ~iilt~ cti#. L ~ 1 ~ a ~ii ~I~ d L E-Mai Arldre~s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ + I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Home Phone 1~ ~'ax Celt _ susrnes~s.~ rl ~ ~ r ~ q ~ D Yt~>>~'~s l~iviu~ i~► ~ ~ ILL ~ i V ► I t ~ ~ ~ ~ I l I f~ N ut Nlalc F~~ria~~. k>tc~, ~ ~ I ~j I G A +v~ ~ ~w Hrrnuv~.~ t au S I l G. ~ rjl'ur>< tl [on Crr the Vrurpud~l 0~ 1►~txl~rin~ Ir +:ru~8 r!1'1'~lir)r1 Irl' lire c~n►a)~lulity) l: ITI l u,y c r' , ~ ~ p ~ G ~ I l _ { + ~ ~1t►...? ~ ~ ~A t,a•fxallr ><Ir,'~~~~)111y ~~r11111i1y~li br !1► nl:elte.y or rlelrlrrllt►~l114ur which 1l1id Np~fl~+`'utiuir ix ~Iral~~~, 1111►al PQ;c1kt1 Irin11►,St' pa~itinn with Nuw 111rl1nvCr (.uulrty upuu ~r+lilollrtr►1ent, irl uecur+J~111~1r W Ir Artir:lr VI, SvctLlan 4 aE thr Nurv H11n~ver (.uurrty 1'ul'SOili►rl I'uiicy ~ ~~~t~~ • 'f ~ ' j Ir ~ ~ ` I ~ V~ i W 11r~ ~~I ~ E ~ i~f1~~~S~i~~ Pi . , ro~~~rl ~l~t~~+1i~,c► r 9 ~ ~ #r I ~ ~ ~ + I ~ ~ ~ I G ~ ~ ~ 4 r _J ~ ' Vc lunt~cr A tivit~~~ 1,~ + _ ~ 1 .1 ~ . ~ ~+4 it f l~ ~ _Q „ _ s P~.zt~ 111. ~ + + ~ 'V1~h,y Diu y Ir w~~h to .~cr`vC trn ti~i5 ~u»~dlcaj~ ~rtt~~~ 1~~~ IJ+ ~ ~ I r f y l ~q, ~ I~ ~P q~l , ~ ~ ~ ~w~~~~~ C t}~ ~ _ ~P I~,I ~ ~ ' ~ t~ I ~ 1191 ~ , ~ i 1 1( ~ u~ ( ~ i I~ •rd r ) ~irr / alyd 11 d ~t v ~r)1f31 COn Cf of rla 9f~11 9 clrf►Cul~r (8A~lA 111 f mrrr~bar 8h4(11~15f<1r'fl ffrra ~dl1e)~ 0 Cna 01hCr COrlf+fCl f lnerl'e~t, II ti ~a r IrJ)b6f 1)9119V95 A9 C4 11Gf p 1 A mr#rr~hnr'.r o! +)+8 / f?9t i'05ACr;livei bGAI'd rlrlrf>?g p)rf111c; r~~9l+11~, 7'h~ rrrcrrrbnr Sl}~illd 51,71r~ +hr t) fUl'a Of 1hn rnn~11c;1, dblq+IiAr~ th, r' her/sNa hdS a 9f'(I~yr~fd, ~1~11~e19 Ol• rirgr~Cf:+ry ~n++7r&~~ allfl@l' X11' Cl 4r'+r►clrrncl, +1) 11)a 1 SUC ~fr+dr•r a ng119►'atJOn, Jhex uialllb9r 9ht3{►Id fhen nnc`tJ9a 1TImSUII/Jrrt~blf'1?'OAI vpt~nQ urr 1116 ri)8f1AP V1~9►~# ure,~~ uC ~.au~ein wuul~l y lili`~ t~ Irt~d~ea~r~tt t~~ #h~~ tnmrr~~lte+c, ~I'~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ 1 S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ r I I` ~ ~ U I rt ~ ~ I'~SGi r,4 IsE ~ i ~G ~ c ~t~~~ I ~ D Ids 19► ~ i G ~ n C ~~rs~~ ~ .w r I ) ~ ~ ~ la ~ roc S ~ / I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 1 ~ ~ , ~i ~ 1 t.~ , ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ u,~ll Cit)il~ !ur SCr ] ,t, r 1r ~6P ~ ~ i~ ~ I . 4,1 ~ ! _ - ~ I d 1~ ! ~ V Y~ Y r II (r ~ 1 1 ~IV ~~fi l ~ ~ t~ 4 ~ ! ~ ~ I X111 it ~ ~~,11l ~ ~ ~ G~ ~ ~I ! ~S~I'gl Z ~ ~ c ~ I~ujjiri err) t~~' r~~un~ I~~>rrdsl~unj~nx#l~~s on wliirh ou .ir•N st;>I'vll] Dist thr44 fc~~l>,1 ~~er~onnI ce~~r~►~+cc~~ and i~Ett>~nc nulu~~Cr~~; t ~ 1 r ~Sr~6 r~ 1 ~ 1• ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I'P a~ ~l M G ~ ' h ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ r ~Gt~lt 1l IJ ~ t ~V ~1 ~ G L l~ t ~ ~ i~ ~ i~ ~ ~1 ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I.1 q [ ~ y ~ ~ ~ I I ~,I ~ i 1 ~ ~ ~T. ~pi~lieulioll~ )rre I~elrl 011 !'ilc far ]9 r~}tl ntlry rJxe ruv~l~s~' :~~Jc P ' t141diri~rrull ~ E~nit~'rl la Board of Commissioners Meeting ~,l~~~ qG ~c~Gt~ q~ ~a~1 Ol~#~~r~T~ n~,l vN~ ~ ..r ~a rI-rv e~ - l 2~v U "-p ul1 /1V~ WUO.= } T'he Masc~nbaro Grou p P. O. Box 7597 1Nilmington, North Garolina 2&406 December 3, 2009 To Whom It May Concern What ~ special privilege it is to write this letter on bEahalf of Ms Me~sha C Diggsl !have known Ms Diggs for approximately three years as a Consultant to the New Manover County .schools I Nave had are opportunity to observe her professionalism during #hat period of fiim~: on a regular and consistent basis The comrnents below reflect those observations Ms Daggs has several unique gifts among them he~~ ability to make each person whom she meets, regardless of their socio-econamtc status in life, emotional or mental state and behavior, with digr~ity and respect. Her calm, reassuring manner allows her to enable others to feel at ease and to feel as if they are the most ~rr~portant person in the world even though she might have several deadlines at the time Her excellent communication skills enable her to connect with individuals from all walks of life She has this uncanny ability to allow others to know that she understands and had empathy with them Her integrity fs beyond reproach If she tells you something you can depend on ~t. Her discretion in sensitive matters is impeccable This quality is essential in her role ~t Snipes School of Arts and Saences i have also observed her work ethic She conscientiously undE=~r~akes and punctually completes all assignments in an ex~;mplary manner Board of Commissioners Meeting Ed Wd6~ 90 6002 9Z ~~~~ti~i~ •nN kN~ . , • rr . v vI i r 1V~ 1'^1 L.i4J~J 23-1-21 ~1 If, at any time, I may provide additional information regarding Ms Diggs, please do not hesitate to let me know I may be contacted at elw' ao! com , by telephone at 910-233-6880 or at the letterhead address, Sincerely, `a 1 J' Edwin L West, Jr Board of Commissioners Meeting Gd Wd6~ 90 6002 9z ~a[i (ki~Qrarc r~.~ rr L-~%.A..12 r V vLJ Ul i f-%V~ Wo©J 23-1- New Hanover County 23p Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION wilrnmg5ton,NC 284p3 Telephone: (91p} 798-7149 Fax. (910)798.7145 BoardlCominittee: Juvenile Day Treatment Center Name: Angela Lee Home Address.~33 Racine Drive #32, Wilmington, NC, 28403 (Street} (City} (Zip Code} Mailing Address if different: Same Address As Above E-Mail Address: awilliamslee@aol coin 9146326113 ~ 9104719921 9104719921 Home Phone Fax. Ce[1 Business. Years Living in New Hanover County' 10 yrs Male; Female: Race: African American Age: 42 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer• Brigade Boys & Girls Club (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Aanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Pe rsannei Policy.) Occupation Project Director Prafessionl~l Activities. Child Community Protection Team X2006-Press Volunteer Activities. Cage Fear Area United Way Allocation Committee Why da you wish to serve an this baardlcommittee? To assist in the planning of program activities far adjudicated youth and to became more familiar with services available in the community Conf!!et at Interest: if a board member believes he !she has a conffrct or potential convict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his 1 her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direst or indirect, in the issue under consideration, The member should then excuse himself 1 herself from voting on the matter V~hat areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Completion of education as it re- later to elementary, secondary and post secondary education for at risk youth Qualifications for serving: Management and Budgeting Skills and must important interest in success of the communities at risk youth Other municipal or county boardslcammittees on which you are serving; . A F R - 2 ~00~ Llst three local personal references and phone numbers. 1.Caroly Ja~abs - 233 7861 BD. 0~ ~~MMISS~ONERS 1 Dewey Harris - .Pamela Federline - 254 4186 Date: April 2 , 2007 Signature: Applications are kept on file far 18 months Use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-23 FRDM FAX ND, Dec 05 2005 01 35AM P1 New ~anov~er Connt~' X34 covrrnmrnr c,~rt~er Drive Board of Commissioners ~QMMITTE~ AP~LICA'I'YON Suirc ~ ~s Wilmih~rou,NC X3443 Tclcphanc: 1914) 793-7149 Fax. X914) 798-7145 Baardf~amuuiltee. t~t~~ lame: ~ - r,r,,,c, dome Address: ~ ~ ~ ~~~e~.. ~ 1 (Sr~eet) (~itr) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: ~-Msil Address: C ~ t ~.v Home Phony • ~ ~(o Z,~~ ax: Ce[[ • d ~ f Business: Years Living New Hanover County; dale: Female: ~ Race. Abe: (Inforrnxlion [or tke purppsc of esspr+n~ A ~roxx ~ectina of tie tdrt,mu~i#}►) ~mpioyer: (A person turre~tly employed ~y the ~eecv or dcpnr~trnt [or rwhjch t1Ue sppllcttivn is m#dc, mnat r~siga ~isrber position watl~ Now 11'q~ovor ~ovety upon ~rppoin ~m~nt, is ~ccordxnce wilh Ardcle VI, Section 4 of tic Ncw ~ ego ver Co~o~y Persoerel Pallcy,) Occupation, ~ ~ ~ Professional Ac~Ivitles: Vo11~1'ltBBC AC~V~~e~: FYI. ~l l.p7t..) ?'ya, ~ ~ r it f ~G . I~~ Why dQ you vnsh to serve an t~s boardlCOmintttee? ~ Canfll~# of Mtervs#. ~ a board mcmbar belirves Ira t sne Res a coRf~ci or po(~~+t~d~ ao~rAlcf ~f tirrrrest on ~ particular I$sue, lhet member snoulo scats #A!s bel(gfto Vra other members o~ h!s I her re~poctiv~ board during a pr~D~ic m eeU~Q. T1tB memtJer shvvld ~tatc rhr nature of the connect, de#slling rh8r Aelens gas a separate, Drivels ar morre[sry lrrterest, altAer direct or Indlrecr, In Ohs Jssu~ und$r corrsldoreli~r~. The member sAOtrld them excuse him~clf I ho~o1! f,~am rar;rr~ on the m9lfer. What areas of tore would you lYke tv see addressed by this committee? ~ k y ~ti/ Ill 4 (~ualificatio~s for serving: ~ ~ .riot Uther municipai or county b~oardslcommittees on which you axe serving: List three ioGal personal references and pheone numbers• ~ 9 2009 ~ ~ z. ~ ~ ~j~~ B~ C~~'~r~M~~ 3. ~ . ~ o ~ a ~ ~ date. Sygnatu~re: ,4p~lcc.$ one a kept on Atc for 18 months Use crs sldc for eddldvnat conrrroent~ Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-24 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT PLUMBING BOARD OF EXAMINERS 1 Vacancy 1 Master Plumber Term of Office 3 Years (12/1/12) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANT. REAPPOINTMENT Master Plumber Ernest (Bart) Duarte Attachments Committee Information Sheet Application Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-25 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLUMBING BOARD OF EXAMINERS Number of Members 3 ~2 Master Plumbers and 1 Journeyman Plumber} Ex-Officio New Hanover County Plumbing Inspector Term of Office 3 years Qualifications A journeyman plumber is a person skilled or trained in the installation of a plumbing system in commercial or residential properties, and shall have in his possession a valid license issued by the Baard of Plumbing Examiners of New Hanover County, or a valid license from another county in North Carolina Compensation None Regular Meetings NlA Statute or cause creating Baard N C General Statutes 14-4 and an Ordinance requiring Plumbing Installations to be made by Journeyman Plumbers and governing the licensing of Journeyman Plumbers in New HanoverCounty, dated October 20,1915, amended May 17,1915 Brief an Functions Ta administer tests and issue license to qualified plumbers TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Vacancy for Master Plumber 1211112 Randall J Siegel First 11/13/06 1211109 448 Marsh oaks Drive Second 1211149 1211112 Wilmington, NC 28411 686-0068 ~ H } 352-6166 ~W} Ernest C Skipper, Master Plumber First 12120104 1211107 P O Box 15015 Second 11119141 1211110 1609 Sunrise Lane Wilmington, NC 28408 395-1410 ~HIVII} William Eubanks, Chief Plumbing Inspector File /Plumbing New Hanover County Inspections Department BIC #25 12109 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 798-1206 Revised 12/912409 Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-26 New Hanover County 234 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners CUNIMITTEE APPLICATION suite Wilmmgtou, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798-7149 Fax. (914) 798.7145 BoardlCommittee: C Name: ~ ~ Home Address (Street) (City (Zip Cade) Mailing Address if different: E-Mai1 Address: ~ ~ w Home Phone ~ - Fax; CeCI ~ ~ Business. ~ ~ Years Living in • . Male. m,~ Female. Race. ~ i A e New Hanover County g (Intormation for the purpose of assuring a cross ectiaq the community) Employer; (A person currently employed by the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, la accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy ) ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ccu anon. tJ Cl~ ~ 4 p ' A ivities: Professional ct Volunteer Activities rt Why do you wish to serve vn this boardlcamrnittee? ~ ~ r ~ ~ Y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Conflict cf lnferest: if a board member belie ves he /she has a conflict or potential can cf of inter f on a parficular l ue, that member should state this belie a other members of his/ herrespectlve beard daring a public meeting. The member should state the nafur vi the conflict, de fling that he/she has a separate, private a monetary interest, either direct ar lndlrect, in the lssua urrderconslderafian. T'he member should than excuse himself /herself from voting on the maffgr What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? ~ n • ~ iN ~~r~~~~ ualiFications for servin : ` ~ ~r' ~ ~ g S Qther municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: List three local ersonal references and phone numbers. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Date: Signature; App ations are kept as fife For 18 months s ev rye to ~rldi ana om nt Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 iJ~~~~ i~~i~ti'~~ f,f~ 23 - 1 -27 BD This page intentionally left blank. Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ n a~~n~ n vi/ i~/14.vly 23-1-28 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 3 VACANCIES (TERM EXPIRES 12/31/12) Categories Bed and breakfast owner/manager Carolina Beach hotel owner/manager) Restaurant owner/manager Eligible for Applicants Reappointment John W Andrews, South Beach Grill X Restaurant owner/manager Brett Darlington, Courtyard Marriott Carolina Beach hotel owner/manager Charles Pennington, The Verandas Bed and Breakfast X Bed and breakfast owner/manager Attachments Committee Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-29 maw wra.v~n fri~~fl.vi.z say rr~ ~.~..r~ d ~ ~r~ ~ ~elaf I~er~ L§rtr~ T~~s w~w~ ~efRw d'Ea~~ `1~~lis ~ ~li~ ~i IAA Nd7~~Q7hovwr'~~Q ~ ~Yd ~ Tra~rbn ~~iR~ E~ri~el~~d IM~{rei~~yi~ rf~ drlrW~i~ re+frae~rN~r~~ ePW~l~irlrieh i ~rsl~~~Tw~~~ ~ a Ow~d~h~YiYRsTw~~flMi~ ~ ~Fr~drl~~i~ee'~~ifiteq~MNi~~ ~ ~~Itii~'`reerR~ ~r~hiva~ P. drY~ArrlWi~i~ a It L IYpr~~l`~r~P~ di~rdYairn TroieeQ~~ i~r~~rar rrt.4~rnerrrn rya eeru~r~ ii ~ra~r~l.i~ {J~f r C~~ ~ I~ ~i~e~ Pa~frAillt~i~~~_4~rrewi~~~a iY~ riir~y ~s~ do ~ri~ ~ Farr- fly, it Wi19 ~ mil i~ ~r Ir Irr~ m~ ~r~ r mrfs~ ~ tl~ ~ P~ Wot r Btr~ ~ ~ 7a~rf Ow~yv~ C1~5 ~ 1~ ~s ~1 h I~ Fri ~ ~1 i~ r~~ ~r~s l~a'Ta4 ~i lar r~ ~1~~ ~ ~ ~ ~rl rr~r isd doirirt~# N Ilrar !t 195T, ~r~l~ ~L ~ir~ ei~ ` ~r eti ~ I~ Frame Tv~ G~r~gr~rt a~ l~rO~F d11e~ MIL Y~ ~~I~ f i~■ " J41n71E~~~ IY~ ~I~yY~i~f4 'm41~ ~i dui ~i ~d~r` ~~1 ~~nT~r ~l ~uuQareir I~rcL ~d~111F 1QI+L~ ~II~ ~'YO M~~~ ~ eoa~~a or com~» ~ss~o„~~s tii~~c~~~ vi/ i~/14.viv 23-1-30 ,~~aa~r,~u.~a seu a~ rs~■ ob~r ~a~r~rr w~ x~~, ~■.r~ err Frr~~ ~vn ~K °~r ~ Jam. ~ 1~` ~7lpint. f~ IMF 7~w ~YR~ Fes' M ~e~~ IYeI ~7~ ~ ~ !'~~~nw 7~nl.~Yl FYfk ~1rR1 &~~8~~ 9~FY~1 ~1i~ ~ YG~411 ~ ~hYdG~ f h're~ F~u1 Phrt ~'1~ i~ WerRri~~~ lire 'IYrd i~Y ~IIM ~~3~ ~i1~fE T Rrt~fl9~ 'm4VO I! ~J~ahrrirtlti RYlrr~ ~ L~r11~ I~ia~ F~~R~ ~9 ~ Thai4~~~1~l~ ~9r~ ~1a ~ 1rn Mgt Y~ 1~i1Q1-~ ~A ~7~ ~~~1 P'~f~ Ohre IOn elf 1~1 1~~~i~b4 X104 ■~~aY Gtr FYrt 4 ~'WF b~. ~1~ ~d i1~1!~ I~ hC~l~ J~~!A4 PY~ ~ hl~l FYrt~IRi ~1~ ~ ~ 12111 L~P■M~wti iF~ 'aQ'1~ i p~ wrest ~~n■ eoa~~a or com~» ~ss~o„~~s tii~~c~~~ vi/ i~/14.viv 23-1-31 ,~~aa~r,~u.~a seu a~ rs~■ ob~r ~a~r~rr w~ s..rE ~rr~re 71~. ~i rirF~ +r.d I~eJ~~ Wi fir 9ed~ lM~d~rl L~ 1~ IMl~f ~ I~~'(~~1 1~li~i deli 1~~~ 4~air ~IerF{ou~r~ Ihdr~d ~ C~~p 1~ Fl~e~ P P~J~~ ~l1~ ~ ~9~1 ~Y 7A~ wrest ~~n■ eoa~~a or com~» ~ss~o„~~s tii~~c~~~ vi/ i~/14.viv 23-1-32 MAY--29-z008 09 06 FROM SDUTH BEACH GRILL 9187950625 TD 7987145 P z'z New Fiannvcr Cnunty 23~ G~vcruiu~nt Crntcr Drivo `pilQ 19S Board of Commiasioaers CO~VIM~TT~E A~~~CA►T~QN wt~~~ngtou, rlc ~~4~~~ TalepMoaa: f910) 798-71+t9 Fex, (91b17'9$-115 ~t~rdfC~mmittc~; Tourism Dsvilopmant Authority r Namc: John ~ Andrsxa Jr tlorna ~~d l l Address; ~~01 Graylyn Torrace.~ .~r~Wilmitrgton (9lr+tel~ ICllyti (7.ip L'r~e) MAIi[a~ Addre,~~ 1~ dli~erent: &Iuta~7 Add rtrss: 'sovth~eschgxlllQ hotma~.l , l+om _ Home Phone 910 X86-171 Fax: 910 7950526 ~~1~ 91D 6ZG-304 sus~ness~ pia x56-a6a~ Years Livio~ in New ~navcr Cou . 15 Male: _ ' Fl}m~rlr; fiace; Gaucmaian Abe; M..••.,~•~•~^~ ~~~_"y~w•^. (Inlpr■~~dn~ Ins the pnrgeee of s■eu~i~~ ~r eru~e ertlian u~ 11~a ~am+~ti~hyl Eropiayc~: 9e1~ ~ ~~q Roefc ~io~din~a Ina (A pcnnh curre~ll~ ee#plured by the r~eray ■r dep~rrle#tfif frr.rhl*:h thi■ ■ppl~t■Ilpr+t b tNade,11111rt roll~n hlr~rr parilfoa rrttb Nrw 11■aurer L'4uely upon eppolnt~ent, in +~ceordanvr wlth Article Vl, l~actlan 4 o~the NMr H Rnnve~ Caaat~ penne~el 1'nli~,' OCCUp~#~od. Restaurant Qr~n~r Prnil~simaui Activities; Tz~A I~ketit~q Ca~uaittee~ xr~ghtev~.1].e Rssch, 2 tarns . Vl~lunteer Activities: ~ ~ KQ1id~Y FZotil~,s ~srd~am~sr, Wrigh~ville ~eoh ~roba~ts AeooC~ "Wh do ou ►~►ish to save an this hoardlcammltta' Yn orl~rr do foster the gro~th o:~ tvu~ciem Nand aeai■t yy fn the best uti~~ixat~.on a# the re~nuee it pxo~+~dee for tha couety lrvn~tlal of Inf~InRt• 1 a be■r~ member belgwa It■ / rh■ hae a oont~ot nr patrAt+ol oonaiat al mt■►e■t an a pertkuter ►eaue rhft member rhaulta rtutr tdlr pallet ttr mti ot~rr memor~a ul Ater t hdr ree~e~iElyd Laerr~l dwiu~ ■ public meetln~ Nre mamba ■hnuld Mate thn natui+r of tRa OOt1fNOt QtaltiNthp~ tpet A■laAe n■a a a■p■~■tR, pnr■t■ or man■rory interest. eltl►erdlrecl 4rlAtltntt. In tRe lrrue undercandldentloA me memberihot♦Id then rixcttae lflmrell/rterevlifrom ror+Rp an the matter What areas of concern would you llke to see addre'ased by thfs comrnlttcc~` Conta~nyed euppart o~ beach renaurioh~►ent and the ~~oper ~un~taq a~ athe~C, vetted tvuriem related a~cpmneea ual~ticatlons i'OC 5el'I~n ; =have twenty tao years axparsanct! in the t~oapita~l.t,ty ~.adttatxy with ~ ~ the leaf tee yma~ts ats a fisesally aaroervative, small ~uoinaee o+M►er Other asuaicl ai or coon boardslcomrnl~ees on which you w~ servtn~: ~ 8 bdarket~.nq 6 Flgtill+e c~m~itCasa P tY List three local personal re~erentes and phone nurnbcrs► 1+ tdr Rick C~►tlin 91a G8~-9128 N Z gala 9ma.t~ 910 685-5150 . ~ ~wrr~r~+w.naar~rw yr.~~,r.~~.~wwrw~ rnn+•~M~. ~ Mwr+•ww•~~ w.•• . 3,ar Richard Mvrrisan 910 256-522 ~otc: May ~ 9 ~ ZD08 Signpture; " Appllcationb err! itrpt an ~k iqr to menthe Uae rerarre ride: for tadditlohtal tre nteutr Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-33 From 910 4~~ X050 01J0~1~010 ~1 44 #99~ ~ 0021002 New Hanover County 234 Government centtr 1)rivc Beard of Commissioners C~MIVIITTEE AFPLICAT~t]N sust~ 17s wilm®gto~,NCZ8~o3 Telexone: (910) 798.7144 Fax: (910) 798-7145 Boat dlCommittee: Tourism Development Authority Name; Brett Darlington Home Address:133 Hearn Dr ~i lmington, NC Z 8411 (Street) {City) (dip Cade) Mailing Address if different: FfMail Address, ~ il~acb gm@marriott com Home Phone 910 681 3626 Fax: ~3Q 458 2050 910 232 0640 Business: 914 458 203Q Years Living in New Ha>aover Counfy~ 6 Maie:..~ f'emale:.~ Race; Caucasian Age: 41 (Iniormstion for the purpose of:ssuring ~ cross section of the cammu■ity) Emplayer• ~restlinehotels and R.esarts, Courtyard Marriott Carolina Eeach {A person cu rre~tly employed by the agency or department far which this applics►t~on is made, ®ust zestg~ hialher po9itio~ with New Hinarer Coanty apon appoiatmaat, is tccardanae witti Article Vf, Section 4 of the New Hnsever Co■nty Penannet lratiey.) occupation. General Manager, Lodging - _ r_.~~ . . Professional Acavi#ies. CCC Board Member, Chaiz~man for Marketing Advisory Cwcmittee, CarolinaBch Volunteer Acftvities Rotary why da you wish to serve on this baardlcamnlttee? To help increase New Hanover County tourism and viaitorship, and to learn mare about the process Conllkf otlnlerssi is board member halr'aves he / she ►~aa a cunt}ct Q pvhsr►tia! conHictaf Interestan a pariiCUtar iBSUB, th8t memt#er should staEe this deliefto the other rn8mb9r9 Of his /her r6sp9GtivB bv8rd doling 8 pUbtlG rn98ting, The member Should 5tdte the nature of thB COAA~Ct, detait,ng that he/she hgs a separate, priv8t@ 4r mgnBtaly int6r9st, etcher director indirect, rn dre issue under tansiderat+gA. The member should then excuse himsaillharsel/ immvoting on the matter what areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Moat interested in helping to ensur that any money that has to be spent has an appropriate return on investalent Quaiificatians far serving: Chairman of CB Marketing Advisory Committee, GM of Marriott hotels for 1Z years, very gaud kno~ledge of tourism, sales and marketing Uther municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: Carolina Beach Marketing Advisory Co~aittee Chair, 5 years List three local personal refexences and phase numbers; t+Bruee Holsten, 970 471 1616 .Randy Reeves, 930 262 5311 3•Gail McClasky, 910 A58 8434 Rate: SigQature: A~pplicntio~s are kept oa fllelor f8 months Use reverse side for additional comne~nts Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-34 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners CI~MMITTEE AFPLICATIUN ~ 32(i Chestnut street, Roam 305 Wilm~gton,NC 2$401-4093 ~'elephnne (91 Q) 341-7149 FA ~ (910 ~ 341-413tt ~Q4~~ C~ ~~5 ~A ~~1S~~~~ 0~ GQ 13oardlCommittee: Tourism Developmtant Soard $b Name: Char~.es Pennington Home Address; 202 Nua Street Wilmington, NC 28401-5020 (Street) {City) Zip Code Mailing Address if different: Home Phone: 91Q-251-2212 BusinesslWork Phone: 910-251-2212 Years Living in New Hanauer Caunty~ 8 years Male: ~ Female: Race: White Age. 53 ~.nformatiou far the purpose of assuring a cross section of the cammanity} Ernployer~ The Verandas Bed and Breakfast/self emcrployed (A person currently employed 6y the agency or department for ~rbic>r this application is made, muxt resign hia~/l~er pasitian with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance Kith Article VI, Section 4 of the New HenoverCaanty Personnel Policy.) Job Title: 'er~CPC Prafessianal Activities; Volunteer Activities: _ - - ~Vhy do you wish to serve an this baardlcummittee? _ ~r°uld like to share mcy input ~ eaergy, and marketing ideas with the CVB and represent the interests of the 1B bed aad breakfast swears Conflkt of Interest: ~ a 4oard member belFaves he I she has a canfkct ar patentiai conltict of interest vn a particular issue, that member shouts state this belief tv the other members of his /her respective board duri►rg a public meeting. The member should s tale the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a s eparate, private ar monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member shauid then excuse himself /herself from vatir~g on the matter What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Marketing/advertising/voma~unication ~ualit~catians far serving: Owner °f The verandas B6~B in Wilmington a metaber of Select Registry & a AAA Four Diaanond property Two masters degrees and 20 gears of financial Corp exper Dther munici al ar county bvardslcammittees on which you are serving: N/A ~ ~ P List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Suzanne Ruffin 763-7367 4 Beverly Asycue 251-7333 Raren Clark 7>~3~-7581 3. Susie Hamilton 763-7349 d~ September 3 20Q4 ' Date. Signature ~ Applications are kept on tik for lti months flee reverace side far ad ions/ commentx Board of Commissioners Meeting 01/19/2010 23-1-35