Agenda 2010 04-19AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC JASON R. THOMPSON, CHAIRMAN • JONATHAN BARFIELD, JR., VICE - CHAIRMAN ROBERT G. GREER, COMMISSIONER • WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER BRUCE T. SHELL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • SHEILA SCHULT, CLERK TO THE BOARD APRIL 19, 2010 9:00 A.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Jason R. Thompson) INVOCATION (Father David W. Haines, Rector of All Saints Anglican Parish) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Robert G. Greer) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval to Dispose of Surplus Property According to Procedures Outlined in Chapter 160 Article 12 3. Ratification of Request for Quotation (RFQ) Submitted to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission to Fund Public Pool Inspections in FY 10 -11 4. Ratification of Grant Application to the NC Diabetes Education Recognition Program 5. Approval to Submit aThree -Year Renewal Grant Application to the Corporation for National and Community Service to Fund the Foster Grandparent Program from July 2010 -June 2013 in the Amount of $159,055 Per Year 6. Approval of Public School Building Fund Applications 7. Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments ESTIMATED REGULAR AGENDA ITEM F BUSINESS TIMES GU S O USI N SS 9:10 a.m. 8. Presentation of Service Awards to Retirees and Employees and New Employee Introduction and Photo with Commissioners 9:25 a.m. 9. Presentation of Awards by the District Attorney 9:30 a.m. 10. Recognition of North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) Outstanding Program Award 9:35 a.m. 11. Recognition of Social Worker of the Year Award 9:40 a.m. 12. Consideration of Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation 9:45 a.m. 13. Consideration of Mental Health Month Proclamation 9:50 a.m. 14. Consideration of National Tourism Week Proclamation 9:55 a.m. 15. Consideration of a Resolution in Support of the Cape Fear Region Health Summit: Addressing Children's Obesity and Health Issues 10:00 a.m. 16. Consideration of a Resolution in Support of April 30, 2010 Stand Against Racism Event 10:05 a.m. 17. Consideration of Cape Fear Skyway Gap Funding and Corridor Preservation Resolutions 10:15 a.m. 18. Consideration of a Resolution in Favor of Terminal Groin Legislation 10:20 a.m. 19. Consideration of a Resolution Amending the Policy and Procedures for Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 Appointments to County Boards, Commissions, Committees and Authorities 10:25 a.m. 20. Public Hearing & Consideration of Resolution Approving an Installment Financing Contract Between the County and New Hanover County Financing Corporation, the Refinancing of all or a Portion of the Costs Related to Certain Capital Projects, the Sale of Not More Than $50,000,000 Refunding Limited Obligation Bonds, Series 2010 and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Documents in Connection Therewith 10:30 a.m. 21. Consideration of Award of Contract to Audit the County's Financial Statements to Martin Starnes & Associates 10:35 a.m. 22. Presentation of Draft Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan 10:50 a.m. 23. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Update 11:20 a.m. 24. Presentation to the Board of Commissioners for Solid Waste Management Services Based on Requests for Proposals by Gershman, Brickner & Bratton (GBB) 11:50 a.m. 25. Committee Appointments NON - AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 12:05 p.m. 26. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 12:15 p.m. 27. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 1 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Thompson CONTACT(S): Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the following meetings: Agenda Review meeting held on March 31, 2010 Regular Session meeting held on April 6, 2010 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 1 -0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 2 DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER(S): Avril Pinder, Finance Director CONTACT(S): Lena Butler, Purchasing Agent SUBJECT: Approval to Dispose of Surplus Property According to Procedures Outlined in Chapter 160 Article 12 BRIEF SUMMARY: Chapter 160A- Article 12 of the General Statutes governs the sale and disposition of property. Currently, the County has certain vehicles that are surplus to its operations. A complete list of the vehicles including a description is attached as Exhibit "A." Staff proposes to dispose of the personal property according to the procedures prescribed in Chapter 160A- 270(c) which authorizes the disposal of personal property electronically using an existing private or public electronic auction service. Staff proposes to utilize the services of GovDeals, an online Internet based provider servicing government entities. If any vehicle does not sell using this electronic auction service, staff proposes to dispose of the property by any other method authorized by the Statutes. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Declare property surplus and adopt resolution authorizing the disposal electronically using GovDeals or any other method authorized by General Statute including discarding. ATTACHMENTS: Surplus Property Resolution AUCTION LIST COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 2 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County owns certain personal property itemized on the attached Exhibit A, hereinafter referred to as "surplus property," that is no longer needed for any governmental use by the County; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners desires to declare this personal property surplus and selling it at public auction as authorized by NCGS 160A -270; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the County to sell said surplus property by electronic public auction using GovDeals at www.govdeals.com according to the procedures prescribed in NCGS 160A- 270(c) which authorizes the disposal of personal property electronically using an existing private or public electronic auction service; and WHEREAS, items not sold using GovDeals, may be disposed of using any other method authorized in the NCGS 160A -270. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County as follows: 1. The personal property itemized on the attached Exhibit A is hereby declared to be surplus property. 2. That the Finance Director's designated representative, pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 160A -270 (c), is hereby authorized to dispose of the personal property listed on Exhibit A by electronic public auction using GovDeals at www.govdeals.com and any property not sold using GovDeals may be disposed of using any other method authorized by the NCGS 160A -270, and that said representative be further authorized and directed to execute necessary documents, transfer title, add /delete items from the surplus list, and perform all necessary functions associated with this disposal. 3. All surplus property will be sold "as is," all sales will be final and the acceptable forms of payment are cash, certified check, money order, and Visa or MasterCard. New Hanover County makes no express or implied warranties of merchantability of any surplus property, or part thereof, or its fitness for any particular purpose regardless of any oral statements that may be made concerning the surplus property or any part thereof. 4. A notice summarizing this Resolution and the sale of the surplus property by electronic public auction shall be advertised on the County's website and /or in the Wilmington Star News at least ten (10) days prior to the electronic public auction. ADOPTED this the 19 day of April, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 2 -1 -1 v m a = J V) — LU J d a a V) CU 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 :3 > . o r-I . I- . r- N . ' O r-I . ' O r-I . ' O r-I . 0 r-I . 0 r-I . 0 r-I . 0 r-I . r- N . O . 00 . 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All public swimming pools, wading pools, spas and hot tubs must now be equipped with drain covers meeting the requirements of the Act. Additionally, under select conditions, secondary or back -up devices /systems must also be installed to assure prevention of suction hazards. Verifying and compiling a report of the VGB compliance status of 50 pools will be completed by existing staff. No new positions are being requested as a part of the action. No matching County dollars are required as a part of this action. (These inspections would have occurred as a normal part of our pool inspection program). Ratification of submittal is necessary due to timeline required for submission of RFQ; notice of opportunity was received 3/23/10 and deadline for submission was 4/13/10. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Ratify submission of a Request For Quotation to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission for reimbursement for inspections of public pools and spas for FY 10 -11 for $10,000. ATTACHMENTS: RFQ Announcement COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 3 -0 Harvell, Dianne From: Smith, Renita [RSmith @cpsc.gov] Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 4:08 PM To: Smith, Renita Subject: Request for Quotation# CPSC -Q -0044 - Pool Inspections Attachments: Scan001.PDF Dear Prospective Quoter: Attached please find Request for Quotation (RFQ) CPSC -Q -10 -0044 to provide Pool Inspection Services for the Consumer Product Safety Commission. If you are interested in this award, then please complete the attached RFQ as follows: 1. Cover sheet (Standard Form 1449) - Block 17 with contractor's name, DUNS number, address and telephone number must be complete. The signature, name and title of an individual authorized to commit the company must complete blocks 30a, b and c of the Standard Form 1449. 2. Please review the Statement of Work found on pages 3 through 9. 3. Review the Additional Information to Quoters found on pages 15 through 19. This portion of the RFQ will provide instructions on submitting your quotation on pages 15 -17. 4. Complete the Offerors Representations and Certifications found on pages 23 through 33. Please send your response via email to rsmith _ Please separate the 3 volumes as requested in 3 separate attachments in your email. If you wish to respond via mail please return 1 original and 3 copies of the 3 separate volumes requested to: Renita Smith Consumer Product Safety Commission, Division of Procurement Services 4330 East West Highway, Room 517 Bethesda, M D 20814 1 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 3 -1 -1 Please send with an adequate lead time to assure that it will arrive on or before the deadline of 4:00 PM on April 13, 2010. If you have questions, you may contact the undersigned by email at . . Renita Smith Contract Specialist Consumer Product Safety Commission 4330 East West Highway Bethesda, M D 20814 Phone: 301 - 504 -7045 Fax: 301 - 504 -0628 2 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 3 -1 -2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 4 DEPARTMENT: Health PRESENTER(S): Janet Smithey, Personal Health Services Manager CONTACT(S): Janet Smithey, Personal Health Services Manager SUBJECT: Ratification of Grant Application to the NC Diabetes Education Recognition Program BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) has been invited to participate in the NC Diabetes Education Recognition Program, with the purpose of being approved under the NC umbrella of American Diabetes Association (ADA) to provide Diabetes self management education. The program will allow the NHCHD to join other health departments in NC in providing diabetes education to persons with diabetes, so they can better manage their chronic medical condition. The program will be administered by temporary part -time staff (nurse, dietician, administrative support) who are already employed with grant funds previously approved and received from the Office of Minority Health for Diabetes education. No new positions will be funded through this program. The approval for this participation in the ADA umbrella program will allow for billing of diabetes education services, which may lead to sustainability of the program. If accepted to the program, there will be $1,000 in funding provided by the state for the initial software needed and for training of staff. No matching County funds are required. Upon award notification, a budget amendment will be submitted. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Ratify the application to the NC Diabetes Education Recognition Program for $1,000. ATTACHMENTS: Grant Application Budget Summary COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 4 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Request for Board Action Agenda: F Consent Meeting Date: Agenda: Z BOH: 04/07/10 BCC: 04/19/10 Department: Health Presenter: Nancy Nail, Nutrition Supervisor Contact: Janet McCumbee 798- 6559/Nancy Nail 798 -6541 Subject: Grant Application - NC Diabetes Education Recognition Program - Personal Health Services- $1000 Brief Summary: New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) has been invited to participate in the NC Diabetes Education Recognition Program, with the purpose of being approved under the NC umbrella of American Diabetes Association (ADA) to provide Diabetes self management education. The program will allow the NHCHD to join other health departments in NC in providing diabetes education to persons with diabetes, so they can better manage their chronic medical condition. The program will be administered by temporary part-time staff (nurse, dietician, administrative support) who is already employed with grant funds previously approved and received from the Office of Minority Health for Diabetes education. No new positions will be funded through this program. The approval for this participation in the ADA umbrella program will allow for billing of diabetes education services, which may lead to sustainability of the program. If accepted to the program, there will be a small amount of funding provided by the state for the initial software needed and for training of staff; $1,000. No matching county funds are required. Upon award notification, a budget amendment will be submitted. Recommended Motion and Requested Actions: For acceptance, approval and to ratify application to the NC Diabetes Education Recognition Program for $1,000, if awarded. Attachments: application; budget summary Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 4 -1 -1 NC Diabetes Education Recognition Program Proposed Budget FY10 Operating Expenses Computer software $ 200 Training /Travel $ 800 Total Expenses $ 1 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 4 -2 -1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 5 DEPARTMENT: Aging PRESENTER(S): Jim McDaniel, Parks, Gardens and Senior Resource Center Director CONTACT(S): Janine Powell, Development Coordinator SUBJECT: Approval to Submit a Three -Year Renewal Grant Application to the Corporation for National and Community Service to Fund the Foster Grandparent Program from ,July 2010 -,June 2013 in the Amount of $159,055 Per Year BRIEF SUMMARY: The Senior Resource Center requests permission to submit a three -year renewal grant application to the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNS) to fund the Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) from July 2010 -June 2013. The grant provides for a stipend of $2.65 per hour and transportation expense for 34 low income senior volunteers who meet income eligibility requirements and are 55 years of age or older. Each volunteer is required to provide 20 hours of service weekly mentoring at risk children in New Hanover County. The Foster Grandparent volunteers work one -on -one with at risk children in pre- kindergarten, elementary, middle school and high school so that these at risk children succeed in school and have the necessary skills to be promoted to the next grade. They also mentor at risk youth in Girls, Inc., Brigade Boys and Girls Club and the Kelly House. The Foster Grandparent volunteers provide 35,496 hours of service to New Hanover County youth annually at a value of $718,794. The Foster Grandparent Program also helps to improve the quality of life for the Foster Grandparent volunteers. Ninety -eight percent of all children tutored by Foster Grandparents show marked improvement in their reading skills and ninety -seven percent of these children are promoted to the next grade. If it wasn't for the Foster Grandparent Program the children mentored by the Foster Grandparent volunteers would not receive the extra special attention they need to succeed. The Corporation for National and Community Service grant is available in the amount of $159,055 per year with renewal up to three years from July 2010 -June 2013. The County match is $22,770. This match has been budgeted in the 2011 requested budget. The New Hanover County Foster Grandparent Program has been a part of New Hanover County since 1997 and has served over 4,000 New Hanover County at risk children. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve request to submit the Corporation for National and Community Service three -year renewal grant application in the amount of $159,055 per year. ATTACHMENTS: Budget COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 5 -0 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 5 -0 New Hanover County Foster Grandparent Program Corporation for National and Community Grant Budget July 1, 2010 -June 30, 21011 Revenue from Grant: $159,055 Foster Grandparent Program Grant Funds from the Corporation for National and Community Service Cash Match: $22,770 New Hanover County Government - includes 20% of salary and benefits for Marjorie S. Brush (RSVP and FGP Program Manager. Does not include medical insurance for Beth Wooten, FGP Program Coordinator as she does not participate in the County Blue Cross and Blue Shield insurance program. In -Kind Donations of Goods and Services: $26,919 Pelican Family Medicine (Physicals for FGP volunteers) FGP Volunteer Stations (Meals for FGP volunteers) New Hanover County Government (Office space, telephone, criminal background checks, volunteer insurance, and meals during training.) Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 5 -1 -1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 6 DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director SUBJECT: Approval of Public School Building Fund Applications BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board of Education is requesting the County Commissioners approve 19 Public School Building Fund Applications. One is an application for ADM funds and the remaining are for lottery funds. The Board of Education approved the applications on April 6, 2010. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Public School Building Fund Applications. ATTACHMENTS: Public School Fund Applications COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 6 -0 New Hanover County Schools Summary of Public School Building Fund Applications: Project Name Location Budget ADM FUND: Upgrade Instructional Labs Noble, Trask & Hoggard 45,183 LOTTERY FUND: Retention Pond Improvements 9 Schools 15,000 Lakeside Roof Replacement - Gym & Cafeteria Lakeside High School 210,000 Gym Floor Replacement Myrtle Grove Middle School 157,500 Intercom System Upgrades Bellamy & College Park Elementary Schools 58,800 Fire Alarm Panel Replacement Various School Sites 30,000 Carpet Replacement Wrightsboro Elementary & Murray Middle 38,300 Asbestos Abatement Roland Grise Middle & Lakeside High School 20,500 Laney Lighting Retrofit Laney High School 200,000 Electrical Upgrades & Improvements Alderman, Blair & College Park Elementary Schools, Howe PreK, Noble and Virgo Middle Schools, and Hoggard & Laney High Schools 231,400 Roland Grise Play Surface Roland Grise Middle School 105,000 Structural Repairs New Hanover High School - Brogden Hall 375,000 NHHS Weight Room Renovation New Hanover High School 75,000 Structural Repairs Johnson & Bradley Creek Elementary Schools 175,000 Seclusion Room Upgrades /Imprmts New Hanover & Ashley High Schools; Trask & Murray Middle Schools 30,000 Mobile Unit Placement Various School Sites 150,000 Hoggard HVAC Upgrades & Imprmts Hoggard 75,000 HVAC Upgrades & Imprmts College Park 252,000 HVAC Upgrades & Imprmts Virgo Bldg B 262,500 2,461,000 Grand Total Matching funds are not required for ADM funds since it is a technology project 2,506,183 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 6 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 CONSENT ITEM: 7 DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments BRIEF SUMMARY: The following budget amendments amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. 10 -210 - Health Department 10 -220 - Health Department 10 -221 - Emergency Management & 911 Communications 10 -222 - Social Services 10 -212 - Sheriff's Office 2010 -52 - Sheriff's Office 2010 -53 - Sheriff's Office RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of the ordinances for the budget amendments listed in the summary above. ATTACHMENTS: B/A 10 -210 B/A 10 -220 B/A 10 -221 B/A 10 -222 B/A 10 -212 B/A 2010 -52 B/A 2010 -53 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 7 -0 AGENDA: April 19, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10 -210 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10 -210 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health Department/Project Assist Expenditure: Decrease Increase Health/Project Assist: Advertising Cost $1 Total $1 Revenue: Decrease Increase Health/Project Assist: Grant — State $1 Total $1 Section 2: Explanation The Health Department has received additional funding of $1,376 from the Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Chronic Disease and Injury Section. These funds will be used for educational advertising for the North Carolina's recently implemented Smoke Free Restaurant and Bar Law. No County matching funds are required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10 -210, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 3 0, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 7 -1 -1 AGENDA: April 19, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10 -220 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10 -220 fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Commissioners of New Hanover County, North be made to the annual budget ordinance for the Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health/HIV /STD Prevention Outreach Expenditure: Decrease Increase Health /HIV /STD Prevention Outreach: Salaries and Wages $1 Social Security Taxes 150 Retirement — Local Govt Employee 95 Medical Insurance Expense 800 Long Term Disability Insurance 5 Contract Services 500 Supplies 300 Total $3,700 Revenue: Decrease Increase Health /HIV /STD Outreach Operations Grants: Grant — State - $3 Total $3 Section 2: Explanation The Health Department received a 3 -year grant award from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health, Communicable Disease Branch for HIV /STD prevention and testing activities, non - traditional counseling, and testing and referral sites (NTS). The award for the first year is $100,000 with services period of June 2010 through May 2011. This budget amendment for $3,700 reflects the amount needed for the remainder of FY09 -10. The balance of the funding ($96,3 00) will be budgeted in the FY 10 -11 budget. The NTS project seeks to overcome some of the traditional barriers to early diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection by implementing new models for diagnosing HIV infections outside traditional medical settings. Funds will be used to support educational testing events, as well as a newly created Administrative Support Technician 0.75 FTE position. The position /project will be eliminated when grant funding ends. The Board of County Commissioners approved applying for this grant at their January 19, 2010, meeting. No matching County funds are required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10 -220, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 7 -2 -1 AGENDA: April 19, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10 -221 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10 -221 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Emergency Management & 911 Communications Expenditure: Decrease Increase Emergency Mana ement & 911 Communications: Supplies $12 Total $12 Revenue: Decrease Increase Emergency Management & 911 Communications: Grant - Federal $12 Total $12 Section 2: Explanation The Emergency Management & 911 Communications Department has been awarded $12,645 in federal funding from the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management to ensure adequate preparedness for a response to an all - hazard event to include terrorism within the state of North Carolina. The grant funding has been allocated to New Hanover County for participation in the statewide hurricane exercise and activities related to planning and conducting follow -on exercises for pet relocation and incident command in June and July, using the scenario information learned from the statewide exercise in May. No County matching funds are required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10 -221, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 7 -3 -1 AGENDA: April 19, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10 -222 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10 -222 fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Commissioners of New Hanover County, North be made to the annual budget ordinance for the Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Social Services /Administration Expenditure: Decrease Increase DSS /Administration: Salaries & Wages $52 Temporary Salaries 78 Overtime Pa OTP) 22 Social Security 11 Retirement — Local Government 1 Medical 3 LTD 48 Total $168 Revenue: Decrease Increase DSS /Administration: Grant — Federal — Department of Defense $168 Total $168 Section 2: Explanation To budget a Federal grant awarded for Food and Nutrition Administration services. The grant funding will be used for salary and benefits expenses for existing personnel. There is no County matching requirement. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10 -222, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 7 -4 -1 AGENDA: April 19, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10 -212 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10 -212 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General fund Department: Sheriffs Office /Administration Expenditure: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office/Support Services: Overtime Pa $ 120 Sheriffs Office /Uniform Patrol: Capital Outlay — Motor Vehicle 703 Sheriffs Office /Detectives: Overtime Pay 2 Total $2 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office /Administration: Miscellaneous Revenue $2 Total $2 Section 2: Explanation To budget miscellaneous revenue for the following: security after hours at the Historic Courthouse, $120; sale of totaled vehicle at auction, $703; reimbursement from FBI for Detective overtime, $2,017. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10 -212, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 7 -5 -1 AGENDA: April 19, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2010 -52 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2010 -52 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Federal Forfeited Property Department: Sheriffs Office Expenditure: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Property: Supplies DOJ $1 Supplies IRS 6 Total $7 Revenue: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Property: Federal Forfeited Property DOJ) $1 Federal Forfeited Property IRS 6 Total $7 Section 2: Explanation To budget receipt of $1,094 (Department of Justice) on 3/9/10 and receipt of $6,047 (IRS) on 3/2/10. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2010 -52, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 7 -6 -1 AGENDA: April 19, 2010 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2010 -53 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2010 -53 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Controlled Substance Tax Department: Sheriffs Office Expenditure: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax: Supplies $7 Total $7 Revenue: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax: Controlled Substance Tax $7 Total $7 Section 2: Explanation To budget a Controlled Substance Tax receipt of $7,770 on 3/29/10. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2010 -53, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2010. (SEAL) ATTEST: Jason R. Thompson, Chairman Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 7 -7 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 8 DEPARTMENT: Human Resources PRESENTER(S): County Commissioners and Bruce T. Shell, County Manager CONTACT(S): Libby Moore, Human Resources Analyst SUBJECT: Presentation of Service Awards to Retirees and Employees and New Employee Introduction and Photo with Commissioners BRIEF SUMMARY: RETIREES Glenda Jones, Department of Social Services — 15 Years of Service FIVE (5) YEARS Samuel Gaston, Property Management Gregory Kincaid, Fire Services Michael Leo, Sheriff's Office William Lloyd, Parks - Gardens & SRC Charline McClendon, Property Management Cynthia McClendon, Department of Social Services Esther Watson -Hall, Department of Social Services TEN (10) YEARS Carl Byrd, Human Resources & Community Relations Rodney Everett, Sheriff's Office Daniel Hands, Property Management FIFTEEN (15) YEARS Jerry Easley, Sheriff's Office TWENTY (20) YEARS Jean McNeil, Health Department / Animal Control Anita Richardson, Department of Social Services Donna Willetts, Department of Social Services TWENTY -FIVE (25) YEARS Timothy Karp, Sheriff's Office Toni Moser, Development Services Tony Roberts, Development Services THIRTY (30) YEARS Linda Berry, Parks - Gardens & SRC NEW EMPLOYEES Andrea Bernard, Department of Social Services Nicholas Bushek, Emergency Management /911 Jeff Corkery, Emergency Management /911 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 8 -0 Thomas Decker, Department of Social Services Tony Fonti, Sheriff's Office John Gonelli, Sheriff's Office Sharon Johnson, Department of Social Services Phillip Kosina, Emergency Management /911 Pearl McQueen, Veteran Services Rebecca Whitting, Department of Social Services RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Present service awards. recognize new employees and take photo. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Presented service awards. Recognized new employees and took photo. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 8 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 9 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Benjamin R. David, District Attorney CONTACT(S): Bruce T. Shell, County Manager SUBJECT: Presentation of Awards by the District Attorney BRIEF SUMMARY: Mr. David would like to publicly recognize and present awards to two persons. The first award is to be presented to US Attorney George Holding in grateful recognition of his leadership in creating a state and federal partnership for the investigation and prosecution of cases in New Hanover County. George Holding is US Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina. The second award is to be presented to Assistant District Attorney and Special Assistant United States Attorney Tim Severo in recognition of his many years of service to the people of New Hanover County. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recognize award recipients. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Recognized award recipients and heard presentation. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 9 -0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 10 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Commissioner Bill Caster CONTACT(S): Bruce T. Shell, County Manager SUBJECT: Recognition of North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) Outstanding Program Award BRIEF SUMMARY: The Cape Fear Youth Ambassadors won the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners "Outstanding Program Award." It is a rare award that is given to counties for outstanding programs that have made an impact to change their communities. The Ambassadors Program clearly shows a collaborative effort to help alleviate some of the problems within Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, and Pender counties by establishing a partnership with the Cape Fear Workforce Development Board Youth Council and New Hanover County Blue Ribbon Commission on the Prevention of Youth Violence to help fill in the gaps of services for young adults ages 16 -24. The Cape Fear Youth Ambassadors program is set apart from other youth programs because it is the only program in the four county area that addresses education, life skills, workforce development, youth development, community service and issue awareness, and civic duty. The program gives youth ambassadors the opportunity to change their communities by making recommendations to their local politicians and public officials. New Hanover County congratulates our Youth Ambassadors for their work and service in our community. The award was presented at the Annual COG Banquet on March 30th. Tufanna L. Thomas and Lashauna Parker will attend the meeting to be recognized, along with members of the Youth Ambassadors. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: A TT A CNMF.NTC Cape Fear Youth Ambassadors' Program COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recognize the Cape Fear Youth Ambassadors for their award and their service to the youth of New Hanover, Brunswick, Columbus and Pender counties. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Recognized the Cape Fear Youth Ambassadors. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 10 -0 Cape Fear Workforce Development Consortium Youth Workforce Development Innovation Grant Presenting the... Cape Fear Youth Ambassadors'Program Key Contributors to North Carolina's Workforce The Cape Fear Workforce Development Board in collaboration with the New Hanover County Blue Ribbon Commission on the Prevention of Youth Violence cape fear Olorkkav Cape Fear Council of Governments - 1480 Harbour Drive - Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 910 - 395 -4553 - FAX 910 - 395 -2684 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action /ADA Employer/Program www. cape fearcog. org Board of Commissioners Meeting 10 -1 -1 Overview of Cape Fear Youth Ambassadors' Program. The purpose of the Cape Fear Youth Ambassadors' program is to serve as a catalyst for creating a youth system for all youth and to allow young men and women to use their skills and expertise to actively contribute to Youth Initiatives to provide a vital service to their community. Youth between the ages of 16 -24 from Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover and Pender counties are recruited, selected, and appointed to serve as Ambassadors. The Cape Fear Workforce Development Board and Youth Council serves a four county area of southeastern North Carolina, which includes mostly rural Brunswick, Columbus and Pender Counties as well as New Hanover County, the urban hub of the Cape Fear area. There are several challenges in the four county regions that affect young adults' ability to be key drivers in North Carolina's economy. Some of the challenges affecting young adults 16 -24 in the Cape Fear region include: socioeconomic status, graduation/dropout rate and delinquent /violent behaviors. There are opportunities in education and workforce development for young adults through the Cape Fear Workforce Development Board Youth Council, local JobLink Career Centers and Community Colleges; however, there are very few programs that empower and encourage young adults and offer leadership and community service opportunities. Based on all of the above, the Cape Fear Workforce Development Board Youth Council and the New Hanover County Blue Ribbon Commission on the Prevention of Youth Violence began a collaborative effort to help alleviate some of the problems by establishing a partnership to help fill in the gaps of services for our young adults between the ages of 16 -24. The Cape Fear Youth Ambassadors' Program is a collaborative effort of the Youth Council and Blue Ribbon Commission that will be an on -going effort in which youth can serve up to two years but still participate in activities following the two years of service. In order to accomplish the goals during the program year (November 2, 2009 - December 31, 2010), the program will have short and long -term goals, outcomes and measures. The Ambassadors' program will sponsor career /youth summits to provide workforce training and preparation opportunities, host community engagement events to educate youth on the prevention of youth violence, engage youth in positive youth activities to alter risky behaviors, and host community and after school sessions to educate and expose youth to the "green" concept of recycling. The counties will recognize the project savings because the Cape Fear Ambassadors' Program is currently only being funded by the Cape Fear Workforce Development Board and Youth Council in the amount of $6,000 for all four counties. The overall budget to sponsor a project like this for all four counties is $125,000 per year and the total number of youth to be served is 40 youth. Unique Program /Project Design. The Cape Fear Youth Ambassadors' Program is set apart from other programs in that it is the only program in the four county area that addresses education, life skills, workforce development, youth development, community service, issue awareness and civic duty. The Ambassadors will have the opportunity to impact change in their communities by making recommendations to their local politicians and public officials. Specifically, the Ambassadors in New Hanover County will make recommendations to the Blue Ribbon Commission, which is comprised of Mayor of Wilmington Bill Saffo, County Commissioner Bill Caster, District Attorney Benjamin David, New Hanover County Schools Superintendent Al Lerch, 5 th District Judges James Faison and Phyllis Gorham, Greater Wilmington Chamber CEO Connie Majure- Rhett, and other community leaders. This is an opportunity has not been made available to offer young adults, a "voice" to those who make decisions on behalf of the entire community. Currently, there is a lack of programming for young adults ages 16 -24 within the four county areas. There are a multitude of programs that serve youth in New Hanover County; however, they are seldom age- appropriate for our target population. In Brunswick, Columbus and Pender Counties there is a Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 10-1-2 lack of programming for youth across all age categories. Pender County has very limited resources to offer programs and services for the in- school /out of school youth population. There is one organization that attracts many youth to participant in events and that is Urban Promotions. Urban Promotions is geared towards addressing the social inadequacy of our youth to help our communities promote change in the lives of our young adults. Urban Promotions sponsors an Annual Teen Summit to address youth issues and to educate young adults on youth violence; however, it is only offered once a year. Resources. The Youth Ambassadors' Program is utilizing all available resources to support and fund youth activities. Due to the limited funding to sponsor the project, the program has relied on other partner agencies, community leaders /members, and businesses for resources, services, and financial support. The program uses NC Cooperative Extension within the four - county area to conduct training sessions for free on Financial Literacy, Leadership Development, and Public Speaking for the youth. Another partner that the program uses is its community leaders /members to promote and bring awareness to the community about the Ambassadors program and what the program offers youth. A speakers' bureau has been developed in an effort to promote the program within the four - county area. Program Efforts /Simiarilities. Because this program is such a unique program, it can be duplicated in all four of the counties in which we serve. If there were other counties that wanted to use this same project as a model, it would not be hard to duplicate at all. The advice that we would give others that might want to duplicate a project such as this to minimize obstacles and problems is for them to make sure that they first sort out any transportation issues that the youth might have in getting to the meetings or youth events /activities, make sure that they have a pool of volunteers recruited prior to the start of the program to assist with mentoring the youth, and begin early to apply for grants to fund your project. Having limited funds to do community service projects will reduce the number of community service projects you can do within your perspective counties. Partnerships and Collaboration. The ambassadors program involved others agencies, non - profits, businesses, etc to assist in the efforts of implementing youth activities and projects. Partners involved in assisting with projects and youth activities included: New Hanover County Blue Ribbon Commission on the Prevention Youth Violence; United Way of the Cape Fear Area (Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, & Pender Counties); Cape Fear Workforce Development Board /Cape Fear Workforce Development Board Youth Council (Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, & Pender Counties); Cape Fear Council of Governments (Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, & Pender Counties); Community Boys & Girls Club (Brunswick & New Hanover Counties); Hemmingway Center (New Hanover County); Brigade Boys & Girls Club (New Hanover County); Martin Luther King Center (New Hanover County); Men and Women United in Youth and Families (Columbus County); Faith -Based Organizations- Churches (Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover & Pender Counties); Community Colleges (Brunswick, Cape Fear, & Southeastern); Linc Inc (New Hanover County); GTC Services LLC (Brunswick, New Hanover & Pender Counties); Urban Promotions (Coast 97.3 Radio Station) (Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, & Pender Counties); Columbus County NC Cooperative Extension; Outside the Walls /Cape Fear Volunteer Center (New Hanover County); New Hanover County Youth in Action Coalition; Brunswick County Resource Coalition; Wilmington Housing Authority Youth Build Program; and JobLink Career Centers; (Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, & Pender). See Partnership /Collaboration Attachment A for details. The collaboration and support shown by these agencies has been excellent. Agencies have helped the youth to become more involved and engaged in community events to educate youth on the prevention of youth violence and the "green" concept of recycling. By implementing the Cape Fear Youth Ambassadors program it has definitely made an impact of in the lives of the youth we serve. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 10 -1 -3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 11 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Commissioner Bill Caster CONTACT(S): Wanda Marino, Social Services Assistant Director SUBJECT: Recognition of Social Worker of the Year Award BRIEF SUMMARY: The North Carolina Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW -NC) Social Worker of the Year Award is an annual award given to a social work professional who has demonstrated commendable social work practice and involvement with NASW and other professional, civic, and community organizations. Candidates for the Social Worker of the Year Award must be nominated. Nominees must be members of NASW and residents of North Carolina. New Hanover County is pleased and proud to recognize one of our own, JoAnn McCachern Swart, MSW, ACSW, LCSW as the 2010 winner. JoAnn lives in Castle Hayne and worked as a social worker more than 40 years, with 35 years of service with New Hanover County DSS. The attached NASW -NC article tells more about JoAnn's selfless service to our community and her many worthwhile accomplishments. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ATTACHMENTS: Social Worker of the Year Award Winner COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recognize JoAnn McCachern Swart for her award and her service to New Hanover County. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Recognized JoAnn McCachern for her award and her service to New Hanover County. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 11 -0 JoAnn McCachern Swart, MSW, LCSW, ACSW of Castle Hayne, North Carolina has been named the NASW -NC 2010 Social Worker of the Year. While working more than 40 years as a social worker with 35 years of services with New Hanover County DSS, JoAnn McCachern Swart's work's passion has been responding to the needs of children in the field of adoption and foster care. JoAnn has been active in various statewide meetings, especially in the areas of adoption recruitment and legislative concerns. She has also been a valuable resource for adult adoptees searching for background information and for birth parents wanting to learn about their adult adopted children, and has initiated and facilitated adoptive parent support groups. JoAnn volunteered as afield instructor for BSW and MSW students from UNCW, ECU, and UNC -CH, and her performance as a social worker has reflected her commitment to the Social Work Code of Ethics. JoAnn graduated from St. Andrews Presbyterian College in Laurinburg and received her MSW from UNC- Chapel Hill. After earning an MSW, she obtained the ACSW (1981) and LCSW -NC (1992) credentials. At the Spring 2009 State Adoption and Foster Care Annual Meeting, JoAnn led a workshop on the Process for Clearing Foster Children for Adoption. While pursuing her social work career, JoAnn has been a driving force in the volunteer sector. In 1984, she was appointed to the New Hanover County Council on the Status of Women. As a member, JoAnn helped plan a workshop on family violence, a joint effort of the Council and the Task Force against Family Violence. During this time, she began volunteering with the Women's Resource Center, a coalition of the YWCA, the Task Force against Family Violence, and St. Paul's Episcopal Church. JoAnn served on the Center's coordinating council and was a facilitator for its supportgroup, "Loss of an Unborn or Stillborn Child." Additionally, JoAnn served on the Friends of the Library Board and was a member of the Nation Organization for Women (NOW). Having been recruited for the YWCA Board, JoAnn was elected in 1986, became Second Vice President in 1988, First Vice President in 1989, and President in 1993 and 1994. In 1990, she volunteered to be a mentor in the Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 11 -1 -1 two-year program, "Empowering through Mentoring: Matching Teen Women with Achieving Women in Southeastern North Carolina," a cooperative project of the YWCA and Southeastern Community College. The mentors and their proteges met monthly and shared individual activities for over a year. In 1990, JoAnn served as the YWCA's first representative on New Hanover County's Human Relations Commission. During that time she worked with Craig Martin, a counselor with New Hanover County Schools, to organize and lead "Black and White Together: An Invitation to Talk," which was so successful they held a follow -up event. In 1991 -1992, JoAnn served on the YWCA's Houston Moore Terrace Child Care Center Committee which sought Jundingfor equipment, wrote job descriptions, and helped prepare the facility. As YWCA President, she encouraged Board Members to buy their favorite books for the preschoolers as Christmas gifts, and more than 100 books were sent home each year. JoAnn has been an Elder for two terms in her church, where she has volunteered for Meals on Wheels for more than ten years. While leading a 10 -week Empowerment Class for Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, JoAnn was active in the local NOW chapter and served President of the Exchange Club of Greater Wilmington, whose mission is the prevention of child abuse. Lastyear she was recruited to serve on the Board of Directors of the Child Advocacy and Parenting Place Exchange Club Center, Inc. In May, 2009, JoAnn helped plan and execute its Flower Launch to recognize professionals and volunteers who work for the prevention of child abuse. After 20 years of marriage with no children, JoAnn and her husband adopted a girl, age nine, in 1994. Two years later, they adopted her sister, age 16, when she became available for adoption. These daughters shared many interests, especially a love for the ocean. In 2002 they, along with two friends, went to Wrightsville Beach to swim. A yellow flag was flying; the ocean was full of people; and they were within sight of a lifeguard. Nonetheless, their oldest daughter, age 22, was caught in a rip current and drowned. After a year of daily tears, JoAnn began thinking of ways to prevent similar tragedies since she had learned that none of the four, ranging in age from 17 to 24, knew what to do when caught in a rip current. She turned hergrief into a mission to educate coastal residents and tourists about rip current safety. JoAnn wrote to many organizations in New Hanover County responsible for educating people who lived there or visited the area. That included newspaper editors, TV stations, YWCA, YMCA, Girls Inc., Girls and Boys Clubs, the American Red Cross, UNCW, Cape Fear Community College, the Board of Education, private schools, fire departments, and Chambers of Commerce. She wrote to many rental companies that serve our beaches, urging them to provide a free pamphlet on rip currents. This pamphlet has been developed by the NC Sea Grant. She has traveled Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 11 -1 -2 from the South Carolina border to Morehead City, NC to distribute information. JoAnn created the acronym, "SCAPS" -- Stay Calm and Parallel Swim with the shore. In 2003, JoAnn became a charter member of RCAST (Rip Current Awareness Strategies Team). RCAST'sgoal is to reduce the number of deaths by rip currents. RCAST promotes rip current safety as reflected in the following projects: pamphlets provided to elementary school students, posters distributed to high schools, magnets placed in many beach rental units, and signage about rip currents posted at public access locations and on trash barrels on local beaches. RCAST is a community -wide effort involving representatives from the local weather service, lifeguards, sheriff's department, fire departments, schools, health department, emergency management, surf camp, UNCW, and JoAnn and her husband, Gary. In 2005, JoAnn was interviewed on the Today Show, and in 2007 she made a PSA for the local schools' television channel. JoAnn also told her story at the 2007 Georgetown -Horny Counties Rip Current Awareness Workshop in Myrtle Beach. Local weather reporters now regularly forecast rip current risks. She has enlisted the help of the local Exchange Clubs in distributing posters and pamphlets in English and Spanish to beach businesses and Visitors' Centers. JoAnn's rip current safety mission is not just a volunteer service -- it is a life- saving service. JoAnn has been an active member in NASW -NC since achieving herACSW in 1981. She served as co- chairfor the local NASW about 15years ago, and she continues to be a participating member in her local community. The Human Relations Commission recognized her outstanding service for the Black and White Together Public Dialogue in 1989. In 1992, JoAnn received an award for her participation in the Southeastern Community College and the YWCA 'Empowering through Mentoring "program, and was named an Adoption Advocate in 1998 by the NC Division of Social Services. In 2005, the US Dept. of Commerce National Weather Service gave JoAnn a Public Service Award for "significant services rendered for her promotion of Rip Current Awareness." The New Hanover County Commissioners recognized her in 2006 when they affirmed the Governor's Proclamation declaring the first week ofJune as Rip Current Safety Awareness Week. In May, 2009, JoAnn was named the YWCA Women of Achievement recipient in the Volunteer Sector. JoAnn McCachern Swart's impact on the lives of others is described above in the outreach she provided on adoption issues, the help she gave families who had lost a child; the skills she provided to victims of domestic violence; the encouragement she gave her teen protege in the men toring program; her leadership in Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 11 -1 -3 support of eliminating racism through the YWCA and the Human Relations Commission, and her passion about rip current education to ensure that others won't travel her family's difficult journey. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 11 -1 -4 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 12 DEPARTMENT: DSS PRESENTER(S): LaVaughn Nesmith, Social Services Director and Wanda Marino, Social Services Assistant Director CONTACT(S): Wanda Marino, Social Services Assistant Director SUBJECT: Consideration of Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: April is Child Abuse Prevention Month in North Carolina. In recognition of this event we would like the Commissioners to adopt our proclamation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt proclamation. ATTACHMENTS: Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 12 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APRIL 2010 CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Child Abuse continues at near record levels across our Nation and State; and WHEREAS, in Fiscal Year 2008 -2009, there were 3,132 child abuse and neglect reports resulting in 2,212 investigations involving 3,494 children in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, 953 children in New Hanover County were found to be abused or neglected; and WHEREAS, April 2010 has been proclaimed Child Abuse Prevention Month in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, beyond the family unit, the effects of Child Abuse are most immediately felt in neighborhoods and communities; and WHEREAS, Child Abuse, like other crimes and social problems, destroys the tranquility of families, neighborhoods and communities and robs children of their childhoods and neighborhoods of their vitality; and WHEREAS, the family unit is the building block of the community, and healthy families make healthy communities; and WHEREAS, the most effective solutions are local solutions; within our community there are professionals of all disciplines and volunteers from all walks of life dedicated to eradicating the effects of child abuse. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that April 2010 be recognized as "Child Abuse Prevention Month" in New Hanover County. The Board of County Commissioners pledges their support and asks our citizens, public and private, professional and volunteer, to redouble their efforts to obliterate the social problem of child abuse from our families, neighborhoods and community. ADOPTED this the 19 day of April, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 12 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 13 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Vice - Chairman Barfield CONTACT(S): Foster Norman, Area Director, Southeastern Center for MH /DD /SA SUBJECT: Consideration of Mental Health Month Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: Mental Health Month is observed each May nationwide by advocacy organizations to raise awareness and understanding of issues related to mental health and to eradicate the stigma associated with seeking mental health services. Southeastern Center for MH/DD /SA has submitted the attached proclamation to recognize May as Mental Health Month in New Hanover County. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. ATTACHMENTS: Mental Health Month Proclamation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 13 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MENTAL HEALTH MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, mental health is essential to everyone's overall physical health and emotional well - being; and WHEREAS, mental illness will strike one in four adults in a given year regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion or economic status; and WHEREAS, many people who have mental illness can recover and lead full, productive lives, but the stigma surrounding mental illness can prevent people from seeking the medical attention they need; and WHEREAS, all Americans, including combat veterans and hurricane victims, are vulnerable to chronic mental health problems associated with trauma and can benefit greatly from early identification and treatment; and WHEREAS, an estimated two - thirds of adults and young people who have mental health disorders are not receiving the help they need and nearly 30,000 American lives are lost each year to suicide and mental illness; and WHEREAS, the cost of untreated and mistreated mental illness and addictive disorders to American businesses, governments and families has grown to over $100 billion annually; and WHEREAS, community -based services that respond to the needs of the individual and family are cost - effective and beneficial to consumers and the community; and WHEREAS, Mental Health Month is observed every May nationwide by advocacy organizations to raise awareness and understanding of issues related to mental health and to eradicate the stigma associated with seeking mental health services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 2010 be recognized as "Mental Health Month" in New Hanover County. The Board calls upon the citizens, government agencies, public and private institutions, businesses, and schools in New Hanover County to recommit to increasing awareness and understanding of mental illness and the need for accessible services for all people who suffer from mental disorders. ADOPTED this the 19 day of April, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 13 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 14 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Kim Hufham, CEO and Connie Nelson, Communications /Public Relations Director, Wilmington /Cape Fear Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau CONTACT(S): Bruce T. Shell, County Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of National Tourism Week Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: In recognition of the unique significance of the American travel industry in the lives of the citizens of New Hanover County, the Wilmington /Cape Fear Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau have prepared the attached proclamation to recognize May 8 -16, 2010 as National Tourism Week. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. ATTACHMENTS: National Tourism Week Proclamation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 14 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 27" ANNUAL NATIONAL TOURISM WEEK PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, in the United States... • Travel to and within the United States provides significant economic benefits for the nation, generating millions of jobs and billions in taxes. • The travel industry is one of the country's largest employers, providing 7.7 million direct travel - generated jobs. One out of every 8 American jobs is dependent on Travel and Tourism. • Travel is among the top 10 industries of 48 states (including the District of Columbia) when measured by employment. • Travel can serve as a catalyst to help move the national economy forward. A I% increase in U.S. worldwide market share of travel and tourism would equate to 8.8 million more visitors and 153,000 new jobs. • Last year, spending by domestic and international visitors in the U.S. averaged $2.1 billion a day. • Travel contributes to personal growth, health, professional advancement, education, cultural understanding and the enhancement of America's image around the world. • Meetings, events and incentive travel are core business functions that help companies to strengthen business relationships, align and educate employees and customers, and reward business performance; and WHEREAS, in North Carolina... • Travel and Tourism is among the state's fastest growing industries. • In 2008, domestic travelers spent more than $16.9 billion in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, in New Hanover County... • Travel and Tourism is an important economic generator that infuses millions of new dollars into our local economy each year, thereby benefiting all citizens by making New Hanover County a better place to live, work and visit. • In 2008, the economic impact of Tourism was estimated at $422.65 million, ranking New Hanover as 48 among North Carolina's 100 counties in tourism expenditures. • Travel and Tourism provides jobs. In 2008 the local travel industry provided more than 5,510 jobs and supported a payroll of $99.73 million. • Travel and Tourism generated approximately $37.14 million in state and local tax receipts, representing a $193.16 tax saving to each county resident. • Travel can serve as a catalyst to help move the local economy forward. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 8 -16, 2010 be recognized as "National Tourism Week" in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 19 day of April, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 14 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 15 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Mr. Bill Graham, Chairman, Cape Fear Health Policy Council CONTACT(S): Janet Nelson, Smart Start of New Hanover County SUBJECT: Consideration of a Resolution in Support of the Cape Fear Region Health Summit: Addressing Children's Obesity and Health Issues BRIEF SUMMARY: The Cape Fear Health Policy Council, University of North Carolina Wilmington, and Smart Start of New Hanover County are in the process of organizing the Cape Fear Region Health Summit: Addressing Children's Obesity & Health Issues to recognize and address the serious health issues facing our area's children. The resolution is an indication of support of the Board of Commissioners for this large -scale summit to be held this spring at UNCW. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the resolution. ATTACHMENTS: CF Region Health Summit Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 15 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE CAPE FEAR REGION HEALTH SUMMIT: ADDRESSING CHILDREN'S OBESITY AND HEALTH ISSUES WHEREAS, the healthy development of our children today directly contributes to our community's future economic, social, and intellectual growth; and WHEREAS, physical exercise and healthy eating habits established during children's developmental years are directly correlated to fewer weight and obesity issues in adults; and WHEREAS, being overweight or obese is very likely to hinder a child's physiological, social /emotional, and academic success; and WHEREAS, in a population -based sample of children 5 to 17 years of age, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has determined that: Children and adolescents who are obese are at greater risk for bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization and poor self - esteem; and Obese youth are more likely than youth of normal weight to become overweight or obese adults, and therefore more at risk for associated adult health problems, including cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis; and WHEREAS, over 30% of children in New Hanover County, approximately half of whom are five years old and younger, are clinically overweight or obese; and, therefore, very likely to have or acquire health problems that may hinder their ability to reach their full potential. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners supports the efforts of the Cape Fear Health Policy Council, Smart Start of New Hanover County and the University of North Carolina Wilmington along with many other community partners to conduct the Cape Fear Region Health Summit: Addressing Children's Obesity and Health Issues in order to bring to the forefront of our community's attention ways and means of addressing these issues. ADOPTED this the 19 day of April, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 15 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 16 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Deirdre McGlone, YWCA Executive Board Member and Suesan Sullivan, Executive Director of YWCA of the Lower Cape Fear CONTACT(S): Carl A. Byrd, Sr., Public Affairs Officer and Stephanie Avery, YWCA Special Programs Director SUBJECT: Consideration of a Resolution in Support of April 30, 2010 Stand Against Racism Event BRIEF SUMMARY: Racism hurts everyone and has had a profound effect on children and adults, our communities and our institutions. Today, we can look back on our history and examine the direction, development and effects of enslavement, dispossession of lands, exclusion of certain peoples from immigration and citizenship as events that have shaped the current attitudes and actions supported by the power of law, institutional structures, and culture in this country. Race and the legacy of discrimination continue to affect our lives - whether in our everyday interactions with others at work, school, or in our neighborhoods and communities. The YWCAs in America and around the world have a rich history of advocating for racial justice and today is no exception. Stand Against Racism was created to give each organization an opportunity to host a "Stand" in their community, with their own constituency /clients /employees/ students /neighbors /colleagues that meets the individual needs of that group. Stand Against Racism materials are written in a "turn -key" fashion such that any group can customize them and make them their "own ". GOAL:The YWCA created the Stand Against Racism in order to combat the spread of hate and intolerance, and to honor and celebrate the richness of diversity. In 2009, the program attracted over 300 partnering organizations that became participating sites by hosting local "stands ". Over 30,000 individuals took a stand against racism by attending one of the participating sites and sending a strong message. They committed themselves to a lifetime of promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all people in their community and in the world. This powerful, unified, effort helped raised awareness that racism hurts everyone. Participants ranged from school -age children to elected officials, executives of large corporations, church leaders, and others. Racism affects everyone. Today, the YWCA of the Lower Cape Fear is calling on all local organizations, corporations, churches and other houses of worship, government agencies and individuals in New Hanover County to join us by becoming a participating site of the 2010 Stand Against Racism. Any group of any size that believes in a society free of racism is invited to join us. The persistence and pervasiveness of racism divides our community and keeps individuals from achieving success in education, economics, employment, and quality of life. Strength comes from numbers. The YWCA aims to bring people together across communities for one common goal the elimination of racism and we ask you to please make your voice heard by joining the Stand Against Racism. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation and adopt the proclamation. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 16 -0 ATTACHMENTS: Stand Against Racism Event Info Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 16 -0 i4, } ,t)1S - I, � s_ 1. ._•, ....1... _, _)1 y.. , S , l .n • t,.. , ,., (.' ,., 1 r ,., .b. », Zs , �. s. , s � �• ,. 1 i i ,. s ,s s a f 1 s, t s s s i, �! s s ,t ,i t� .• v�. S!(41U7� tt + �\i ,uuali #,ills; ltS The YWCA Lowe A l to cordiall i nv i te r commun j o i n s as we take a Stand A Ra on F April 3 The g oal of the event is to raise awareness that racism still exists in our communit and that it can no lon be i or tolerated. Our st is i n numbe Participat Want to Participate? S ins Rac w host a mate "Stand" - either open to the public or j ust for y our g roup. Bein a Participatin Site is ver simple. We will provide y ou with all the n Th what partic Si up online on at standa The deadline to si up is Ap r que a A Rac even plea Stephan We seek to b to for one common g oal - the elim rac � � t— 11, 11, r r t, i 1,.. ,.. 11, ,.. , i I t., t l ,., � �I, .•5 � ,� ..7 � q , ,, ,., „ ,, • � „ ,, ..I I ., � � ..I ,ti �, .1 , \,4 1 1 ` I .I ..i .•� I I � . , , ..I .•I .•� SI _„ r I ,,..•I ..1 .•� I ,1 � �I, I .I ,I ,� SI ., � 4 � i., > ,. < 5 it f ( -...,, '?1.. S. ,.. IPM } 9. 4 I, (, ,t1 �I „ , ,, , f' t, .. (,t, ,,, � tt�u u 4 , ), ; I` a, V� P „ _ ,i' V� p ,. s`, `p} , Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 16 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE YWCA'S STAND AGAINST RACISM EVENT ON APRIL 30, 2010 WHEREAS, April 3 0, 2010 marks the occasion of the annual "Stand Against Racism," an event sponsored by the YWCA of the Lower Cape Fear, an organization devoted to eliminating injustices and empowering women throughout New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the County is pleased to honor and salute the YWCA of the Lower Cape Fear and their praiseworthy mission to eliminate racial inequalities in employment, education, health care, housing, human services, and other areas that affect the quality of an individual's life; and WHEREAS, organizations across the state and nation will participate in the YWCA's "Stand Against Racism" and thousands of participants will share in activities designed to raise awareness of this ongoing issue; and WHEREAS, the strength and success of New Hanover County, the vitality of our communities, and the effectiveness of our American society depend, in great measure, upon superb organizations, such as the YWCA of the Lower Cape Fear. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners joins in honoring the YWCA for its meritorious record of service to the community, and extends best wishes for a successful and informative "Stand Against Racism" event on April 3 0, 2010; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a duly authenticated copy of this resolution, signed by the Chairman of the County Commissioners and attested by the Clerk to the Board, be transmitted to the YWCA of the Lower Cape Fear. ADOPTED this the 19 day of April, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 16-2-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 17 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Mike Kozlosky, Executive Director, Wilmington MPO CONTACT(S): Chris Coudriet, Assistant County Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of Cape Fear Skyway Gap Funding and Corridor Preservation Resolutions BRIEF SUMMARY: On June 27, 2007 the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization's Transportation Advisory Committee endorsed a resolution urging the state to provide the necessary reoccurring state "gap" funding commitment, exempt from the state allocation formula, in order to support the construction of the Cape Fear Skyway as a proposed Turnpike Authority project. On October 29, 2009, the Wilmington MPO's TAC endorsed a resolution supporting the Cape Fear Skyway's proposed northern alignment and encouraging the preservation of a corridor. Attached please find two resolutions: 1) that supports preservation of the northern alignment from encroaching development, and 2) that requests support for the necessary gap funding. Mike Kozlosky, Executive Director of Wilmington MPO, will make presentations and request the Board's approval of the resolutions. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation and consider the resolutions. A TT A V U NTC • Cape Fear Skyway Corridor Preservation Resolution Cape Fear Skyway Gap Funding Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved both resolutions 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 17 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE PRESERVATION OF A FUTURE CORRIDOR FOR THE CAPE FEAR SKYWAY WHEREAS, the Cape Fear Skyway is a proposed 9.5 -mile facility crossing the Cape Fear River that will provide a future connection from in the vicinity of US 17 /I -140 in Brunswick County to US 421 in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the proposed Cape Fear Skyway is a regional transportation project that will provide increased benefits to the community that include: additional access to the Port for commercial deployments, direct access to the west side of the Cape Fear River; reduction of future traffic demand on the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge, allow for uninterrupted travel across the Cape Fear River, allow for emergency response vehicles to travel across the Cape Fear River without the possibility of delay, decrease evacuation times during natural disasters, improve access to the Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point and provide for improved access to the Port facilities for military deployments; and WHEREAS, the proposed Cape Fear Skyway is included in the North Carolina Board of Transportation's Strategic Highway Corridor Initiative and is part of the NC Intrastate System; and WHEREAS, the proposed Cape Fear Skyway is important to the quality of life, economic vitality and sustainability of the region; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Turnpike Authority is working to prepare the environmental documents and study alternatives and have developed a possible northern alignment that would terminate at I -140 in Brunswick County; and WHEREAS, due to the possibility of encroaching developments within the potential corridors, the need has become apparent to utilize NC General Statute 136-44.50 to file a Transportation Corridor Official Map Act in order to preserve a corridor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners supports the proposed Cape Fear Skyway's northern alignment and supports preserving the northern alignment from encroaching development. ADOPTED this the 19 day of April, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 17 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE "GAP" FUNDING FOR THE CAPE FEAR SKYWAY WHEREAS, the Cape Fear Skyway is a proposed 9.5 -mile facility crossing the Cape Fear River that will provide a future connection from in the vicinity of US 17 /I -140 in Brunswick County to US 421 in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the proposed Cape Fear Skyway is a regional transportation project that will provide increased benefits to the community that include: additional access to the Port for commercial deployments, direct access to the west side of the Cape Fear River; reduction of future traffic demand on the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge, allow for uninterrupted travel across the Cape Fear River, allow for emergency response vehicles to travel across the Cape Fear River without the possibility of delay, decrease evacuation times during natural disasters, improve access to the Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point and provide for improved access to the Port facilities for military deployments; and WHEREAS, the proposed Cape Fear Skyway is included in the North Carolina Board of Transportation's Strategic Highway Corridor Initiative and is part of the NC Intrastate System; and WHEREAS, the proposed Cape Fear Skyway is important to the quality of life, economic vitality and sustainability of the region; and WHEREAS, a 2007 traffic and revenue forecast for the Cape Fear Skyway indicated a cost of approximately $971 million with tolls covering approximately 55% (or $550 million); and WHEREAS, the current estimated cost has increased to $1.1 billion and an estimated $49 million in "gap" funding annually from the North Carolina General Assembly would be required to construct this important transportation project; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly has set a precedent and provided "gap" funding from the transfer of the NC Highway Trust Fund to the general fund for the Triangle Expressway, Garden Parkway, Monroe Connector /Bypass and Mid- Currituck Bridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners requests the North Carolina General Assembly provide the "gap" funding necessary to construct the Cape Fear Skyway. ADOPTED this the 19 day of April, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 17-2-1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 18 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Commissioner Bill Caster CONTACT(S): Chris Coudriet, Assistant County Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of a Resolution in Favor of Terminal Groin Legislation BRIEF SUMMARY: The Coastal Resources Commission recently adopted a policy regarding terminal groin construction along North Carolina's coast. The attached resolution encourages full legislative consideration of Senate Bill 832, which grants authorization for terminal groins after careful site - specific analysis. The draft resolution is based on a similar resolution sent to coastal communities from Harry Simmons, Executive Director of the NC Beach, Inlet, and Waterways Association. The main difference is the County's added emphasis on requiring financial assurance and permit conditions for removing the groin if it causes significant adverse impact. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution in Favor of Terminal Groin Legislation Senate Bill 832 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 18 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION IN FAVOR OF TERMINAL GROIN LEGISLATION WHEREAS, the problem of erosion at the end of barrier islands is unique to those areas and continues to pose a genuine threat to public beach access, public and private property, businesses and infrastructure, creating the risk of significant costs in reconstruction and lost tax revenue; and WHEREAS, North Carolina coastal communities are in need of every responsible beach management tool available to arrive at a long -term solution to the problems caused by shifting inlets; and WHEREAS, beach nourishment alone has been proven to be ineffective in the inlet areas at the end of barrier islands; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly, in recognition of the significant and unique problems caused by erosion at the end of barrier islands, directed the Coastal Resources Commission to conduct a study of the feasibility and advisability of the use of terminal groins as an erosion control structure; and WHEREAS, the Coastal Resources Commission has completed its study and found that terminal groins, in combination with beach nourishment, can be effective at controlling erosion at the end of barrier islands; and WHEREAS, the Coastal Resources Commission further emphasized the need for site - specific analysis to determine the advisability of the use of terminal groins in specific locations; and WHEREAS, the Coastal Resources Commission further offered a slate of recommendations for environmental and ecological safeguards that emphasize the responsible use of terminal groins as a tool to control erosion at the end of barrier islands; and WHEREAS, the Coastal Resources Commission and the Division of Coastal Management are the most appropriate entities to consider the numerous issues associated with the site - specific use of terminal groins; and WHEREAS, legislation giving the Coastal Resources Commission the authority to consider the use of terminal groins in appropriate circumstances, Senate Bill 832, has passed the North Carolina Senate and is eligible for consideration in the 2010 Short Session of the General Assembly; and Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 18 -1 -1 WHEREAS, New Hanover County would support a public policy and financial mechanism that requires the permit holder to remove a terminal groin if it is proven to adversely affect the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners supports prompt consideration and passage of legislation authorizing the Coastal Resources Commission to consider and allow the use of terminal groins, following site - specific study as outlined in its recommendations, and urges the General Assembly to act favorably upon such legislation during the 2010 Short Session of the legislature. ADOPTED this the 19 day of April, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 18 -1 -2 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 18-2-1 q I - -------------------- -- -- . ..... .... . • CMOs fob M 0 a 6 IS OMAN - -- ------- --- ---------------- ----- now, Em Board of Commissioners Meetin 04/19/2010 18-2-2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 19 DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PRESENTER(S): Chairman Thompson CONTACT(S): Wanda Copley, County Attorney SUBJECT: Consideration of a Resolution Amending the Policy and Procedures for Appointments to County Boards, Commissions, Committees and Authorities BRIEF SUMMARY: The existing Commissioner Appointment Policies originally adopted in 1983 are modified to state that appointees may be removed without cause. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the resolution to authorize amendments. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Amending Policy and Procedures for Boards Policies & Procedures for Appointments COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 3 -2, Commissioners Greer and Caster dissenting. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 19 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION AMENDING THE POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO COUNTY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND AUTHORITIES BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, hereby approves amendments to Policy and Procedures for Appointments to County Boards, Commissions, Committees and Authorities originally adopted June 20, 1983. 1. Modify Section 1, Subsection E, to read as follows: E. Whenever any appointee shall incur three unexcused absences, said appointee's failure to attend shall be reported by the presiding officer of the respective board, committee, commission or authority to the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. Such unexcused absences on the part of any appointee may, at the election of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, be deemed to constitute resignation on the part of the appointee from such board, committee, commission or authority. Excused absences are defined as absences caused by events beyond one's control and are subject to approval by the Board on which the appointee is serving. Any Board of County Commissioners appointee may be removed, without cause, by a majority of County Commissioners. Upon resignation or removal, the Board of County Commissioners may select a replacement from the applications of persons who applied for the last vacancy on such board, committee, commission or authority, without further notice, advertisement or action by the Board of County Commissioners, or may advertise for applications to fill the vacancy. Except as amended, the above referenced Policy and Procedure for Appointment to County Boards, Commissions, Committees and Authorities shall remain unaltered, in full force and effect. ADOPTED this the 19 day of April, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 19 -1 -1 POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO COUNTY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND AUTHORITIES SECTION 1. THE POLICY OF NEW HANGVER COUNTY GOVERNING APPOINTMENTS TO THE VARIOUS BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR AUTHORITIES IS AS FOLLOWS: A. Any resident of New Hanover County is eligible to serve on the appointed boards, commissions, committees or authorities of the County, where such appointment is not prohibited by state statute or New Hanover County policy. B. All appointments will be made according to the Appointments Statute or Ordinance that created that board, commission, committee or authority. C. No resident of New Hanover County may serve in more than two appointed positions of New Hanover County government, unless exempted by nature of the position he or she may hold in governmental service. D. Unless otherwise stated by Statute or Charter, all terms of office shall be three years. No appointees may serve more than two consecutive terms. This policy may be waived if the Board of County Commissioners determines that the removal of that individual would be detrimental to the functioning of that board, commission, committee or authority. E. Whenever any appointee shall incur three unexcused absences, said appointee's failure to attend shall be reported by the presiding officer of the respective board, committee, commission or authority to the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. Such unexcused absences on the part of any appointee may, at the election of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, be deemed to constitute resignation on the part of the appointee from such board, committee, commission or authority. Excused absences are defined as absences caused by events beyond one's control and are subject to approval by the Board on which the appointee is serving. Upon such resignation and acceptance, the Board of County Commissioners shall select a replacement from the applications ofpersons who applied for the last vacancy on such board, committee, commission or authority, without further notice, advertisement or action by the Board of County Commissioners. F. Each appointee must uphold County policies pertaining to the Committee on which he /she serves. G. If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. H. An appointee will not be considered for any employment vacancy in the agency or department he /she is serving, until said appointee resigns his /her seat on the board, committee, commission or authority, thirty (30) days before being considered for the vacancy. Should the appointee not be selected to fill the vacancy, he /she will not be eligible for reappointment to the board, committee, commission or authority. I. Each County Commissioner will have available to him or her a binder containing a list of all County appointments with the following data provided: 1. Name of the board, commission, committee or authority. 2. Brief on the functions of each board, commission, committee or authority. 3. Statute or cause creating the board, commission, committee or authority. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 19-2-1 POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO COUNTY PAGE 2 BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND AUTHORITIES 4. Number of members and terms of office. 5. Current members, addresses, telephone numbers, terms of office, numbers of terms served, and expiration dates. 6. Regular meeting day, time and location. SECTION 2. PROCEDURES FOR FILLING VACANCIES FOR APPOINTED POSITIONS: A. Notification of Available Appointments 1. A list of available positions and a deadline for receiving applications will be published in the newspapers of New Hanover County. This procedure will be carried out by the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners. 2. Thirty (30) days prior to the terms expiring, the Clerk to the Board will mail a notice to each person who is eligible for reappointment, requesting information on his or her interest in continuing to serve. If an individual is not eligible for reappointment, he or she will be notified and given the reason for being ineligible. 3. If, because of policy or otherwise, an individual is not reappointed, he or she will be presented a Certificate of Appreciation for service signed by the Chairman of the Board. B. Selection Process 1. All applications for a particular position will be returned to the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners. The Clerk will check each for eligibility. 2. All applications will be forwarded to the County Commissioners with those who are ineligible noted and the reasons for ineligibility given. 3. The Clerk to the Board shall place on the agenda the "Appointments" for action at the next meeting of the County Commissioners. C. Notification of Appointment 1. The Clerk to the B oard shall prepare a letter of notification to the appointee and a copy to the affected board, commission, committee or authority notifying each of the appointment. D. Applications 1. All applications received shall be retained for 18 months. Applications shall be kept on file for all active appointees. All of the above data shall be maintained by the Clerk to the Board for use by the Board of County Commissioners. Effective: 8/18/03 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 19 -2 -2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 20 DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PRESENTER(S): Wanda Copley, County Attorney and Avril Pinder, Finance Director CONTACT(S): Wanda Copley, County Attorney and Avril Pinder, Finance Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing & Consideration of Resolution Approving an Installment Financing Contract Between the County and New Hanover County Financing Corporation, the Refinancing of all or a Portion of the Costs Related to Certain Capital Projects, the Sale of Not More Than $50,000,000 Refunding Limited Obligation Bonds, Series 2010 and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Documents in Connection Therewith BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board authorized staff at the April 6, 2010 meeting to proceed with negotiating an installment financing contract in an amount not to exceed $50,000,000 Refunding Limited Obligation Bonds to refinance various capital projects. In connection with the refinancing, the County will collateralize the County's Judicial Facility, located at 316 Princess Street, and the County Government Center, located at 230 Government Center Drive. A public hearing is required to take public comments on the proposed installment financing contract. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hold public hearing and adopt Resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Conducted public hearing and adopted resolution 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 20 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY FINANCING CORPORATION, THE REFINANCING OF ALL OR A PORTION OF THE COSTS RELATED TO CERTAIN CAPITAL PROJECTS, THE SALE OF NOT MORE THAN $50,000,000 REFUNDING LIMITED OBLIGATION BONDS (NEW HANOVER COUNTY PROJECTS), SERIES 2010 AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, the County previously entered into an Installment Financing Contract dated as of December 1, 2000 with the New Hanover County Financing Corporation (the "Corporation ") to finance capital costs of (1) a five -story facility adjacent to the County's Judicial Building located at Fourth and Market Streets, which currently houses employees servicing the judicial function including judges, the District Attorney's Office, the Clerk of Court and the Register of Deeds (the "Judicial Facility "), (2) the Airlie Gardens project, (3) the Wilmington -Hamby Beach water and sewer project, and (4) improvements to the County's solid waste incinerator exhaust system, (the "2000 Projects "); WHEREAS, the County previously entered into an Installment Financing Contract dated as of October 1, 2001 with the Corporation to finance capital costs of certain jail, law enforcement, parking and library facilities (the "2001 Projects "); WHEREAS, the County previously entered into an Equipment Installment Financing Agreement dated October 6, 2006 (the "2006 Contract ") with Banc of America Public Capital Corp. ( "BofA ") to finance capital costs of telephone communication equipment, 911 emergency system equipment and landfill equipment (the "2006 Projects "); WHEREAS, the County previously entered into an Installment Financing Agreement dated as of June 15, 2007 (the "2007 Contract ") with BofA to finance capital costs of the County's administrative offices (the "County Government Center" or "2007 Project "); WHEREAS, the County previously entered into an Installment Financing Contract dated as of April 7, 2008 with SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp., as supplemented and amended on June 5, 2008 (the "2008 Contract "), to finance capital costs of (1) improvements at the Wilmington- International Airport, (2) fire station improvements, (3) acquiring land for jail facilities expansion, and (4) community college improvements (the "2008 Projects "); WHEREAS, the 2000 Projects, the 2001 Projects, the 2006 Projects, the 2007 Project and the 2008 Projects are referred to herein collectively as the "Projects "; WHEREAS, the County hereby determines that the Contract (defined below) allows the County to purchase all or a portion of the Proj ects and take title thereto at more favorable interest rates; WHEREAS, the Corporation will execute and deliver Refunding Limited Obligation Bonds (New Hanover County Projects), Series 2010 Evidencing Proportionate Undivided Interests in Rights to Receive Revenues Pursuant to an Installment Financing Contract with the Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 20 -1 -1 County (the "2010 Bonds ") to effectuate the (1) advance refunding of the outstanding Certificates of Participation, Series 2000 (New Hanover County Projects) Evidencing Proportionate Undivided Interests in Rights to Receive Revenues Pursuant to an Installment Financing Contract with the County and the outstanding Certificates of Participation, Series 2001 (New Hanover County Projects) Evidencing Proportionate Undivided Interests in Rights to Receive Revenues Pursuant to an Installment Financing Contract with the County maturing on December 1, 2019 and 2022 and (2) refinancing of all or a portion of the principal installment payments under the 2006 Contract, the 2007 Contract and the 2008 Contract; WHEREAS, in connection with the sale of the 2010 Bonds by the Corporation to Stephens Inc. and First Southwest Company (the "Underwriters "), the County desires to make certain representations and warranties to the Underwriters in the form of a Letter of Representation from the County to the Underwriters to be dated on or about May 27, 2010 (the "2010 Letter of Representation "); WHEREAS, there have been available at this meeting forms of the following: (1) A draft of the form of the Installment Financing Contract to be dated June 1, 2010 (the "Contract ") between the County and the Corporation; (2) A draft of the form of Deed of Trust, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing to be dated as of June 1, 2010 (the "Deed of Trust ") from the County to the Corporation and its assigns; (3) A draft of the form of Indenture of Trust to be dated June 1, 2010 (the "Indenture ") between the Corporation and U.S. Bank National Association, as trustee (the "Trustee "); (4) A draft of the form of Preliminary Official Statement (the "Preliminary Official Statement ") relating to the 2010 Bonds; (5) A draft of the form of the Contract of Purchase to be dated on or about May 27, 2010 (the "Purchase Contract ") among Stephens Inc. and First Southwest Company (the "Underwriters ") and the Corporation, relating to the 2010 Bonds; (6) A draft of the form of the 2010 Letter of Representation from the County to the Underwriters, relating to the 2010 Bonds; and (7) A draft of the form of the Escrow Agreement to be dated June 1, 2010 between the County and the Trustee, as escrow agent (the "Escrow Agreement "); WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County desires to approve the sale of the 2010 Bonds and to authorize other actions in connection therewith; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County as follows: Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 20-1-2 Section 1. All actions heretofore taken by the County Manager, the Finance Director, the County Clerk and the County Attorney, effectuating the proposed refinancing of all or a portion of the principal installment payments related to the Projects, are hereby approved, ratified and authorized pursuant to and in accordance with the transactions contemplated by the documents referred to above. Section 2. Each of the Contract, the 2010 Letter of Representation, the Deed of Trust and the Escrow Agreement, in the form submitted to this meeting, is hereby approved, in substantially such form and the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Board, the County Manager, the Finance Director and the Clerk to the Board are each hereby authorized and directed to execute, deliver and perform each of those documents on behalf of the County, with such changes, insertions or omissions as they may approve with the advice of counsel, their execution thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of their approval. Section 3. The Indenture and the Purchase Contract, in the forms submitted to this meeting, are hereby approved with such changes, insertions or omissions as may be approved with the advice of counsel. Section 4. Each of the Preliminary Official Statement and the final Official Statement in the form of the Preliminary Official Statement submitted to this meeting, is hereby approved, in substantially such form, with such changes, insertions and omissions as appropriate, and the use thereof in connection with the public offering and sale of the 2010 Bonds is hereby authorized. The Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Board and the County Manager and Finance Director are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of the County, the final Official Statement in substantially such form, with such changes, insertions and omissions as they may approve with the advice of counsel, their execution thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of their approval. Section S. Subject to the limitations set forth herein, the County Manager and the Finance Director are hereby authorized to approve the terms of the 2010 Bonds, including but not limited to, the aggregate principal amount and the dates and amounts of maturities thereof, the prepayment provisions thereof and the interest rates thereon; providing that: (i) the principal amount of the 2010 Bonds shall not exceed $50,000,000; (ii) the final maturity date of the 2010 Bonds shall be no later than December 1, 2025; (iii) the effective interest cost thereof shall not exceed 4.00 %; and (iv) the net present value savings generated by the refinancing shall be not less than 3.00% of the par amount of the refinanced installment obligations. Section 6. The Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Board, the County Manager, the Finance Director, the Clerk to the Board, and the County Attorney are hereby authorized to take any and all such further action and to execute and deliver such other documents as may be necessary or advisable or carry out the intent of this Resolution and to effect the refinancing, including, without limitation, entering into tax compliance agreements, DTC letter of representation and certificates. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the County Manager and Finance Director are authorized to approve all details of the refinancing, including without limitation, the annual payments under the Contract, the interest rates with respect to such payments, the term of the Contract, and the discount below or premium above the principal amount of the 2010 Bonds at which the 2010 Bonds are sold to the Underwriters. Execution of Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 20 -1 -3 the Contract by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Board or the County Manager and Finance Director shall conclusively evidence approval of all such details of the refinancing. Section 7. That if any section, phrase or provision of this Resolution shall for any reason be declared to be invalid, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the sections, phrases or provisions of this Resolution. Section 8. That all motions, orders, resolutions and parts thereof, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 9. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. This the 19 day of April 2010 Jason R. Thompson Chairman, Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 20-1-4 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 21 DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER(S): Avril Pinder, Finance Director CONTACT(S): Bunny McClure, Assistant Finance Director and Lena Butler, Purchasing Agent SUBJECT: Consideration of Award of Contract to Audit the County's Financial Statements to Martin Starnes & Associates BRIEF SUMMARY: The County's financial statements have been audited by McGladry & Pullen for a number of years. As recommended by the Local Government Commission (LGC), the County solicited proposals from qualified firms of certified public accountants to audit the County's financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, with the option of auditing for each of the four subsequent fiscal years. Proposals were received from the following firms: 1. Martin Starnes & Associates 2. Cherry, Bekaert & Holland 3. McGladrey & Pullen 4. Elliot Davis 5. Frazer Frost 6. Clifton Gunderson, LLP 7. S. Preston Douglas & Associates In order to evaluate the proposals, we used a two -step process as recommended by the LGC. First we evaluated the firms for expertise and experience. We were looking for a firm with experience and expertise in governmental accounting, specifically governmental experience in North Carolina with jurisdictions of similar size and financial characteristics, the firm's professional personnel to be assigned to the engagement, the firm's past experience with similar federal and state assistance programs and the firm's professional personnel to be assigned to review electronic data processing systems. Next we looked at the audit approach to evaluate the firm's proposed staffing, sampling techniques, analytical procedures, and the firm's audit plans for electronic data processing function. Based on these criteria, the firm of Martin Starnes & Associates and Cherry, Bekaert & Holland were tied for first place ranking and McGladrey & Pullen ranked second. After completing the first step of the evaluation process, we looked at price. After factoring in the proposed costs submitted by the firms, Martin Starnes & Associates ranked first, Cherry Bekaert & Holland ranked second, and McGladrey & Pullen ranked third. Attached is the bid summary detailing the costs proposed by all firms. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Board award the audit services contract to Martin Starnes & Associates, P.A. in the amount of $76,300 for fiscal year 2009 -2010 with the option to renew the contract for each of the Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 21 -0 following four fiscal years based upon satisfactory performance each year. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Fee Summary COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 4 -1, Commissioner Greer dissenting. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 21 -0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR AUDITING SERVICES BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract to audit the financial statements for the County for Fiscal Year 2009 -2010 is awarded to Martin Starnes & Associates in the amount of $76,300 with the option to renew the contract for each of the following four fiscal years based upon satisfactory performance each year. ADOPTED this the 19 day of April, 2010. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jason R. Thompson, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 21 -1 -1 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 21-2-1 c o v v v o o v o a o a v v ° 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . a . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . a . o . L 0 o v o 0 a a o 0 0 o a o a o o a a a a o o a a o 0 n� 1 ► W 1 N ► o) 1 Vn 1 M 1 k-0 1 o ► �t ► n 1 a 1 Ln 1 :3 N CD Q) M 00 N N N M M M Ln M z Q � r-I r-! r-I e-i r-! CD � c-1 c--1 r-1 T-4 rN-1 � o z ctf w •- a V try V} try try V)- -t4 -Ln try th 114 -cn M H z = a o o a a v a o o a a o o LU co a o o a a a o o v o a o a 2 C5 o o a a o v a a a a o a LU LU F - a o 0 0 o a Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln o 1 a 1 Ln 1 a 1 Ln 1 a "I rV 1 N 1 rV 1 N 1 N ► N 1 N ► < Ln n 00 a V - 4 N crn M cn M cn W 00 cn r• n n 00 00 m m in try in th try try try th V� try tr} m Ln M 0 a a a a a °C °� °� °� °� a < � o 0 0 0 o a :3 Z) > > o o 0 0 o v o 0� 0� 0 � o0 LL. 0 v° ° vLn a oLn Ln =___= 00000 Ln z °C rYi t0 00 ri M N Ln Ln Ln U) Ln ( 0 p o0 0o Ov v� 0) � r-I � V � r try tr} t� t� t� � Q � cu 00000 ��F� -� Q LU a ` w z Lf n rrl.% n r• n Q w 44- In in in 4j)- try tn. 4j)- try try try try � f= a J Z � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o v a o v CL 2 0 L o . 0 . 0 . o . v . 0 . v . a . a . 0 . o . a . a 0 0 u � a o o o o o a a a a o a c; v Q 4-j cn a o o Rl a W a 0 a n s n N a r-4 a N a �D tp �n °; v 1 0 1 1 �n 1 �-+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 00 � o � �t cD n n 00 00 00 a) U) o w r• r• r• r• Ln M rn J w z M m m Q =Q �tntntnt�� CL 4j)- ����� V). 0o F- LU a a a o o v a o o a a o 0 ❑ N z 0 0 a, v o a o a o o a a a 0 ❑ LL o ul) 0 0 0 Lri a a o 0 o a En Q z L a N Vn Vn Lrn n Ln 0 Ln Ln Ln a n — a� � 00 n r• m v M� n n N 00 00 w ❑ N 1 rn 1 M 1 kD 1 cD 1 00 1 Ln 1 Ln 1 w 1 w 1 w ► n ► N 1 n Z Z G ❑ ❑ -tnthtn4^ in try ����� try th ❑ z J Q a a a a o a v a a a a a o z z > o . o . v . a . a . o . a . a . o . 0 . o . a . a . z ❑ o o v a a o a a o 0 o a a }, 0 0 0 0 0 a a o o a a o o 0 H + a q* n N 00 � a N �t W 00 a r+ Z z • o N q* n 07 q* Ln Ln Ln un Lo n rl w w 00 00 00 00 00 N N Ln w a 0 in th iA. q^ t4 tn. th t� t� t� t� AA- tr} ❑ z J Q CU a o o a a a v v a 0 a 0 o Q L00000 o oovaa a a �- LL . o 0 0 o a a N k.6 o 4 00 a a 0 Q N kD a R* 00 a n rn N R* (.D a 0 V C) N m o v) 0) 0 0 0 �-+ ❑ LL � ► ► rn ► � 1 � 1 � 1 1 M ► M ► � 1 � 1 �t ► o 1 n Q o 0 Ln d' oC w -kn to a `tn 0 0 cn 0 r-r N M ❑ Q Z � � � � 0 a o o a a F o 0 o a 0 -' N N N N N 0 - N N N N N 0 Q F- H H F Q 0 ❑ Q Ln z Z ❑ z F- 0 z a a �- z W _ °O a Q 0C ❑ ❑ oC a z Q t7 �n Q Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 21-2-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 22 DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Howard Loving and Eric Coffey, Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Committee Members and Joshuah Mello, Metropolitan Planning Organization CONTACT(S): Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director SUBJECT: Presentation of Draft Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan BRIEF SUMMARY: This plan looks 25 years into the future and addresses a broad spectrum of transportation elements throughout the entire Cape Fear Region. The plan includes an examination and evaluation of potential highway, rail, transit, aviation, maritime and bicycle and pedestrian projects in New Hanover County and parts of Brunswick and Pender Counties. The development of the draft Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan has included extensive public participation. Over the last 12 months, the committee drafting the plan has received over 3,200 survey responses and hosted open houses throughout area communities. All area transportation projects funded by the state or federal government must be included in the plan, which is updated every five years. The plan looks at the relationship between population growth and the transportation network. It will also look at impacts to quality of life, health and the environment. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -0 22 -1 -1 Acknowled Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Committee Members Howard T. Capps, Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Eric Coffey, New Hanover County Scott A. Cromartie, New Hanover County Al Freimark, Pender County Dorsey Jones,Town of Navassa Howard H. Loving, Jr., NC Board of Transportation Paul Martinez,Town of Kure Beach John F. Melia, City of Wilmington Ryan T. Rhoden hiser,Town of Wrightsville Beach Mike Roberts,Town of Leland Donald M. Sellers, Brunswick County Stuart Smith,Town of Belville Steven J. Stanton,Town of Carolina Beach WMPO Transportation Advisory Committee WMPO Technical Coordinating Committee WMPO Staff Members Consultants Martin /Alexiou /Bryson, PC Cape Fear Commutes 2035 s 21iom'203" Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22-1-2 About the Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Committee and Transportation The Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Committee was appointed by the WMPO Transporta- tion Advisory Committee to create a comprehensive transportation plan for the greater Wilmington area, which includes all of New Hanover County and portions of Brunswick County and Pender County. The committee members took this charge very seriously. Better transportation planning has been cited by many as a critical need for our region and Wilmington has struggled in the past to address the negative results of unplanned growth on the area's transportation system. From the beginning, the Cape Fear Com- mutes 2035 Committee sought to craft this new plan in an open and transparent fashion, using data and scientific analysis to drive the decision - making process. The committee began with a vision statement which stressed safety, efficiency, appropri- ateness, responsibility, integration and multi - modalism. In order to incorporate ideas, goals and values from the community into the plan, the committee created a survey, which was completed by thousands of area residents. This survey data was used to refine the regional priorities over the next 25 years and identify specific transportation projects for study by the committee. Using a matrix, the transportation projects were ranked based on criteria established by the committee. These criteria evolved directly from the adopted vision statement and survey data collected from the public. We have completed our analysis and project ranking and present this draft plan for your review and comment. Over the next two months, we plan to visit all area governing boards and host public open houses throughout the county in order to further refine this regional plan. Yours Truly, Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Committee Members What is Cape Fear Commutes 2035? Plan Background The Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan is the long range transportation plan for the urbanized area of Wilmington, North Carolina. It has been prepared by the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO), which is the local organization responsible for regional transportation planning in this area. Federal law requires the preparation of this plan, and also specifies issues which the plan must consider. Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan details how transportation needs should be addressed over the next twenty -five years.The plan establishes the goals and objectives for the improvement of travel conditions within the WMPO planning area and makes specific recommendations for transportation projects and funding sources. In accordance with federal regulations, the plan must be fiscally- constrained. In other words, the plan must identify funding sources for all of the proposed projects.The plan considers all modes of transportation, including automobiles, trucks, buses, trains, airplanes, ferries, bicycles, and walking. Over the past decade, the WMPO area has experienced a significant amount of change, c Table of Contents What is Cape Fear Commutes 2035? . . . 1 Public Involvement . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Identifying Tomorrow's Needs Today . .5 The Plan's Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Overview of Projects . . . . . . . . . . 6 How the Projects Work . . . . . . . . 11 Paying for the Plan . . . . . . . . . . 12 Project List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -1 -3 s N m WIS Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meetin 04/19/2010 22-1-4 both economically and demographically. Such changes are expected to continue into the near future.To accommodate the changes in our society and to meet federal re- quirements, the WMPO will regularly update the plan to meet the community's needs. Study Area WMPO is a metropolitan planning organization (MPO). MPOs are local agencies that are responsible for regional transportation planning. In order to be part of the federal transportation planning process and to receive federal transportation funds, an urban area with a population over 50,000 must have an MPO. Each MPO has a range of duties including the production of the long range transportation plan for its area.The overall aim of these Federal requirements is to ensure continuing, cooperative, and compre- hensive transportation planning for urban areas, and MPOs are central to that process. Figure 1 shows the area covered by the WMPO. Plan Requirements Federal law specifies the elements and processes that must feed into each long range transportation plan.The law changes periodically. The most recent law is the Safe, Ac- countable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA LU). SAFETEA -LU requires each long range transportation plan to: • Cover a minimum 20 -year period, • Be updated at certain intervals, • Be'fiscally constrained'- that is, plan on the basis of likely funding levels rather than unlimited funding levels, • Use up -to -date planning assumptions, and • Identify major facilities that should function as an integrated regional system. SAFETEA -LU also specifies the planning factors that must be addressed in the planning process.The process must: • Support the economic vitality of the metropolitan area, especially by enabling global competitiveness, productivity and efficiency, • Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and non- motor- ized users, • Increase the security of the transportation system for motorized and non -mo- torized users, • Increase the accessibility and mobility of people and freight, • Protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, improve the quality of life, and promote consistency between transportation improve- ments and State and local planned growth and economic development pat- terns, Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22-1-5 s photo :et MP WMPO's adopted Public Involvement Policy creates "an open decision - making process whereby citizens have the opportunity to be involved in all stages of the transportation planning process "and is designed to "ensure that transportation decisions will reflect public priorities." Public involvement has been a critical component in developing Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan, and these activities helped shape the plan: Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Committee The Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Committee was formed at the outset to guide devel- opment of Cape Fear Commutes 2035.The committee is comprised of 13 members appointed from each of the WMPO member municipalities and counties, as well as the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority.The committee was instrumental in researching, developing and analyzing projects, and shaping the guiding policies of the plan. Community Survey and Open Houses The Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan process kicked -off on March 20, 2009 with a press conference at the New Hanover County Public Library Northeast Regional Branch. Over 60 people and various media outlets attended the event, where they heard comments from Wilmington Mayor Bill Saffo, Pender County Commissioner Jimmy Tate, Belville Mayor Chuck Thurlow and North Carolina Board of Transportation Member Lanny Wilson. This event marked the opening of the Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Survey, which was posted on -line and published in the Wilmington Star News as a 1/4 page display adver- tisement for over one month. The survey was also included in the various weekly re- gional newspapers in the three - county region. WMPO staff and members of the Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Committee attended various meetings and events to publicize the survey and also appeared on several radio and television shows. From May 11 to May 21, 2009, six public open houses were held throughout the three - county region. These open houses provided the public an opportunity to meet with WMPO staff and members of the Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Committee and outline their vision for transportation in the Wilmington area over the next 25 years. The open houses were also used to route additional traffic to the survey. The survey was officially closed on June 17, 2009, three months after it opened. Over 3,200 residents of the Cape Fear region responded to the survey in both English and Spanish. The data collected through the survey was used by the Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Committee to develop and vision and set of guiding principles for the plan. The results also identified a large number of new transportation projects that the commit- tee was able to analyze and evaluate. z� _v C ape Fear Co 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -1 -6 pho to :et MP Website The WMPO's website devoted a page to Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan, allowing members of the public to stay abreast of the plan's development, access meeting agendas and minutes, view documents, and provide input. Visit CapeFearCommutes.org for more information. Identif Tomorrow's Needs Toda Growth As the region continues to grow, more people and more jobs will undoubtedly mean more congestion and less mobility throughout the region. Keeping up with the antici- pated growth while not neglecting today's issues is the key challenge addressed by the Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan.The plan's approach to mitigating the impacts of growth is multi- faceted, recognizing the importance of developing alterna- tive modes of transportation and becoming less dependent of automobiles for our daily travel needs. Recent statistics rank the Wilmington Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) as the 24th fastest growing urban area in the United States.The Wilmington MSA includes more than 347,000 residents, more than a 26 percent increase in population since 2000. Pro- jections for population and household growth within the WMPO area were completed for 2020 and 2035, and are shown in the charts to the right. Brunswick and Pender County populations are projected to more than triple by 2035, while New Hanover County's population is projected to increase by nearly two - thirds, from approximately 178,000 people today to approximately 284,000 in 2035. Employment growth is also projected to be significant, especially in Brunswick and Pender counties compared to their current employment levels. Challenges The Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan recognizes the many transporta- tion challenges facing the region.These include: • Coordinating land use and transportation planning to ensure orderly develop- ment that does not overburden transportation infrastructure • Developing in a way that is sustainable in the long -term and sensitive to the region's many important environmental, cultural and historic features • Finding alternative funding sources to pay for the many transportation needs • Promoting the use of alternative modes of transportation to provide viable transportation choices to the region's travelers, and • Working cooperatively as regional partners to address regional and local trans- portation issues Population Growth 450,000 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 Brunswick Pender I�New Hanover WMPO Area 2008 2020 2035 Employment Growth 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 C ape Fear Co 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22-1-7 s E The Plan's Vision Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan will plan for a safe, efficient, appro- priate, responsible, integrated, multimodal transportation system throughout the Wilmington Urban Area over the next 25 years.The transportation system will be: • Safe: reduces injuries and improves the sense of safety for all users • Efficient: moves the most people and goods in a cost effective manner, while using the least amount of resources • Appropriate: contributes to the quality of life and character of the region through proper design • Responsible: protects existing investments and limits environmental and social impacts • Integrated: links with other transportation and land use plans as well as future infrastructure investments • Multimodal: provides a choice of modes for most trips Overview of Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Pro The Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan is a multimodal plan that address- es current and future roadway, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and other transportation needs. Projects were identified through a variety of sources, analyzed thoroughly, and ranked according to relevant and quantifiable factors. The following provides descriptions of specific elements of the plan. Individual projects are listed in Table 1, located in the final section of this report. More detail about these plan elements, as well as project development and detail, can be found in the appendices. Aviation Both commercial and general aviation make distinct contributions to the transpor- tation system, as well as having particular impacts on other aspects of the transpor- tation system and the wider environment. Commercial aviation allows citizens to travel to other states and internationally for business, personal business or leisure. Commercial freight operations, including major parcel companies, provide a means of delivering commercial goods across the nation. Aviation is the fastest mode of transportation for traveling substantial distances. General aviation supports busi- ness travel needs, as well as providing for recreational flying Larger airports, such as Wilmington International Airport (ILM), are significant gen- erators of travel demand, not only for air travelers but also for commercial vehicles and the commuting needs of airport employees.They can act as intermodal nodes not only between air and surface transportation, but between modes of surface transportation for which the airport is simply a convenient meeting place. Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan supports development of the aviation sector, and in particular plans for improved transit connections to the airport to give travel- ers and employees other options besides driving to the airport. z� _v C ape Fear Co 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -1 -8 Bicycle Facilities Bicycling can be a viable alternative to driving if the facilities and amenities are in place to make bicycle travel convenient and accessible. While many people bicycle for recre- ation, Cape Fear Commutes 2035 focuses on improving bicycling conditions for commut- ers and people making non - recreational trips.The committee received significant input from the bicycling community for development of this plan, including detailed input from the community survey, open houses, and the ongoing work of the WMPOs Bicycle/ Pedestrian Committee.The City of Wilmington and other member jurisidictions and partners (such as UNCW) have found success working together to improve the regional bicycle network. Over 200 individual bicycle improvement projects were identified. These include striping bicycle lanes on new and existing roadways, developing bicycle boulevards, and con- structing multi -use paths. Projects were prioritized based on a series of criteria to assist in applying limited funding opportunities to the most needed projects.These projects are detailed in the appendix to this report. Of the over 200 bicycle projects identified, the top 10 projects are: • Heide -Trask Bridge (bicycle lane restriping) • S 18th Street (bicycle boulevard) • Bethel Road (bicycle lane restriping) • Isabel Holmes Bridge (bicycle lane restriping) • Mercer Avenue (bicycle lane restriping) • Oleander Drive (bicycle lane restriping) • S Front Street (bicycle lane restriping) • Central Boulevard (bicycle lane restriping) • Harper Avenue (bicycle lane restriping) • 41 st Street (bicycle lane restriping) Freight Freight movement is a critical element of an advanced industrial economy, and the ease of freight movement is one component of a region's economic competitiveness for attracting and retaining various types of industry and employment centers. Freight movement can also have an impact on a region's quality of life, particularly with the need to ensure heavy truck traffic has suitable routes to /from the national highway or rail networks and ports, avoiding established residential areas. A key focus of improving freight movement in the WMPO area is promoting intermodal connections between the ports, highways, and rail networks.This focus includes making improvements to the US 74 highway corridor and the CSX rail line connecting the pro- posed North Carolina International Terminal at Southport to Charlotte, as well as restora- tion of the rail line between Castle Hayne and Wallace to provide rail access to Raleigh Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22-1-9 s photo :et MP and the Northeast. It also may include upgrades to Independence Boulevard in Wilmington and development of the Cape Fear Skyway as an important connec- tor. Because freight travel is impacted by roadway congestion, freight move- ment was a factor in ranking the Congestion Mitigation roadway projects. Mass Transportation Improvements The Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan aims to improve mobility throughout the region by employing a variety of approaches and improvements to all modes of travel. As the region continues to grow and the population becomes more dispersed, transit will play a more central role in moving people throughout the region. Public transportation has several roles in the transportation system. At the personal level, it provides mobility for people who are unable to drive, and an additional mobility for people who prefer not to drive. At a more strategic level, it can contribute to economic competitiveness, provide an alternative to congested highways, and assist with meeting air quality and other sustainability and quality -of -life goals. Historically, public transportation has taken a low profile in long -range planning, with greatest attention and funding being given to highway projects.This will need to change as it is increasingly recognized that a highway -led approach is neither financially feasible nor the best way to achieve a region's overall goals. In addition, land use patterns are an important determinant of whether transit ser- vice can be made attractive or even feasible, requiring forward - thinking policy development and regulatory standards. Higher density, mixed -use develop- ments, for example, that are designed to incorporate transit infrastructure and amenities have been shown to boost transit ridership. This plan will improve transit through enhancing the local bus system, adding new express routes to capture regional commuters, and developing a bus rapid transit network in the urban area.These projects are shown on Figures 3 and 5, toward the end of this report. Local Bus The Wilmington community has worked to develop a successful local bus sys- tem, WAVE Transit. WAVE Transit buses provide an affordable and convenient way to access jobs, shopping, and other destinations in Wilmington without a car. As the city and region continue to grow,WAVETransit will be relied on more as an alternative means of travel.This plan will add or modify five WAVE Transit routes. These routes will connect key destinations, such as UNCW and the airport, with the downtown, and will reach out to growing parts of the urban area.The new routes, and improvements to existing routes, will take advantage of the Central and Downtown Stations. Express Bus Routes More and more of the region's residents are living outside of the Wilmington urban area and commuting into the downtown, UNCW, the regional medical center, and other major employment centers.Today,their only real option is to drive.This plan creates 13 express bus routes that will give these commuters a ape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -1 -10 photo :et MP viable and attractive option to driving. Many of these routes will access park- and -ride In lots that are strategically located along major corridors, allowing commuters to drive a short distance from their home to the park- and -ride lot and ride the express bus into Wilmington. These routes will operate during the peak travel times and will have shorter travel times than local buses. Many of these express routes are intended to serve destinations outside of the WMPO area. Development and implementation of these routes will require planning and coor- dination with regional partners. Funding from Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan only covers the project lengths within the WMPO area. Bus Rapid Transit Supplementing the local bus service, Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan establishes five corridors for the development of bus rapid transit, commonly referred to as BRT. Cities the size of Wilmington across the United States and throughout the world are developing BRT systems to provide efficient mass transit service in urban areas without the extremely high cost of commuter rail or light rail. BRT systems are cost - effective because they are developed on existing city streets with only moderate improvements to the infrastructure. They utilize modern, low -floor bus vehicles that provide many of the amenities that attract commuters who have a choice as to how they travel. Corridors in Wilmington identified for bus rapid transit improvements are: • Market Street (starter segment) • Oleander Drive • South 17th Street • Carolina Beach Road, and • Corridor between downtown and UNCW Other Regional Priorities As mass transportation projects were developed for Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan, a number of regional priorities were identified as needs, but not designated for funding.The regional priority projects would provide important con- nections to key destinations outside of the WMPO area, such as Raleigh, Fayetteville, and Jacksonville. Key destinations could be accessed by heavy rail, inter -city bus, ferries, or potentially water taxis.A rail feasibility study was completed approximately nine years ago. Specific unfunded recommendations include adding ferry service between Southport and downtown Wilmington, and reconstructing the rail line between Castle Hayne and Wallace. Pedestrian Facilities WMPO members have been aggressively planning for pedestrian improvements out- side the planning framework of Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan. In 2009, the City of Wilmington adopted Walk Wilmington: A Comprehensive Pedestrian Plan. Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -1 -11 s photo :et MP With this plan, the City of Wilmington and NCDOT hope to meet the demands for safer and more extensive pedestrian facilities, including greenways, side- walks, and crosswalks.The comprehensive pedestrian plan guides local, regional and state efforts to improve conditions for walking in the City of Wilmington and enhance the City's reputation as one of the premier tourism and recreation destinations in the southeast. Wilmington and other communities within the MPO area have completed other, more localized pedestrian planning efforts. Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan includes specific pedestrian im- provements, such as sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian signalization, as part of many of the roadway improvement projects. In many cases, they are included as part of the roadway projects to promote the development of complete streets and also provide opportunities to make connections between different modes of travel. Roadway Improvements While a major emphasis of the plan's development is creating a balanced, multimodal transportation system, Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan recognizes that automobile use is, and will continue to be, the predominant mode of transportation for many people.The roadway improvement projects in the plan fall into one of three categories: Congestion Mitigation (projects that relieve traffic congestion), Safety (projects that promote safe travel for all modes of travel), and Quality of Life (projects that enhance the streetscape and add to the urban fabric). Congestion Mitigation One of the major byproducts of the significant regional growth in the Wilm- ington area is increased traffic congestion. Congestion Mitigation projects are roadway improvement projects that address significant existing and projected capacity issues. In some cases that means widening existing roads, in others it means building new roads, and in still others it means providing congestion relief at major intersections. The highest priority Congestion Mitigation projects have been planned for years and are currently programmed in the State's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Among the highest priority projects are: • Completion of the Wilmington Bypass (TIP: R- 263313) • North and South Kerr Avenue improvements (TIP: U -3338) • US 17/74/76 improvements, from US 421 to River Road (TIP: R -3601) • Extension of Independence Boulevard (U -4434) • Extension of Military Cutoff Road (TIP: U -4751) Roadway Safety Another critical factor in improving the region's transportation system is en- hancing the safety of the region's roads. Often, safety is closely tied to capacity Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -1 -12 photo credit MP Photo c issues on major corridors, but safety issues can also arise along roads and at intersections that were not originally designed and built to handle today's traffic. Many of the Safety projects in the plan are intersection improvement projects.These may entail realigning roads leading into the intersection, improving sight distances, upgrading or adding signalization, and other similar improvements.The plan also calls for construct- ing a number of roundabouts to replace existing traditional intersections. Under the right circumstances, roundabouts have been shown to be an effective way to both improve traffic flow and enhance safety. Safety projects also include other types of improvements, such as access management. Like roadway widenings and intersection improvements, access management improvements can enhance capacity (and reduce congestion). But access management improvements, such as installing medians and restricting turning movements, can also make corridors safer by prohibiting dangerous turning movements and eliminating potential conflict points. Quality of Life Our streets are a key component of our community's fabric.They help establish a mean- ingful sense of place and add value to our community.The Quality of Life projects in this plan aim to enhance urban design, mainly through streetscape improvements. Streetscape improvements could include adding curb and gutter, landscaping, bicycle lanes, sidewalks, landscaped medians, curb bulbouts, and decorative crosswalks. These projects would mainly be funded through local funds (not competing directly for funds with the Congestion Mitigation and Safety projects), except where they have demonstrable potential to improve roadway capacity. Other Regional Priorities The Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Committee recognizes that there are other roadway projects of regional importance that fall outside the parameters of this plan for funding purposes. The highest profile project that is not funded through this plan is the Cape Fear Skyway, which is anticipated to be funded principally by tolls. If built, the Skyway would significantly alter travel patterns in the region.The next update of this plan five years from now will be a new opportunity to study the impacts of the Skyway and determine any other future proj- ects that should be identified to support mobility in the region. Transportations Systems and Demand Management The roadway improvements that are part of this plan will not be enough to relieve conges- tion and provide the level of mobility that travelers throughout the region need and desire. The emphasis in this plan on developing alternative modes of travel, such as transit, bicy- cling, and walking, will enhance mobility. Another effective tool is to improve the efficiency of the overall transportation system by better managing system components (for example, by improving traffic signal coordination and providing real -time traffic information), and by implementing programs and policies to reduce the demand for car - focused transportation. Key elements of this plan are: Constituting a Regional Transportation Commission that in addition to having the authority to levy taxes to support transportation improvements, will promote new technologies across the region to enhance mobility Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -1 -13 s • Creating a full -time Transportation Demand Management Coordinator position to work with regional transportation partners • Promoting better access management • Coordinating transportation needs with the schools and UNCW • Encouraging land uses that support transportation mode choice • Integrating park and ride lots into new development along major transit corridors and highways • Encouraging the redevelopment of downtown Wilmington to provide a dense, walkable, transit - supportive regional center, and • Working with the region's employers to develop programs that incentive use of alternative modes for employees • Standardizing speed limits and design speeds on collector and arterial roadways z� _v C ape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -1 -14 Paying for the Plan Revenue Revenue projections for the Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan were based upon an analysis of historical data. Revenues were identified by funding source and grouped by primary mode. In most cases, current year revenues were assumed to grow at the forecast rate of population growth. Over the 25 year period of the plan, the aver- age forecast population growth for the WMPO is approximately 2.4 percent per year. All dollars are reported in constant present year dollars. Roadway Revenues Roadway revenues were based on analysis of past MTIPs, with a focus on funded amounts over programmed amounts. Excluding loop projects, the WMPO has re- ceived approximately $25 million per year for capacity related projects. Additionally, the WMPO has averaged approximately $660,000 per year for safety - related improve- ments and roughly $1 million per year in federal bridge aid. Future revenues were assumed to grow with population. Loop funding (funding from the State's Highway Trust Fund for major interstates) is set aside for the Wilmington Bypass and Indepen- dence Boulevard Extension projects. Maintenance is performed both by the division as well as locally. While division funds have fluctuated wildly in recent years given the current financial climate, the average for the WMPO area has been approximately $3.5 million. Additionally, municipalities have received an average of roughly $3.3 million per year in Powell Bill receipts. Ad- ditional local maintenance is roughly $1 million per year. State and local expenditures were assumed to increase with population. As Powell Bill receipts have been flat for the past five years, no increase is assumed in these funds. Bicycle and Pedestrian Revenues State enhancement money is the primary non -local source of revenue for non -mo- torized projects. This has averaged approximately $175,000 per year. Additionally, the City of Wilmington has budgeted an average of roughly $600,000 per year for sidewalk construction and repair. For bikes and multiuse paths, the amount is roughly $320,000 per year. These are all assumed to grow with population. Mass Transportation Revenues Transit in the region is funded from a variety of sources. In addition to farebox rev- enue, the transit agencies receive state and federal assistance. There is also a substan- tial contribution from a variety of state and local health and welfare agencies. WAVE Transit also receives a sizeable amount of its budget directly from UNCW for rides it provides to students. Currently, WAVE Transit receives nearly $1.8 million in operating assistance from the Federal Transit Administration under the Section 5307 program. Current rules prohibit such assistance for agencies serving areas with populations in excess of 200,000, a designation that is essentially certain following the 2010 census. It was assumed that this lost revenue would be replaced through a combination of increased fares and local assistance. Given that transit revenues are not tied directly to the population of the region, but of the service area and other service factors, growth rates based on historical data were used to predict the growth of the farebox Cape Fear Commutes 2035 s 21iom'203" Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -1 -15 revenue and local, state and federal operating assistance. These rates ranged from -1 to 5.5 percent per year. Costs For each of the identified projects, an order -of- magnitude cost estimate was developed in current year dollars. Roadway costs Including programmed MTIP projects, the committee identified over $2.5 billion in Con- gestion Mitigation roadway projects and nearly $40 million in Roadway Safety projects. Additionally, the committee identified over $100 million in projects aimed primarily at improving quality of life. As maintenance is ongoing, specificroadway projects were not identified. As federal bridge -aid projects are primarily maintenance projects, no specific projects were identi- fied in this category either. Bicycle and Pedestrian Costs Over 200 bicycle improvements were identified with an estimated cost of nearly $106 million dollars. Specific sidewalk projects were not identified. Mass Transportation Costs Continued operation of the existing WAVE Transit system will be approximately $170 mil- lion over the lifetime of the plan. The identified projects would add roughly $224 million in operations and maintenance over the lifetime of the plan and require a capital invest- ment of roughly $128 million. Operation of the Brunswick Transit System will be roughly $21 million over the course of the plan. Fiscally Constraining the Plan The Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transportation Plan must be fiscally constrained, meaning that total proposed expenditures do not exceed anticipated revenues over the lifetime of the plan. While the plan deals in current year dollars, the cost of construction has exceeded the overall rate of inflation in recent years. For this plan, a moderate rate of 3 percent per year of cost escalation, beyond inflation, was assumed. In order to escalate costs, however, it was important to estimate the time horizon of the project construction. For this reason, projects are listed as happening in one of three time periods: 2010 -2015; 2016 -2025; or 2026 -2035. In some cases, projects are so large their construction will span multiple periods and thus may be reported as occurring in multiple time periods. In these cases costs were divided among the time periods and escalated accordingly. Roadway Projects The NCDOT 5 -Year Work Program and 2009 -2015 MTIP were used to ascertain Congestion Mitigation roadway revenues and work order for the 2010 -2015 program. After that period, historical revenues were assumed. Overall, a total of $1,093 million was estimated to be available for Congestion Mitigation roadway projects. Additionally, the WMPO has identi- fied approximately $90 million worth of local projects that would be constructed using local bonds. The total escalated cost of the roadway projects primarily listed as Congestion Mitigation is $1,127 million. Additionally, roughly $47 million worth of projects identified as primarily Quality of Life roadway projects by the committee were identified as addressing z� _v C ape Fear Co 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -1 -16 capacity issues and selected for inclusion in the plan. Approximately $23.5 million was estimated to be available for Roadway Safety projects over the lifetime of the plan. The total escalated cost of the identified projects is roughly $23 million. Given the limited funds available for enhancement -type projects, nearly $30 million in additional Quality of Life roadway projects were identified for local bonding within the WMPO. Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects Given the great number of identified non - motorized projects, a specific plan for these items was not developed. Projects will be built based on local needs and available funds. In particular, the list identifies nearly 24 miles of bicycle lanes that can be marked for only about $250,000 worth of restriping. Mass Transportation Projects Total operating costs over the life of the plan, including new service, is $415 million. Escalated capital costs total $168 million, of which roughly $98 million would be eligible for federal reimbursement. Total local revenues and other op- erating assistance is estimated at $289 million, leaving a funding gap of roughly $194 million. Current law allows for an optional sales tax and vehicle registration tax which could generate $270 and $37 million, respectively, in New Hanover County alone over the life of the plan. The Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Transporta- tion Plan assumes that some combination of this funding is passed to satisfy the additional revenue needs. New funding sources The list of identified needs, greatly outstrips the available funds. While few ad- ditional revenue sources are available, the WMPO recognizes that the area will need to develop additional funding mechanisms in the future, many of which would require changes in state law. Regional Transportation Commission - regional partners should inves- tigate forming a regional transportation commission that would have the authority to generate revenue from taxes and transportation user charges, such as tolls, to pay for future transportation projects of regional importance. Commission membership would be comprised of represen- tatives from the three counties in the region. Tax Increment Financing (TIF) /District Improvement Financing (DIF) - TI Fs and DIFs are innovative financing tools that target districts or specific projects for redevelopment through use of tax increments. A tax incre- ment is the difference between the beginning assessed value of the targeted property in its underdeveloped state and the assessed value going forward, as the planned improvements develop. The Market Street bus rapid transit project, for example, could be financed in part if a TIF were established along Market Street. The TIF would help fund a needed transit project and have the added benefit of encouraging good devel- opment. Transit Fares, $67, 3% S & F Trar Capital, $9E S & F Trans 2% Local $3 S & F Non -M, $6 smim Non - Motorized, 2% Quality of Life, $7 4% Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -1 -17 S &F =State and Federal Non -M = Non - Motorized $2 ,133 Million Total s Estimated Transportation Revenues 2010 -2035 in millions of 2010 dollars Local Option Local Transit. Tax, $194, 9% Estimated Transportation Expenditures 2010 -2035 in millions of 2010 dollars General transportation- focused sales tax - current law allows for a' /4 percent sales tax to support new transit initiatives, but none of this money can go toward roadway or non - motorized improvements. A local- option sales tax could generate hundreds of millions of dollars in available funds across the three - county MPO area. Local toll facilities - many of the identified improvements have current -year costs in the hundreds of millions of dollars. These amounts vastly outstrip the available resources. Another option for funding would be the creation of a local tolling net- work overseen by a regional toll authority. Few such models exist in the country, though, often as the appetite for local (shorter distance) toll roads is more limited. Tolling these facilities could speed up their construction and ensure that a greater portion of the roadway was borne directly by the users. Impact fees /adequate public facilities requirements - while impact fees and adequate public facilities requirements often address localized deficiencies, the monies can often be pooled to fund larger projects beyond the scope of a single developer. The monies raised from these requirements also have the potential to free up funds for other projects. Bicycle sales excise tax - some communities are implementing a point -of -sale excise tax on the purchase of adult bicycles. Funds collected from these taxes are used exclusively to enhance bicycle transportation. Given the comprehensive list of bicycle projects identified and the general lack of funds to make the improve- ments, this kind of tax could be considered. Unfunded m Pro The Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Committee identified more projects than can be funded. These projects, while unfunded, are nevertheless important pieces in completing the overall transportation puzzle and should be referred to as new funding sources and op- portunities are identified and should be a central part of future discussions. They include projects for all modes and are listed in their entirety in the appendix. Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Pro List Each Cape Fear Commutes 2035 project is listed in Table 1 and illustrated on Figures 2,3, and 4. Projects in Table 1 are generally grouped by the plan element categories de- scribed previously, and are prioritized within each category. Estimated costs are given for each project to demonstrate that the projects are financially balanced with projected revenues. The table also identifies the jurisdiction where the project is located. The project list assumes that the projects in the current State Transportation Improve- ment Program (STIP) receive the highest priority for funding. C ape Fear Commutes 2035 �W:35' Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -1 -18 r C ape Fear Commutes 2035 s � Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22 -1 -19 N m WIS Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meetin 04/19/2010 22-1-20 S - C ape Fear Commutes 2035 � Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22-1-21 Project Number Rank Project Name Potential Horizon Funding Cost Jurisdiction Period Source (Escalated) R -2633B Wilmington Bypass Section B - US 74 -76 to US 421 Multiple 2010 -2025 STIP: Loop $203,700,000 U -3338 North and South Kerr Avenue widen between Martin Luther King, Jr New Hanover 2010 -2025 STIP $82,700,000 Parkway and Kerr Avenue (Sections B and C) R -3601 US 17 -74 -76 widen from US 421 to River Road SE (NC 133) Brunswick 2010 -2025 STIP $25,100,000 U -4434 Independence Boulevard Extension New Hanover 2016 -2025 STIP: Loop $50,000,000 U -4751 Extend Military Cutoff Road to Wilmington Bypass (US 17) New Hanover 2010 -2025 STIP $60,700,000 R -4063 Village Road widen from South Navassa Road to Lanvale Road Brunswick 2010 -2025 STIP $18,900,000 R -3300 Hampstead Bypass Multiple 2010 -2025 STIP $202,800,000 U -3337 Convert grade separation at US 74/76 at Old Fayetteville Road to an Brunswick 2010 -2035 STIP $13,300,000 interchange U -4902 Market Street access management New Hanover 2010 -2035 STIP $12,100,000 U -3831 Gordon Road widen from North College Road (NC 132) to Market New Hanover 2010 -2035 STIP $24,800,000 Street (US 17B) R -4732 Ocean Highway (US 17) access management (WMPO component) Brunswick 2010 -2025 STIP $2,200,000 U -2724 North College Road (US 117/NC132) upgrade to freeway between New Hanover 2010 -2025 STIP $48,000,000 1 -40 and north of Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway (US 74) ( "Interim Solution ") Alternative U -4436 Wilmington Bypass ( 1 140 -US 17) at Blue Clay Road interchange Brunswick 2016 -2025 STIP: Loop $25,600,000 Total Cost: TIP Projects: $770,000,000 Congestion Mitigation CO59 1 Hurst Drive extend to South Kerr Avenue and Reigel Road New Hanover 2016 -2025 Bond $12,000,000 CO55A 2 Cape Fear Riverway between Independence Boulevard and Snows New Hanover 2026 -2025 STIP $112,800,000 Cut Bridge (US 421) CO56 3 Saint Nicholas Road extend to Cardinal Drive and Station Road New Hanover 2016 -2025 Bond $19,600,000 C067 4 Dogwood Lane extend to Wrightsville Avenue and Pine Grove Drive New Hanover 2016 -2025 Bond $23,300,000 CO58 5 Head Road extend to Masonboro Sound Road New Hanover 2016 -2025 Bond $14,500,000 Cape Fear Commutes 2035 lli LI ' a W: Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22-1-22 S C104 21 South College Road (US 117/NC132) from Wilshire Boulevard to New Hanover 2026 -2035 STIP $13,900,000 Shipyard Boulevard (US 117) widen C106 22 South Kerr Avenue widen between Patrick Avenue and New Hanover 2026 -2035 STIP $16,400,000 Wrightsville Avenue Total Cost: Congestion Mitigation $357,400,000 Q03 1 South College Road (NC 132) improvements between Market Wilmington 2016 -2025 Bond Potential Project Street (US 17 Business) and Randall Parkway Horizon Funding Cost Number Rank Project Name Jurisdiction Period Source (Escalated) C015 6 Castle Hayne Road (NC 133) widen between Wilmington Bypass Multiple 2026 -2035 STIP $4,000,000 2016 -2025 Bond $4,300,000 (I 40 -US 17) and Division Drive Boulevard and George Anderson Drive C100 7 South Front Street (US 421 Truck) widen between Cape Fear New Hanover 2026 -2035 STIP $20,500,000 Memorial Bridge (US 17 Business -76 -421) and Burnett Boulevard Q01 5 South College Road (NC 132) improvements between Randall (US 421) 2016 -2025 Bond $3,100,000 CO39 8 Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway (US 74) at Market Street (US 17 New Hanover 2026 -2035 STIP $25,600,000 Multiple 2026 -2035 STIP Business) flyovers River Road C069 9 North 23rd Street widen between Castle Hayne Road (NC 133) New Hanover 2026 -2035 STIP $21,900,000 $330,000 and Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway (US 74) (US 17 Business) and Oleander Drive (US 76) C010 10 Carolina Beach Road (US 421) at South College Road (NC 132) New Hanover 2026 -2035 STIP $25,600,000 flyovers C117 11 Wilshire Boulevard extend to MacMillan Avenue New Hanover 2016 -2025 Bond $10,800,000 C063 14 Randall Drive extend to Hooker Road New Hanover 2016 -2025 Bond $9,500,000 CO29 19 Isabel Holmes Bridge (US 74 -NC 133) at US 17 -421 interchange New Hanover 2026 -2035 STIP $12,800,000 C105 20 South Kerr Avenue extend to Oleander Drive (US 76) New Hanover 2026 -2035 STIP $14,300,000 C104 21 South College Road (US 117/NC132) from Wilshire Boulevard to New Hanover 2026 -2035 STIP $13,900,000 Shipyard Boulevard (US 117) widen C106 22 South Kerr Avenue widen between Patrick Avenue and New Hanover 2026 -2035 STIP $16,400,000 Wrightsville Avenue Total Cost: Congestion Mitigation $357,400,000 Q03 1 South College Road (NC 132) improvements between Market Wilmington 2016 -2025 Bond $2,300,000 Street (US 17 Business) and Randall Parkway Q10 2 Carolina Beach Road (US 421) streetscape between Burnett Wilmington 2016 -2025 Bond $4,000,000 Boulevard and Shipyard Boulevard Q14 3 Carolina Beach Road (US 421) streetscape between Shipyard Wilmington 2016 -2025 Bond $4,300,000 Boulevard and George Anderson Drive Q11 4 Market Street (US 17 Business) road diet between North and Wilmington 2016 -2025 Bond $850,000 South 17th Street and Covil Avenue Q01 5 South College Road (NC 132) improvements between Randall Wilmington 2016 -2025 Bond $3,100,000 Parkway and Oleander Drive (US 76) Q28 6 River Road (NC 133) streetscape between US 17 -74 -76 and Old Multiple 2026 -2035 STIP $3,600,000 River Road Q16 7 Dawson Street (US 76) streetscape between South 3rd Street Wilmington 2016 -2025 Bond $330,000 (US 17 Business) and Oleander Drive (US 76) Cape Fear Commutes 203 3 : ,, { Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22-1-23 Total Cost: Quality of Life $77,120,000 W15 1 River Road roundabout at Sanders Road New Hanover 2010 -2015 Potential $230,000 Project 2 Oleander Drive (US 76) improvements at Pine Grove Drive Wilmington Horizon Funding Cost Number Rank Project Name Jurisdiction Period Source (Escalated) Q06 8 Market Street (US 17 Business) improvements between New Centre Wilmington 2016 -2025 Bond $14,200,000 W08 4 Drive and Gordon Road New Hanover 2010 -2015 STIP: Safety $530,000 Q26 12 Wrightsville Avenue improvements between South College Road Wilmington 2026 -2035 STIP $7,400,000 W14 5 (US 117 -NC 132) and Hawthorne Drive Multiple 2010 -2015 STIP: Safety $450,000 Q29 13 Wrightsville Avenue improvements between Hawthorne Drive and Wilmington 2026 -2035 STIP $11,900,000 W17 6 Oleander Drive Wrightsville 2010 -2015 STIP: Safety $230,000 Q19 14 Wrightsville Avenue road diet between Castle Street and Wilmington 2016 - 2025 Bond $150,000 W26 7 Independence Boulevard Wilmington 2016 -2025 STIP: Safety $2,800,000 Q25 17 Wrightsville Avenue improvements between Independence Wilmington 2026 -2035 STIP $7,400,000 lli LI ' a Boulevard and South College Road (US 117 -NC 132) C ape F Commut 2035 � Q21 19 Wooster Street (US 76) streetscape between South 3rd Street (US 17 Wilmington 2016 -2025 Bond $330,000 Business) and Oleander Drive (US 76) 04/19/2010 Q20 21 Castle Hayne Road (NC 133) streetscape between Northeast Cape New Hanover 2026 -2035 STIP $8,000,000 Fear River and North College Road (US 117 -NC 132) Q07 22 Ocean Highway (US 17) improvements between Lanvale Road and Multiple 2016 -2025 Bond $160,000 Andrew Jackson Highway (US 74 -76) Q31 23 Wilshire Boulevard improvements between Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington 2026 -2035 STIP $6,800,000 and dead end Q34 24 MacMillan Avenue improvements between Cedar Avenue and Pine Wilmington 2026 -2035 STIP $2,300,000 Grove Drive Total Cost: Quality of Life $77,120,000 W15 1 River Road roundabout at Sanders Road New Hanover 2010 -2015 STIP: Safety $230,000 W25 2 Oleander Drive (US 76) improvements at Pine Grove Drive Wilmington 2010 -2015 STIP: Safety $2,100,000 W04 3 Market Street (US 17 Business) improvements at North & South 17th Wilmington 2010 -2015 STIP: Safety $580,000 Street W08 4 North College Road (US 117 -NC 132) roundabout at Castle Hayne New Hanover 2010 -2015 STIP: Safety $530,000 Road (NC 133) W14 5 River Road (NC 133) improvements between US 17 -74 -76 and WMPO Multiple 2010 -2015 STIP: Safety $450,000 Boundary W17 6 Salisbury Street (US 74) roundabout at Lumina Avenue Wrightsville 2010 -2015 STIP: Safety $230,000 Beach W26 7 Pine Grove Drive improvements at MacMillan Avene Wilmington 2016 -2025 STIP: Safety $2,800,000 W24 8 Wrightsville Avenue roundabout at Wallace Avenue Wilmington 2010 -2025 STIP: Safety $340,000 lli LI ' a C ape F Commut 2035 � Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22-1-24 Cape Fear Commutes 2035 s i - Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22-1-25 Potential Project Jurisdiction Horizon Funding Cost Number Rank Project Name Period Source (Escalated) W03 9 Dow Road improvements between North Lake Park Boulevard Multiple 2016 -2025 STIP: Safety $960,000 (US 421) and K Avenue W06 10 Navassa Road roundabout at Old Mill Road Navassa 2016 -2025 STIP: Safety $2,400,000 W02 11 Castle Hayne Road (NC 133) roundabout at North 23rd Street New Hanover 2016 -2025 STIP: Safety $300,000 W12 13 Pine Grove Drive roundabout at Holly Tree Road Wilmington 2016 -2025 STIP: Safety $500,000 W11 14 Pine Grove Drive roundabout at Greenville Loop Road Wilmington 2016 -2025 STIP: Safety $500,000 W07 15 NC 210 improvements between WMPO boundary and US 17 Pender 2016 -2025 STIP: Safety $300,000 W22 16 Wrightsville Avenue (US 74 -76) improvements between Pavillion Wilmington 2016 -2025 STIP: Safety $2,100,000 Place and Heide -Trask Drawbridge W19 17 US 17 improvements at Factory Road & Peanut Road Pender 2026 -2035 STIP: Safety $1,400,000 W01 18 Burnett Boulevard (US 421) improvements at Carolina Beach Wilmington 2026 -2035 STIP: Safety $3,800,000 Road (US 421) & South Front Street (US 421 Truck) W20 19 US 17 -74- 421 -NC 133 access management at USS North Carolina Brunswick 2026 -2035 STIP: Safety $1,000,000 Road W23 20 Wrightsville Avenue roundabout at MacMillan Avenue Wilmington 2026 -2035 STIP: Safety $460,000 W16 23 Salisbury Street (US 74) roundabout at Causeway Drive (US 76) Wrightsville 2026 -2035 STIP: Safety $1,100,000 Beach W13 26 Piner Road improvements at Grisson Road Wilmington 2026 -2035 STIP: Safety $870,000 Total Cost: Roadway Safety $22,950,000 Total Cost: All Roadway Projects $1,227,470,000 yy r }f b r 4. Current TIP Projects TD -4721 Wilmington Multimodal Transportation Center Wilmington 2010 -2015 STIP /Local $10,000,000 A/B TD -4942 WAVE Maintenance and Operations Facility Wilmington 2010 -2015 STIP /Local $7,500,000 Total Current TIP Projects: $17,500,000 Local Bus T01 1 UNCW to Downtown Station Local Wilmington 2010 -2015 STIP /Local $10,972,000 Cape Fear Commutes 2035 s i - Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22-1-25 N T15 10 Western Pender Count to Wilmin Express (servin US421 Multiple 2026-2035 STIP/Local $5,778,000 to New Hanover Re Medical Center via Downtown Station Total Cost: Express Bus $149,122,000 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) T16 1 Market Street BRT between Downtown Station and Central Wilmin 2010-2015 STIP/Local $25,372,000 Station T17 2 UNCW BRT between Downtown Station and Cape Fear Wilmin 2016-2025 STIP/Local $33,004,000 Memorial Hospital Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meetin 04/19/2010 22-1-26 Potential Project Horizon Fundin Cost Number Rank Project Name Jurisdiction Period Source (Escalated) T02 2 Central Station to Wri Beach (or Drawbrid Local Multiple 2010-2015 STIP/Local $10,972,000 T03 3 Modif existin route 207 (Castle Ha to serve ILM Airport Wilmin 2010-2015 STI P/Loca 1 $10,972,000 T04 4 Masonboro Loop Road local Multiple 2010-2015 STIP/Local $10,972,000 T05 5 River Road to Downtown Station local Multiple 2010-2015 STIP/Local $10,972,000 Total Cost: Local Bus $54,860,000 Express Bus T06 1 Hampstead to Wilmin Express (servin Scotts Hill and Multiple 2010-2015 STIP/Local $10,972,000 Porters Neck to Downtown Station via Central Station) T07 2 Pleasure Island to Wilmin Express (to Downtown Station) Multiple 2010-2015 STIP/Local $10,972,000 T08 3 Pleasure Island to Wilmin Express Alternate (to Central Multiple 2010-2015 STIP/Local $10,972,000 Station via UNCW Station) T09 4 Rie to Wilmin Express (servin Acme, Delco, and Multiple 2010-2015 STIP/Local $15,234,000 Leland to New Hanover Medical Center via Downtown Station) T10 5 Southport to Wilmin Express (servin Boilin Sprin Lakes Multiple 2016-2025 STIP/Local $15,234,000 and Winnabow to Central Station via Downtown Station) T11 6 Shallotte to Wilmin Express (servin Suppl Bolivia, and Multiple 2016-2025 STIP/Local $15,234,000 Winnabow to Central Station via Downtown Station) T12 7 Southport to Wilmin Express Alternate (servin Boilin Multiple 2016-2025 STIP/Local $15,234,000 Sprin Lakes and Winnabow via 1-140/Cape Fear Sk T13 8 Shallotte to Wilmin Express Alternate (servin Suppl Multiple 2016-2025 STIP/Local $15,234,000 Bolivia, and Winnabow to New Hanover Re Medical Center via 1-140/Cape Fear Sk to New Hanover Re Medical Center) T14 9 Bur to Wilmin Express (servin Rock Point and Castle Multiple 2026-2035 STIP/Local $5,778,000 Ha to New Hanover Re Medical Center via Central Station and UNCW Station) T15 10 Western Pender Count to Wilmin Express (servin US421 Multiple 2026-2035 STIP/Local $5,778,000 to New Hanover Re Medical Center via Downtown Station Total Cost: Express Bus $149,122,000 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) T16 1 Market Street BRT between Downtown Station and Central Wilmin 2010-2015 STIP/Local $25,372,000 Station T17 2 UNCW BRT between Downtown Station and Cape Fear Wilmin 2016-2025 STIP/Local $33,004,000 Memorial Hospital Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meetin 04/19/2010 22-1-26 Project Number Rank Project Name Jurisdiction T18 3 Oleander Drive BRT between Downtown Station and Cape Fear Wilmington Memorial Hospital T19 4 South 17th Street BRT between Downtown Station and Skyway Wilmington Station T20 5 Carolina Beach Road BRT between Downtown Station and Wilmington Skyway Station Potential Horizon Funding Cost Period Source (Escalated) 2016 -2025 STIP /Local $28,504,000 2016 -2025 STIP /Local $25,804,000 2026 -2035 STIP /Local $17,968,000 Total Cost: Bus Rapid Transit $130,652,000 Total Cost: All Transit Projects $334,634,000 Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 22-1-27 s NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 23 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Carey Disney Ricks, Public Relations and Information Officer, CFPUA CONTACT(S): Bruce T. Shell, County Manager SUBJECT: Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Update BRIEF SUMMARY: Carey Disney Ricks will present an update on the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) which will include an overview of current issues such as the recent rate increase, CIP, etc. The following CFPUA representatives will also be present: Matt Jordan, CEO Gene Renzaglia, Board Chairman Burrows Smith, Board Treasurer RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 23 -0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 24 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Bob Brickner, GBB Solid Waste Management Consultants CONTACT(S): Chris Coudriet, Assistant County Manager SUBJECT: Presentation to the Board of Commissioners for Solid Waste Management Services Based on Requests for Proposals by Gershman, Brickner & Bratton (GBB) BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County issued two separate calls to the private sector to submit requests for proposals for comprehensive, integrated solid waste management services. The first call for proposals were submitted in October 2009. The second call for proposals were submitted in March 2010. The review and recommendation process was largely assigned to GBB Solid Waste Management Consultants but did include County staff involvement. Bob Bricker of GBB will present his final recommendation to the Board for solid waste management services. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Consider recommendation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation and accepted the recommendation of the consultant by a vote of 5 -0. Scheduled a Solid Waste Work Session on May 3 at 2:00 p.m. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 24 -0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: April 19, 2010 REGULAR ITEM: 25 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Thompson CONTACT(S): Sheila Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Vacancies exist on the following boards and committees: ABC Board Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Southeastern Economic Development Commission RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments. ATTACHMENTS: Committee Information and Applications COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: The following appointments were made: ABC Board: David I. Matthews was appointed to a one -year term. John H. Lyon was appointed to a two -year term. Thomas Wolfe was appointed to a three -year term. Avril Pinder was appointed to serve as an ex- officio member. Thomas Wolfe was appointed Chairman for a one -year term. Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee: Yuri Buechler was appointed. Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee: Linda J. Coite and Christopher Ryan Thomas were appointed. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -0 Southeastern Economic Development Commission: Robert G. Greer was reappointed. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -0 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 1. Appoint 3 members: a. 1 -year term (6/30/2011) b. 2 -year term (6/30/2012) c. 3 -year term (6/30/2013) 2. Appoint Chairman to 1 -year term — (6/30/2011) ELIGIBLE FOR A PPLICANTS: Dennis E. Andrison John R. Babb Brian Berger Richard E. Canizaro Thomas F. Cavenaugh, Jr. John M. Coble Robert (Robby) Green Collins, Jr. Sam Darakjy Cedric A. Dickerson Augustus Codington Everett, Jr. Francine M. Good Richard Hoffmann John Hogan R. J. Hogan Kevin Warren Johnson Michael S. Jones George Keil John H. Lyon Robert W. Martenis David I. Matthews John F. Melia Ernest T. Nicholas Robert L. Parker Avril Pinder Linda "candy" Robbins Eric N. Rylander Jesse J. (Jimmy) Thomas James L. Turner Thomas Wolfe k Ronald H. Woodruff George J. Wrage REAPPOINTMENT Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -1 New Hanover County Board of Commmioners COMMUTTEE APPUCATION Boar committee: Al leverage Co ntrol Board Name: Dennis El". Ain- drison Home Address 7 600 Los Tree Rd. Wilmington, IBC 25411 Mallfmg Address if different: MaIl Address: dandri son0a 10. ec . rr . com Home Pho 910 - 686 - 3549 Fax.- C 91 Business. Years Living in New Hanover County: 13 Male: Female: Race: caucasia Age: 63 (Information for the par p"t of asrar ing a cross sectiou of thr community) Employer: Self loyed (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, mast resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment. in a ccordan ce with Article V t. Sec tin ■ 4 of the New Hanover C oa aq Pe rsen atl Policy.) 0 =pati0ft, Sole proprietor of my own business /semi retired Professional Activities: None Volunteer Activities: Donating my time and talents to individuals with needs Why do you wish to serve m this board/committee I I feel violated by government and I want to became involved to the fullest extent of my abili to he cha nge th di we are headed. Conflict of interest T a board member believes he /she has a conffct or potential conpict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict detailing that he /she has a separate, prNate or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himseff r herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see Addressed by this committee? Institute vi sible and achie metrics of performance in operations, and personal. Qualifteaxions for serving: 25 years of operational management culminating as Operations ATP including sick operations rescues and manufacturing facility design and implementation Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: Hono List three local personal references and phone numbers: t. Frank Grant USW retired 5029 Crosswinds Dr. Wilmington, NC 28409 910-392-6084 1. Richard L- Martin 6424 Hawksbill Drive Wilmington, NC- 910- 392 -7545 3. Margaret Porter r 10 S Fores La �, 213401 910 - 2 6 4 - 91 Date: January 14, 201 Applitations are kept an a ths J AN X42010 NEW HANOVER CO BD OF COfvimi5sjC I R� 230 Government Center Drive suit= l w 1� Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (9 101 7( )8 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 (Zip C'gdel last rev erst side far ad corm men is Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -2 02/17/2010 09:12 8437406637 New Hanover County Board of Commission C OMMITTEE APPj�T.CATTO Board/Commattee: C i3O PAGE 02/03 230 0ovcrnmcnt Center Drive �li1te 175 wilmioston, NC 28403 Telephone; (9 in) 79,4.71 h9 Fox! (910) 7 .9R -7 14 5 N John R. Babb Home 2 B 41� Address: 7401 Promontory Court Wilmington (Street) (Giry) (7.ip Ca rte) Mailing Address if different: - sit Address: Retired �4par @bellsouth . net ... r.w.w�w ... r.r. -u�r�M w •rte Nome Phone: 91 0.274. 8508 Fdx: Cell: _ Business. - Years Living in Whi to A 62 New Hanover County: 40t Male: . Female: �.�.� Race: ge; {inform scion for the PnrAoPC of OP - Svrinf, ! M"'," "C011 on nt the cam munity) Employer: U. S, Customs and Border Protection _ rr - (A perinM a +trrently employed b y th n�ei+c or elcp rtment tar which this applicat Is m ade, mUxt refigri 1t1t /h pati tinn with New Himover C'oonty upon nppointmetlt, in necordance with Artielr V1, St•ctinn 4 or Me New Itf►nover Comaty Personnel Policy.) Occu pation: Enforce Instructor Professional Activities: None Volunteer Activiticq: None Why do y ou wish to serve on this board/committee? Use my expeariencea and knowledge to reins till trust v rr by the citizens of NHC in both the county government and the ABC system. GariMCI 6rintorosi. Ar n hnard mnmbar D6Hovea ljo / she nab s conr #cl or poton(lal cannict or interest on s parliculer iesuc-, that mnmbar 01auld 91ato thin Dollorto the other mam a his / her rospocuva beard dtiring a public m9@ang, The member should atofe 117+9 natc►re or the conn(c detelnnq thaI helshe h as a 9OPSrate, priv or monorary interest, altner dlrecr or Indirect. In the is9ue uncrer .on odd; ration, rho ►ngmhgr , than axct)ap himself Iher aiptf fro m vntlnp on the mat ter What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Move from a dark era of mis trus t and critiam to positive change through improved fiscal and ethical responsibilities 1�Alxl�eacxol�s for scrV�ilr��: I am particularly qualified to contribute in creat a performance based culture based on strategic planning and leadership. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None Lis three local personal references nn d phone nu mbc rs: 10 M.r. . william (Sill) Stanfield � Dr. Richard Corbett 343.9991 30 Mr. William O'Shea 509.3141 Date: February 17, 2010 791.5753 FEB 1 7 2010 App Iictition.r a re kept on lilt for 1 It non ath c Signature: Wk.- BO U I Use revc a Fide for additional commcnte Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -3 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners CONIIVIITTEE APPLICATION MN Board /Committee: ABC Board Name: Brian Berger Home Address: 527 Commons Way Wilmington 28449 (Street) (Cit (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: &Mail Address: brianberger56 @yahoo . nom Home Phone: 431-3115 Fax: Cell: Business: Years Living in New Hanover County: 5 Male: f Female: Race: _- Age: 32 (Information for the par pose of assuring a cross section of the coae ■amity) Employer: AISI (A person cerrestly employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, roust resign hislber position with New Hanover County upon appointment, is accordance witb Article VI, See tie a 4 of the New H aeover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: ]lssociation Management and Marketing; Public Policy; Business Acb finis tration Professional Activities American Marketing Association, Public Relations Society of USA. NAM Volunteer Activities: special Olympics, various civic and community organizations 230 Government Center Drive Suite 175 Wilmington,NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? Improved communication with the public, creative approach to problem solving and opportunities would benefit he ABC Board Conflkt of Interest: If a board member believes he I she has a confiict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to The other members of his / her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that helshe has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in The issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself / herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Better communication with citizens; Consistency in planning and actions of Board; balance opportunity realization w /concerns Qualifications for serving: Expertise in public policy and communicating programs and goals to the public. Sound judgem►Qnt to facilitate long -range planning and generate buy -in from public Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: NBC Scattered site Housing Committee (currently inactive) List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Ann Griffith 686 -7481 2. Pat Delair 200 -6884 3.Joe Rumsey 509 -9359 -C r � MAY 28 [009 ss 4 t i i Date: May 20 r 2009 Applications are kept an file for 18 no ■tbs Signature: se reverse side for additional cos meats Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -4 03/02/2010 TUE 13:13 FAX PT in Accountimg New Hanover County Board of Commissioners CO EE .PPL CATIO Board /Committee: ABC 0/001/001 730 Government Center Drive st to 175 w ilmisgton, NC 28403 Tek*mw: (910) 799 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 fame: 1ichazd X. CAai aaFro Home Address: 330 Nottingham Laner lox- imgton 2-8409 (Street) (City) (Zip Cade) Mailing Address if different: E Address: rehrec @aol , cam Home Prone: 91 0- 452 -2651 Fax: Cell: 910 -352 -2 Business: Mean Lfv-� in New Hanover County: 16 Male: _ ! Female: _ - Race: White Age: 57 (101azafiaa for 4 Cewwwst of as w-ko.a *ewes aeetio■ ftj tic csataswwiw) Employer: RJNC (A penon a neatly emptayed by the agency or depalrinuf for whue this appUtation is made, mast resip #idler position with New Haxover Cavaty up an app Wntoen In aecordancc with Article W1, See floa 4 of the New Hanover Coum Person ■ eI Policy.) Ompation: Financial Analyst Professional Activities: Former Hoard of Directors - Vicksburg Jaycees , Miss Mississippi Pageant Volunteer Activities: Chairperson - fit . Mark Parish Council, Lay minister, Catechist Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? I bel4ve my financial experience, honesty and integ�erity wav2d help this board yet back the publiLc re %Oect Conflict of lnteros# F a board member believes he r she has a canfict ar poterrIANI c0r2 Aicl of rrrterest On * pedicular issue, Mat member should stale this belief to the other members of firs I her respective board during a public rne"np. The member should state the noftNe of the coaffict, defailing that he/sfare has a separate, private or monetary interest either direct or indirect, in the Issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself /herself from voting on the rnalter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Bid processes, underage drinking Purchasing policies for liquor, awarding of licenses Qualiiicstions for serving: 35 years accounting experience and, in my opinion, my honesty and willingness to do the right thing r Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: List three local personal references and phone numbers: t. Pat Howey 335 -1452 2. Beth Harkcom 452 -9306 3, Rod Richardson 407-852-9228 Hate: p� Applications are kept on file for is iinanths Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -5 Skuttm'e: f! � 1 r I ""F) l� Use reverse side for addi ienal cam men is Richard E. Canizaro 330 Nottingham Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 (910) 352 -2054 Professional Experience February 2004 to RJI Present Accountant Responsible for audit review of 90 stores in 19 states. Maintain fixed asset database, property tax returns, credit banking, financial statement review, account analysis and reconciliation and monthly journal entries. August 1999 to Bechtel December, 2003 Accounting manager/Training Manager Responsible for all accounting activities for multi - million dollar steam generator replacements. Acted as interface with regional offices on accounting, billing, and human resource issues. Accountable for the hiring and training of over 1 000 temporary hires. October, 2000 to BECHTEVBECON (interim assignment) December 2000 Assisted in the development of cost reimbursable agreements and subsequent implementation on power plant construction. Managed payroll and timekeeping staff. June, 1993 to Beeon/Bechtel August, 1999 Accounting/Automation Manager Responsible for all accounting, procurement, and computer functions on Maintenance /Modifications contract for three nuclear power plants. oversaw the set up of Accounting and Computer Systems throughout the jobsites. March 1985 to Bechtel June, 1993 Accounting(Human Resources Manager Supervised all functions of accounting including accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, payroll, and preparation of financial reports. Administered Bechtel Human Resource policies and procedures. June, 1974 to Bechtel March, 1985 Accountant: Rotational accounting assignments including accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, general ledger, par, auditing and financial report preparation. Education Cape Fear computer Center ExceVWordMindows /Access/lnternet Usage /Microsoft Office ICS Computer PC Repair Essential Seminars PC Troubleshooting /Advanced PC Troubleshooting Golden Gate Univ. Business Management Certification Univ. of Mississippi BBA, Banking and Finance Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -6 01/16/2010 04.20 JANICE CAVENAUGH 4 798'145 N❑ . 666 901 New Hanover County 2.10 0overmiscot center Drive Bo o Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION s''' `c ►' Wilmii %ton, NC 2 Tc)cphonc: ( 9 1 0 ) 796.7140 pox: (9 795.7145 Board /Committee: Alcvhvl Beverage ContrOl Berard Name: Thomas F. Cavenaugh , J'r . Horne ,address: 3549 ir Str eet, Wilmington, NC 28449 r�,Trr+ti ;� +it;:ity) (7 -ip Code) Mailing Address if different: E - Mail Address appra'see a0l . cam - Nome Phone. 910 -799 -5907 Fax: 910 -452 - Get[: 9 10 -262 -5907 bus ne3s: 910- 791 -4544 Vears LeYeog in New Ranover County: 64 Male: f l�enlale: .bce: Gaucsaian Age: 64 (Ioformation fur the purpose of fiSfuring a cross sectloa of t h e e am n0unLty) Employer Se (A pert no currently employed t ry the szency or rlapartment for , *hich 0113 application Is made, moot re9 lga hI0her peg Woe with New Hs"ever c.nunty upolt app oils t in :cc ortlancc ivi[b Artictr V1, Seetlool 4 of tine Nc%v Ratio ver County Nrs0e111el Policy.) O ccupat ion : R eal Estate Appraiser Professional Act MMIP Volunteer Activities: Meals on Wheels, American Legion, Wrightsboro Baptist Church Why do you wish to serve an this boardlcommitlrce _ `d like to serve my community Confffct afM torus U y a Owd member bolieves he f she has s c ont oci or potanlisl con i ici o1►nloral on o paft icvlar i =.us, that membof shou vale lnls boli etlo tho other membefs of his f her respeolva boonj during a public m poling. Tho m emo or should slat 16 1 118 nature of the cantfict, detsfling Met helshe has a seps rate, prlvale of monetary interest, either direo or Indirect, In the issue undo Con z;derarion. This m amber should t hen o reek a himsa /( Aefse from votin on the m phoe. What areas of concern wo uld you tike to see addressed by this committec? Fi s ca r and supervision of a vary vital organization �n�lifieations for serving,.: employed of a tYhriving bus:Lneas for 25 years Other municip or county boardslcommittem ur; whicii you are serving: n/a List three local personal references and phone numbers: i. Br uce Cava naugh 520 -4937 r► Drudge Jay B o c3-enbury 7 99 0 5 3. Alan Solana 251-2272 Date: January 15, 2010 AppUC260106 art kept nn isle for ) B wonths Signatur JAN 1 52010 NEW HANDIER CO OF U11 } I , Use ravcrgt side for addWada! tam Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -7 TZ NEW HANOVER COUNTY �.' Y• �r,. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS � r 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 j Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION � Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Board/Committee: �' /J- Name: (� "X �,b' E -Mail: C " lE e o b ����n �i � • •�1E � Numwo- Home 1.01010 ile Address. ,3 (Street) (City) Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: (Street) (Gift') (dip Code) Home Phone: V dot 7 Fax: 9/0 7 C 99 7 Cell: q Business: ..- 3� Male. Al Female: Race: l i. Age: a Years living �n NH County: � ..__ (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Employer: 17 !.° ' A 'V P/ (A persotfcurrently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign hislher position wit h New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: � --- r f & Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? C'ov'w a Ar P40 t 4 1 0 /1 , 0 .v -coaKo Conflict of Interest If aboard member believes he/she has a conflict potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of hislher respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that helshe has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himselflherself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would ou like to see addressed b this committee? C C d a►.► V y y / V ,� ' Qualifications for serving: �3 f v & 0 -1` A Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: A - t■`yC A-0 ift a AW 0 4 Please list three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. � a�Gwr 2. 3. Date: Signature 4 PPTIQ6tions are kept on file for 18 months D E GC U U J A N - s 20 J U / NEW HArdOVER C 1-n __ lio. 0� QVIN_ ISSJONFRS lease use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -8 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Board/Committee: ABC Board Name: R obert "Robby" Green C Jr. Home Address: 1005 Bay Branch Circle, Wilmington, NC 28405 (Street) (City) Mailing Address if different 215 Racine Drive, Suite 101, Wilmignton, NC 28443 E -Mail Address: robbycolli@aol.com Home Phone: 910- 470 -5500 F ox: 910- 799 -0663 Cell: 910 - 470 - 5504 Busin 910- 799 -4699 230 Government Center Drive Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone. (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 (Zip Code) Years Living in New Hanover County: 35 Male: Female: Race: Age: 35 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer Collins & Collins Law Offices, PLLC (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: Attorney Professional Activities precinct Chair (GOP) , North Carolina State Bar Volunteer Activities Wilmington Rotary, Azalea Festival Parade Chair Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? I n order to bring a new perspective to a board traditionally led by older members and work to maintain local revenue. Conflict of Interest If a board member believes he / she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his I her respective board during a public meeting. The member should s tate the nature of the conflict, detailing that helshe has a separate, private or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself I herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Co rr up tion has been addressed. I will provide dedicated leadership w/o compensation to keep local revenue in the county. Qualifications for serving y oung (35) , highly educated, see from different perspective, 10 yrs experience as small business owner Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: T his will be my first experience serving the community in any capacity p} r t List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. District Attorney Ben David - 341-1444 (12 years ) F E B 2010 am , —I 2. Judge Sandra Criner - 341 -1124 (18 years 3. Doctor James Wortman - 251 -9679 (30 years) ��. nF mvjmjSSIONFRfi Date: Foot' \ Signature: �: Applications are kept An file for 18 months Use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -9 ROBERT G. COLLINS ATTY ANDREW W. COLLINS, ATTY COLLINS �& COLLINS LAW OFFICES PLLC 215 RACINE DRIVE, SUITE 101 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 P: (910) 799 -0699 F: (910) 799 -4663 CCLAW @CollinsandCollinsLaw.com February 3, 2010 Commissioner Chairman Jason Thompson, Commissioner Vice- Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Commissioner Bill Caster, Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr., and Commissioner Robert G. Greer 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Commissioners: I am writing in response to your ABC Board County openings. Through local media coverage, research through your county commissioner web -site and speaking with you individually, I understand that the three open ABC Board positions will be filled with new members over the next several months. At this stage of my career, I am looking for a position in the public sector that will allow me to utilize my practical legal knowledge, academic background, client development experience and community interests to become more involved in our community. As a qualified voter of New Hanover County, residing at 1005 Bay Branch Circle, Wilmington, NC 29405, please find and accept my attached Resume and Application for this position on the New Hanover County ABC Board. Venturing into solo practice straight out of law school, I have participated in all of the back- office operations of a law firm. For ten years I have successfully managed all legal and business aspects of my local family operated law firm specializing in real property law. This has allowed me to better appreciate the pressures that managers feel and how to handle almost any situation that may arise on the day to day management of a county board. As the founding partner of Collins & Collins Law Offices, PLLC, I place great emphasis on ethical, professional, and personal advocacy, and for this reason achieving and maintaining outstanding staff and client relations are a few of my greatest strengths. Since 2000, my law practice has grown from one to six employees, and I have expanded the firm's practice areas to meet the progressing needs of our clients. In my professional capacity I have had the opportunity to work with a multitude of diverse individuals in all types of situations -- working with business people as well as city and county employees. These relationships along with my background in engineering and real estate law will help me be an asset to the City Council from my first day. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -10 My educational background includes a law degree from Wake Forest School of Law. Prior to law school, I graduated from NC State with an engineering degree, and before that I was the third generation of my family to graduate from New Hanover High School. As a local small business owner I require economic prosperity in our community to succeed. I understand and welcome the challenges facing the ABC Board at this turning point. In my opinion this period in respect to the ABC Board is crucial to our county's success and growth. It is of great concern to me that this Board be managed correctly, because I understand how important it is for our county to maintain control of the ABC Board and the revenues it creates. I am not applying today to kickoff a career as a life long politician. Like you all, I want to serve New Hanover County. As a real property attorney, New Hanover County and its residents have been generous to me over my career, and now, I find myself with a great opportunity to g ive back to the Community. I know there will be hard decisions coming before the ABC Board over the next several months. Because I have no plans to run for office next year, I'm ready and willing to make those hard yet necessary decisions to help secure a brilliant future for the county I love. Please consider me for the New Hanover County ABC Board. I look forward to the prospect of bringing my interests, educational background and prior legal experience managing hundreds of clients to benefit the New Hanover County ABC Board. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience to arrange an interview. Sincerely, Robert "Robby" Green Collins, Jr. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -11 ROBERT GREEN COLLINS, JR. 215 Racine Drive, Suite 100 ■ Wilmington, NC 28403 • 910- 470 -5500 ■ rob bvcolli@aol.com PROFILE Accomplished attorney with exceptional ability to meet objectives and apply sound legal and business judgment in high- demand, fast -paced environments. Proactively avoid and solve problems with excellent mediation, conflict resolution, risk management, negotiation, oral advocacy, research, and writing skills. Vast experience managing and maintaining highly demanding client base. Significant contributor to law firm marketin g and client development activities. * Admitted to practice before the North Carolina Bar (2000); New Hanover County Bar Member PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Collins & Collins Law offices, PLLC, Wilmington, NC Founding Partner, Fall 2000- Present Started and expanded a successful law practice in a highly competitive coastal area with a large er capita o attorneys. p p f Drafted technical legal documents including contracts, corporate operating agreements and bylaws, deeds, wills, estate documents, and foreclosure proceedings. Engaged in substantial interaction with clients. Effectively conveyed complex information, diffused difficult situations, and developed creative resolutions to disputes. N Evolved solo practice to six- person multi - disciplinary practice focused in the fields of corporate, real estate, finance, wills, estates, civil litigation, criminal, foreclosure and intellectual property. • Developed and retained hundreds of clients through personal interaction, experience, and marketing. g ■ Assisted and advised multiple business clients on multimillion - dollar ventures including a business plan for raising capital from corporate and individual investors to complete construction of 65 homes durin g a banking credit freeze; the purchase and future development of 440 acres of commercial and residential land; the development of a five building condominium complex; and the transition of a bed and breakfast into 143 individually owned fractional units. d Assisted and advised multiple clients in million- dollar settlement agreements with banks, p artners and former partners on non - performing assets under stressed financial circumstances. a Conducted thousands of residential and commercial real estate transactions while representing multiple g p banks, realtor associations, developers, contractors and individuals. New Hanover County District Attorney's office, Wilmington, NC Summer Associate, Summers 1995 and 1999 Conducted legal research for criminal cases. Analyzed case files to assist assistant district attorneys prepare for criminal trials and pleas. Assisted in interviewing victims and witnesses. Made crime scene visits with assistant district attorneys and detectives to understand cases and speak to potential witnesses. a Tried multiple misdemeanor cases. Currin Law Firm, Raleigh, NC Student Intern, 2006 -2007 EDUCATION Wake Forest University School of Law, Winston- Salem, NC Juris Doctor, May 2000 North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC Bachelor of Science, Textile Engineering, May 1997 • Textile Merit Scholarship (NCSU's Largest Scholarship) Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -12 01/07/2010 17: 43 9103925077 SAKI DARAKJY PAGE 01/01 New Hanover County 230 Oe � C serer Drive Boa rd of Com�mOmmers C� E APPUCATTON ' Wil k a X C 2 94 03 Fax: ( 910) 79& - rdlC ABC Board Name: SAM Darakjy Adds: 0403 Wiugf WAY V13J1L .n►gtoa 1C 213412 Mafng Addrem If different: g B«Ma1 Add: darakjy @bellsouth. not How Pfiv�r�e: 91DL392A -5077 �r 910- 392 -5077 C 910 -- 471 -8060 Bir�e5s: 410 -452 - Years tiring in � 5 1 /2 � White 47 New Hanover County. Male. Fewmk.p Racc Age. . (t%F8rW•tisr fir at plarpoae ofaerR'Krbsp a cr•ra Unti of d6e caftumally) l +�t lo�►er: JordarL and Aye soci aces Inver tigatione — Al se�1.f ee,].pay�d (A pen" cr rrea sly emplaxe iA tix tbs ■S eecyr ■ r depsrto r pvr wikb trh' ■ROOMM 490 is Omade. orris reriip• rl&%er poehoim wilt N ew X ees*ver C ■arly epo• appNrstmeet, ie occorMoa widk ArdeU vl, Soeden d of the piew H mmvrr Cwoy Persensel Poi .) Oampsfi Private Invent /Con ti-ag busin as aseisti g Pams eiplyiLng for MIC p its. Profmkoal Activities: y J NOtft .ACdVjdW Coach of 13-16 year olds for G aro12'.,na Bch basketball l Wb y do yon wish to aervs as tbJs bmr&eom mittee? = behove I wou be an ass to tbi s board and would provide accomtabiltiy to the citizens of New mover county. Foffkf of Neeree[ p a board insrnbar believaa Ae / sote pag a conloct or pmaWl coaNktof ola ember should SWO 0* b eftfto ae aw membera of his ! her reapWVve board during a public mestbg. The member 6hoWd sRela the neturs of the aoafdct. detaidn# [bai tWshe Msk a a6pb►6t8, plrlratt or monatary iatetest, either onw ar 140inat, in me issue under coasiderorlos. 7 mspu bar should then excuse himself / bomfr Imm YoMV oA the ma tter, What areas of comem would you like to see addressed by Wis committee? boa rd aaaes to bo ruaninq smoothly as far as profitabilty but neeft to ref ocus on the a aootmtabilty of it's actions „ ­'L. OlalifiaMoss for serview 14 years Alcohol Law $nforcmwnt Agent r 3 ywms Field Auditor with (CA "r) �V code the ASC +God s s ion r 4 years LIcen aed private levee tigator , 2 yv ra busirmse owner, Otber msnicipal or eawa y board e-omnrlttess as which you are servaixW. na List three local pelrsopal references and phone sombers: i. Sid ►Tom 910-452-3636 Z. Sea 1 910 - 399 -1 3, Brie= nth 910 -341 -7515 Date: J�innary 4. 2010 Appli caliens are kept on $fie for IS too stbs Use reverse side for r MOW com men is Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -13 01/12/2010 16:08 FAX a 001/001 New Htivlo County 23U G overnment Center Drive Board of Commissionen CO EE APPLICATION Smitc 17 Wilmingoan. NC 28403 Telephone: (9 10) 798 - 7149 t+`ux. (910) 799.7145 Boa rd /Cam mittee: ABC N CEDRIC A. DICKERSON Rome Address: 35 ALE DRIVE WILMINGTON 2 9411 �5tree!) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E - MAR Addrea9: cedrieg codriodickerson G oa Hom Phone 910-6 86-2764 Fax: 910 Cell: 910 -6 17 -8369 Business: 91 0- 395-4 064 Years Liming In New Hanover County-. 30 Male: r Female: Race: A ge: 55 (Is form Won hr the purpose ofeasuHog ■ ere so soctlea or the com men lty) Employer; AC,ENT /0 STATE FARM I14SVRMCE (A person ce rren tly employed by the agency o r department for which thIs applicrHon Is made. must resign ki3 /her pool lion with Ne• Hanover Cle anly vpoo app Mnimeat, In accordance with Article V1.5cc tic a 4 v( the N ww H one vcr Coulptr PeM00OeI lblicy.) �ccapstioo: INSURANCE A+GElw1't Professional Activities: CNEGA PSI PHI FRATERUITY COAST 100 BLACK OF AMERICA Volunteer A►ctivitie9: CHAIR C TY BOYS 6 GIRLS CLUB , BOARD DER BOY SCOUTS . HASKETHALL COA Why do you wish to serve an this board /committee? TO CONTRIBUTE POSITIVELY TO MY COMbWNITY AM TO HELP RET[XN THIS ENTITY TO POSITIVE LIGHT Conlrict of inlorsai I a ov" member boljovoa no / sne has ■ conrict or poAnual eonAlct of Interest on a particular issue. Mot memoer should oteft this belief to the other mein hers or his/ tier rasp scdve board during a put lic m oering. me m erne or Mould state the velure of ine con ►iiet, detaninp rear he /she has a separate, private or monetary Interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue und con aldefation. The memo or should then eacu3 s himseil / herself from voting on theme Mar, What area of concern would you like to see addressed by this cvM mittee? SM T THE STANDARBS FOR TRANS PAP"CY AND COOPFRATIW E ETDRT S TO T BENS PI T OF OUR COMMUNI Qualifications for searing: 16 YEARS AND A BUSINESS MAN, 30 YEARS OF C01*1 LAITY I ITT AND SERVICE, A MAN OF INTEGRITY WHO PLACED THE WELLFARE OF THE CM40NITY FIRST. Other municipal or county boardstcom mlttees an which you are serving: N COM r� List three local personal references and phone numbers: JAN 1 2 2010 1 Ld 1. JONATHAN BARFIELD 910-- 233 -67 T,7. j F I. BILL SANTO 91 -- 2969 NE ; H OVER CO D 0 LINDA PF.ARCE 910-232-83 January 12 2010 S i a to re : Date. _ � /07A* ago P.Voco Appi"tioog are Kept as die for I S =oaths Use rev crec side f or additional coo ments Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -14 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 230 Government Center Drive COMMITTEE APPLICATION suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28443 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax (910) 798 -7145 Board /Committee: New Hanover County ABC Board Name: Augustus Codington Everett, Jr. Home Address: 4001 providence Court Wilmington, N.C. 28412 (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: N/A E Mail Address: AEverett@ ec . rr. . com Home Phone 910- 392 -6226 F ax: 914- 7629637 Cell: 910- 619 -7900 Business: 910- 762 -6452 Years Living in New Hanover County: 60 Years Employer: Male: " Female: Race: Age: 66 ( Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V1, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: Retired Airline Operations Manager Professional Activities: General Secretary of the Scottish Rite, FAA Designated Examiner. Volunteer Activities: I help raise money for The N.C. Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorder Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? I have the time to give to my comunity and would like to serve on a board to do that. Conflict of Interest: If a board member believes he / she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should stage this belief to the other members of his / her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration, The member should then excuse himself / herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I think t hat the boards and committees need some new faces on them. Qualifications for serving: I am a life long resident of the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County and have seen what is working and what is not. Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: I h ave an active application on file for the Airport Board. List three local personal references and phone numbers: t. William G. Mathis 910 -675 -3927 2 Frank Jones 914- 762 -7771 3. Lynwood Jeffries 910- 762 -6452 DEC 1 1 2 1 0 09 BD Of CO�,��MIO;010r1FRS Date: December 10, 2009 Applications are kept on file for 18 months r Signature: 00e 1001f se reverse side for additional com men is Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -15 O3Y27/10 11:39AM THE UPS STORE 9106813756 p.03 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Board /Committee: New Hanover County ABC Board 230 Government Center Drive Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 211403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax- (910) 798 -7145 Name: Franc M. Go Home Address: 440 Bay (Street) Dr Wilmington NC 29411 tStreety (City) (dip Code) Mailing Address if different: _ -- E -Mail Address: fgood@cabo35.com Nome Phone. Fax: �e[i: 910 -200-66 69 Business: Years Living in New Hanover County: 5 ye ars Male: _... .Female: Race: C aucasian A ge: 62 (Information for tilt purpose of assuring a cross section of the community Employer: Re tired (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V1, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: Investor /owner of small business Professional Activities: �- Volunteer Activities: _ -- Wh do you wish to serve on this board /committee? I have extensive private sector experience which can help salve the current problems within the ABC organiation a nd its Board. Confikt of Interest if a board member believes he / she has a conact or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member shou state this beloefto the other mem bers of his f her respective board daring a oublic meeting. The m ember should slate the nature of the conflict, detailing that he lshe has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse h)msell / herself from voting on the ma Her What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Imp l e men tat ion o best business practices; fulfill fiduciary responsibilites; greater transparency in decision- making. Qualif catioiss for serving: Seasoned financial executive ( 15 years CFO at three technology firms) with extensive managerial experience; knowledgeable regarding fiduciary responsibilites Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: I. Peter and Louise Younghans 910 -686 --5835 MAR 2 9 20 I. Rachel Hickerson 910 -262-7829 NEV; HVIOUT-M I John and Fancy Carpitella 910 - 686 --5575 BD Coil COMIMISSIONFRO Date: March 26, 2010 Applications are kept an file for 18 months Signature: Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -16 Usereverse side for additional comments 03/27/10 11: 39AM THE UPS STORE 9108813 758 P-02 Francine M. Good 440 Bayfield Dr. Wilmington, NC 28411 910 -200 -6669 Via FAX New Hanover county Board of Commissioners 230 Government center Drive Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Commissioners: This is my application for tl-e New Hanover County ABC Board, interested in using my extensive private sector experience to organization. I am a seasoned financial executive restore public confidence in the ABC Being a member on the reconstituted ABC Board would afford me an opportunity to help rebuild a team that has suffered a severe credibility crisis with its constituents, the citizens of New Hanover County. Going forward, the practices and policies of the ABC Board must be transparent so the citizens may determine for themselves that the profits generated from liquor sales are being maximized and that expenditures made to generate those profits are the result of efficient and effective processes. The Board must demonstrate to the citizens it has been deliberate and rigorous in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities. In the private sector 1 was involved in managing both startup and mature companies and have experience with the management structures and processes which are required for successful operations. As a board member [ can (1) provide guidance and direction on operational and administrative issues, ( help develop solutions derived from best business practices, (3) advise ABC management on processes which promote efficiency and effectiveness in operations, and (4) communicate with the county board of commissioners regarding ABC matters. Working together, the ABC organization and the ABC board can become respected in the community not only for financial success but also for integrity and sound business practices. Regards Francine M. Good attachments Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -17 03/27/10 11: 39AN THE UPS STORE 9106813756 p-04 FRANCINE M. GOOD 440 Bayfield Dr., Wilmington, NC 28411 (910) 200 -8889 fgood@cabo35.com cabo35.com 2045- Paul Davis Restoration of Raleigh -- Durham Partner, Chairman and chief Financial officer. Responsible for providing operational direction and financial overview of a family owned business. PDR is an emergency service I insurance restoration business serving the residential and commercial property market within a five county area of North Carolina. Since acquisition we have increased annual revenues and profitability and upgraded, trained and certified a new staff. 1998-2004 Silicon Wave, Inc., San Diego, CA Vice President, chief Financial officer. Responsible for all aspects of financial management and administration for a venture - backed private company. Silicon Wave is a fabless semiconductor company developing RF integrated circuits incorporating the Bluetooth communication standard. The company was recently acquired. Report to C.E.O. > Raised $121 million in four rounds of financing from venture capitalists and strategic partners. Participated in investor conferences and roadshows. ➢ In the aftermath of the collapse of the capital markets and the events of 2001, sized the company to focus on the largest segment of the Bluetooth market. Reduced the monthly cash burn by 50% through headcount reductions and stringent expense controls. Managed the sale of noncritical IP for $8 million. Established and implemented all accounting practices, forecasting processes, internal controls, manufacturing materials planning and human resource policies for the company. Implemented an ERP system and obtained a $3 million capital lease facility. Vlfith the C.E.C. directed the acquisition of the company. Identified potential buyers, prepared marketing materials and financial projections. Managed the due diligence process and negotiated the merger agreement with the acquirer, RF Micro Devices. Facilitated the integration of the company into RF Micro Devices. 1997-1998 Digital Evolution, inc., Los Angeles, CA Vice President, chief Financial officer. Responsible for all aspects of financial management and administration for a growing venture - backed private company with $8 million in sales. Digital Evolution was a software developer with expertise in large -scale internet and intranet solutions database management systems and electronic commerce applications. Reported to C. E.O. ➢ Developed and implemented an organization structure to facilitate a growth rate of greater than 50 %. Implemented human resource practices and policies. Coached and trained first time managers. ➢ Established accounting policies and practices to more expeditiously close the books (21 days versus 45 days) and to ensure compliance with GAAP. Implemented 9 budgeting processes and cash forecasting. p Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -18 0027/10 11:09AM THE UPS STORE 9106010756 p.05 Francine M. Good Page 2 1988 -1997 MICOM Communications Corp., Simi Valley, CA Vice President, Chief Financial officer since February 1992. Responsible for all aspects of financial management, administration and investor relations for a growing international company with $85 million in sales. MICOM developed, manufactured, sold and serviced integrated datalvoice wide area networking products. Prior positions at MICOM were Controller/Treasurer and Director of Finance. Reported to C.E.O. ➢ Key member of the executive team that developed and implemented a new product strategy for MICOM resulting in the financial turnaround of the company. Annual sales of this product grew from $3 million to $85 million in five years. ➢ Participated in the IPO of MICOM's former parent and directed the subsequent tax free stock spin -off of MICOM. Prepared prospectuses and SEC documents. Participated in the roadshows. With the C. E.0 directed the acquisition of the company. Worked with investment bankers to identify potential partners, prepared marketing materials and developed valuation analysis. Managed the due diligence process and negotiated the merger agreement with the acquirer, Nortel. Responsible for the integration of MICOM into Nortel. ➢ Developed and managed bank relationships. Negotiated multiple credit facilities including a $7.5 million revolving line. Aggressively managed cash generated from internal operations to fund product development when access to capital markets and credit facilities was prohibited. 1985 -1988 Unisys Corporation, Chicago, IL Controller, Financial Systems Division, central Region. Responsible for financial management, administration, contract negotiations and pricing for a business unit with $250 million in revenue. Directed ten managers with combined staffs of 70 people. Reported to region president. 1981 -1985 Burroughs Corporation, Detroit, MI Manager of Financial Analysis, US Marketing Group (1983- 1985). . Manager of customer Accounting, US Marketing Group (1982-1983)4. Financial Analyst, Corporate Staff (1981-1982). Supervisor of cost Accounting (1980 -1981) Financial Analyst (1979 -1980) Cost Analyst (1978-1979) Education: MBA (Finance) 1978, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -19 rL' WA IL • r r � J1 ..� jr _ FAR A -M-AL-- - sff�lfirMt' 100 prp codM1 time wr■.er9i0 T62 x/919 Fdr �R � c�.r �Ir.� - br` -�8to �■ire�r now Yew BMW i CMG • APr.�t� Ir L �Mbw lfor Me/r� olawdA� � aorr+�+Nia Grow aa�l�t ftrwMobMAR �+�R.iwrt���A�11w/oM�b�tMth Mrw/'�we�er �1w�l�►sR�r aproi�wr� f� aa�ewi�e� �1 A�aAr K ML 4•/aw M rw iewr Cba"[r'� /'bft-/ p�p,� M AMA�rsiE' MEnsT Ar tS c t A 1T•4 �l�E D My ab low rii a sow an �Mr LrA�gn �... fir! iMrNt are aftwamspowalowft AakwAft a �r /�1Mrr rt r a r4 dirt �ra�r la r it e r rra�f Mr * =WdW *P8MAftdlW 7A*AWNhW lawilrapoo w 4wowOW WA4 dowift awarwr am* smog" mraear l�rM■� ��r �r�e� �r � � r�r ?� ��w�a�r�I � w� a� � fir. �1I�r am w of wrwW yr Aar to a w �* Sb ax�l, *W - -- -Ah- I A C - - ww9w -Ww�- - - m E - - j& a AQ jgfi: - - air. rte" A. r • --, L9 tig r �.. am Aw" Agdwf And ul ZA sp� I - toad&& r ► ►f s . " CO r �► r • • r� r A eP y .fir r i�l Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25-1-20 Richard Hoffmann 1625 Country Club Rd, Wilmington, NC 2W3 Phone: and fax 910 762 4919: E -Mail: hoffco @msn.com Objective TO ADD VALUE TO THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE ALCOHOIC BEVERAGE CONTROL BOARD TO THE EFFECTIVE FUNCTIONING OF OUR COUNTY GOVORNMENT. Experience SHELL ISLAND RESORT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION BOARD MEMBER, 7 YEARS AND PRESIDENT LAST TWO YEARS 2002 to present ■ DEVELOPED A VISION AND LONG RANGE PLAN FOR THE RESORT. IMPLEMENTED THE FIRST PHASE ON TIME AND IN BUDGET. $1 0,000,000. ■ SERVED ON THE MASON INLET PRESERVATION GROUP. INLET RELOCATION ACCOMPLISHED AND VERY SUCCESSFUL AT NO COST TO THE COUNTY. CAPE FEAR COUNTRY CLUB BOARD MEMBER VICE PRESIDENT. 2005 to 2007 ■ DEVELOPED A VISION AND LONG RANGE PLAN FOR THE CLUB AND IMPLEMENTED THE FIRST PHASE ON TIME AND IN BUDGET. $3,500,000. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH ASSOCIATION BOARD MEMBER 2000 to 2003 ■ DEVELOPED A DETAILED BIKE PLAN FOR THE TOWN. ACCEPTED BT THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN. E.I. DUPONT 1960 to 1997 ■ 37 YEARS IN SEVERAL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENTS. EXCELLED IN PLANNING, TEAM BUILDING AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT. ACCOUNTABLE FOR LARGE NUMBERS OF EMPLOYEES AND MULTIMILLION DOLLAR SITES. Education • BS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PURDUE UNIVERSITY. • EXECUTIVE TRAINING DIPLOMA WARTON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Personal 30 -year resident, widower, three children, S grandchildren. Served with Habitat, Second Helping, excellent health. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -21 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Board/Committee: ABC Board Name: John Hogan Home Address: 478 Biscayne Dr, Wi NC 28411 (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E - MaR Address: home : johndhogan@hotmmil.com or work: jhogan@transl.com Home Phone: 910 l~Qx: 910 -68 -1113 Cell: 9 10 - 471 -8592 B us i ness: 910-332-1718 Years Living in New Hanover County: 10 Male: f Female: Race; Caucas Age: 48 (information for the purpose of assuring across section of the c om manity) Employer: Tr anS1 Inc a NASDA+¢ medical device comapany wi th $3 million in revenue (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artie le V1, Section 4 of the New Hanover Connty Personnel Policy.) Occapation: Controller Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Red Cross donations.. North Carolina Coastal Federation 230 Government Center Drive Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 2 8403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? To pr responsible fiscal and professional gu and o v e r s igh t to the m a n a g e m e n t tea Conflict of Interest Y a board member believes he / she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this beliefto the other members of his I her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either director indirect, in t h e issue under consideration- T h e m ember should then excuse himself/ herself from voting on the matter_ What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Expense cont main professional standards Qualifications for serving: Over 20 Years financial and management experience. I have a masters degree in financial management and I received my CPA in New York State in 1985 Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: no ne List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Tom Aluise 233 -2751 2 Kennedy 233 -8381 3. Jahn Nesselroade 798-2504 JAN - 7 2010 NEv; NAWHER CO BD DF A E, ., Date: January 7, 2010 Applications are kept on file for 18 months Signature: I t Use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -22 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 730 Government Center Drive COMMITTEE APPLICATION Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 Board/Committee• • �1 U� Name: � Home • � �! WA y/U� !J�l U� Lv �L � ! /V G 7 � ;2 0 Vo 3 Address: (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E -Mail Address r ��h � � G he / /SUvi 17e/ _- t Home Phone: - 76,2 ` 75f� J Fax: Cell: ,52 Business: Years Living in ] � 3 New Hanover Cou n • Male. Female. Race: h Age. 7 Count (in ation for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) P y Em to er: � f (A pens on cu rren tly employe d by 4e ag ency o r depar tmen t for which this app lication is made, must re sign hislher position with N ew H anov er C ounty upon appointment, in accordance with Article V1, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation. '4 SS Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities C Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? ��a� ����r��a�e�P��, eti�ov�e�a�e «f � h��G� �t�i���� Qualifications for serving: '1/l Q 14 �daaa a � 7` / L f'/lI / /l1W) Cr ft m, iii Of AJH Coun�V oile 4 1 �P 1 re z � fo �OUDvive aoPe� vU�rr�yG� f to �Z�C Conflkt of interest if a board member believes he / she has a Conflict or potential conflict of interdst on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself I herself from voting on the matter_ i this committee? o f r e caerf � I zefo like to see add ceased b I What areas of concern would you y � �� � raterance fc�r ��a� ����r��a�e�P��, eti�ov�e�a�e «f � h��G� �t�i���� Qualifications for serving: '1/l Q 14 �daaa a � 7` / L f'/lI / /l1W) e X / aL V iot - --L r% .- 7zAf e, /a- df 7-0 hP 4�7� 4oe �wo�f a// 1,2d1-7/C f �tC - 1'd0l 4e.11 Other mamcipal or county boards committees on which you are serving: ti/A List three local personal references and phone numbers: [I- CC9 F, 2.- - 100kr'e e )4ze r 1 -( -7&2 - L(01-3 3. CO f fl S /'04 le (ell 2� V- R;� NEW NANOI'ER CO q0 j a � va u 70 �0 Signature: BD Of C���'r -3 Date: g Applications are kept on file for 8 months Use reverse side for additional comments fc«rff o< ova f tee �c f-zle Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25-1-23 4 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Board/Committee: Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Name: Kevin Warren Johnson Home Address: 1911 Prestwick Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 (Cit Nome Phone: Fax: Cell: 910.431.6662 Business: Years Living is New Hanover County: 5 Years Male: Female: RaCe: Caucasian Age: 37 (Inform ation for the pur pose of assor ing a cro ss sec Ho■ of the c ow mun ity) Employer: Recently lost position with Mark Johnson Customs Homes due to economic climate (A pers on ca rren fly employe d by the alg envy o r depar tmee t for which this application is made, east resifa his/her position with N ew H aeon er C ounty upon app sin tm en t, in accordance with Ar tic le V I, See don 4 of the New H ono ve r C oo ■ty Personnel Policy Occupation: Busine Development,, Sales /Marketing ,, Gruen Building Consultant Professional Activities: Chamber of Commerce Legislative Agenda Committee Volunteer Activities: United Way,, Red Cros ■ MAM ■ Jason Harris for County Commissioner Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? I have a strong interest in our political system as well as serving our local ity through governmen involvement. Please see reverse. Confllet of Interest f a board member believes he ■ she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should stare this beliefto the other members of his l her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that helshe has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself herself from voting on the matter. (Street) Mailing Address if different: E - MaH Address: kwj627@gmail.com What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? ty relations , costs transparency Qualifications for serving: Diverse business & military background, honest /ethical , with a strong desire to serve. Please see reverse. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Chris Nelson, (910) 798 --3900 2. Wanda Copley, (910)798-7153 3. Rich Novak, (336)580-0132 in APR - 1 2010 BD. OF CC?tpAi5S10NFRS Date: March 30, 2010 Applications are kept an file for 18 months 230 Government Center Drive Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 (zip code) Signature: �wvj�.. wo-A Vse rev eAdside for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -24 Kevin W. Johnson March 30, 2010 1911 Prestwick Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 910.431.6662 KWJ627@gmail.com New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear County Commissioners, I am writing to inform you of my desire to serve on the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. Upon a detailed review of the ABC Board's roles and functions, I am certain my unique skill set and diverse background make a strong candidate for the opening. I have held various business development and sales positions within the software and residential construction industries. As a member of these organizations, I have been instrumental in driving business initiatives, setting policy, hiring staff, budgeting and strategic partnering. I have a strong interest in public affairs, am an active volunteer within our community and a veteran of the United States Navy. Thank you for considering me for the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board committee. I feel strongly my past work experience, desire to serve and strong moral character make me a viable candidate for the board vacancy. Per your vacancy posting, I will look forward to hearing from you after the April 19 board meeting. Warmest regards, Kevin W. Johnson Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -25 Kevin W. Johnson 1911 Prestwick Lane •Wilmington, NC 28405 •Phone: 910.431.6662 • KWJ627 @gmail.com Education North Carolina State University - Raleigh, NC Bachelor of Arts - May 2000 • Major: Political Science, Minor: Business Administration Military Experience United States Navy - NAS Agana, Guam -1992 -1996 CH46 Helicopter Mechanic - Collateral Duty Inspector - Air Warfare Specialist Designation • Multiple South East Asia/Persian Gulf Deployments • Lead night check supervisor • Responsible for detachment training jackets while at sea • Consistently received "Outstanding" in performance evaluations Professional Experience Mark Johnson Custom Homes - Wilmington, NC - Vice President of Marketing and Business Development September 2005 - January 2010 • Oversaw green construction operations, developed and implemented web marketing standards -- company electronic newsletter and media relations. • Developed green building practices and reporting, which resulted in a USGBC LEER Platinum home. • Safety program manager- Ensure OSHA standards are maintained • Completed Green Building for Professionals Course • Active in Local HBA, Green Building Council, Cape Fear Green Building Alliance Good Technology - Raleigh, NC - Account Representative March 2005- September 2005 • Grew companies' software implementations to new client base. SAS Institute - Cary, NC - Inside Sales Representative July 2000 - February 2005 • President's Club in 2003 ( 184% of Quota). • Managed and implemented SAS' strategic sales initiatives to IBM Global Services and other major accounts. ■ Selected by management team to assist in hiring process; as well as developing new hire training programs. Technology • Constant Contact, Virtual Boss Project Management, MS Office (Outlook, Excel, Word, OneNote, Power Point), enrolled in Adobe Photo Shop course Social Responsibility • Cape Fear Chapter of the United Way Volunteer, Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministries Volunteer, WRAR Green Building Panel, American Red Cross Volunteer, Chamber of Commerce Legislative Committee Volunteer Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25-1-26 New Hanover County 234 G overnment Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Suit 1 5 gton, 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 Board/Committee: Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Name Michael S Jones Home Address: 2220 Splitbrook Ct Wilmington 28411 (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: PO Box 7647 Wilmington, NC 28406 F - MaflAddress: Scott.Jones74@Gmail. Nome Phone: 910 -352 -3469 Fax: Years Living in New Hanover County: 35 G B usi n ess: Male: f Female: Mace. White A ge: 35 (Inform ation for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer: Self Employed (A person carreotly employed by tke agency e departatot for which this application is made, east resign hislter petition with Nero Hanover Coaaty upon app oistmest, is accordance with Article VI, See tioa 4 of the New► Hanover Con sty Personnel Policy.) occupation: rations Director\1T Director Professional Activities: Licensed Boxing Judge, PHI Member, Information Technology Managers Membe Volunteer Activities: American Red Cross /NHC Fire Dept (applied) \Formmer NHC ZBA Member Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee. To change the local image of the board and ensure the public understands the job it is assigned to do and its need in the c ' ty . Conflict of Interest r a board member believes he /she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue that member should state this beliefto the other members of his I her respective board during a public meeting. The member should sta the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse hims elf / herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Respons V Programs, training, tackling any operational issues /ensuring cost managelallent Qualifications for serving Skilled operations manager; vendor and contract management experience: demonstrated success in directing people, programs. and projects. Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Roberto Mayol 910-352-3469 MAR ? ?010 NFv; HA CO 2. Tom Parris 910- 792 --5236 RD kI� ��11 r� M1SSi� PI t R' 3. Roger Wyatt 910- 297 -0929 Date: March I r 2010 Signature: Applications are inept oa file for is months Use reverse side for additional cos aests Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -27 SCOTT JONES 2220 Splitbrook Ct Wilmington, NC 28411 Scott.Jones74 @Gmail.com 910- 352 -3489 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS LEADER Enhancing Company Growth Through Superior Client Service and Team Leadership PROFILE • Talented IT Management Professional recognized for enabling strategic change at the enterprise level by instilling a culture of achievement in a wide variety of professionals. • Uniquely qualified to positively impact company growth in collaboration with C level management by driving IT efficiency, quality and superior service levels. • Committed to delivering new and innovative organizational change that balances the needs of the customer with those of the shareholder. • Demonstrated success in directing people, programs and projects in IT Outsourcing, Transformation, and Data Center Relocations. • A skilled financial manager and administrator of multimillion dollar budgets with an indirect profitable financial impact of more than $31 million. • A pedigree of proven performance in issue discovery and resolution, contract negotiations, customer relationship management, team collaboration, technology deployment and process innovation. • Technically astute with an extensive track record in successfuly directing Technical Support/Call Center, LANIWAN Networking Administration and Support , Database AnaNsis and Administration, Tmubleshoafing and Problem Resolution. HIGHLIGHTS • Key contributor in the successful ISO certification of Interact Public Safety Systems vital to the acceptance of its products in the public safety sector by promoting continuous improvement in the company's processes, policies, procedures and products. • Personally developed the strongest Field Engineering Department in the company's history with virtually 0 turnover by simplifying resource schedtAng, i rr proving project managenrat at customer sties and updating the company's issue resolution methodology. EXPERIENCE INTERACT PUBLIC SAFETY SYSTEMS, Winston Salem, NC 2002 -2009 A company providing fully integrated E911 systems utilizing company developed 911 dispatching and GIs software products. Interact also offers mobile, telephony, and records management pr+adur is to 911 centers,, police departments, and public safely centers nation wide. Operations Director 1 Director of Field Engineering 2006 -2009 Reported to VP of operations guiding the activities of 36 professionals in Project Management, Systems Construction, Field Engineering, Training, and Conversions. Work in dose collaboration with other department heads to plan company growth; implement strategic plans, develop information systems, introduce improvements in quality, cost and delivery, and resolve performance issues. Direct the design, development and maintenance of systems, programs, and systems software to meet the needs of the company. Plan and control staffing and development, organization, hardware acquisitions, and facilities that are consistent with and supportive of the strategic plans of the company. Personally orchestrate all Vendor Management initiatives. Approve operational costs. Achievements. • An essential contributor in product development support; help guide the entire system building and installation process from start to finish. • Reduced operating costs more than $800,000 in 4 months by renegotiating contracts, cutting various expenses, improving delivery processes, and cutting 911 system production time more than 50 %. Director of Field Engineering 2003- Present Directed the efforts of 24 Field Service Technicians providing remote issue diagnosis and resolution as well as systems installations, updates and repairs at the client site for more than 600 customers coast to coast. Recruited, selected, trained, and developed team members on a continuing basis. Delivered critical assistance in the design and pricing of field services. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -28 SCOTT JONES PAGE TWO INTERACT PUBLIC SAFETY SYSTEMS (continued) Achievements. • Dramatically improved call center productivity, response time and customer satisfaction by working in dose collaboration with technical support to improve their performance in remote issue diagnoses and resolution. • Cut operational costs by eliminating the need for expensive and time consuming technician deployment to the customer site. Network Administrator/Systems Engineer 2002 -2003 Provided on -site support and services to customers including equipment and software installation, user administration, system administration, help desk support, consulting, and training. Achievements: • Enabled company growth by updating the company's intemal network to provide better design and layout. • Improved help desk response times and the help desk employee knowledge base by formulating and documenting the plans driving a subsequent restructure. • Increased employee use of IT by delivering end user training on various computer programs and equipment. VISIONAIR INC Wilmifgton, NC 1997 -2002 A provider of public safety software for various agencies across the US. Court Services Support Supervisor Developed and directed the efforts of the company's judicial software product support team resolving LAN WAN and software issues fielded in more than 130 support calls per week. Guided the delivery of comprehensive remote and on -site customer support services, including database and network administration, customer training, software support, and installations while maintaining notably high levels of customer satisfaction. Orchestrated the delivery of user training both on site and by phone. Established, configured, and maintained the network for corporate satellite office while aging as the company DBA delivering technical support to the Court Services product tine. Participated in all stages of product installation project lfiecyde including pmject definition and scoping, technical issue resolution and ongoing client relatioriship management. Achievements: ■ Streamlined support practices by authoring and updating knowledge base documents and quick reference document enabling greater client productivity. • Ivey player in the development of call center operations and procedures providing essential support to the new client base of judicial professionals and state officials. ■ Granted full access and admin -level rights to State of North Carolina court services network, to perform regular troubleshooting and network support. Researched, identified, and resolved all issues or bugs. • Contributed to continued sales growth by maintaining a 99% customer satisfaction with all assigned offices. TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY Platforms: Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/2008 Server, Windows XP, Windows NT 4, Windows 95198, Novell, Microsoft Terminal Server, Citrix Server, Microsoft SQL Server 7/2000/2005, AS400. Networking TCP /IP, WINS, DHCP, DNS, Active Directory, LAN/WAN. Configuration of switches, routers, and hubs. Microsoft Clustering, RAID, SAN Array. Wireless (802.11 a,b,g,n), VoIP, Telephony (Zetron, SolaCom, Plant) Tools Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook), lknow, Vinca, Netop, Netfinity, Visio, Exchange Server, ArcView, LoadRunner, WinRunner, Dameware, Remedy, Lotus Notes. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION Certified Citrix Administrator; A+ Certified; Cisco CCNA Bootcamp; Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Overview (Class # M1 140); Implementing a Database Design on SQL Server 7.0 (Class # 8 Citrix Metaframe Administration (Class # CTX- 302.2); Advanced Citrix Server Implementation (Class # CTX -410); PMP Certification Prep EDUCATION Studied in Chemistry and Environmental Science at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, NC Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -29 03/ 23/ 2010 14:36 9107555203 New Hanover Coumty Board of Commissioners CO EE APPUCATION Boa rd/Connittee: ABC hoard PAGE 01101 230 Oovernment Caster Drive Suite 1 75 Wilmington. NC. ZA4f? Telephoau: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 Nauac: Geo rge Keil M Rome Rome : S32 Sony Thimina Ave Wrightsville Beach 28480 Addr (Street) (CW) (?.lEp C odes) M,afg Address If different. PtMasij Address: How Phone: 910-509 Fax: Celt: 9 10- 352-6 078 Business: 910- 755 -5200 "ears Lr►kg iau ' New Hanover County: 1 Male: __'� -� ye�nale: ,...� . Race.: to ���: 4S (Iatorw so ca for th par poft of mistoIrnng jk crate $K fig o e8 tie edmMaoity) Employer oyer Tradi tiot�na 1 Golf Management / Caroli Nor ti anal Gal f Club (A per Ow 4;*rrc■dy eraiplaysd by Me stOWZ a r 0epar tam t f ir rrkicb this app 1katoa is made. last resign b16116er POO6ou. wi tk New Vane Vtr C ontitl upon app oliltmest, is accoardsooe wm Articlr y Y, Sectio a 4 d Ae New Masever C o■aty Personae! PoWy.) OcMP&tj'On: Food & Beverage ]Director Profmional Activities: ri can Cu Fe t National lee Carving Assoc V Ankles; per► Surfridor 1`atsndat'On Why do you wish to serve an this boatrdlcOuMittee? To conbriute to my county need& in a way i can . Wi spy prof essional background I think I c ml d help the needs of the anti tte _ t e r atjetemse r d DaW member ovipves he i she b&v a vonfiiat or polenbe) confict otAntereat on a pofficuter ieaue, 'hot mesober she mid $00 ioa befierto Die other mem o ars of his ravective board during it public meeting. Tile member should state Me nature aF the conflict, do►ailinp the: b"he hoe a eeparots, priva at m 00OWY interest, either dints or indirect, in die teeua under consideration. The me►r+bar sho0d thou o xeuee hims alt I herteN from Voting on Ma Ma ftet: What arms of coomm would you 1*0 to see addmsed by this comMWee? Land u sage, ABC Law s . QUARn"dons f or se rving: 2 5 years of Food and Owmrage profe searvi ce _ Other muaf Al or county hoardWcom nium on which you are S wrlag: Vo r � F l op List thrft Imml penovA rehr ew nod phme mwnbera: M A R "2 3 2010 X0 John rMbel 910 -233 --8414 f ANPr VFR CO AMY Xeil 910 --509- -1109 BD OF 3. Greg Bradhem 910- -8797 r Data: March 23, 2010 Signature .. _ Ap pitc at ivxw are kept an 'ilk 1W 18 WO YMS Use r cvt Bide ter aadit#ooal com ren+o Ts Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -30 12 :30 -9:30 (3:30 -4:34) 12:34 -9:30 (3:34 -4:34) George L Keil 832 SOUTH LUMINA AVE. Objective Summary of Expertise Professional Experience WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 28480 910 - 352 -6078 GkeiIO01@ To incorporate my skills and knowledge with a company's great foundation. To seek longevity with a company or corporation. Was bestowed the DiRona award for accomplishments in fine dining. More than twenty -five years of professional cooking and kitchen management experience. Proficiency in forecasting budgets and maintaining multi- million dollar P &L's. Created and implemented menus with cultural influences. Designed service development plans and conducted operation assessments. Counseled students on defining career and work related goals. Formulated, wrote, and implemented new employee operation manuals as well as new clubhouse procedures. Directed recruitment and retention of supervisors. Trained, supervised and evaluated staff, coached improvement management skills. Accomplished multilateral staff achievements of work objectives. Startup operational needs and designs in CAD drawings. EXECUTIVE CHEF Diamond Foods LLC at Corning Incorporated LLC Wilmington, NC 2007 -2009 Directly responsible for large corporate dining account Implemented a more diverse operational procedure for service and profits. Produced large catering functions for private clients up to the range of 1500 people. Managed budgets for multiple outlets and keep under control the bottom line number. EXECUTIVE CHEF Troon Golf at St. James Plantation Southport, NC 2005 -2007 Presided over a multiple clubhouse operation with operating revenue of 4.5 million. Trained, supervised and evaluated staff of 65 employees of a 3 clubhouse property. Created and implemented a new course of action to create new revenue Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -31 streams. EXECUTIVE CHEF Mad Boar & River Landing Country Club Wallace, NC 2003 -2005 Managed all F &B operations of a multiplex restaurant with a casual, fine dining and banquet hall. Co- created and implemented a F &B budget of 2.5 million. Influential in all food and beverage activities for the country club. EXECUTIVE CHEF Golden Eagle Country Club Tallahassee, FL 2001 -2003 Re- organized small clubhouse operation to be profitable for private owner. Increased revenue in the F &B dept with new menu ideas and worked closely with the Catering Manager to increase the banquet revenue on managing wedding and other functions. Improved the quality of food production and educating the staff on new techniques. EXECUTIVE CHEF Augusta Country Club Augusta, GA 1997-2001 Controlled production of multiplied food outlets ranging from casual, fine dining and banquets. Maintained food revenue of 1.25 million in sales annually increasing it to 2 million in three years. Created menus with cultural influences for banquets and restaurants EXECUTIVE SOUS CHEF Cape Fear Country Club Wilmington, NC 1994-1997 Trained and supervised all food and beverage staff, 30 person staff from prep cooks to pastry chef. Involved with all ordering, scheduling and inventory of the facility. Formulated computer programs to speed inventory, menu costing and nutritional information sheets for members with certain dietary needs. Qualifications BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Kesier Culinary College, 01 -03 SALON DIRECTOR - North Carolina Pork Council, 04 CHEF & CHILD FOUNDATION - American Culinary Federation AMERICAN CULINARY FEDERATION MEMBER SINCE 1995 NATIONAL ICE CARVING ASSOCATION MEMBER SINCE 1998 George L Keil 832 South Lumina Ave. Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 910 - 352 -6078 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -32 • 0 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Board /Committee: Al Beverage Control Board Name: John H. Lyon Home Address 7547 Quail Woods Road Wilmington, NC 28411 (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: Same as above E -Mail Address: JL7 169@att.com (work) or JKL 73@att.net (home) Nome Phone: 9 1 0 -3 50 -8888 Fax: 91 0- 341 -3034 Cell: 910- 599 -4799 Bu siness: 910- 341 -7622 Years Living in New Hanover Co unty: 3 Male: _. Female: . J Race Caucasian Age: 58 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer: AT&T (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation Regional Director of External Affairs Professional Activities: See attached 230 Government Center Drive Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 Volunteer Activities: See attached Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? See attached Conflict of interest: if a board member believes he / she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his /her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself I herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? See attached Qualifications for serving: See attached Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: None r- List three local personal references and phone numbers: JA 1 9 2010 L� LI/ 16 Rosemary DePaolo, UNCW Chancellor, 910 962 - 3030 NEVI WiOVER CO Z. Randy Tomsic, Vice President - Wachovia Bank, 910- 342 -2070 L BD OF CP�'NflOSVIFI 3. Connie Majure- Rhett, President - Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, 910 -762 -2611 Date: January 18, 2010 Applications are kept on rile for 18 months Signature: Z/'O'U� Ilse erse si a for additional cam men is Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -33 Professional/Volunteer Activities When in the Accounting and Auditing organizations of the AT &T family of companies, I was a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors. Current volunteer activities include: • Chairman of the Board for Junior Achievement of the Cape Fear Region • Board member for the Cameron School of Business Advisory Board • Board member for the Burgaw Area Chamber of Commerce • Board Member for the Cape Fear Council of the Boy Scouts of America • Board member for Wilmington Industrial Development • Governmental Affairs Committee member for the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce • Governmental Affairs Committee member for the Wayne County Chamber of Commerce • Governmental Affairs Committee member for the Richmond County Chamber of Commerce • Governmental Affairs Committee member for the Scotland County Chamber of Commerce • Fundraising Committee member for the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce • Member of Downtown Wilmington Rotary Club Highlights of past volunteer activities prior to moving to New Hanover County include: • Congregational President for Risen Savior Lutheran Church (Broomfield, IL) • Treasurer /CFO of First Lutheran Church and School (Clearwater, FL) • Financial Vice President — Illinois Jaycees • Community Development Vice President —Ohio Jaycees • President, as well as holding many other local offices — Mayfield Heights Jaycees (Ohio) • President — Madison County Church Golf League (Illinois) • Project leader of multiple national award winning programs, including an environmental project resulting in the planting of 40,000 trees across a 3 -state area. • Recipient of the Jaycee International Senatorship, and the United States Jaycees Ambassadorship, the highest recognition given by these two organizations. john �I �yo� Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25-1-34 Why do you wish to serve on this board? Even prior to the uproar in the media over the ABC situation, I had inquired through Commissioner Bobby Greer on how I might become involved in helping the county in some way. Commissioner Greer indicated that there were several committees and boards available for citizens to consider if they wished to volunteer. He arranged for me to receive the county's Citizen Participation brochure. While pondering the many different committees/boards that the county has to offer, the current situation involving the ABC Board became public knowledge. While there is much emotion surrounding what has transpired, I felt that there would be a need for new board members who: • Had no ties to any of the former board members or to any of the current ABC staff, • Could approach the ABC operations with a calm and analytical mindset, • Have a solid and well rounded business background, • Would ensure compliance regarding any North Carolina or New Hanover County regulations (i.e., sunshine laws, documentation of decisions in minutes) • Would keep a proactively open line of communication with the County Commissioners and the County staff regarding ABC operations. At a recent Rotary meeting, a group of business leaders were discussing the ABC situation, and a few of them suggested I consider volunteering for this board. They felt that with my business background and not having any ties to any of the parties involved in the ABC operations that I would make a good candidate. So wanting to serve the county in some fashion, and seeing a match in my background to a need the county currently has, is the reason I wish to serve on this board. What areas of concern would vou like to see addressed by this committee`? While my knowledge of the ABC Board is limited to what I have read regarding the current situation, my focus would include: ■ Continued p Lofitability of the ABC operation. While the recent controversy has centered on salary levels and openness of ABC Board records, most accounts indicate that the New Hanover ABC operation is one of the most profitable ones in the state. Our number one goal should be to continue operating in a way that continues this level of excellence we have achieved regarding profitability. We need to find a new president of operations who has experience in retail liquor sales, who knows what products turn or don't turn, and who can positively motivate the entire employee base to be as productive as possible. ■ Develo in HR Puidelin rticularly regarding salary bonuses and nepotism. The details regarding the recent uproar don't need to be restated here. It is obvious that a review of all HR policies should be done. The State of North Carolina may eventually set guidelines for salaries/bonuses /longevity pay, but we should be proactive in reviewing all available data and determining what makes sense for our operations in advance of any state edicts. After we have implemented any changes deemed necessary, if the state then provides additional direction we would modify as needed. Other key policies to be reviewed would be nepotism issues, as well as acceptable expense reimbursement policies. While Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -35 L, 10 hi this paragraph highlights key issues of concern regarding HR &expense policies, all operational policies should be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure compliance with all state /county regulations. Review of all plans surrounding any future construction or building closings. This ties back to the first bullet point dealing with profitability. Building new plant facilities and the closing of others is an ongoing process of any growing business. Will current building/closure plans increase profitability? But part of the recent controversy also included neighborhoods being upset with decisions regarding clear cutting of trees and demolition of buildings in those neighborhoods. It is very important to include input from the public on these issues and not make decisions behind closed doors. This doesn't mean that any negative input from the public necessitates not moving forward, but the input needs to be honestly obtained and weighed before making final decisions. Openness and Full Disclosure. Applicable sunshine laws regarding meetings need to be strictly followed — no exceptions. Properly recorded minutes of all meetings and decisions are a necessity. The County Commissioners were blindsided during the recent controversy. This should not have occurred if the ABC Board followed both the letter and the spirit of the laws surrounding meetings/minutes. In addition to making public the minutes, the ABC Board should proactively contact the County Commissioners on key decisions they have made so as to avoid future biindsides. Now, quite frankly, and based upon only what I have read in the paper, I don't think any of the former ABC Board Members were doing anything intentionally in a sinister manner. I don't know any of the former board members, but I think that maybe they had just become "comfortable" over time regarding the ABC operations due to its profitability, and in becoming comfortable they inadvertently became a little lax in some administrative areas. And at least one of them has admitted that the salary/bonus situation was in fact an error of judgment on their part. We just need to ensure this doesn't happen again. La rger a nd Diverse ABC Board. While this decision is not something made by the ABC Board, it is something of concern. I am not sure if the size of the board is something dictated by the state or by the county. In either case I would recommend that the board be expanded to at least S members, if not more. In addition, once the County Commissioners determine the attributes they are looking for in the board members, they should ensure that there are representatives with those attributes representing the diversity of our New Hanover County population. There should be an obvious mix of men/women as well as a racially balanced board. Part of the diversity should also include representation from different areas of the county. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 L 25 -1 -36 � 0 Qualifications For Serving Going back to the first question of why I wished to serve on this board, I stated that I felt that there would be a need for new board members who: ■ Had no ties to any of the former board members or to any of the current ABC staff, • Could approach the ABC operations with a calm and analytical mindset, • Have a solid and well rounded business background, • Would ensure compliance regarding any North Carolina or New Hanover County regulations (i.e., sunshine laws, documentation of decisions in minutes) • Would keep a proactively open line of communication with the County Commissioners and the County staff regarding ABC operations. I have those attributes. In addition: • My education background includes an undergraduate degree in Business Administration (Accounting major), a Masters of Business Administration, and certification in Human Resources Management. ■ I have worked for 35 years within the AT &T family of companies, all in a management capacity. I have experience in Accounting, Auditing, Finance, Human Resources, Purchasing, Marketing and External Affairs. • I have held leadership positions both in the business environment as well as the volunteer world. In these leadership roles I have been successful in helping to drive consensus in order to move the organization forward in a positive manner to reach established goals. • I am also proficient in parliamentary procedures, having even taught parliamentary procedures to multiple organizations. I mention this as I know that to run efficient public meetings that it is important to follow established procedural rules and regulations. ■ In my role as AT &T's Regional Director of External Affairs, I have had the opportunity to meet with governmental, civic and business leaders here in New Hanover County. I think I have been positively received by these leaders resulting in a very positive public image. This positive image I think will help with bolstering the public's image of the new ABC Board, an image that has been severely tarnished during the recent controversy. I look forward, if chosen, to working with all of the County Commissioners, the New Hanover County staff, the ABC board members and the ABC operations team. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 � OR, 25 -1 -37 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 3 Wilmington NC 2840 COMMITTEE APPLICATION t Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Board/Committee: Name: /�ObEt¢ l�U. /��i�7 �N /S E -Mail: �i�.�P�E.tJ /S� �L • �o�,�, Home gs: govt �'r� 3 .o•t.�vs �� /,lJ. �.;��,� - �SCi� (Street) Mailing Address if different: (City) (Zip Code) Business: (Street) (City) Home Phone: �1 --1 �' I� Fax: akr S/ Cell: 479- Years living n NH County: Male: V1 Female: Race: g y — (Informat' n for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Age: ., Zf__ Employer: - �j�,�.[e.eJ� (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign hislher position wit h New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: Professional Activities: Volunteer Activitiesfl.) PA,.!9 uJ (Zip Code) # 'AZAff" _1 — �AJ' r Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? 4ZWAP7 V .-Ed 93 7%& -ooWif zallwil- & Zac" dzu " WN -AF__W=;Pffi ON ffl� ffianmba� 4LW 9 6 nflict of Interest If a board member believes helshe has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particul r issue, that member shout state this belief to the other members of hislher respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that helshe has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himselflherself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? mV_ WAV »rte � ■�i�rr� Qualifications for serving: Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: a, Ame A WA Please list three local personal references and phone numbers: 2. 3. Date: 11 1.1 - 1142 Applications are kepf on fle for 18 months ' Please use reverse side for additional comments �f'�OkV- 7APP 49PAO e- bhAt 25A4r.P B�. of Commissioners i e in �SSAC 4 of 0 L��t 25 - 1 - 38 (orb C:oirr,��Lt (gPt/14TLoe Ge/&�iivf 4.0 (24a+viw4 off' CWIA11rfl, �EA�Dfe Sh�� GCJi ii✓7 �oN /wo�r OOMMW Zf :5 T egA. �t?bug us t �r dcxAx oA/ �• �EAL €S�TE�liG,vA.Pt.0 rcaQ A . h��AVA-q� 4rA 4We 17iqpawo*�v 7 c 1, Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -39 New Hanover Co unty 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION s u ite 1 Wilmmgtan, AFC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax_ (910) 798 -7145 Board/Committee: AB Board Name: David I Ma tthews Home Address: 1523 Landfall Dr Wilm (street) Mailing Address if different: E - Mad Address: dmatt@ ec . rr - com (City) 28405 (Zip Code) Home Pie: 256 3271 Fax: 256 3 271 Cell: Business: Years Living in New Hanover County: 15 Male: r Female: Race: Caucasian Age: 74 ` (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer: Cadbury Schweppes , retired as President of Schweppes USA (A pers on cu rren tly employe d by the ag ency o r depar tmen t for which this app ligation is made, must re sign hislher position with N cw Hanover C ounty upon app *in tm en t, in a cc or dan cc with Arr tic It V 1, S cc do a 4 of the N ew H ano ve r C ou my Pe rs on ne I Po ]icy.) Oocu P ate: Marketing Manager Coca -Cola USA, Board Member Cadbury Schweppes NA,MBA Coluatbia Professional Activities: Executive management positions in Engla Canada a n d US A. Volunteer Activities: Adjunct Professor, Cameron School of Business; consultant US Dept of State Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? I m ou ld like to help the A B C quickly gain confidence with the public via now business practi and t r anspa rency. Confikt of Interest f aboard member believes he I she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this beliefto the other members of his / har respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that helshe has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct indirect, in the issue under consideration. The m emb or should then excuse himself / herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? D a pro active culture for the ABC Board. Establish written governance standards for key areas within the ABC. Qualifications for serving: Extensive experience with related distribution systems and products: Schweppes and Canada Dory mixers,, Holland House mixers , Mr and Mrs T , Rose's Line Juice Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Mr. Larry Clark, Dean Cameron School of Business, 962 7572 2. Spencer Everett, 549 2903 NE�Y HAN OVER CO RS 3. Mr Ron Isyk,256 0822 F lo r ,,,of, Date: c 22 , 2010 Signature: �O Applications are kept on file for 18 months Use reverse side rer additional comments I 9R F LE B 2 2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -40 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Board /Committee: ABC Board Name: John F. Melia Home Address: 605 van Dor Ct Wilmington. NC 28412 (Street) Mailing Address if different: E -Mail Address: j melia@ec.rr.com Horne Phone: 910- 790-3885 Fax: Years Living in New Hanover County: 13+ (City) C 9 1 0 - 262 - 7 582 Business: Male: - Female: Race: Cau Age: 68 (Information for the purpose ofassoring a cross section of the cam man ity) Employer: (A persan cmrready employed by the agency or department for which this application is nude, mast resign his/her position with New► Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Scctioa 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation Retired from US Army, Retired from Brunswick County Schools Professional Activities: pr ofessional Ed of NC. Military Officers Assn. Wounded Warrior Pro Volunteer Activities: Tu to r at Literacy Council . WMPO Citizens Advisory Cat . Adult Scholars Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? I want to make the ABC Board a model for NC I w ant to ensure that every board action is available to public scrutiny. Conflict of lntorest r aboard member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his I her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that helshe has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself /herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? luck of accountability. Nepotism Documentation of all board actions, incorporating a vision for operations. Qualifications for serving: Please see attached resume Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: Citizens Advisory Committee to the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization. Updating e ViTr*fi%0C *-ia���. List three local personal references and phone numbers: , 1 r. Barbara F D Barb Jo Fol PhD 795 - 2052 2010 7. David O. Hamilton, CPA 452 - 3251 c 0 3. Deanne R. Meadows 274 - 1043 Date: 10 , 2 010 Signatu Applications are kept on file for Is months Ule reverse side for additional com men is 230 Government Center Drive Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28443 Telephone: (914) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 (Zip Code) Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -41 JOHN F. MELIA 545 Van Dorn Ct Wihnington, NC 28412 914-- 794 -3885 Objective • Appointment to the ABC Board for New Hanover County Professional Profile • Extensive and decisive hands -on management and staff experience in complex and multi- divisional organizations in the United States Army. Broad experience in personnel management, 'stration, and project management in an automated environment. • Strong background in strategic long range planning, buining development, and project planning and execution. • Recognized for outstanding speaking and writing skills. • Team guilder, mentor, trouble- shooter, problem solver. Career Histo 1998- 2447. Senior Army Instructor, North Brunswick High Schaal, Leland, NC. • Department head at a 950 student comprehensive high school. Supervised and evaluated two other instructors. • Responsible for entire JROTC program and maintenance of all campus facilities. • Program designated as an Honor Unit With Distinction for nine consecutive years. • Served a five year term as Chair of the Accreditation Team. Ensured accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools through 2009. • Retired at the end of the 2007 school year. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -42 John F. Melia Page 2 1996 -1998. Student, Watson School of Education, University of North Carolina at Wilmington. 1993 -1995. Assistant Chief of Staff, United States Army Training and Doctrine Command, Fort Monroe, VA. + Ivey member of senior management team operating a 16-campus university system. + Program Manager for a staff of nearly 150 individuals dispersed among the branch campuses. + Reengineered business processes. Reduced overhead by 33% + Deputy Chief of Staff, First Corps, Fort Lewis, WA + Senior Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer for planning, employment, and control of world -wide military operations. + Chaired Process Action Team that embedded Total Quality Management into the organization's daily operations. 1986-1989. Inspector General, Ft. Meade, MD. + Personal counselor and confidential investigator to the Chief Executive of an organization with branches in 12 states and the District of Columbia. * Conducted high level, sensitive investigations on matters involving standards of conduct, ethics, sexual harassment, equal opportunity, and proper utilization of human and financial resources. * Initiated training for senior executives, middle managers, and supervisors on violence in the workplace. 1960 -1985. Various assignments leading to the rank of Colonel in 1955 Education 1998 Teaching Certificate, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, NC. Licensed through 2011 1989 Post - Masters, Graduate of United States Army War College Carlisle, Pennsylvania Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -43 John. F. Melia 1988 Master of Science, Administration Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 1986 United States Army Inspector General Course Fort Belvoir, Virginia 1975 Bachelor of Science Management Johnson and Wales University, Providence, Rhode Island Community Involvement Page 3 * Member, Citizens Advisory Committee to the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization • Founding Advisor The Wounded Warrior Project ■ Adult Tutor Cape Fear Literacy Council • Sunday Reader Immaculate Conception Catholic Parish • Treasurer Neighbors of Preston Woods • Past President SENCLANI3 Chapter Military Officers Association of America Past President Wrightsville Beach Kiwanis Club Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -44 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Board/Committee: ABC Board Name: Ernest T Nicholas Home Address: 6336 Len oir Dr. Wi lmington 28 4 1 2 (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: Sam E-MaH Address: 'atnicholas@ec.rr.com Hom Phone: Nona Fax: Nona Cell: 910.2 62.118 4 Business: Cei 1 Years Living in New Hanover County: 13 Male: Female: Race. Whi to A ge: 53 (Ia form ation for the par pose of assuring a crow seetion of the community) Employer Lowe ' s Foods Inc. (A person cu rren tly employed by the agency o r departmen t for which this app lication is made, must re sign his/her positive with N ew Hamew or C Gusty upon appointment, in accordance with Article vi, Section 4 of the Neer Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: Division HR Generali Professional Activities: None 230 Government Center Drive Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 Volunteer Activities: North Carolina Azalea Festival Co Chair Street Fair Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? I wou like t o be part of the team that makes re to change public perception and to max imize the pro Conflict of Interest f a board member believes he / she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief fo the other members of his /her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that helshe has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under con sideration. The m ember should then excuse dims elf / herself from voting on the matter. What Areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Publi perception of the ABC Board. Profitablility and Expense Management. Ethics and Vision for future growth. Qualifications for serving: over 25 Ye ars as a retail supermarket manager with annual sales in excess of 18 million dollars with full P @L accountability. Current division HR Generalist Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: None b I E Irl ff � IN rc__, List three local personal references and phone numbers: L LJ J BAR 3 1 2010 1. Stephen Coble 910.791.0016 910.517.8882 20 Donna Robbins 910.520.2200 NEW HANOVER CO 3. 1ti chard Coombs 910-297.8416 Date: March 27, 2010 Applications are kept o© 8k for 18 months r Signature: ltv�� Use reverse side for additional com men is Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -45 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Board/Commi tee: ABC Board 230 Government Center Drive CON MTTEE APPLICATION Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 Name: Robert L. Parker Home Address: 3009 Nevan Lana Wilmington NC 28405 (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: R- Address: bob.Parker.researchscientist@hotmail.com Nome Phone: 910 431 - 5287 Fax: Cell: Years Living in New Hanover County: 1D Bu siness: Male: " Female: Race: white A ge: 49 (Inform atioa for the pur pose of assur ing a c ro ss sectio n of the c om mun ity) Employer: NHRMC (A person currently employed by the agency or department for wbicb tYis application is made, must resign kh[ker podfloa with New Hanover County open app olntotot, in accordance with Article VI, Sec tie a 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Pa Hey.] Occupa Core Lab Coordinator Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve an this board/committee? To contribute to the well being of NHC citizens and be a conservative and unbiased voice to ensure the county interests area met. Conflict of interest r a board member believes he / she has a conflict or potential conflict of kiterest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to Me other members of hisl her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself / herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you tike to see Addressed by this committee? H ow the citizens of NHC can benefit from the sell of alcoholic beverages through the tax revenues generated. Qualifications for serving: I possess a unique cutural and educational background. I hold a BS from UNCW and have maintained an awareness of the issues that face our county. Other municipal or county boards/committees an which you Are serving: _ - 1 1 1 1 L. � � N List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Jason Thompson 793-1460 z 2010 Dick Webb 264 -3452 rr Z 3. John Valente 431 -9800 Date: February 15, 2010 Applications are kept on file for 19 months Signature: e reverse side for additional con ments Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -46 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Name: Avril M. Pinder Home t Address: (street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 165, Wilmington, NC 28403 E -Mail Address: apinder@nhcgov.com 230 Government Center Drive COMMITTEE APPLICATION Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 Board /Committee: New Hanover County ABC Board Home Phone: Fax: 910- 798 -7410 Cell: 910 - 358 --1026 Business: 910 -798 -7187 Years Living in 4 New Hanover County: years Male: Fem ale: r Race: 81 ack Age: 43 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer: New Hanover County - Finance Department (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V1, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: Finance Director Professional Activities: Member of : GFOA, CPA, NCACFG Volunteer Activities: Habitat for Humanity; Homeless Coalition; United Way Board; Church Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? I would like to offer my years of financial experience and expertise to the ABC Board in an effort to help make a difference. Conflict of Interest #a board member believes he / she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his I her respective board during a public meeting The member should sta the nature of the conflict, detailing that helshe has a separate, priva or monetary interest, either direct indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself I herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? To see that proper policies and guidelines are implemented and adhered to in the areas of financial oversight. Qualifications for serving: Bachelor's Degree & Masters Degree in Accounting and Finance; Certified Public Accountant; New Hanover County Finance Director for 4 years. Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: NCACC /NACo 457 Deferred Compensation Advisory Board; NHMR Medical Ctr's Advisory Board; Interim ABC Board Member; SEC Board List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Bruce T. Shell, New Hanover County Manager (910) 798 -7184 2-,Wanda Copley, New Hanover County Attorney (910) 798 -7153 3. Sheila Schult, Clerk to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (910) 798 -7149 Date: March 3, 2010 t i a e: Applications are kept o o A us Use reverse side for additional comments MAC 0 2010 r+ j �brsioners Meeting L 25-1-47 02 }16/2010 10:09 SNIPES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 97987145 4 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPUCATION NO. 489 001 230 Government Co dflve Suice 175 wilouiagta% NC 29403 Tclephooa: (910 795 -7 t 49 Fax: (910) 709.1145 Board /Committee: ABC Board Name: Linda "Candy" Robbins Home Address: 4611 Spl Rail Driva Wilmington 26412 (Street) -- {Cit (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different, Address: erobbined 4 @ gmai 1. nom Home Pine. 910.392.2200 Fa Ceti: 910. Business., Years Living in New Rollover County: 32 Yea rs Neale: _ ; Female: � R*ce: African Ame r ic an Age: 39 (Information fnr the porpo3e of naaur +tit a croes mctivn c the eornntvpioy) Employer: N Hanover County Schools (A person currently employed by the attney or deportbest for which tihis appties6"n is bade, must crsizo hWber pvaitivv with Ntrr Heavver County upon Epp ointroent 4 aeeordvnce with Artic V1, get rloo 4 of Oc New Ajonopwor CDovity Pen on net Pol Occupation: School Social Worker Professional Activities: As • Rap NCA£ , Member NEA, Wmber NCSSWA, M tuber DN C Hoard Volunteer Activities: NOTTT Foundati volunteer /Financial Mgr . Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? The residents of NH County need fresh near and go- inn ovative ideas There also needs to be a variation of representation on the board. Cortllk r of IMis reer; 1 .9 aoara mom ber ballevsa Ira s✓xa has a con NO or pomfillel conflict of +nteebet Ono particular Issas. to at Mom bet VIOU16 Stale eh+:+ belie ?Ia tho other mom bars of Ais I tier ra apacllve hoard du'rino a pIJ611C mCaeing• The m vme er xhauld s late tlta nature of the conN +c+, defeiHnp IBA W.Th h as a seperefc, pNvate or monofary Interest, elfaof direct o rindi W. In the iszva under cons+doratian. To# mamboe shou IA6R virruze hlm solf I hor,olf fr voting on tho matter. What areas of concern would you like to see Addressed by this comet ittee? x would like to see hole future revenue cou ld be used to provide quality resources to the residents of NCI County. Qunifiicadons for serving: I served on NCSSWA Board an d DMC Hoard to name a fe w. Other municipal or county boards/committees on wbich you Are serving: N/A List three Local personal references and ph on e numbers: Sonja Robinson 910-793-3391 2, Moisha Diggs 9 1 0 -2 -00 3. Raym Ba t e s 910- 663 --6049 Date: February 16, 20 Applic0itne art kept on file for 18 etantha Signature: Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25-1-48 Use re Bide for additional corn men Fs New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Board /Committee: ABC Board 230 Government Center Drive COMMITTEE APPLICA'T'ION suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 Name: Eric N. Rylander Home Address: 1203 Windsor Dr Wilmington 2$403 (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E - Mail Address: eric @m.a rzini . com Nome Phone: 9 -752 -1418 Fax: 910- 343 -8788 Cell: 910-232-2302 Business: 910 -34 -8 7 4 4 Years Living in New Hanover County: Seven ( 7 ) Male: Female: : Race: White Age: 45 {Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the communityI Employer: Marz ini Restaurants ■ LLC (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign hislher position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Person net Policy.) Occup ation: Restaurant Owner Professional Activities VP, Board of Dir, Wirtz Area Hospitality Assoc; NCRLA Lic Bev Adv Council Volunteer Activities: Wilmington Area Hospitality Assoc.. DBA Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? Bring experience of retail business community in general, and permittee specifically. This does not have to be a conflict of interest. Conflict of Interest* If a board member believes he I she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other merry bers of his J her respective board during a public in eeting. The m emb er should s Late the nature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a s eparate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in die issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself I herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Modernization of communications V nternally and externally; management and compensation of staff; public perception Qualifications for serving: Seven years multiple ABC license permittee; Community involvement; Business community involvement; Business owner and entrepreneur; former Coca -Cola exec Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: n/ a List three local personal references and phone numbers: l, Torn Roberson, Torn Roberson & Associates, 910- 547 -0511 2. David Walen, Atty, 910-763-1925 3. Paul Stone, NCRLA, 919 - 844 -0498 Date: February 18, 2010 Applications are kept an file for 18 months Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -49 Signature: p I rr� Use reverse side for additional comments New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 234 Government Center Drive 175 COMMITTEE APPLICATION suite ngi Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (914) 798 -7145 Board/Com�ttce: /1 � e �0 ,1 n Name: �� s S C �^ �A." nix) 7 Home � J '/' � 0 3 Address: �6 a �f fe�2 �y d� rt'L�rh S �i ��"►7 /1' C a d' (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: ,5',v 12i e,- I % E-Mail Address: -1 -a -5 - -Z-Y & Y'r—C47-1.1 Horne Phone: /O V3 Fax: /t/d Cell: �1 Years Living in New Hanover County: 4;�v Male: X Female: Race: 60 k / - C' Age: -2 - [Information for the poi pose of sager leg a AWN-1% S E section of the c om moo ity Employer: Re— - 7 t ' °� I C I [A person co rrea tly employed by the agency o r depar tmen t for wh this application is made, must resign his/h position with N err Haesver C aunty upon appointment, in accordance with Article V 1, See do■ 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) 1 occvpat �on1 e S 'xe'. ;Ve- Za 0>"./ - Al �v /V r Professional Activities: a'�'I 1 C. /59/vk<4Wr Asecyall Volunteer Activities: d- a/ IM/ Qz Wh y do y ou wish to serve on this board/committee? o iot 0 A) VFS.S e %7� Conflict of intere f a board member be lieves he / she has a conftct or potential conflict of interest on a particul issue, that member should stale this belief the other members of his / her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, elther di rect or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/ herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee. 44-4-0 441 a ce"t'fm's ,c cV5 Ah /IlAle- 4r- 1 �7 1 0-4/- 0-)&'W'A Cz r Qualifications for serving: I A S . � . U 10 1 v //4J 46 q.S / A.) e 4 Ae a ]li C�&v d E f s Z a� a.•s G7' al -...s . Other municipal or county boards/committees an which you are serving: P rQ n IR List throe local personal references and phone numbers: s 4. ed r� We C/ M AY 2 62009 2, u e- 3. Date: 6"il /2 — 6 t Applications are kept on 5k for 18 months i 1 r 1 � N OF COMMISS Use reverse side for additional com men is Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -50 ■ _V New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (91 U) 795 -7149 Fax: (91 d) 798 -7145 Board/Comndttee: L _D' " r" N ame: 3J_ JM_frm�S A LCY.-M Lvs... Home Address: r 4 0f r6l' LL' (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E -Mail Address: Home Phone: � � 7 `��! �� `�' Fax: Cell: (c� Business: Years Living in I New Hanover County: t ! t& Male: y .� � , ..... , , _.,.,...�. Female.. Race. ti _ Age. (information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer: A & 1 A-< QcrX4 I_ A . _r — V. W, S A-A t`. - *4 d Ai(W (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is trade, must resign his/her position with Ne Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? JK &! 1 140 4 V r ird Lr O 6 &� -w V (;;u 7- __A4_k Confikt of Interest. I a - rd member believes he / she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to Ire other members of his I her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that helshe has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under con sidera #ton. The m emb e should then excus a hims elf / herself from voting on the ma tier. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? t, 4 IWAV A( 0 Al --'>' 5(S7�&Wtf, 04 49A*#40 _(_ Qualifications for serving: C L, L'T4NzME- 8 s'&e K- ks B .5 XA *4J, .. f51 Other municipal or county boa s /committees on which you are serving: List three local personal refs 2. 3. and phone numbers: ej > 7 4( Date: - I l k ON I C 3 - S�gnature. Applications are kept on file f 18 me nths 0 - Ay 4A e 5 rwx. Use reverse side for additional corn men is Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -51 SV�!lrl MU O JAMES L. TURNER 5630 Harvest Grove Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 910- 796 -9699 CAREER HIGHLIGHTS 1992 -2002 retired SMITH BARNEY, Albuquerque Vice President - Investments 1989 -1992 CB COMMERCIAL, Albuquerque Senior Consultant, Investment Properties 1984 -1 989 COLDWELL BANKER, Stamford Ct. Consultant, Investment Properties 1980 -1982 NEWSWEEK INT'L, London Associate Publisher, Atlantic Edition 1967 -1976 PETERSEN PUBLISHING, Los Angeles Publisher: WHEELS AFIELD Western Sales Mgr.; Branch Mgr. 1982 -1984 GOLF MAGAZINE, New York City Publisher 1 976 -1979 SAN FRANCISCO MAGAZINE, SF OwnerlPubl i sher 1962 -1967 FAWCETT PUBLICATIONS, New York Western Manager, San Francisco PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEMENT Board Chairman --Los Angeles AMERICAN SPORTS MAGAZINES, Vice Pres. Board of Dir.-San Francisco Ski Safe Co., Inc. President Glendale, CA 605 ASSOCIATES (R.E. Development) Tournament Director New York City "100 Greatest " -Int'l Golf Competition CIVIC INVOLVEMENT Founding President Provo, UT Skyline Ski Club President La Crescenta, CA 20/30 Clubs of America Founding President San Francisco Montgomery Motorcycle Club Lecturer San Francisco San Francisco College RECOGNITIONS Council Member San Francisco Big Brothers of America Lecturer Albuquerque Delta Pi, International Olympic Club of San Francisco 1960 -1980 Advertising Club of San Francisco 1963 -1980 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 1976 -1980 American Club, London 1980 -1982 International Advertising Club of London 1980 -1982 Who's Who in Publishing, New York City 1987 -1988 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -52 2 James L. Turner EDUCATION California State University, Los Angeles 1954 -1958 Certified Commercial Investment Manager (CCIM) 1986 -1987 Smith Barney, Albuquerque: Focused Training 1992 -2001 Licensed: General Securities, (Series 7, 65, 60)(NASD) Uniform State Securities Investment Advisor Agent, New Mexico Insurance Agent PERSONAL Family: Married to Jacqueline Baker Turner Four children, three grandchildren Military: US Navy Reserve Five years Hobbies: Golf, Tennis, Skiing, Sailboat Racing /cruising Motorcycling, Scuba, Health conditioning Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -53 N ew Hanov C ounty 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION w ilmim 7 8 bon, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 Bo N ew Hanover Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Name: T h o mas Wolfe Home Address 3739 Res ton Court, Wilming NC 28403 (Street) (City) Mailing Address if different: E - Mail Address tomwolfe@ ec . rr ,com; twolfe@harleyassociates.com Home Phone: 910- 392 -0554 Fax: 910- 784 -9111 Cell: 910 -228 -8559 Business: 910- 784 -9800 Years Living in New Hanover County: 13 Male: Female: Race: Caucasian Age: 7 0 (Information for the purpose of assuring ■ cross section of the community) Employer Harley & Associates Commercial Real Estate, Inc (A pen on currently employe d by the ag ency o r depar tment for which this application is made, mast re sign his /her position with New H anover C onuty up on app oin tm en t, in a cc or dan cc with Ar tic le VI, S cc do ■ 4 of the N ew H ano ve r C ou my Pe n on no l Po Hey.) Occupation: Commercial Real Estate Broker, Agent Professional Activities: see attached Volunteer Activities: see attached Why do you wish to serve on this board/eommittee? see Atta ched Conflict of interest y a board member believes he I she has a confect or potential conflict of Interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, priva or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself / herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? see attac Qualifications for serving: see attached resume and biography Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: n one r.� List three local personal references and phone numbers: 11 Mr. Franklin Furr 910-538-2222; 910 --452 -2217 MAB 2 3 -20M 2. Mr. Winfield Smith 910-675-2307; 910 -257 -7719 NEW HANOV Co 3. Mr. Frank Martin 910-815-7126 BD. OF Coto 0N R� Date: March 22, 2 010 Signature: Applications ■re kept on file for 18 months Use rever4a s e for add oval comments (zip Code) Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25-1-54 COMM EE APPLICATION, page2 Thomas Wolfe Professional activities: Current Treasurer and Board, Regional Commercial Alliance, SECNC, (Wilmington Regional Association of Realtors) CCIM Institute, (Certified Commercial Investment Member); International Council of Shopping Centers, U. S, and Canada; Chair, Board of Directors, The Retail Council of Canada; National Retail Federation Volunteer Activities: Elder, First Presbyterian Church, various committees; Board, Oakdale Cemetery; Treasurer, Board, Independence East Homeowners Association Why I wish to serve on the ABC Board: I feel my broad based retail background and proven success in a nation retail environment will allow me to assist the ABC Board in defining new policies and procedures while overseeing and enforcing current ones. While the media has portrayed the ABC as being in disrepair, it is my opinion the organization is merely off track and can be repositioned in a very short time frame. As a native Wilmingtonian, who was away for many years, I would like to give to our community my skill sets in appreciation for the pleasure of living in this great and lovely county. What area of concern would I like to see addressed by this committee? To ensure proper internal controls are current and in place to safe guard the assets of the ABC Board, including the most important assets, the employees. I would like to see an annual business plan; evaluate the objectives to implement the plan, and systems to monitor same. Qualifications for serving: I have over 30 years of retail experience, most in a senior managment, with hands on experience and direct responsibility for accounting and financial management; supervision of employees, distribution and transportation logistics, merchandise selection and procurement, negotiation, strategic planning and real estate. Please see attached Resume and biography. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -55 New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Suite 17 Wilmi ngton, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 Board/Committee: ABC Board Name: Ronald H. Woodruff Home Address: 406 West Renovah Circle Wilmington, NC 28403 (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E - Mail Address: rhw@ mwglaw. . cam Horne Phone 763 - 6236 Fax: 343-8604 Cell: Business: 7 53 -9891 Years Living in New Hanover County: 32 57 Male: Female: Race: Caucasian Age: (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer: Marshall Williams & Gorham, attorneys (A pers on cu rren tly employe d by the ag ency o r depar tmen t for which this app lication is made, must resign his/her position with N ew H anov er C aunty upon appointment, in accordance with Article V1, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: attorney Professional Activities NHC Bar Assoc; NC Bar Assoc; NC Assoc. of Defense Attorneys Volunteer Activities NHC and Wilmington committees and adviory boards; community charities Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? Time and energy to commit to the job / past legal experience representing a public entity (Wilmington Housing Authority) Conflict of Interest: 1f a board member believes he I she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/ her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that helshe has a separate, private or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself /herself from voting on the ma tter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Ethical, fina and co responsibilites Q ualifcations for serving Willingness to give of my time and experience to serve the community / prior legal representation of a local public agency (WHA) Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: NHC Risk Management Advisory Board List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Robert Cherry 763 -9891 2. Dumay Gorham 763 -9891 Z� 3. John Wessell 763 -7476 Date: February 17 , 2 010 • F eAlhw�) A Applications are kept on file fo 1 aths Use reverse sid for ditional comments F F: 9 1 9 201 }� ers Meeti g 25 -1 -56 SPA t New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Suite 75 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798 -7149 Fax: (910) 798 -7145 Board/Committee: New Hanover County ABC Board Name: George J. Wrage Home Address: 5503 Dunmore Road. Wilmington, NC 28409 (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: SAM E -Mail Address: None Home Phone: 910.793-3453 Fax: 91 93.3 53 Cell: 910.54 7.4195 Business: Years Cluing in New Hanover County: 12 ye ars Male: Female:. Race: Caucasian Age: 78 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer Retired: Member, New York Stock Exchange (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon app olatment, is accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: Retired.: See above Professional Activities: see attached resume Volunteer Activities: See attached resume Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? (1)Restore Public integrity S trust to the Board; (2) Ensure sound fiscal responsibility and operations; (3) Ensure Public accountability. Confffct of htterest f aboard member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this beliefto the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the Conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in die issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself1 herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? (1) Staff Compensat and emPloyment policies; (2) Operations: cost vs. revenue; (3) Contract & Monetary distributions. Qualifications for serving Broad financial and economic experience as it relates to the Private business sector, vario f inanc ial markets and econ trends and business issue Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: N one jAjj I j rulvD List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1 Marston r 910.791, 3601 / 6442 Quail Run. Wilmington NC. 2 09 NEW HANOV CO Z Julian Bradberry. 910.799.4195 / 217 Yorkshire Lane Wilmington. KC 28409 3. non Gray,, 910.256.4060 / 1808 Mews Drive, Wilmington, NC„ 28405 Date: i x-0 /v Signature: /WI pplications are kept o file for 18 no nths Use reverse si#ffor additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -57 GEORGE WRAGE 5503 Dunmore Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 (910) 793 -3453 • Personal Life: o Married (53 years); 3 children; 4 grandchild ■ ST. John's University, New York 0 U.S. Army: 1952 - 1954 o CIA: 20 Months Special Assignment • Professional Experience: o New York Stock Exchange(16 Years): Clerk, Broker o New York Stock Exchange (16 Years): Member • Community Service: o New York Conservative Party: Founding Member (Queens, NY) ■ Advocacy for Conservative fiscal &taxation policy o Citizens For A Sound Economy ■ Advocacy against `Forced Annexation' o Taxpayers of Wilmington ■ Advocacy for responsible fiscal & taxation policy o Good Neighbors of new Hanover County ■ Advocacy against 'Forced Annexation' o Americans For Prosperity, New Hanover County Chapter ■ Advocacy for responsible fiscal & taxation policy o Radio Commentator: The Big Talker FM ■ The Morning Financial RoundTable: Economy, Fiscal Policy, Taxation DATE: oho Signature: 2 of 2 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -58 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Membership- 18 maximum, 13 mandated based on the number of facilities operatin in New Hanover Count Current Members- 13 Vacancies- Terms- Fall W W LEM 1 y ear initiall - 4/30/11 3 y ears - 4/30/13 ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT Yuri Buechler Attachments, Committee Information Sheets Application Board of Commissioners Meetin 04/19/2010 25-1-59 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 13 State mandated; May appoint up to 18 (11 member for each permitted facility) The Adult Care Home Administrators may nominate one -third of the members. If possible, one member must be a person involved in the area of mental retardation, A County Commissioner shall be appointed to serve in an ex- officio capacity. Compensation: None, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses. Term of office: 1 year term initially; 3 year term thereafter Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of a person with a financial interest in a home served by the committee, or employee or governing board member of a home served by the committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a home served by the New Hanover County Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee may be a member of this committee. Immediate family is defined as mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandmother, and grandfather, as well as in -laws. See Volunteer Job Descri tion for more information. Purpose: The committee supports the spirit of the Adult Care Home Resident's Bill of Rights, visits adult care homes quarterly, promotes the well being of residents and encourages community involvement. Statute establishing Committee: N.C.G.S. 131 D -31 Regular Meeting: Quarterly Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at 9:30 a.m. at the Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Mary K. Busbee Initial 4118/05 4/30/06 8402 Emerald Dunes Road First 4/18/06 4/30/09 Wilmington, NC 28411 Second 4/20/09 4/30/12 686 -2763 (H) Susan K. Craig Initial 3/15/10 3/31/11 7507 S. Promontory Court Wilmington, NC 28412 392 -0022 (H) 392 -5806 (W) Jackie Dae Initial 3/16/09 3/31/10 902 Kings Grant Road First 3115/10 3/31113 Wilmington, NC 28405 350 -2733 (H) 409 -3240 (C) Harvey C. Hutchison Initial 3/15/10 3/31/11 7603 Owl Roost Court Wilmington, NC28411 686 -1 004 (H) 792 -5377 (W) Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -60 ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 Revised: 3/16/2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -61 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION L. Thomas Jennings Initial 11/21/05 11/30/06 415 Charlotte Avenue First 12/18/06 12/31/09 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 Second 12/7/09 12/31/12 458 -2584 (H) 619 -0762 (C) Janet H. Locklear Initial 11/22/04 11/30/05 6130 Inland Greens Drive First 11/21/05 11/30/08 Wilmington, NC 28405 Second 11/10/08 11/30/11 798 -8117 (H) Lorraine McEvoy Initial 8/14/06 8/31/07 121 Spartan Road First 8/13/07 8/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28405 784 -9325 (H) Sandra Oglesby Initial 12/18/06 12/31/07 1508 Rock Hill Road First 12/17/07 12/31/10 Castle Hayne, NC 28429 675 -8040 (H) 452 -8200 (W) Oliver F. Schreiber Initial 8/14/06 8/31/07 121 Spartan Road First 8/13/07 8/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28405 784 -9325 (H) Nadine Shipman Initial 12/17/07 12/31/08 6307 Strawfield Drive First 12/15/08 12/31/11 Wilmington, NC 28405 791 -3503 (H) Martha H. Stein, Chairman Initial 7/24/06 7/31/07 2203 Marlwood Drive First 7/23/07 7/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28403 762 -1125 (H) Cecil W. (Woody) Sutton Initial 7/24/06 7/31/07 50 McEachern Court First 7/23/07 7/31/10 Wlmington, NC 28412 512 -1612 (H) 962 -7074 (W) Karen McDowell Vincent Initial 7/24/06 7/31/07 713 Fayetteville Avenue First 7/23/07 7/31/10 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 458 -5620 (H) COG Long Term Care Ombudsman: Audrey File: Adult /3.10 Marshall, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403 395 -4553 Revised: 3/16/2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -61 17- MAR -2010 02:56P FROM:PROFORMA OOC MCMT TO :9107907145 P.1/1 New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION s1111C 1 71 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798-714 9 rox. (914) 798.7145 Board /Committee; Adult Care Home Communi Advisory Committee Name: Yuri Buechler Home Address: 313 Ann St. Wilmington 28401 (Street) (City) ('Lip Code) Mailing Address if different: E -Mail Address: y buech ler@ yahoo. com Home Phone: 910 -508 -6098 Fax: Cell: Business: Years Living in New Hanover County: 4 Male: Femme: Race: Caucas Age: 31 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer Proforma Document Management Services, Inc. (A person currently employed by the agency or depar ttncn t far which this application is made, must resign hisiher {position with New Hanover County upon appointment, ire •ccnrilanre with Article V1. Sectlon 4 o( the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: Project Manager Professional Activities: Supervise medical document management and claims processing Volunteer Activities: United Way Why do you wish to serve on this boy rdlcam mittec I want to further contribute to my Community while participating in something that I feel is extremely important to area seniors. Con /filet of tntereaf X • board member belie ves he / she has o cenlNO or potenflat CiDWftl of laler on a prrtkula► Issue, fh al member should stale this bellello dbe other members of Als /h er respective b oaror o'vring is public meeti The mombor should stale the mature of the conflict, defe0ing (hat be /she beta sepersto. private or monolary Inferett, either direct or Indirect, In the issue under consideration The member should than ■ruse himself I hsrsell 1►om voting on the me tier What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Quality of life and inf control. Qualificatio for serving I wo in health care IT (information technology) . I have also followed the progress of both of my grandmothers in their experience w/ home health care. Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: E k P �9 E � Is E List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Jonathan Taylor, CTO Proforma, (362) 243 -2773 2. Steve Taylor, retired N.H. County Magistrate (910) 251 --2188 3. Jock Brandis, (910) 352 -7876 G Date: Signature: Application■ ore kepi on N34 for 111 ma nthe If r- ( 0i MAR 1 72010 NE W HANOVER CO We raw eroe side far additional com men is Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -62 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Membership : 14 maximum, 9 mandated based on the number of facilities Current Members: 12 Vacancies: Up to 2 Terms: 1 year initially 4/30/2011 3 years thereafter 4/30/2013 ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT Linda J. Coite Christopher Ryan Thomas ADMINISTRATORS' NOMINEES None Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25-1-63 NEW HANOVER COUNTY NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: g State mandated; may appoint up to 14 based on the number of nursing homes. The Nursing Home Administrators may nominate one -third of the members. Term of office: 1 -year term initially; 3 -year term thereafter Brief on the functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which the persons are residing in the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes. This may include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances at the local level. Each member shall make quarterly visits to the nursing home it serves and more often if it is necessary to carry out the duties. Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 131 E -1 28 Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of a person with a financial interest in a home served by the committee, or employee or governing board member of a home served by the committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a home served by the New Hanover County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee may be a member of this committee. Immediate family is defined as mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandmother, and grandfather, as well as in -laws. See Volunteer Job Description for more information. Regular Meeting: Quarterly Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of January, April, July, and October at 4:00 p.m. at the Cape Fear council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC. CURRENT MEMBERS TERM OF OFFICE APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION John E. Brett, Chairman Initial 6/20/05 6/30/06 325 S. Third Street First 6/19/06 6/30/09 Wilmington, NC 28401 Second 6/22/09 6/30/12 762 -7295 (H) 815 -3497 (W) Julie Brewer Initial 6/18/07 6/30/08 3107 Durbin Court First 6/16/08 6/30/11 Wilmington, NC 28409 799 -4325 (H) John M. Coble Initial 3/16/09 3/31/10 5003 Villa Place W. First 3/15/10 3/31/13 Wilmington, NC 28409 796 -6627 (H) 619 -2829 (C) Sharon R. D'Andrea Initial 2/16/09 2/28/10 5210 Peden Point Road First 2/15/10 2/28/13 Wilmington, NC 28409 392 -9864 (H) 763 -6257 (W) Kristi Dews Dale Initial 2/18/08 2/28/09 1312 Legacy Lane First 2/16/09 2/28/12 Wilmington, NC 28411 681 -0365 (H) 540 -0706 (C) Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -64 NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONY.) Revised: 3/1 6/2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -65 TERM of OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Catherine Davis First 9/22/08 9/30111 5613 Greenville Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 395 -5512 (H) Dorothy L. Grime Initial 12/15/03 12/31/07 5583 Wood Duck Circle First 1/24/05 1/31/08 Wilmington, NC 28409 Second 1/22/08 1/31/11 350 -0672 (H) Janie Kennedy Initial 10/19/09 10/31/10 105 Middle Oaks Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 791 -4412 (H) 949 -7512 (W) Patricia Lawler Initial 6/18/07 6/30108 602 walnut Street/P.O. Box 1169 First 6/16/08 6/30111 Wilmington, NC 28402 763-8239 (H) Mary Ann Lewis Initial 3/24103 3131104 8 Merrimac Drive First 3/22/04 3/31/07 Wilmington, NC 28412 Second 3/12/07 3/31110 791 -0523 (H) Denise L. Shuart Initial 8/13107 8/31108 111 Florida Avenue, #16 First 8/18/08 8/31111 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 617 -7005 (Cell) Dana Stensrud Initial 3/15/10 3/31111 200 Loosestrife Court, #102 Wilmington, NC 28411 795 -0799 (H) 765 - 571 -0495 Members Nominated by Nursing Home Administrators: None Region 0 Long Term Care Ombudsman File: /Nursing, B/C #22- 3.10 Audrey Marshall Cape Fear Council of Governments 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 395 -4553 Revised: 3/1 6/2010 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -65 N ew Hanover Count 230 Go vernment C enter Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION W ate ngt Wilmi NC 28403 ■ Te phone (910 79f -714 3 � 1 sv It � � x 19itf) 798 -7145 I� UL s 1 r 4bmf Cow% mu..W1 4 �d �., B oard /Committee: F Name: • �- Home , Address: �� - i ` � � tom' 4 (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: � I E -Mail Address v o d a ci.- Home Phon Fax: � y�ell � I ��c �G ��� Business Years Living in a New Hanover County: Male: Female: Race: , kA 072 Age: (information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) F Employer: L � .�..- _ �, I "~'""`t..�. _ R 5F c'� %_�_ I's (A person cu rren tly employed by the agency o r department for which this app lication is made, must resign his/her posi ion with ew H anover C ounty upon appointment, in accordance with Article V1, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Police.) Occupation: -2ti on Professional Activities: - V •- , - ,� • � -- C 0 1 Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcommmittee? _ - - ' �' ` �' S-'6kc I _�;;LW H Confl t of Interest ff a board member believes he I she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue that member should state this belief to the other members of his / her resp ective board during a public in eeting The member should state the nature of the conflict. detailing that helshe has a separate, private or monetary i Aterest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under con sidera a m er shoo then excu e h a ms elf / herself from votinng on the ma tt L{ Y ■ Z Q � f What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Qualifications for serving:. �. [ CT Date: Signat fie: Aop_lcatio are kept on file for 18 mo nths Use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25-1-66 I (Z�Gkli� moca2� 5 aC5 S�eo S _ ^ MAR -18 -2010 13:36 Frvm:AAROW FINANCIAL 9107638022 To:910 798 7145 P.1/1 New Hanover t:o '110 Go vernment Cewcr L)rivc Boa of Commission COMMITTEE APPLl � :'A 'TTON Stifle �7 � n, NC 2 11 � � ) 'fC clib uire [9 W] 79A 7 1 49 Vill (1111) 799_7145 Board/Camaducc: N Ha nover County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Nunle: Cbristop Ryan Thomas Address; 713 Orchard Ave Wilmington 28403 (srreet) ._ lCltr} ..+. (. ip Voile) Mailing Addr if differe E-MolAddres,w ryanaarowe gma i l. coma Home Phone: Fax; 910- 763- 8022 910 --264 -1237 Business: 800- 343 --3401 Years Living in New Hanover County: 25 _ Nlslc: r Female: trace; Caucasian Age., 30 .. �.�.� iltifarmation for the par post orassuriar s crii■s aeci its n n( the commitsity) Emp loyer: Eas Coast Financial Group /Aaro Financial Group iA per■sm esorr►aily cmpleyed by lbe agency or dtporsinem Nt which thi■ spo nratann is rnatlr, must resign hisiber position with Now Htsruver [ tiunty apun sppvin ten rn t. In a Ccordan g *11111 At title V 1, Sec tius v of tai• N rw H loo ve r C ou aq Pe es on net Po iiev. y ompatioll: self am ployed - Independent In o urance and Financial 5a►lea and Service Frofessionni Activities: Meeting with prospective and curre clien add arass their needs Volunteer Activi#iea: Sp anish Translation work ati th Ce ntro Latino Why do you wish to serve on !iris board /committee ? my Grandfather wa in a Nursing Ho ne wa th Alzheimer's Disease also to add value for my alien t s a through gay edu o n of ayatem Coaff er at jolarear re Boa rd ►Raspi b000ves h! / s n■ nos a coririw u1 Vuhr rl[ iol rianAiol of lnromw na a 11ofitutor issue, oei member a1 awe alit@ til ls botforto plan u[I�n► membdre or Ars I hor raRpeell heald +1r►i r pu m eeting The member sh si [1116 0411Yis u 010 uOrilf+ct defa thol h SPO A83 sopa►bte, nrivetr 4r Mon#Jary fAllloIt. eltAar direct or ►nalrect In tot ISR01R yddoi, i'[ohVlclrrafivn The member sfioGlC (nlli oj(Cl/1tA A►ii16611 f 11to115#11 1►u►n volinn nn tha niRltgr What are ss of concern would you like to see addressed by this comm ittee? Cleanliness of p atients and facilities, physical handling and movement of patients with manila dementia Qualifications for serving: HC L -Term Cara insurance License, I recommend and servi products that cover long- care in these nursing facilities Other municipal nr county bonrds/committees on whoeh ytiu ar serving: to List three local personal referehtes and phone nuruberti: NEVI HVA OVER CO ]Perez - � C athol i c BD OF �Or �,Ml5Si�7PiER� Deacon O rlando e 5 t. Mark o $ Church L% 3 2. Ray Gardner - Area Manager for Uari General life, 1 ins- co. I represent (620-4334) .�. eamela $ri tt - Ne ighbor and Family Friend for 20+ yrs (297-0737) Date: Mar ch 18, 2010 Signature: Applications are kept nn ilk tar OR roo nths Lille reverse side for odditlenrl con+ mrn to Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -67 This page intentionally left blank. Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25-1-68 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION VACANCY - category: County Commissioner Term: 4 years (April 30, 2014) Application Robert G. Greer Attachments: committee Information Sheet Application ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTME x Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -69 SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION rAl Number of Members: Twelve counties consisting of: Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland, Harnett, Hoke, New Hanover, Pender, Richmond, Robeson, Sampson, and Scotland 4 appointed by New Hanover County (Representatives should be from the economic development community [include 1 minority representative] and 1 county Commissioner) Term of Office: 4 years Regular Meetings: The full board of SEDC meets annually (usually the third or fourth week in April). The executive committee meets monthly at the SEDC office in Elizabethtown on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Purpose: Improving economic development in the county and Southeastern North Carolina . Statute or cause creating Board: Approval to rejoin the SEDC on February 21, 2006. Revised: 2/4/10 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25-1-70 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Corey L. Barbour First 5/21107 4/30111 4154 Appleton Way Wilmington, NC 28412 297 -6326 (C/W) Robert G. Greer, county commissioner Unexpired 12/15/08 4/39/10 230 Government center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 619 -7879 (C) Connie Majure- Rhett, President and CEO First 4/4/05 4/30/08 Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Second 4/21/08 4/30/12 One Estell Lee Place Wilmington, NC 28401 762 -2611 (W) Executive Committee Member First 4/4/05 4/30/09 Scott Satterfield, Chief Executive officer Second 4/20/09 4/30/13 Wilmington Industrial Development P. O. Box 1698 Wilmington, NC 28402 763 -8414 (W) Pamela Bostic, Executive Director File: /SEDC Linda Revels, Chairman (Hoke County) 4.09 Southeastern Economic Development Commission P.O. Box 921 Elizabethtown, NC 28337 910- 862 -6985 Revised: 2/4/10 Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25-1-70 ,,stem 7 0 1 J�o o HE HF F EB 3 LLI) NEW HANOVER Co. MANAGER'S oFFIGE 103 -A West Broad Street Post Office Box 921 Elizabethtown, North Carolina 28337 Phone 910.862.6985 Fax: 910.862.6986 Email: sedc@ec.rr.com Home Page: www.sedcnc.org SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION February 1, 2010 Mr. Bruce Shell Office of the County Manager New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 195 Wilmington, NC 28403 -1732 Dear Mr. Shell: According to our records, the term of Commissioner Robert G. Greer on the Southeastern Economic Development Commission (SEDC) Board of Directors will expire on April 30, 2010. Mr. Greer has been representing New Hanover County and serving on the full board of the Commission. In order to insure that New Hanover County has adequate representation on our Board at all times, we are requesting that your Board of Commissioners renew Mr. Greer's term. Mr. Greer should be appointed for a four -year term to expire on April 30, 2014. If Mr. Greer is not re- appointed, he should be replaced with another County Commissioner or an elected official (Mayor or City Council Member) to comply with current EDA regulations and the SEDC Bylaws. Once action has been taken, please notify this office in writing. Should there be questions, please call me at 910/862 -8511, Ext.32. Thank you. Sincerely, Pamela H. Bostic Executive Director Serving Southeastern North Carolina for Over 35 Years Board of Commissioners Meeting 04/19/2010 25 -1 -71