MAB_1962-01-16-K-c b 1-CoZ On January 16, 1962 several membr-r= of the Board m,-,t f.onr member; of the City COUn9il and inspected the proposed locations fnr the Museum. ThP space available on the third floor of Build "D" of the Coa!~i; Line BuildinE,s was considered much more desirable than that offerers at the City Hall, Of the space originally requested, where the Ti.brary once was located, only the inner section of the one large room would be availabe as small offices have been enclosed around the outside walls. ldo definite commitment was ~i_ven by the city but it was requestedl that estimate:: be drawn up ac to the cost of repainting and putting in a partition across the back of the third floor. Gibbs Willard Cecretary 11 Ul