MAB_1962-01-23J A meeting of the Museum B oard was held at Roland Gri_se School on January 2- 196 The main business was to discuss a name for the museum. Since it was felt that it was bad policy to name a museum for one person when many historians had contiiibuted to the collection of material and to the heritage of the community, it was sugeested that a name be selected to incorporate the two agencies sponsorinrr. and sup-orti.np the museum. Mrs. Gardner Greer made a motion i;o use the name "!w`ilmington-}dew Hanover Museum, This motion was seconded and adopted. The Secretary i•'as asked to order booklets called "'o You Want A Good Museum" from the As n. DI Museums. This is a guide to the management of small museums by Carl E. Guthe. Nr, Davis, the Chairman, ill contact the 11, C. Museum of Art, the :1. C. De ?t of Archives and History and Miss Lucy Crisp at the Florence Museum for suggestions for procedure in reorganizdng and improving the I;useum. The meeting, was then adjourned, • LJ Mrs. Martin Willard Secretary