MAB_1962-10-03 r is ~z- c~~ Pr. Jack Davis presided over the meeting of the :Board Directors of the bdilmi.ngton-T:Gew Hannver Mu-ieum which was held on October 3, 1062. Fie read the letter from Col.. T. A. Price, Jr. accepting the position of Director of the Mu-.eum. It was recor.:mended that Col. Price try to attend the Southeastern Mu-eum Association in Richmond October 25-27. The Board discussed type-, n" showcases and equipment to be used in the new location of the Museum, The tentative date of October 29th way set for the next meeting and Mr. Hugh Morton will be invited to attend. Mrs. Greer made a motion to have the ey.-enses of Col Price's attending the Southeastern Hur.eum Assn. meeting paid out of the Museum burget. Hr. MacMillan seconded the motion. Mrs. Greer also made a potion that Col. Price be directed to join both the Southeastern Museum A-:sociati.on for $5'.00 and the American Museum AsF•ociati.orn for 'i 25 at the con- ference if the opportunity presented itself, The meeting was then adjourned. ® Respectfully ,submitted, Mrs. Martin Willard