MAB_1962-10-10 LP2-(v3 The Board of the viilmin;;ton-New Hanovcr Museum met on Octoher 101 1962 because the newly appointed Director was in Wilmington for a brief visit and hip was introduced by 1,,r. Davis. Mr. Davis and Col. Price, the new Director, had already talked to the Mayor and City ,9anager and the Chairman of the County Commissioners concerning the moving of the I;useum to its new location and its first Director. hir. Davi- noted the rece:ip't of a bill. for painting and repair the new location at 115 Red Cross St. for aF~i+)+. This will be paid out of funds allocated by the County. Col. Price reported that comrierdial mnvers had -i.ven an estimate of x, 500 for movinr,, the shnwca-eF~ ann collection from. the Court house to the Police Building. He will consult Cu.rther with the County to see ~-+p)t help he can secure. from them. The ladies of the U.D.C. are. P.cn.-ntly packing some of the material at the Museum. Col.. }?.rice asJk<p 9 if any volunteers from the Snrosir coul,' hells pack. The pos,,~ibili.t,y of ha.iv:inU the cJI-ty or county furnish janitor service was discus red but not set~led. ® iJ,% Henry °acb,i llan aid th ~L rsr^. Jordan of the Hall o:f Iiistor,y`h .l off~:~Zs Tsc.'rvi e an(I that. of the staf: for helpin to catalpc and display the il'es,e :t collection. The Uirector plans to vi-.I.t I;ai.eigh and isc:uns this as soon as possible. He plans to report t:o work in Wilmington on. Decerr!.ber 1, 1962. Par. Davis stated that both the i!~ayor and City Manager say they will have sign na.e for the 'Museum. Col. 'rice hope:: to have the i-luseurn open for ins;paecti.on duri.nir the process of urrPacking and cataloguing the collection. "Where is a possibility of securin- name plates and bea.ls from Liberty ships built at the b?iln:in-ton -:hil,yaid during W"'IT and named for N. C. citi.,en^. Mr. 1%aciillan will help to choose which names are connected with local Peep 1-0. The enlarf;ement of the Board was d:i_scu5sed and 1;he following names were suggested for possible three year terms: Mrs. Laura vorden 6chorr Dr. John Codington hl r. Jim Earnhardt firs. Hobert William- ('Debbie) Piiss C'cg;~y Hall Mr. Carl Allen ® The meeting was then adjrnirnd, iiespectfully submitted Firs. Martin Willard