MAB_1963-02-28 7" (a 2 - lp3 i? meeting of the Board of Directors of the Wilmington- Now Hanover Museum was held on February 28, 1961. The resignation of Mr. 11. Jack Davis, as Chairman was accepted but he agreed to serve until the Board was enlarged and the new Chairman cho cn. The mi-nuten of the meeting of October 107 1962 were read and approved. The Secretary was Vreckod to write to the, City and County, advising them of Mr, Davis' resignation as Chairman, and stating that he would continue to serve on the Board. Mr. Jim Harris:; and Mr. Gene Parriss have asked that they be replaced after serving one year on the Board. The following names ,.gill be suggested and each ;roue will be asked to choose three new members and thus bring the Board up to a membership of tens: Couutti City Hrs. James 1' James Mr. Ida : Alan' Mr. addi_son Hewlett M Vm E arnhnrdt its, K. M. i cdachern ;i c Peggy U all, Mrs, Laura Norden .!chore Ar•. Wm, L, Perdew Dr. John Codi_ngton Er. Jack Linden Col.. Price, the Dire.nter, announced that the opening of tho sjuseu.m i sot lertatlrcly for Aril 21 1963. He antlci;ates ❑av ing special aahi ios from Fort I ishe, and blockade runner articles and a collection of Brady photocraph5. There nay also _ be an ehil;~~ ,ro:,i the old Brunswick restoration project. It is anticipated that at least tern volunteers will be needed over the first weekend to act an guides. Invitat:i.on2 to the opening will be sent indivmdually to all memhern of the City Council and Board of County Comwissionor: and nth-r City and County officials. Th y will also be sent to inlornsted groups and individuals. Mr, Bradford Tillery of the ,azalea Festival Committee ill be contacted to get the Museum opening on the Festival Pralram, Col, Price has tal.kej to Mr. Bran9on again about the Museum sign and it has been promised. BespectfUly submitte,^',, Mrs, ;Martin Willard