MAB_1963-07-11 A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Wilmington t"IpNew Hanover .1.1iiseum was held at the home ol: the Chairman, Mrs, chorr, on July 11. 196,; at 8 P.M. &ix board members, the Director and the Mayor of Wilmington, Mr. A. A. Allsbrook were present. The minutes of the June 11+th meeting were read and approved. Mr. Hewlett stated that the Charter for the formation of i,iuseum Society has been prepared any' he a-ked that Mrs. Schorr, Mrs. Kellam and Mrs. Millard serve as incorporators. They will go by his office to sign the charter before a notary Mr. Allsbrook Maid that he was in full accord with the idea of organizing a Society to stimulate interest in and participation in the Museum activities. Co]_. Price suggest d that the organizational meeting; be scheduled after the October Hi=tori.cal. 2oci.ety tin perhaps on October 18th9 on the second floor of the Police Building, in the Civil Defense auditorium. This would allow time for all interested clubs to be notified at their September or October meetings. i,irs. 6chorr thanked 1,ir. Hewlett thanked Mr. hcwlett for drawing up the Charter and proposed Tay-[,alas for this new organization. !is there is no written agreement or understanding concerning the Mue;eum, its board and op^ration- between the City, County and Board of Directors, Pars. +,chorr ,appointed Mr, ~iacIIIillan Col. Price and Mrs. Willard to work up possible guide lines for such an a;=reement. Discur.-ion of the proposed buds,et nresentl.y before the County Commissioner tollowprid The County had not asked any Board Members to appear to di.-cuss the proposed budget. Col. Price stated that he 1,-o1jl.d amain be featured on the Jim Burns Show. He pre?ejjtec1 some plans for the next fev-monthsoc" at, Lhe Auseum. There has been radio and new7pa~ner publicity f.or',' the Far Eastorn i's-rib it now being r71is;-layed, Wilmington. College is usin part of the Museum's African Tsxhibit and in October a trs,vel.i.nE; .show nS 4Uri.can ;t.rt will be sponsored jointly with the St, Johns Art Gallery. The Kress collection of edgecl 1~ieapons i,ill be put on display in the near future. Claude hmwell has prom,.i-,,d an exhibit of his drawing s for tbe'A'iureum soon. Other future exhibits include science projects and shell exhibits. Attendance is averaging mound 115a taeek. ® September 1;th wa sugar, ted as the-; date of the next meeting". its there was no further bus ness, the meting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, -_.._.»-.~-----..-.-......,..w+?~r.-.m.rw.n.T'r'r•m s.~.rw.iur ~m+.±nner^^,~...,..,-.?.rn,a ~ro -;m...~...;.z-n,-...~'~wmft't+*~wY?S"roq .nrn~^;•+~r+r+'nr' :.,n*!,. rv:...y....