MAB_1963-09-20 J ~ 1 A meeting of the Doard of Directors of the Wilmington- ,Q ,",fNew Hanover Museum was held at the home of sirs, cho-or on Sept. 20,"1963, 'The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Possible guide lines for the Board were discussed. Col. Price reported that the Junior League had held its September meeting at the Museum, be gave a talk and conduc',-a a tour of the Museum. The League has promieed 7 or 8 weekly volunteers. Col. Price explained that they would help with cataloguing. Col. Price reported on Bi_lg2t roquest for 17,500 but that h5,000 was all that the County COMM isrion aPOroved. This leaves t60O for operating expense; over qalary of Director. Col. Price told of publicity being planned for exhibit of Primitive African Art by 3t. Johns Art Gallery. The exhibit will open on October 6th and refreshments will be served. A display of military item; and model airplanes in being planed for Veterans Day on November llth. Mrs. Kellam sug,ge:ted that charter members bo invited, to join the proposed Yuneum Association. Cn1. Price will try to get a special speaker for a proposed meeting on November Ah. Miss Peggy Hall will he asked to served as Nominating Chairman ® for a proposed Hoard for the new association. Signs have been placed at lt'o and Market, ,.)rd and Red Cross and Greenfield. Col. Price will helpf with letter to be sent; inviting people to attend an organizational meeting for new association. Dues of 5.00 were supper=ted. Respectfully submitted, Nrs. Martin Willard. __.....~.___,,_,...-..-^..--.r.v~+rr•fr-^....rve--... ...n;•....~....~m....,ps.rr^..,°+-+n++m^-^.~.._.w.:..,-..m.r-.+r+++.nm->mamir.n..w.-~c^...^.a-rm+!rr:.+-...n.-.i--.-..