MAB_1963-11-04 The Bor_ord of Directors of the ,li.lmin.gton-Piety Hanover ifluseum called a meeting. of all. i.ntere=tee' per=on- for 7ovember Lh at the Ivuseum. airs. "chorr e-.rolaine.rl that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the formation of a -Museum "Sr4oci_ation to supplement the wc)rk o£ the Boarrl of ljirecto.rs and the support given the Museum by the City and County. Co. Tom 'rice made a report on the. Musemr, and stated that persons have visited the museum since it opened in its nelr., locr ~,in'r. on iipril. ?rod. ;ale stated that the public has been informed through all neloF media of tiir reorgauize~9 rwtf~eum; wi.tl,: its first fl:zll-time Director. He described the new eGui,,ment purchased at the ti.i,Ie uC the move, vJork is being done by ei.nht Junior Leaguo voluntee?,s to comb,-fet(' the cataIA)r,uin,r of all items i.n the Mur~eum collection. Col. Price stated that what is neer'F:d nrn: iF an oy~;essi.on of interest by a speci.l'ic group in the community to show the City and Counter that their support is ju=.tThe proposed organization woul(l fill such. a purpose. 1,11'. Hewlett read a proposed set of 9riti.cle;; of Incorporat.i.on. Discussion fo11-owed as 'to the name for the new organization. The name, ntiV l:lm lnP,tDn-Iile~n1 HannVer 1IIU'In Ufl'. ~i00, ieL'7" I.,Ss Slagi`.e 9tod . by the articles but the moti.nn was made and approved to i.nse.rt the name "~Jilmi.ngt'on-New ilanover Musdeum Associ-ati.on." This ~r~as the only change surFes'ted anr, 16ha Chait~~r was then adopted.. The fOllOwint., nomi.natin- committee was proposed by the members present: Nrs. 17ellam Mr. I::fenry hehder TdrS. James i. James Air. George itros mfrs, 12,rad,`ord Tillery firs. }fellam wi.l.l serve as Chairman oP this commi.ttee. . ~~...___..---~...-,+...+nr•m'..w'*+.rrt.rm.+"e.. ..w.wv,y~m yi.m.a,:r...vr~»..n."TaT~'nmre-+~n"t ..ey: .~rM.ne~..x.tt+. t.r~ryrdr~..p~..w f? +r'..r. ,.....-r.+.-.ir.-.~...y r. ::vi. : . Novemlaer 2'th was cho-en as the date of the next meeting; of the Nilminl;ton-New Iianover Mu-eum i+ssociation" and the meeting; was adjourned. P4r~, Martin la 1'(9 Secretary Boa7(3 of DirectOT', o,i the Museum 1 .-......,.rm.._+...-r,»- ..Tn';renw.r . ::~-a.'yN??;~nro•+^„t n,..~-.m~^ - ~e t.'~,n. ..~-c~. ild"+~m. ...,...r.. ..m...~p ..._,...:.v`