MAB_1964-03-16 A meeting of the Board of Directory, of the Yilmi.nrton New Hanover Museum was held on March 16, 1?64 at the home of Mrs. Schorr, Col Price reported that the Ju•ewm reached 400 people thru African Primati.ve :art sponsored by the Shaw Olsen DounCati_on. The two wcoks around Christmas and Now Years were the slowest of the year with only 60 lople, he is spendln- a great deal of 'riffle in the ph,yAical work of building and di,playing the oreFent collection. Volunteers are doing cataloguing work. iatendance has been about ll5 per week since Mini-January, he has been on Jim Burns show about 1 times. Con^iderd it a service to the community to be on TV. 4660 have visited the Museum Once April 2, 1962. There will be a special display of work of Nr. and Mrs. Griese and their pu-il s April lu thru May 03. Those will be historical illustrations with an accompanying text. Col. Price reported on the Association and the fact that the charter and pavers had not be filed. Hrq. KnUaT mane a moti-un that we re-affirm action taken at the Nov. 2g, 196, meeting in which new directnr" and o ieel sere elected for the insrociatzon, The motion was seconded by Mrs. Willard. Three i.ncn porabions Of the A OCi.afiOn voted to approve it. A motion va^ made to request the City and County to hereafter designate the Board of Directors o7 the Museum an "Board of Truotee" in .accordance with ammeri.can Assn, of ;useur book, Mrs, Kellam rocon0ed the motion. It =2 approved. Thin Board wants to meetQs : oon as possible with the Association Eoard and are ready to ,join. Will meet at Museum at WjD any of tornoon. Col Price announced that at meeting of the Archeological Society would be held at the Museum on Diares lath. Rerpectfully submitted, Dirs. Martin Willard