MAB_1964-04-21 rl~ on April 21s 1964 a joint meeting of the Beard of Dirootore of the Wilmington-now Hanover Museum end tho Directors of the Wiimingtoo-New Hanover z; XLVou<m Association was hold at the Museum at 4130 PMa Kra. Wallace Schorr and Mrs. Re Ce Kellam, constituting a mnjnrity of the incorporators of the Association, and Mra..Gonrgo Chadwick, Mree'.Jamo a Me Jamoo, Mrs John Oxonfeld, Mrso Ste Amand, Miss Peggy Hall and Mr. R Va Asbury, voting as original members of the Association, unanimously adopted a resolution providing for recognition of Mrs John Oxonfold as acting President of the Aesocintiont Mrs George Kress as Vice Preeidont, Mree 6o Ma HoSachorn - Secrotary, Mrs. Ste Almond - Treasurer with the following serving 4. as Directors. Mro+ George Chndwlck, Mrs Re V. Asbury, Mr. John Vanes Motto, Mreo Ida Speidon end Mrs Hardisonp and for the recording of these namod in the official minutes of the Association ae momters from this dnto forward. The Association members present agreed to hold a meeting of their Board at an early date in or0or to adopt by-lnwo governing membership Poop. The Museum Director agreed to sea to the printing of a limited number of membership oordp, no scorn no the Zoos are estnbliahed. The first membership effort to to be made by individual contact of intornated persons by current members of the Aesocintiona This is to be followed by a campaign after an initial rostor of about 50 to 75 in obtained. Thomnn A. Prico, Jra Socrotiry Prop-Tem