MAB_1964-06-18 P• A meetin rx' the Board of ,'rector.,, of thn Mu: oum was held on June 1hh 190,. The rrnute7 of the ;joint meeLin,; oL boards of the Museum and the Museum Association were r-earl. Col I?rice rears the propor,er; bu--et .for 1S6{-6~ Irlr 1µ0C t. lary 150 Tole. hone ?j Qtati.onery cc i 2j0 Traveliia: xiiib:its 200 ;~P1 Museum Conference at c'avannah 250'dater Cooler _ ?20_L,9-li_tional Display Cases 7,11+5 He gave attendance f5.Rures as follows: 1hr:i.1 6-)-64 5218 July 6, U1 ~JE~+ Alrri.l- to June 16+7 He ,<:norted that many children have helped Y::i_th housekeef?i_ng job,- on Saturraays. 'teach board ruember era given ten ticket,: i;o sell for the 6ssociaCinn, ]i~.s^ FIsrl7. rcjue~ LtT,d tha r ~ hie: n_j;:r of tJj, nn1 r ~r,~r 1i S, Gj-ee.' Othol L]nn- .for bu Oli^I'E~tiDn ,pees diScu"t,ed but Since a quorum loaf. not pre-ent A9rs. Schorr, the chairman, adjourned the: meeting without further action. FlespecLfull.y submitted, ,,Yrs. Martin 'dillard "ecretary .-......-.,,,.....s.---+.^^----'+.•,..,......a,......ry-^.„m-.+mn..~....rn.~.«.r.....mm++mrn+wm.=m: r.m.+r...i.... m,-,......mr..men.v!n.nn...++..rm+r+++r•~•e,....,nn.m.w...................«.,.,...,...._...-.....~....:~