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Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority MINUTES OF THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY February 14, 2008 Mr. Jeff Bellows, Chair, Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Jeff Bellows,
Chair Mr. William Bryden, Vice-Chair Ms. Fannie Freeman, Secretary Mr. George Dolan Mr. Andrew Koeppel Ms. Laura Padgett Ms. Nancy Pritchett Mr. James Stukes STAFF PRESENT Mr. Albert
Eby, Director Mr. Arlanda Rouse, Assistant Director Ms. Kathy Williams, Administrative Assistant Mr. Matthew Kunic, Planner CONTRACT MANAGEMENT STAFF PRESENT Mr. Lamont Jackson, General
Manager, First Transit Ms. Valerie McElhose, Paratransit Manager, First Transit Mr. Bobby Hunter, Operations Supervisor, First Transit Mr. Bill Williamson, Vice-President, First Transit
Mr. William Champ, Interim Fleet Manager, First Transit Mr. Sam Baxter, Fleet Manager, First Transit Mr. Andrew Olsen, Attorney GUESTS PRESENT Mr. Mike Kozlosky, Transportation Planner,
Wilmington Urban Area MPO Mr. Joshuah Mello, Associate Transportation Planner, Wilmington Urban Urban Area MPO Ms. Lawless Bean, Transportation Demand Management Coordinator, City of
Wilmington Mr. Ricky Meeks, Citizen Mr. Brian Bialeschki, Community Boys and Girls Club Ms. Felicia Power, Community Boys and Girls Club CALL TO ORDER Chairman Bellows called the meeting
to order at 12:10 pm Mr. Bellows opened the meeting with a moment of silence APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion to approve the minutes from the January 10, 2008 meeting of the Cape Fear
Public Transportation Authority was made by Ms. Freeman The motion was seconded by Ms. Padgett and carried unanimously
CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Bellows opened the floor for removal of any consent agenda items Mr. Eby requested to remove Item 3, the Agreement for Legal Counsel, from the consent agenda
Mr. Dolan made a motion to approve the consent agenda without Item 3, Agreement for Legal Counsel The motion was seconded by Ms. Padgett and carried unanimously AGREEMENT FOR COUNSEL
The chairman recognized Mr. Eby to discuss the Agreement for Counsel Mr. Eby stated that after discussions with Mr. Olsen, they both agreed that one sentence within the agreement
should be changed Mr. Olsen stated that Section 3.2a of the contract states that “Any outside counsel hours in excess of the retainer hours shall be approved in advance by the Authority
Director. Upon approval, …” Mr. Olsen stated that he would like to have that clause removed, due to difficulty of knowing when he has gone over five (5) hours Ms. Padgett made a
motion to approve the contract with the changes Mr. Olsen suggested Ms. Freeman seconded the motion motion Ms Pritchett suggested that a monthly hours cap on the number of hours
be added to the contract Ms. Pritchett introduced a substitute motion that the contract read all hours in excess of ten (10) only with the approval of the Authority Director as an
amendment to the motion Ms. Padgett accepted the substitute motion and Ms. Freeman seconded The motion to approve the agreement as amended carried unanimously PUBLIC COMMENT Mr.
Bellows opened the Public Comment period Mr. Bellows stated that the period was an opportunity for the community to address the Authority He further stated that the board nor staff
were in a position to discuss items brought before the Authority during the public comment period If warranted, the Authority may direct staff to investigate items brought before the
Authority during the public comment period Mr. Meeks requested that a larger bus be added to the Castle Hayne Shuttle route due to an increase in the number of passengers Hearing
no further comment, Mr. Mr. Bellows closed the public comment period FINANCE COMMITTEE Mr. Bellows recognized Mr. Bryden to give the finance report Mr. Bryden stated since last month
he has not heard any suggestions regarding the $300,000 budget deficit He stated that the authority had received more funding than expected which decreased the estimated deficit slightly
to $265,000 for the year Mr. Bryden stated that the Finance Committee and staff came up with a number of alternatives to reduce the budget shortfall Mr. Bryden stated that the Finance
Committee suggested reducing services on many of the bus routes The Committee suggested that routes be reduced to one bus during off peak hours Therefore, after 6:30 pm only one
bus on most routes will operate until the routes shutdown at 9:30pm
Mr. Bryden stated that the new plan will be implemented when the new routes begin on March 31, 2008 Mr. Bryden stated that the new plan would save the Authority approximately $100,000
this fiscal year The Finance Committee was seeking approval of a letter written to the Wilmington City Council and New Hanover County Commissioners, explaining the Authority’s shortfall
and the Authority’s plan to address the deficit Mr. Bryden stated the Finance Committee was seeking approval of the both the Route Service reduction and the letter to the City and
County requesting additional funding Mr. Bellows stated that the first approval is the letter to the city and county Ms. Padgett made a motion to approve the letter to the Wilmington
City Council and New Hanover County Commissioners and approve the restructured routes with the flexibility that the route committee and staff make minor changes in order to implement
the routes Ms. Freeman seconded the motion which carried unanimously COMMUNITY BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB Mr. Bellows recognized Mr. Baileschki and Ms. Power from The Community Boys and
Girls Club Mr. Baileschki asked for an extension of the Community Boys and Girls Club bus pass program The Authority gave the Community Boys and Girls Club two (2) ride bus passes
in order for students to travel from school to the club Ms. Powers stated that the program was successful She stated that since the program ended, there have been two (2) incidents
of students being assaulted on their way to the club Mr. Eby stated that the Authority provided the Community Boys and Girls club with 900 two (2) ride bus passes and had no problems
with the children riding the buses He then stated that the Authority was investigating developing a 501(c)3 foundation which could administer programs such as this one Ms Padgett
stated that she would like for the club to ensure that the Authority was recognized by City officials for their efforts with the program Mr. Eby stated that he was developing a program
in conjunction with the local police department, that would allow children who felt threaten to board a bus for help in emergency situations Ms. Padgett made a motion to extend The
Community Boys and Girls Club reading bus pass program for one year Mr. Stukes seconded the motion and carried unanimously EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mr. Bellows stated that the committee
had not met Mr. Bellows requested that the board plan a retreat to discuss upcoming issues Mr. Eby stated that the board could possibly use the New Hanover County Office Complex
due to ease of parking and accessibility Mr. Eby suggested that the staff prepare an agenda in order to determine how much time was needed for the retreat Mr. Bellows stated that
a date for the retreat would be coordinated via email and phone calls and finalized at the March meeting Mr. Koeppel suggested that the retreat take place on the same day as the regular
board meeting ROUTE COMMITTEE
Mr. Bellows recognized Mr. Koeppel to give the report for the Route committee Mr. Koeppel stated that no committee meeting was held Mr. Koeppel presented a change to the Castle
Hayne Shuttle for approval Mr. Koeppel stated that the route would now begin at the Downtown Transfer point instead of the main transfer station near Target Ms. Padgett made a motion
to approve the change to the Castle Hayne Shuttle route Mr. Stukes seconded the motion and carried unanimously Mr. Koeppel inquired about the status on the route maps Mr. Rouse
stated that the proofs of the maps will be ready by the end of the week Mr. Kunic stated that the printed maps should be completed in 3 to 4 weeks Mr. Eby suggested a fare free day
on the day the new route changes begin Mr. Eby recognized Mr. Rouse to discuss preparations for the start day of the new routes Mr. Rouse stated that staff will be out at different
locations throughout the city assisting passengers with the new routes Mr. Rouse also said that the staff is considering additional customer service staff during this transition
Mr. Eby presented a purchase order to Colonial Marketing in the amount of $35,760 for new route maps Mr. Eby stated that Colonial will print 30,000 full system maps and 18,000 pocket
maps Mr. Eby also stated that there will be a Wave Transit insert about the new routes in the Star News Mr. Dolan made a motion to approve the purchase order to Colonial Marketing
in the amount of $35,760 for the new route maps Ms. Padgett seconded the motion and carried unanimously FACILITIES COMMITTEE Chairman Bellows recognized Mr. Eby to present the Facilities
report in the absence of Ms. McNamee Mr. Eby stated that the deed for Division Drive property had been filed and recorded Mr. Eby stated that the transfer facility site has one (1)
outstanding item concerning the outflow of storm water which has been identified by the engineer He stated that the engineer has developed a plan to present the to Corning for approval
Mr. Eby stated that once Corning signs off on the plan, the Authority will proceed by acquiring permits and move ahead with the project Mr. Eby also stated that the Authority has
made a request to Congressman’s McIntyre’s office to have the funding for Multimodal Transportation Center changed to the Transfer Facility project This would be accomplished through
a technical correction to the SAFTEA-LU bill He stated that the request has passed the US House and is awaiting approval by the Senate MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR SELECTION COMMITTEE Chairman
Bellows recognized the Mr. Eby to present the Management Contractor Selection Committee report Mr. Eby stated that t bids are due by 2:00 pm February 15, 2008 He stated that he expects
a large volume of bids and that the committee will identify the firms that are the both responsive and responsible Mr. Eby stated that there is meeting scheduled for March 5, 2008
with the contractors Mr. Eby stated that he anticipated presenting a recommendation from the Selection Committee by the May meeting STAFF REPORT
Chairman Bellows recognized Mr. Eby to give the staff report Mr. Eby presented a charter regulation update published by the Federal Transit Administration Mr. Eby stated that the
revision will allow transit agencies to provide charter services to local government agencies up to 80 hours per year Mr. Eby stated that he will be attending the Wrightsville Beach
Board of Alderman’s meeting at 6:00 pm on February 14, 2008, to discuss the proposal for service to the town of Wrightsville Beach Mr. Eby also stated that former Finance Director
Michael Kincaid had surgery and is recovering well Mr. Koeppel recommended sending Mr. Kincaid a get well card on behalf of the Authority AGENCY REPORTS Mr. Mike Kozlosky stated
that the MPO will do what ever they can to help with the new routes SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING Hearing no further business, Mr. Koeppel made a motion to adjourn the meeting Mr. Stukes
seconded the motion and carried The Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority’s next meeting is scheduled for March 13, 2008 at 12:00 pm in the Wave Transit conference room Respectfully
Submitted, Albert Eby Director /kw