YES Adv Board Mtg Minutes 3 16 2011.docx YES MINUTES New Hanover County Youth Empowerment Services Advisory Board Meeting March 16 2011 3:00- 4:45 Lucie Harrell Conference Rm 601 New Hanover County Government Center In attendance: Bill Trant, Kathy Stoute, Kenneth Nelson, John Kearney, Zachery Mitchum Not in attendance: Angela Lee, Nicholas Silvanch, Wanda Marino Welcome and agenda review Bill Trant Bill Trant called to order at 3:00 Review of minutes for the November 2011, and January 2011 was completed and accepted. Sylvia Quinn the Program Manager for the Pro-Social Development programs through YES, presented the programs to the Board. They have a total of three staff members, Sylvia, Teresa Huffman program coordinator and Tammy Clarida Program assistant. The main goal is to provide programs and services aimed at decreasing the recidivism rate of delinquent youth and preventing youth from entering the Juvenile Justice system. 1-Nurturing Parents Program is a twelve week program that includes the parent and child. This is a skill building group, with focus on the development and fostering of healthy interpersonal relationships promoting positive social norms, learning appropriate structure and boundaries to increase the youth/ families overall level of adaptive functioning. This program has not been offered in the area previously and is based on a program in Richmond Va. The first group will be completed on March 24th. This first group has served 6 families and the program is now working on setting up a second group. The referrals for this group have been from DJJDP. 2- Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) is a one hour weekly, six week group geared towards juvenile’s (4th and 5th graders) who have a sibling who is involved with the juvenile system or if their at risk to become involved with the juvenile system. (Preventive services) By teaching. Modeling and reinforcing positive social behaviors. They currently have two groups running at this time. One at the Rankin Terrace CommunityCenter and the other is at the Union Missionary Baptist Church with 14 active participants. Transportation is an issue and that is why these locations are by the elementary schools so the kids can walk home. Sylvia also reported that they will look for future sites possibly the Community Boy’s and Girl’s Club, and the Brigade Boy’s and Girl’s Club. The referrals have come from The Wilmington Housing Authority, WPD, DJJDP, social workers and the elementary school principals. Teresa and Tammy facilitate these first two groups. 3-Changing Life Through Literature is an 8 week program for two hours per week. The program utilizes literature to “aid in the development of self-esteem, mindfulness and emotional well- being. The referrals for this group are from the Pre-trial release program and the Community Service and Restitution program. The group at this time is for men up to the age of 19. The pre-trial administrator coordinator helps facilitates the group with Sylvia, and the group is held at the NHC Main Library. The program uses a structured format to develop, practice and master pro-social skill development including interpersonal and problem solving skill through reading, writing and developing one’s imagination. This program originated in Boston MA. Sylvia reported that they hope to do a female group and possibly a Hispanic group in the future. She further reported that they are attempting to get male role models for the group through UNCW. Judges are now ordering people to complete this program. Bill Trant asked about what would happen if a person had difficulty reading. Sylvia stated that they are looking into making tapes of the material or buying CD’s or tapes of the material. So far this has only been an issue once. They are currently on their third group this year. Director’s Report Kathy Stoute Youth served July 1 – present CSR: 149 (40 active) Grant: 200 JPS : 155 ( 23 active) Grant: 225 PDS: 42 (29 active) Grant: N/A Total 346 Total 425 Kathy reported on the following Department/Division Updates: YES Advisory Board minutes reporting requirements are now up to date. Citizens’ Academy YES presentation on 2/24 was presented to 26 citizens DJJDP state officials visit went well on 2/25 with Secretary Hayes very please with the collaboration between DJJDP and the YES Department. Secretary Hayes would like to use this as a model around the state. Southeastern NC Dropout Prevention Conference @UNCW was held on 3/2 Lumina News Article on the YES Department was published on 3/10 with a picture of Kathy!! NHC Budget- No plan cuts by the county at this time. DJJDP possible cut of 10%. Kathy and the local JCPC had planned for a 5% cut in their planning. NHC Strategic Plan- Kathy is moving forward with the planning. April is National County Government Month “Serving our veterans Armed forces and their families” CRS will have the kids do cleaning NHC booth @UNCW4/6(Upperman African American Cultural Center) Bill Trant reported that he presented the Annual Report to the county commissioners and that our agenda was presented within the prescribed time limit. Bill will get the Advisory Board that information. The commissioners didn’t have any questions for Bill and the material was read into the record. Bill brought up that fact that now that the YES department has reported to the Board regarding Meeting Topics that we would need to discuss new possible topics. The Board agreed that each member could present a Topic to discuss. Zachary Mitchum will make a presentation at the next meeting regarding “Emerging Threats to Privacy” John Kearney will do a presentation regarding DJJDP at the following meeting. No Old Business Member Comments Kenneth Nelson stated he was excited about what YES is doing now that he has learned more about the Department. Adjournment John Kearney made the motion to adjourn and Zachery Mitchum made a second.