PWBC Minutes 02-08-12 Port, Waterway and Beach Commission Minutes of February 8, 2012 Meeting Members Present: Neal Andrew, Layton Bedsole, Rick Catlin, David Cignotti, Jim Dugan, Lara Landgraf, Howard Loving, Connie Majure-Rhett, Kevin O’Grady, Ray Rothrock, Nick Silivanch, Paul Woodbury Guest Present: Lawless Bean, Jim Ianucci, Tim Owens, Tyler Roberts Chairman Bedsole called the meeting to order at 3:30. A quorum was present. He asked all to introduce themselves for the sake of the newer members of the commission. Upon a motion by R. Rothrock and a second by J. Dugan, the minutes of the 1/11/12 meeting were approved. Bedsole noted that there was $11,836 in the commission’s account. Discussion of contributing authority continued. Per R. Catlin, the language has not been changed. J. Ianucci is working on language and timeline for the Kure Beach contract. Bedsole noted that an AS&B magazine article listed 50 year projects that were expiring and that Carolina Beach was at the top of the list. T. Owens brought up the continuing need for a shore protection manager. T. Owens indicated he thought it would be a good idea to move forward to get the position in the budget process. He will get a copy of the Carteret County job description to the county attorney for an opinion of what could or could not be funded with ROT funding. R. Catlin is confirming appointments with our delegation for the D.C. trip (Water Resources Congress). He will also contact the ports authority and Gene Conti to discuss any ports issues that should be part of the discussion with the delegation. Bedsole reminded commission members that the members attending the DC meeting would have their registration, room, breakfast and appropriate local transportation paid by the commission. Catlin will drive a county van up so all can ride with him (leaving 2/27 at 8 am from the county office complex and returning to Wilmington 2/29 post breakfast). Catlin noted that the goal of the meetings with the delegation members was to discuss contributing authority. L. Bedsole will draft a list of bullet points to be used during the meetings. Catlin suggested a nicer version to use as a leave behind. Catlin wondered if we could get a copy of the economic impact study that Chris Dumas had done related to the beaches and shore preservation. C. Majure-Rhett will contact him. Catlin reminded the group that there were three audiences in DC (Corps of Engineers for detailed discussions, congressmen for overviews and support, and Marlowe to meet the new staff members). Nick Silivanch thanked the commission on behalf of the realtors for the work done to protect our beaches. Upon a motion from P. Woodbury and a second from N. Andrew, the meeting was adjourned.