2006 10-19Library Advisory Board October 19, 2006 (Unofficial Minutes) Members Present: John Gangemi, Dean Gattone, Jacqueline, O’Grady, Elizabeth Stanfield-Maddox, Frank Oddo, Paul Walker Friends of the Library: None Staff Members: David Paynter, Harry Tuchmayer Absent Members: S. Lynn Browning, Elizabeth Bryan, Eleanore Lipscomb-Warren, Conrad Luhmann, Allison Rankin, Roberta Penn, Meeting began at 2:35 PM. Pubic Comment: none There were not enough members for a quorum, so John Gangemi conducted an informal meeting. Harry Tuchmayer and John Gangemi discussed the complaint they received from a non-resident patron whom felt he should have free library privileges. Currently there are 487 active non-resident cards. The average taxpayer pays approximately $30 in taxes for library services. Our fee for non-residents is $30. Materials are being relocated as shelving is shifted and collection weeding continues to ease shelf room for new materials. An individual has marked one of the Medal of Honor portraits in the Main lobb?y. David Paynter has contacted the museum about restoring the portrait. He has also suggested to the County Manager’s office that the portraits be covered with glass or Plexiglas. Friend’s Report: See attached report provided by Shay Pittillo. Today is the last day of the book sale; proceeds so far exceed $27,000. The left over books will be shipped to other countries. The FOL is continuing to search for space to have the sale. Committee Reports: Centennial Committee: Elizabeth Stanfield-Maddox reported that the Deloris Jordan event was very successful. A reception and book signing at the Main Library was well attended. Elizabeth also reported that the last two centennial events are Kathy Reichs on September 26 and Andrew Revkin on November 30. Both will be held at Thalian Hall. Invitations to the Nov 30 event are being mailed to all past members of the Library Advisory Board, Library Foundation and Friends of the Library. Previous and present library employees are also being invited and all public officials are invited. The Library Foundation will be hosting John Berendt, author of Midnight in the garden of good and evil, in January 2007, at Thalian Hall. David Paynter is serving on the Quality Enhancements for Nonprofits for UNCW. David Paynter shared the New Hanover County Budget pamphlet and the library logo is part of the cover and inside. Harry Tuchmayer showed the latest book bag that will be offered in a few weeks. The board members discussed possibilities of a sign to identify the library better now that the parking deck and trees have obscured the existing signs. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 16. Meeting adjourned at 3:38 PM.