2006 3-9Library Advisory Board March 9, 2006 Members Present: Elizabeth Bryan, John Gangemi, Dean Gattone, Eleanore Lipscomb-Warren, Conrad Luhmann, Jacqueline O’Grady, Frank Oddo, Allison Rankin, Elizabeth Stanfield-Maddox, Paul Walker Friends of the Library: Shay Pittillo Staff Members: David Paynter, Harry Tuchmayer Meeting began at 2:35 pm. No public comment Minutes approved as written. Correspondence: no correspondence Director’s Report: Circulation statistics are showing the same pattern: a slight decrease overall, but mostly at Main. We are applying for more money for Growing Readers. The magazine retention policy was reviewed by staff, and it was decided to go back 5 years. This should save space. The staff also recommended not to circulate AV equipment. Harry reported on the repairs to the Main Library Circulation area (tile is being laid) and the upcoming elevator overhaul which is scheduled for later this fiscal year. Mr. Paynter also reported on the positive impact the READ poster has had with two of the? County Commissioners. Friend’s Report: Shay reported that the Friends of the Library have not met since the last Board meeting. The Friends helped with this year’s Quiz Bowl. Hoggard High School won this year’s local event and will be going to district competition on March 25. Friends also hosted the Southeastern Area Friends of the Public Library meeting. Featured was a presentation by PAWS for Reading. June 9 is tentatively set for the FOL Volunteer Appreciation luncheon at the Main Library. Shay also reported on upcoming Herbert Hoover program at Northeast. Committee Reports: Centennial Committee: Elizabeth reported on the First Annual Brinkley lecture coming up this Friday night. Ms. Stanfield also distributed the 3rd library history broadside and promised a souvenir collector’s jacket. Allison suggested using Coverbind, and she also offered to call them about donating the equipment. Friends will be “catering” the reception after the Brinkley event. Policy Committee: The committee met and started their review. They identified areas that need work, and Mr. Paynter added that the committee had many suggestions. The committee is focusing on the policies being well organized and consistent. The target completion date is the end of the year. Web Site Committee: A draft survey was passed out to get people thinking about the questions to ask. Old Business: Budget: Mr. Paynter’s budget meeting was canceled and has been rescheduled for the end of March. Mr. Paynter reported on some of the requests like asking for parking improvements at Northeast (looking at using the half acre in the back of the building). Mr. Paynter also reported on research he did on staffing levels compared to building size. These figure reinforced the belief that Northeast is understaffed compared to similar branches statewide. He has asked for an increase in the part-time budget to allow for increased hours of operation. Quality of Life Bond: The Library has a small $500,000 place holder on planning. Bruce Shell will meet with Mr. Paynter about library plans. The staff has been given information on the Bond Referendum by the County. General discussion ensued concerning lack of publicity and support. Some felt the County position was too vague. New Business: State Aid: Mr. Paynter reported on Public Library Directors request for additional $3.7 million in state aid. David passed out information on how to contact our representatives and what State Aid would do for NHCPL. Our library would see an additional $47,000 that could be used for extra part time help. Discussion followed about details and longevity of funds (about 8% of our budget total is state aid). John Gangemi suggested using the subject line of emails when contacting state legislators for greatest impact. Conrad gave a pitch for for going to Legislative Day. Paul Walker mentioned Our State magazine and the big write up of NHCPL Local History Department. John then went around the table for closing comments. Frank requested some "talking points" for email. Elizabeth congratulated the library courier service for being so speedy and efficient. Shay requested help for inputting Friends membership information data into the computer. Meeting adjourned at 3:35 PM. The next meeting will be April 20, 2006.