2007 5-31Library Advisory Board May 31, 2007 Members Present: Dean Gattone, John Gangemi, Eleanore Lipscomb-Warren, Conrad Luhmann, Frank Oddo, Jacqueline O’Grady, Elizabeth Stanfield-Maddox Paul Walker Friends of the Library: John Danylyk Staff Members: David Paynter Absent Members: Lynn Browning, Elizabeth Bryan, Roberta Penn, Allison Rankin Meeting began at 1:07 PM. Public Comment: None Minutes were approved with corrections. Correspondence: Thank you correspondence was received from: Mr. Hoggard complimented our collection Emily Gore, NC Echo project manager – Digitization Institute program Compliment on Jimmy Hudson and ALOHA service VITA (volunteer income tax assistance program) Smart Start will fund the budget at 80% at this time Director’s Report: The Foreign Language collection will be discontinued due to lack of funding There will be some staff changes: Janet Oliver will be the new Circulation Manager at Main; Teresa Bishop will be the new branch manager at Myrtle Grove; and James Rider will be the new Refe?rence Librarian at Northeast Regional. The Carolina Beach library is being repainted. Beverly Tetterton will be testing some new digital technology for local history collections. The local history room has also inherited the entire DARE (Downtown Area Revitalization Effort) collection. Beverly Tetterton was recognized for her work on cemetery preservation. David Paynter shared some of the new brochures: NextReads and downloadable audio materials. The library is looking to purchase a new EDS collection. The new First Read program has been successful with approximately 300 people subscribing. Summer Reading Club begins June 9 and the posters are on display. There is a big promotion for the teen group. The weeding project is continuing to clear shelf space and clean up the shelves. Friends’ Report: John Danylyk reported the grand total of the spring book sale at $38,358.27 – a new record. The fall book sale is scheduled for September 28-October 4. There will be a Friday evening preview date for this event. As of May 2, there were 811 active members. The volunteer luncheon was successful and the speaker, Jimmy Pierce was a hit. The Friends’ Annual meeting is scheduled for November 8. The Young Friends of the Library has been dissolved. Conrad Luhmann suggested sending a letter of thanks to the book sale committee and this was well received. Recognition from the LAB will be forthcoming. Old Business: 2008 Budget: The budget is still in process; no new positions are being recommended and the request for a new young adult area was cut, however, additional funds to open Northeast and Myrtle Grove on Thursday evenings was recommended. Legislation in Raleigh: The Senate has passed their budget with a small increase – approximately $5,000 for New Hanover County. There will be a meeting of the NC Public Library directors in August to discuss how to preserve state library funding more effectively. NE Parking estimates: To date about $25,000 has been spent on fees and preliminary work for this project. The total project has been estimated at about $218,000 and the amount budgeted is $125,000. John Gangemi estimated this cost is at about $40,000 per parking space. David Paynter is recommending a lower cost alternative. John Danylyk recommended the grass/cement grid parking area and will get some information on this solution. New Business: Attendance at commissioner meetings: David Paynter suggested a rotating oneperson-board representation at the commissioner meetings. National Legislative Day report: The State Library requested David Paynter to represent NC libraries in Washington, DC. David was able to meet with Rep Coble, Jones, and McIntyre regarding different library issues such as copyright. Appointment of nominating committee: John Gangemi reported that Paul Walker would chair this committee with Allison Rankin. John has requested the recommendations in June. Paul Walker reported that the election would be held in September after any new committee appointments are made from the commissioners. Paul and Allison will present a slate of officers in the June meeting that will be voted on at the August meeting. Summer reading: Margaret Miles, Children’s librarian will report on the summer reading program at the end of summer. Parks Advisory Board: David Paynter, John Gangemi, Bruce Shell and Pat Melvin met to discuss the library part of the bond referendum. John invited the board to attend the Parks Advisory Board meeting on June 6 at 8 AM in Room 500 at the New Hanover County Government Center. Several board members plan to attend. David Paynter showed some pictures of the Kathleen Clay Edwards Branch Library in Greensboro, which is a result of a parks/library bond. NEXT MEETING DATE IS WEDNESDAY JUNE 20 @2:30 PM, Mai Library. The meeting adjourned at 2:22 PM.