2007 8-16Library Advisory Board August 16, 2007 Members Present: Elizabeth Bryan, John Danyluk, John Gangemi, Jacqueline O’Grady, Eleanor Lipscomb-Warren, Conrad Luhmann, Elizabeth Stanfield-Maddox, Frank Oddo, Paul Walker Friends of the Library: None Staff Members: David Paynter Absent Members: Lynn Browning, Dean Gattone, Harry Tuchnmayer Meeting began at 2:30 PM Public Comment: None June 2007 Library Advisory Board Minutes Approved. Correspondence: David Paynter received a card from a gentleman who stated that he had used his GPS tracking systems to find the Northeast Library. However, he could not see a building sign for the library and was unaware that he was standing in front of it. He could see the sign on the building for UNC-W. This dramatizes the issue that we need clear signs for our buildings. The library director in Cumberland County has sent us samples of their signs. These are clear signs that simply ready LIBRARY. At the Northeast location, we would want white letters on the top corner and side of the? building. At the Main Library, we would install a Blade sign on Chestnut and 2nd Street. The Blade signs project off of the building. If funds allow for additional signage, more signs would be added to the parking deck. Statistical Reports We will be changing our monthly reports slightly. Although some data will remain the same, David Paynter will be working with the staff to get additional data added. We have had a good year-to-date and are ahead this year. Reference and Internet are both doing very well. It has been a busy summer in Children’s Activities and our software. Lab usage is up. We have realized how crucial these are to the public, since our systems have been down. The County has changed configurations on Itiva. The communication between IT and the Library was an issue and we were not aware of this change. Friends’ Report: John Danylyk reported on the virtual board meeting held on June 20th & 21st. The FOL Board of Directors approved a request from Library Director, David Paynter, to spend an additional $801 to cover shipping and installation costs of furniture for the main library. That raised the total “furniture” allocation to $10,801. Following the July recess, the FOL Board of Directors reconvened on Tuesday, August 14th. As of that date, the Friends have 848 active members. 37 more than reported in May; July was a slow month with only 6 new members. Our Nominating Committee, chaired by Shannon Maus, is preparing a slate of candidates for next year’s Board of Directors. There likely will be some vacancies on the Board as some members will leave (e.g., Bill and Ann Gwinn), and Shannon welcomes suggestions for prospective new FOL Board members. She may be contacted by phone at 793-0169 or by email at smaus@ec.rr.com. Last month, the FOL loss a dear friend with the death of Peggy Brown. She was a longtime member of the Culture Club Book Club, and at one point was in a history book club. In lieu of flowers, her family honored her request that donations be made to the FOL. There are two major events on the calendar for the remainder of the year: • The Fall Book Sale at Northeast Regional begins at 6:00 PM, Friday evening, September 28th, after the library closes to the public. This will make it easier to control access to Members’ Preview Day; “new” members may join at the door. The sale ends with our Yard Sale on Thursday, October 4th. Last year we raised 60,000.00 at the last sale. The Board would like to recognize the Dennis has done a great job communicating the Book Sale. • The Friends’ Annual Meeting remains scheduled for Thursday, November 8th at Northeast Regional. After the General Membership cast their votes for Officers and Board Members, “The Star-Spangled Girls” will kick off their musical review. Committee Reports Nomination committee consisted of Allison Rankin and Paul Walker. They presented the following candidates for offices. The slate was approved unanimously. Elizabeth Stanfield-Maddox – Chairperson Dean Gattone – Vice Chairperson Jacqueline O’Grady – Secretary Old Business NE Parking: The Library received an additional $217,000 to be applied towards fixing the parking lot. $25,000 has been spent on engineering fees. The permit process with the State can take months. The State now allows developers to pay a fee to expedite the permits. However, due to the cost, we will avoid this route. We have looked at using a drainage grid, but it was much more expensive. The Library will check into the cost of using a porous concrete that will eliminate the runoff and the need for a retention pond. David Paynter will speak with the City Engineers about the possibilities. Branch Issues: David Paynter spoke with Bruce Shell, County Manager. He mentioned to David that he was still working on the Myrtle Grove Library replacement. The Library Director at Cape Fear Community College has contacted David Paynter regarding a joint project at their North Campus off of Blue Clay Road. They have 7,000 sq. feet in their McKeithan building. She needs more space and is unable to expand. This may be an opportunity for us to partner together. The CFCC Library is owned by the county and is open to students and the public. However, the staff is supported by the State. The committee agreed that David Paynter should explore the opportunities further. Since the Northern area is in need of a Library, this may be a cost-wise partnership. New Business Annual Statistics: Yesterday, David Paynter met with Libba Evans, Secretary of Cultural Resources in Raleigh. Next year will be her last year in this position and it will be the Year of the Library. We are to provide her with a 3-year plan. She will support up to 1 million dollars. Ms. Evans said that we have such a fine presence in the General Assembly that we could get more money than we had in past years. We will go back to Raleigh next year in May. The target dates will be around the first three weeks in May. David also met with Russell Tucker, Duplin County Representative. He was primarily responsible for the additional $475,000 of state fund money. NCLA /IT Consultant Visit: The NCLA Conference will be held in October 16-19, 2007. Target dates will be set during the third week. Rob McGee with RMG Consultants will be in Wilmington on September 4th – 6th to scope out our technology plans for the Library. This will be happening at a good time since the County is in the process of making a lot of changes in the IT Department. The Board will set their October meeting for Monday, October 15th so that Rob McGee can attend since he will be in town then. Board Vacancies: John Gangemi reported that this will be his last month on the board. We have received resignations from Allison and Roberta. Jennifer Rohler and Mary Hatcher will be joining the board next month. There is still one chair open on the board. If you have a friend with a passion for the Library, please have them send in an application. In closing, John Gangemi thanked the Board for their support during his term. It has been a wonderful three years. Before adjourning, Elizabeth Stanfield-Maddox, the new chair, stated that we have may things to work on and lots of possibilities for the coming year. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 PM. The next meeting will be scheduled for September 20th and we will welcome two new board members. Jennifer Rohler and Mary Hatcher.