CFPUA CIP Workshop 1 13 2016 CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM WORKSHOP JANUARY 13, 2016 Authority Members Present: Pat Kusek, Chair Jim Brumit, Vice-Chair Mike Brown,Secretary Larry Sneeden, Treasurer Rob Zapple Charlie Rivenbark Kevin O’Grady Jim Quinn Bill Norris Authority Members Excused: Cindee Wolf Woody White Authority Staff Present: Jim Flechtner, Executive Director Frank Styers, Chief Operating Officer Carel Vandermeyden, Engineering Director Cheryl Spivey, Chief Financial Officer Beth Eckert, Environmental Management Director Gary McSmith, Engineering Manager Mike McGill, Chief Communications Officer John Payne, Internal Auditor Leslie Ogilvie, Assistant to the Executive Director Donna S. Pope, Clerk to the Board Attorney Present: Linda A. Miles, the Miles Firm, PLLC Guest Present: Richard King, City of Wilmington The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority held a workshop to review capital projects for Fiscal Year 2017. Ms. Kusek called the meeting to order at 11:15 AM. The Board excused Ms. Wolf and Mr. White. CFPUA Capital Improvements Project Workshop January 13, 2016 Page 1 Mr. Vandermeyden presented an overview of the capital budget and recommended projects for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016. The capital budget is $21,540,000, which is $2,500,000 less than projected last year. Approximately 81 percent of the projects is to rehabilitation or replace existing infrastructure. Projects were evaluated based on the following criteria:  Regulatory compliance.  Efficiency leading to future operating or capital savings.  Capacity increases.  Customer growth. Staff recommended 43 projects for the fiscal year, with 31 projects falling in the replace/rehab category, eight for enhancement, and four for expansion. Wastewater collection would have the highest number of projects at 16 totaling $7,330,000. Nine water distribution projects would total $8,750,000. Mr. Vandermeyden presented an overview of major projects, answered questions and received feedback from Board members. The Board briefly reviewed the projected ten-year CIP. Rehabilitation or replacement of existing infrastructure represents approximately 81 percent of the ten-year plan. The ten-year CIP is estimated at $212,660,000, which is $93,600,000 less than anticipated last year. Ms. Spivey presented three debt scenarios reflecting a five percent growth in expenses, different percentages of customer growth, varying amounts of debt service coverage, and increased use of cash- funding for projects. Board members briefly discussed the philosophies behind using the different scenarios. The Long Range Planning Committee will review the FY17 CIP on January 28 with the goal of recommendation to the full Board for adoption at the February 10 meeting. Ms. Kusek thanked Authority staff for their work on the CIP. Mr. Rivenbark moved to adjourn. Mr. Norris seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. The Board adjourned at 12:10 PM. Respectfully submitted, Donna S. Pope Clerk to the Board CFPUA Capital Improvements Project Workshop January 13, 2016 Page 2 CFPUA Capital Improvements Project Workshop January 13, 2016 Page 3