October 5 2016 Agenda NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS & GARDENS ă 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 120 Wilmington, NC 28403 ăă 910) 798-7620 (910) 798-7621 FAX www.nhcgov.com PARKS ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016 8:00 A.M. Room #119 1.Call to Order Bruce Shell, Chairman 2.Approval of August Minutes Bruce Shell 3. Tara Duckworth 4.Park Operations Update Andy Johnson 5.Other Business 6.Adjourn NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 1 REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 7, 2016 ASSEMBLY The Parks Advisory Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 8:00am in Conference Room 119, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington NC. Present: Bruce Shell (Chairman), Frank Amoroso, , Shawn Spencer and Nikki Zeldin. Absent: Linda Reece. Guest: Colin Hackman. Staff: Tara Duckworth and Andy Johnson. WELCOME AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES The meeting was called to order by Bruce Shell. For the benefit of the guest, Colin Hackman, he asked the board to introduce themselves. He then asked if there were any changes/corrections to the minutes of the August meeting. Additionally, under Other Business, Rebecca Powell asked about adding human fitness equipment in the dog park. Those changes were noted and the following motion was presented: MOTION:MOVED; SECONDED Nikki Zeldin by Rebecca Powell, that the minutes of the rd MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY August 3 meeting be approved. Upon vote, the . 1.Directors Report. Tara Duckworth reported that the skate park is moving along, with additional fill dirt to be delivered next week. Once that dirt is in place, they will start with the forms. The Ogden trail is finished staff will be installing the workout equipment near the dog park next month. The benches have been placed along the walking trail, with the water fountain and additional trees to be added shortly. Tara has received the draft of the master plan. However, she and Andy will meet with the consultant before distributing. The master th plan will be officially reviewed at the October 17 ng. The rd Food Truck Rodeo will take place on Sunday, October 23 at Hugh MacRae Park from 12- 5pm. (Shawn Spencer reminded the board that the Iron Man competition will be taking place that Saturday and traffic will be congested at certain intersections.) Tara also shared that we are getting close to receiving the permit for the splashpad. Once that is in hand, things should start moving along quicker. The North Regional Park basketball court is being expanded to a full court. There was an arsonist at Veterans Park (There have been 5 fires in the restrooms since January). Recently, a staff member saw a child with soot on his hands. He stopped him and called 911. The police were able to tie two fires to him. We plan to press charges in the hopes we of recouping the $6,000 spent to repair the bathrooms. Cape Fear Optimist is not operating right now. Their website directs you to Leland Dixie. (We had previously tried to get them to work with Supper Optimist, but they could not agree on the operation of the concession stand.) Tara has asked County management if we can step away from the facility since it not being used right now. Bruce volunteered to make some phone calls in an effort to get Cape Fear and Supper Optimist to work together. NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 2 REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 7, 2016 2.Park Operations Update. Andy Johnson reported that he is working with Fish and Wildlife to explore the opportunity of putting in a designated kayak launch at Trails End Park. We do not have funding for it but are hoping they can get funding. Smith Creek adapting launch to allow vehicles to get closer to the pond after getting approval from the County Engineering Department. Having to regroup due to stabilization issues at Northern Regional Park. We have a warranty and are working with the landscape architect and contractor to fix the issue. Andy then asked if everyone received the email with athletic user groups. 3.Other Business. Staff was asked to bring field reservation possibilities for the board to consider. ADJOURNMENT MOTION:MOVED; SECONDED Shaw Spencer by Nikki Zeldin, that the meeting be MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY adjourned. Upon vote, the . Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Tanya Gurganious Administrative Coordinator - Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Parks Advisory Board meeting.