2018-02-07 Minutes Non-County Agency Funding Committee 2/7/2018 Meeting Minutes Present: Damien Buchanan, Elizabeth DeBiasi, Neal Lewis (on the phone), Bruce Mason, Randy Reeves, Absent and Excused: Shannon Winslow and Fred Gainey Staff/Administrative Support: Beth Schrader (facilitator), Scott Steinhilber and Gwen Hill 1.Work Schedule – Beth Schrader (facilitator) welcomed the committee members and reviewed the proposed work schedule. After discussion, the group finalized the following topics will be covered: Date Topics to Covered 2/7 Overview of NHC Strategic Plan, FY17-18 NHC Adopted Budget and Services the County Provides, Non-County Agency Requests Relative to Allocable Budgets, Preliminary discussion re: Scoring Rubric and Weighting 2/14 Best Practices, Identify Buckets and Assign Non-County Agencies to Buckets, Finalize Scoring Rubric 2/22 Feedback on Existing Recipients, Discussions re: Aggregated Scores 2/28 Interviews 3/7 Interviews 3/20 Allocation Decisions The Committee has two (2) deliverables that each member will need to provide to Beth: 1)By 2/12 - A list of questions for the Non-County Agencies 2)By 2/20 – Individual scoring rubrics completed and submitted for all agencies 2.Housekeeping Items a.Clarification was provided that some outside agencies received guidance from a county staff person that they could submit additional pages. Given the circumstances, the committee was asked (and agreed) to fully evaluate the entire submission for all agencies without prejudice. For next year, the character / word limits will be clearly communicated in the training, on the website, on the application and by all staff. b.A subsequent application was received. The agency submitted the application by the deadline, but had an error in the email address that prevented delivery. Given the circumstances, the committee was asked (and agreed) to consider the application as part of the process. c.The Committee reviewed the 2/2/18 meeting minutes. Damien made a motion to accept the meeting minutes as written. The motion was unanimously approved. 3.Strategic Plan – Beth reviewed the newly adopted 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, desired outcomes and measures with group. Committee members had an opportunity to ask questions. 4.FY17-18 Adopted Budget and County Services – Scott Steinhilber reviewed the adopted budget with the committee and both Beth and Scott answered questions about the budget, functions, and services provided by the county (by departments and by function). 5.Preliminary Discussion about Scoring Rubric and Weighting – The committee had a lively discussion about criteria to include in the scoring rubric and whether weighting should be equal / the same. After discussion, the committee identified a desire to have two criteria related to the impact of the program / service requests: one that looks at outcome and one that looks at the multiplier effect (how one program may impact multiple short-term or long-term areas or outcomes). Additional scoring criteria include: strategic alignment, alignment with agency mission, alignment with agency capability, collaborative efforts, dependency on NHC funding, ability to leverage funding, and degree to which program or service augments or fills a gap. The committee conceptually agreed that the criteria will not likely be equally weighted. However, the committee agreed to score the applications with an equally weighted rubric, and then use a combination of aggregate and individual rankings as a stepping off point for discussion about relative importance / weighting. 6.Subsequent event – On Monday 2/12/2018, Beth Schrader met with Fred Gainey at the county offices to review all of the documents and topics presented and discussed at the 2/7/18 meeting. Meeting Minutes Prepared by: Beth Schrader