December 3 2015 Board Meeting/  Department Of Emergency Management and 911 Communications 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 115 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Telephone (910) 798-6920 Fax (910) 798-6925 wlee@nhcgov.com  Warren Lee Director    Memorandum To: Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board Members  From: Warren Lee, Director  Subject: December 3, 2015 Board Summary  Date: February 22, 2016   A Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board meeting was held on Thursday December 3, 2015 at 10:00 AM in the Emergency Operation Center, 220 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Frank Blackley Timothy Burgess Warren Lee Matt Davis Cynthia Deacon Keith Green Anthony Thomas Jerry Brewer Matt Holland Mark Bennett Guests Andy Whitley, NHCEM & 911 Debora Cottle, NHCEM & 911 Steven Still, NHCEM & 911 Charles Smith, NHCEM & 911 Matt Langley, NHCEM & 911 Marcus Scott, NHC Fire Services Jennifer Smith, NHC Fire Services Mike Gomes, City IT Mike Cavaluzzi, Wireless Derek Blount, WPD IT Harry Baumann, WPD IT Dustin Stream, ILM Bruce Sandy, NHC IT Chris Graham, City IT The meeting was called to order at 10:04 am. Chairman Blackley asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from August 27, 2015 meeting and if there were any questions, comments, changes or corrections. There were none. Chairman Blackley asked if there was a motion to approve the minutes. Cynthia Deacon made a motion and Jerry Brewer Deacon seconded. All in favor; none opposed. Motion passed. OLD BUSINESS: AVL Chairman Blackley stated that he wasn’t sure there was any updates on AVL. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any other items for old business. There were none. Chairman Blackley would like an update on the recommendations made by Chief Mason. Warren Lee stated that Debora could update everyone at this time. Debora Cottle informed that there are Quality Assurance Committee meetings every month. There have been improvements but there will be fluctuations in the way each agency pulls there information over. Debora also mentioned the software and utilizing the latest versions. Andy Whitley and IT have made sure that they are upgraded through National Academy. Fires latest version is 6.1 and Medical is 13.0. Both came with nature code changes and have been loaded into the center. Warren stated that OSSI CAD will be upgraded in January, 2016. Anthony Thomas stated they were in the planning stage to go live mid-January. Debora stated there was a meeting to discuss a rapid dispatch code; attendees were asked if we could work with the updated version first before they try to add a rapid dispatch code. Another item recommended was Locution; there just may not be enough in the current budget to allow for the purchase of this considering the other projects needed. Chairman Blackley asked how the surcharge worked since it no longer came to the county directly. Warren explained it is based the last few year’s history and a check is sent to each county based on need and history. Debora stated the only item not done from the recommendations is the rapid code. Debora demonstrated both Delta and Echo calls for a 30 day period using on Wilmington Fire. Average Delta calls were 1.54 seconds before it went to dispatch; that person took an average 21 seconds. Everything that was Delta and moved to Echo; average Echo calls were 1.12 seconds and dispatching at 17 seconds. Debora asked that everyone take a look at the whole picture. The Quality Assurance team is identifying and working with the issues; there are also 10 new people on the floor. These new people are increasing the times which will lower as they are better trained. Debora asked if there were any questions. There were none. Chairman Blackley asked if there was any more items for old business. No one had any. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Blackley asked if anyone had any items for new business. No one had any. OTHER ITEMS AND REPORTS 9-1-1 Center Chairman Blackley asked Warren Lee to update everyone on the Center Warren informed everyone there was a new class of 18 starting December 8th. They are increasing the class training from 240 hours to 320 hours; rather than 6 weeks of training they are now going through an 8 week class. Call takers should be able to walk into the center and call take. As gatekeeper for the radio system; someone who has radio programming capabilities turned off two radios from another agency. If you do have the capability double check before you turn off a radio. Luckily there was not an emergency issue occurring when this was found. Mike Cavaluzzi from Wireless Communications did want to let everyone know there are bulk pricing discounts. They have 37% discount across the board. The state contract is 25%. 911 Budget Chairman Blackley asked if Warren wanted to go over the budget request. Warren asked if everyone had a budget packet. This is only at the requested stage. The two major capital projects are for the radio upgrade and the backup 911 Center. There are no major changes; mainly the typical day to day expenses for the 911 side. The surcharge budget includes adding Emergency Police Dispatch (EPD). Toning software is not surcharge eligible; it was not even requested. There are a couple of items that we are waiting on quotes from vendors. Chief Blackley asked if there were any questions. Cynthia Deacon asked about the overtime budget. Is this any higher or lower than previous years? Warren stated that it is a little higher than typical because of the high turnover and the replacements coming in are not completely trained. Cynthia asked if there was anything the PSCC Board or we as a community do to help improve the issues. Warren informed everyone that HR assisted with the interviews for the class coming in and trying to help us to find quality staff that will be retained. They are thoroughly interviewed and tested before they come to work but sometimes it is not a perfect fit. Chairman Blackley asked if there was anything that could be done by the PSCC Board to assist 911. Warren asked if there were any suggestions on how to find and retain employees the suggestions are more than welcome. Chairman Blackley asked if they have the right number on each squad. Warren said yes, if they can keep the center fully staffed. Debora stated she would ideally like 21 for each of the consoles. This allows for radios and phones to be answered, everyone to be able to run to the bathroom when needed and not just when someone is available. Warren wants to get fully staffed before anyone tries to speak up or lobby for more positions. The 18 new positions give the 911 Center 5 above what we are allocated. Cynthia just wanted to see if we could be proactive not reactive. The news is full of items that some of these communities are reactive to some of the situations occurring out in our neighborhoods recently. Matt Davis wanted to know if Cynthia and Chairman Blackley could follow up with Warren and Debora in a week or so for strategies for improvement. Chairman Blackley said that he would like to hear from Debora and Warren in a week or so to see if there are any suggestions. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any more questions for the budget. No one had any. IT Chairman Blackley asked for any news from IT. Bruce Sandy said that they have put a hold on the Freedom App. They are working on CAD, RMS mobile upgrades which is slated for January 13, 2016 and pick up again with the Freedom App. Warren asked who has the authority to determine who gets it on their device; whether it is on personal devices or department devices only. Bruce stated that there have been discussions but there is not a procedure in place and that needs to be set up to follow in case of resignation or terminations. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any questions for IT. No one had any. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any other items to be discussed. Meeting adjourned at 10:54 a.m.