June 23, 2016 Board Meeting/  Department Of Emergency Management and 911 Communications 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 115 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Telephone (910) 798-6920 Fax (910) 798-6925 wlee@nhcgov.com  Warren Lee Director    Memorandum To: Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board Members  From: Warren Lee, Director  Subject: June 23, 2016 Board Summary  Date: August 22, 2016   A Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board meeting was held on Thursday June 23, 2016 at 10:00 AM in the Emergency Operation Center, 220 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Frank Blackley Cynthia Deacon Jerry Brewer Tim Burgess Warren Lee Matt Davis David Yanacek Leslie Chaney Sterling Powell Scott Goodyear Guests Debora Cottle, NHCEM & 911 Steven Still, NHCEM & 911 Andy Whitley, NHCEM & 911 Mike Gomes, City IT Chris Graham, WFD IT Gia Long, NHC IT Bruce Sandy, NHC IT Cindy Hewitt, NHC IT Helen Nelson, NHC IT Dustin Stream, ILM Fire Charles Smith, NHCEM & 911 The meeting was called to order at 10:03 am. Chairman Blackley asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from June 23, 2016 meeting and if there were any questions, comments, changes or corrections. Chairman Blackley asked if there was a motion to approve the minutes. Jerry Brewer made a motion and Scott Goodyear seconded. All in favor; none opposed. Motion passed. OLD BUSINESS: Firehouse Cha irman Blackley asked if there were any issues with the Firehouse integration. Andy Whitley stated there is not an update yet. IT is aware of issues but there has been no resolution with the overlay issues. Chairman Blackley asked if there was any more items for old business. No one had any. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Blackley asked if anyone had any items for new business. Voting Chairman Blackley opened the floor for nominations for Chairman. Matt Davis nominated Frank Blackley. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any other nominations; there were none. Nominations closed; decided by default. Chairman Blackley opened the floor for nominations for Vice-Chair. Chairman Blackley nominated Jerry Brewer. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any other nominations; there were none. Nominations closed; decided by default. Freedom App Policy Chairman Blackley asked if Leslie Chaney would discuss the proposed Policy for Freedom App. The last meeting included a handout with some considerations of the policy provided. One of the proposed policies recommended; only allowing Freedom App on agency owned devices; no personal phones or tablets. CJIS requires it be agency provided device for LEO. County IT recommends all agencies use agency supplied devices only. Sterling Powell asked about the smaller departments that don’t have the resources of some of the larger agencies; those smaller agencies have staff that use personal devices. Leslie stated that non-agency devices are often used by other people that should not have access to the information available if the Freedom App is not closed. Safeguards should be in place to prevent unauthorized use. Bruce Sandy said there are passcodes, timeout and log out that safeguard the device especially if it is lost or stolen. In this case there is an immediate deactivation when IT is notified. Warren Lee brought up requiring MDM (mobile device manager) for all devices utilized not just LEO devices. Sterling asked if it could be stipulated by the agency head that it could be allowed on personal devices on a case by case basis. Leslie asked that if the first policy recommendation should be reworded that Freedom would only be allowed on agency owned devices unless approved by the agency head. Leslie brought up the fact that each agency head has to email Warren who the department representative is that will be requesting the device id’s. Chairman Blackley stated that the policy considerations are something that needed to be reviewed and tabled until the next meeting when all of the agencies are present to vote. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any other comments or questions about the proposed Freedom App Policy. No one had any. Chairman Blackley asked if there was any other new business. Matt Davis wanted to let everyone know that the VHF paging was turned off yesterday to try to improve times. If anything changes they can turn it back on if needed. Chairman Blackley asked if there was anything else. Andy Whitley mentioned the notes from the April meeting discussed Sungard design correction; the blue dot is gone, whichever agency is on the call shows up in CAD. When the upgrade is installed to 16.1 which is the newest it will remove the blue dot. Bruce Sandy discussed the OSSI Greensboro meeting of the products. The newer version removes the need to do mupdates and it is all remote configurable. Chairman Blackley asked if there was a timeframe for the upgrade. Bruce stated this should happen within the next couple of months but IT hasn’t even discussed it as of yet. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any other items for new business. No one had any. OTHER ITEMS AND REPORTS 9-1-1 Center Chairman Blackley asked if Warren could update everyone on 911. Warren said there are three new employees that just started; one of whom has experience and the other two are in class with Matt Langley. Warren also let everyone know that Andy has been working on a map feature to incorporate into CAD. Now if we get wireless callers in the adjacent counties of Pender or Brunswick the map shows it. This helps tremendously with callers that are just over the county lines and come in to our center. Warren informed everyone New Hanover County has just signed an agreement with Brunswick County to be our backup 911. This is required by the NC 911 Board to have in place. Warren said the budget has been approved and construction will begin on the 911 Backup Center. This will be downtown on 2nd Street in former Register of Deeds office. This will also be used as the 911 training center. One advantage of having a backup center is the facility will allow the main 911 to be shut down when repairs or cleaning need to be done. Chairman Blackley asked how many consoles would be in the backup center. Warren informed him they submitted a request for 16 to the NC 911 Board and waiting for their approval. Warren stated that hopefully the project would be completed by spring 2017. Chairman Blackley asked if anyone had any more items for 911. No one had any. IT Chairman Blackley asked Leslie Chaney to update everyone on IT. Leslie said that they have multiple projects for the upcoming year one of which is Priority Dispatch for Law. We already have EMD and EFD and will start using EPD before the end of this fiscal year. Leslie also stated they are working on an in-house call processing data warehouse or call time data warehouse. Leslie hopes everyone will participate especially if you need reports that break down times. Leslie said they also had one other project that was deferred due to resources was Locution. It is tabled until 2017-2018 due to Surcharge money not being available right now. Helen Nelson informed everyone that the fiber cut that occurred on Shipyard and College impacted New Hanover Regionals CAD connectivity. One project IT will look at is the hospitals redundant path. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any questions for IT. No one had any. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any other items to be discussed. Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.