2018-08-28 Minutes Meeting Minutes New Hanover County/City of Wilmington Community Relations Advisory Committee NHC Library 101 Chestnut Street, Harnett Room August 28, 2018 5:30 PM Committee Members Present: Owen Wexler, Kristen McKeithan, Jeff Hovis, Evelyn Bryant, Emily Cottrell, Kathy King, Elise Rocks, Florence Warren, Jen Johnson, and Chuck Davis. Absent: Lori Wainright, Melanie Frank Guests: Drs. Kristen DeVall & Christina Lanier, Co-Directors Social Science Applied Research Center (SSARC) University of North Carolina Wilmington Staff: Suzanne Rogers, City Liaison; Donny Williams, WPD; Dahria Kianpour, NHC Citizens: Iris Baker, NHRMC I. Call to Order Owen called the meeting to order. Quorum established. Everyone introduced themselves. II. Approve Agenda Rev. Davis moved approval of the Agenda as presented. Florence seconded and the motion carried. III. Approve Minutes Jeff moved approval of July 24, 2018, meeting minutes as provided to members via email. Evelyn seconded, motion carried. IV. Public Comments No public comments. V. Committee Reports Crisis Management No meeting in August. Melanie Frank submitted an email to and reply from Beth Schrader, NHC Chief Strategy and Budget Officer, regarding the Non-County Funding Committee appointment process and funding recommendations. Evelyn noted that she brought a concern up a previous CRAC meeting and asked Crisis Management committee to inquire about the process used to appoint members to Non-County Agency Funding Committee. The committee needs to determine if the Non-County Agency Funding Committee is representative of the socio-economic/demographic make-up of the County and if members have the experience and expertise to make recommendations on funding. Evelyn made a motion to ask the Crisis Sub-committee to continue to investigate the effectiveness of out-side agency funding process. Did the methods used work, did committee members understand how non-profits work and benefit the community. How does the Non-County funding process effect the community? Need to find out about both the NHC and City processes. Owen seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously. Ad hoc Policy & Procedures Committee Jeff reported the committee is gathering information and will meet in the near future to begin drafting Policy and Procedures for CRAC. Programming & Public Education (joint meeting). Emily reported on committee meeting with Drs. DeVall and Lanier to discuss survey, including questions, distribution, timeline, statistical significance, role of CRAC members, etc.. Emily and Drs. DeVall and Lanier reviewed the questions with the group and the following discussion points ensued: Timeline for Survey Mid-September start survey, 2 weeks; Draft Report December; CRAC Report to NHC/City Wilmington January; Caution Survey Fatigue.. NHRMC also has survey; CRAC members should review questions and provided any input to Lori by end of business Friday, 8/31/18; Get paper version translated into Spanish; Survey must be accessible to disabled, hearing, sight, etc.; th Make sure written at a 6 grade level; Send list of locations for distribution of paper copies as well as list of web sites host the survey and listservs help distribute; 500 copies of paper survey CRAC members will be responsible for distributing and collecting, need to ensue no copies made and keep track of surveys. Send information about the Survey to Jen to work with City and County to get word out. Emily made a motion to ask the City Council and New Hanover Commissioners to take the survey, Owen seconded and the motion passed. VI. Unfinished Business Implicit Bias Training Next Steps: Crisis Committee will continue to formulate recommendation and strategy to present to NHC and City. VI. New Business: Annual Meeting for CRAC is in October and there will be an election of officers. Nominating Committee: Florence, Kathy, and Elise. Guest Speakers: Asked Iris Baker to find out about someone from NHRMC CommunityLink Rev. Davis announced East Wilmington Community Day, October 13-14 at 3009 Princess Place Drive. CRAC should have a table. Emily Cottrell announced she is taking a new job in Durham, NC and will be resigning from the CRAC. VIII. Adjourn: meeting adjourned on motion by Jeff and seconded by Rev. Davis.