01/04/1984 BOH Minutes 00 97lJ The New Hanover County Board of Health met on Wednesday, January 4, 1984 at the New Hanover County Health Department. p....- Members Present: -- Larry Neal, D.D.S., Chairman Jean Credle, Vice Chairman Ted Bagley Donald Blake Carl Durham William Grathwol James Strickland Hobe.rt Whaley Mernbers Absent: One Vacant Membership ethers Pres2nt: Robert S. Parker, Secretary to the Board Ken Silliman, County Attorney Mabel Price, Recording Secretary Dr. N~al, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 8:00 A. M. and called for corrections to the December 7, 1983 Minutes. After a one word addition, Mr. Durharn moved the minutes be approved. Mr. Bagley seconded tl:e TIJ.ot ior. and it carried unanim.:;usly. Dc;par:tmer.t For;al: D:::. David ~:cDan:i_el, Public Health Dentistr iGtrr:duced the Dental SL,<ff ~o the Boa.:-d and gave a brief d.escri.ption cf work that is ca~Tif..d cn in tJie Dental Pr;Jgram. Dr. McDaniel tol? about his work with Pi.t and E'iss';;!.'e Sealants ',ver the DC'lst_ fe';>i yea.~::J. I"!e also showed the Board a model, demonst.r"C":tinq how tile s2aJ,.;;;r.t_s ;...o~k~ ~-:uc3.tion_Cn)'mn~t'!:e~: 'l'he Educatio~ Committee hE.d met Cind gr-epa.red rl. Depar"trnent Fjuc8.'c.ion Pol~cy st""1tement for l-eview and adoption by the BoaLa. Mr~. Cl-edle rricNed tr:&t thE:: follo,.ling Ne\,r Hanover County Health Depart.rr:en't ~ducativn.al. Pol icy Statp.ment bc adopted: '''l'he Bo<.".r:d of Health of New Hanover County supports and encouyagc;s ern!; loyc:e~~ e,f the New }{ancv~r C01.lnty Health Department to attend C'c)!1tinuing Educati::m Vjork~,hops and PrufeE.:"sional meetings. All employees a.re granted a miniI'llli""!":. cf five working d~ys or 40 working hours away from emploY~2nt for this purpose during ~ fiscal year. These educational opportunities will be supported by Health Department funds when availdble. If funds are not. available, employees an~ still afforded the oppor-tunity to atte:r;d at their own expense. II Mr. ~nal€y seconded the motion. After discussion by the Board the motion c~rrled unanimously. _l~'mer_gency !2.C?r:l-,'nitte~: Mr. Whaley reported that the Emergency Co~i ttce had met with. Col. Ben vJashburn of Civil preJ?aredness and is in the process of identi.fying He<llt_n D('rart."nent resp:)nsibilities. After responsibilities are identified, plar:s fur imple- rr:.entation \.,.ill be \\larked au.t. Drainage Update: t.1r. Parker reported that a letter had been drafted and is being r~viewed by Mr. Felix Cooper, County Manaqer, to send to the people who had made application for drainage to the Drainaqe Committee. This letter will update them on Drainage plans for the County. 0097/ Proposed Satellite Clinic Changes: Mr. Parker and Marian Duggins, Nursing Director, presented a plan to consolidate the Family Nurse Practitioner Clinics, the Well Baby Clinics and the Health Maintenance Clinics in New Hanover County. Due to shifts in pcpulation and other reasons, the general feeling is that some of the clinics should be consolidated. This plan was presented only for study at this meeting and will be acted on by the Board at a later date. It was suggested by members of the Board that the staff consult with the Department of Social Services for suggestions on location of FNP Clinics and that notices be placed in all of the clinics to be closed stating that we are considering closing the clinic. The plan will be considered after the public has time to react. .... - Committee Requests: Dr. Neal distributed a list of the 1983 Committees and asked the Board Members to indicate on the sheet what committee they would like to serve on in 1984. He also asked that the sheets be given to him immediately following the ~eeting so that he could make appointments. Record Destruction Approval: A list of Environmental Health records that need to be destroyed was presented to the Board for approval. Before records can be destroyed the Board of Health and County Co~~issioners must approve the list. A list of records to be destroyed is attached ~o these minutes. Mr. Durham moved the destruction of these records be approved. Mrs. Credle seconded the motion and it carried unanimously_ Health Director's Evaluation: Dr. Neal announced that the Health Director's EvaluQtion is scheduled for February. Mr. Bagley distributed copies of suggested criteria to be used in this evaluation to members of the Board. New Board of Health Members: Mr. ijlake told the Board that the County Ccrnmlssioners had aopointed Dr. Charles Hicks as the Physician member of the Board of Health and Dr. Arnold Sobol as the Ol?tcmetrist member. Mrs. Credle was named as tne Nurse member._ A Veterinarian member will be appointed later. ... Space Needs Update: Mr. Parker told the Board that he has several leads on extra space for the Deportment, but nothing concrete. Associate Director: Mr. Parker told the Board that he will begin interviews next week for this position. There being no further business, Mr. Whaley moved the Board adjourn. Mrs. Credle seconded the motion and the Board was adjourned at 9:35 A. M. Respectfully submitted, oI~ kXo.JJ~ Chairman, ~oard of Health ~hO~ Secretary to the Board Date Approved: .... -