03/14/1984 BOH Minutes 0091ti The New Hanover County Board of Health met on Wednesday, March 14, 1984 at the New Hanover County Health Department. -- Members Present: Larry Neal, D.D.S., Chairman Jean Credle, V. Chairman Donald Blake Carl Durham william Grathwol Charles Hicks, M.D. Harley Phillips, D.M.V. Arnold Sobol, O.D. James Strickland Hobart Whaley Members Absent: Ted Bagley Others Present: Robert S. Parker, Secretary to the Board Robert Pope, County Attorney Ted Davis, County Attorney Mabel Price, Recording Secretary Dr. Neal, Chairman, called corrections to the February minutes be approved. Mr. carried unanimously. the meeting to 1, 1984 minutes. Whaley seconded order and called Mr. Durham moved the motion and for the it ~ _ Department Focal Jobs Bill Grant: Marian Duggins, Nursing Director, told the Board about the Jobs Bill Grant which would provide payment for medical care for the unemployed and disadvantaged in the community. She recognized Maggie Payne, Clerk Typist, who is doing the interviewing and paperwork for the Grant. Health Fai r: Sharon Mault, Health Promotion Director, and Donna Shively, Supervisor of the Health Education Risk Reduction Program, told the Board about a Health Fair which is to be held at UNC at wilmington on March 31, 1984. This Health Fair is being sponsored by the WRAL TV Station and the Winn Dixie Stores. Miss Shively is coordinating local arrangements. Emergency Preparedness Committee Report: Mr. Whaley told the Board that the Emergency Preparedness Committee had met again during the month and that several people from the National Red Cross had attended this meeting. He reported that the Committee had some real concerns about what is expected from Health Departments in case of a disaster. Mr. Parker will take these concerns to the next State Health Director's meeting since other Health Departments in the State are also involved in such plans. .- . C 897f Personnel Committee Report: Dr. Neal told the Board that the Personnel Committee would make their report at the April meeting since several Board Members had not yet turned in their evaluation form for the Director. -. - Budget Committee Report: Mr. Durham, Chairman of the Budget Committee, commented on the budget which had been mailed to members of the Board. He pointed out that the budget totaled $3.4 million dollars, but that the main increase was due to a proposed 10% Cost of Living increase, two new Sanitarian positions which had recently been added to the budget, and the growth in the Home Health Program. Mr. Durham moved the budget be adopted. Mrs. Credle seconded the motion. Duri ng the di scuss ion concerns were expressed about the amount of the Cost of Living increase and the fact that the Board of Health had not had time to properly study the budget. After further discussion, Mr. Durham withdrew his motion for approval and Mrs. Credle wi thdrew the second to the motion. Mr. Parker went over in detail all the major increases in the budget with the Board. Since the budget had to be in the County Manager's office by Monday, March 19, 1984, Mr. Blake moved that individual members of the Board be polled by telephone by Mr. Parker prior to Monday and that he submit the budget to the County Manager with the understanding that the Board of Health will consider adoption of the budget at the April meeting and will indica te their approval or disapproval by telephone whenever Mr. Parker polls them. Mr. Durham seconded the motion and it carried unanimoUSly. .... Social Worker Position Home Health Program: Mr. Parker requested that the Board approve a position for a full time Social Worker in the Home Health budget. The plan to contract Social Work from the New Hanover Memorial Hospi tal was not approved by the Executive Committee of the Hospital Board. Dr. Hicks moved the position be approved by the Board and presented to the Commiss ioners for approval. Mrs. Credle seconded the mot ion and it carried unanimously. - Physical Therapy Contract: A contract between Atlantic Physical Therapy Services, Inc. and the New Hanover County Health Department's Home Health Agency was presented to the Board for approval. Mr. Durham moved the contract be approved. Motion was seconded by Mr. Whaley and carried unanimoUSly. Animal Control Advisory Commi t tee: Dr. Neal told the Board that he had had a request from Joe Barfield, County Commissioner, to serve on the Animal Control Advisory Committee. Dr. Sobol moved that Mr. Barfield be appointed to serve on the Committee. Mr. Grathwol seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Space Needs Update: Mr. Parker reported that after a study was made of space available for expansion of the Department, a lease agreement wi th New Hanover Memorial Hospi tal for space in resident quarters that are not being used, was approved by the Hospital Board. The lease is now waiting for the County Commissioners to approve it. .... .... 00970 - Associate Director: Mr. Parker reported that he had asked the County Personnel Office to readvertise for the Associate Director's position. The candidate he had chosen had at the last minute decided not to come to Wilmington. He stated that only one other candidate was still in the running for the job and he felt he needed some more applicants to choose from. Management Team Phone Numbers: the Board a wallet size card all the Management Team. Mr. Parker gave all the members of wi th the home telephone numbers of Rabies Clinic Schedule: Mr. Parker gave the Members of the Board a schedule of the Spring Rabies Clinics to be held in the County. These clinics will be sponsored by the Veterinarian Hospitals and the New Hanover County Health Department Animal Control Division. Executive Session: Mr. Grathwol moved the Board go into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. Mr. Whaley seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Mr. Grathwol moved the Board return to Regular Session. Mr. Whaley seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. ... ..., Mr. Durham moved that the Grievance of Mrs. Peggy M. items 1, 2 and 3 due to evidence on her part. Mr. carried unanimously. Board of Health havi ng cons idered the Gardner could not support her in her lack of proficiently substantiating Grathwol seconded the motion and it Dr. Neal will inform Mrs. Gardner of the Board's decision by letter. There being no further business, Mr. Grathwol adjourn. Mr. Whaley seconded the motion and adjourned at 10:45 A. M. moved the the Board Board was Approved: Chairman, Board of Health X~ ~ b-P Secretary to the Board ~YsP~ ...........