03/04/1987 BOH Minutes - n,~ C "r" The New Hanover Coun ty Board of Heal th met on Wednesday, 1987, at the New Hanover County Health Department. March 4, Members Present: ......... Jim Strickland, Chairman Jean Credle, Vice Chairman Donald Blake Carl Durham Michael Goins, O.D. Julius Howard John Leonard, D.V.M. Nolan O'Neal Peter Pappas, M.D. Sheram Robinson Irvin Roseman, D.D.S. Members Absent: None Others Present: Robert S. Parker, Secretary to the Board Mabel Price, Recording Secretary Mr. Strickland called the meeting to order at 8:00 A.M. and called for corrections to the minutes of February 4, 1987. Mrs. Credle moved that the minutes be approved. Dr. Pappas seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Department Focal: ~ . "Sani tarian Encounters of the Third Kind" was the title of the Department Focal presented by Ed Brooks, Environmental Health Supervisor. Mr. Brooks shared some of the complaints the Sanitarians are called on to investigate. He told of one in particular that involved chemicals which were stored in a residential neighborhood. He also showed slides of the chemicals that were found in this particular investigation. He reported that the Environmental Protection Agency was called in and they packed the chemicals in safe containers and moved them to a safe place. Budget Committee: Mr. Blake reported that the budget as prepared by the staff will be presented to the County Manager for his input and guidance on March 19, 1987. After this meeting, the Budget Commi t tee will meet and be prepared to present the Budget for FY 87-88 at the April Board of Health meeting. Environmental Health Committee: Dr. Goins spoke for the Environmental Health Committee. The Committee is recommending that the Swimming Pool Ordinance be revised. Current ordinance was written in the late sixties and does not address construction, operation, maintenance of spas, hot tubs, water slides, water amusement lagoons, wave pools, etc. A draft of the new ordinance and proposed fees will be brought to the Board as soon as canpleted. 54 Community Relations Committee: Mr. Strickland presented copies of a letter which had been drafted for use in inviting various State and County officials to the Public Health Department. Several Board of Health members will take various officials to breakfast or lunch and give them a tour of the department. Letters will be prepared and sent to Board members for mailing. ~ - Regulations for the possession, Sale and Distribution of Animals Belonging to the zoological Order Carnivora and Other wild or Exotic Animals Other Than the Domestic Dog and Cat Unlawful: The final draft of above stated regulations was presented to the Board for approval. The name given to the draft was "Regulations for the possession, Sale and Distribution of wild Carnivores and Other wild or Exotic Animals". Dr. Roseman moved that the name of the regulations be changed to "possession, Sale and Distribution of Animals Belonging to the Zoological Order Carnivora and Other wild or Exotic Animals Other Than the Domestic Dog and Cat Unlawful". Mr. O'Neal seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Dr. Leonard moved that the regulations be adopted. Mrs. Credle seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. (Copy is attached as a part of these minutes.) Respite Care Fee Policy: A copy of the proposed Fee Policy for Respite Care was presented to the Board. (Copy is attached as a part of these minutes.) Mr. Durham moved the Fee Policy for Respite Care be adopted as presented. Dr. Pappas seconded the ~ motion and it carried unanimously. - Personnel Committee Report: Dr. Roseman reported Personnel Committee had met concern ing the three items the Agenda. that the listed on a. New Hanover County Health Department Appeals Process, Policy and Procedures - Dr. Roseman told the Board that the Committee wanted to study this further before making recommendations. b. Half Time WIC Clerk to Full Time recommended by Personnel Committee. Dr. Roseman moved this change from time to full time be accepted. It carried unanimously. the half c. Health Director's Evaluation - Dr. Roseman told the Board that every score and comment on the individual evaluations of the Health Director by the Board Members was very good. The Committee recommended a 7~% increase in salary for the Health Director. Motion was made by Dr. Roseman that the 7~% increase be approved. Motion was seconded by Sheram Robinson and carried unanimously. The Board asked Dr. Roseman to contact Felix Cooper, County Manager, regarding the salary increase. ~ - pr; 1987 N. C. Association of Local Health Directors Legislative Goals: Mr. Parker gave each Board Member a copy of the -- Legislative Goals as adopted by the N. C. Association of Local Health Directors for 1987. County Wide Smoking Policy Employee Survey: Board Members a copy of the Survey Form and would furnish the results of the survey as available. Mr. Parker gave told the Board he soon as they were Personnel: Mr. Parker in troduced new staff members Art Barnhardt, Sanitarian, and Gail Gaddy, Home Health Clerk. He also introduced Denise Teachey, Health Education Intern. Mr. Parker told the Board that for the Distinguished Women of a t tend a banquet in Rale igh announced. Susan 0' Br ien had been North Carolina Award ton ight where winners nominated and will will be The re be ing adjourned. unanimously. no further business, Mr. Durham moved the meeting be Mr. Robinson seconded the motion and it carried The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 A.M. ~, . Respect~fullUUb~ 7'tedl ~ dh,~ !r('~ d Chairman, Board of Health ~ ~(7~ Secretary to the Board Approved: ~ . REGULATIONS FOR THE POSSESSION, SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS BELONGING TO THE ZOOLOGICAL ORDER CARNIVORE U'l.".I1J11( THAN THE DOMESTIC DOG AND CAT AND MAINTENANCE OF OTHER WILD OR EXOTIC ANIMALS BE IT ORDAINED by the New Hanover County Board of Health that the following regulations are hereby adopted, pursuant to authority granted by Chapter 130 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, and shall apply throughout New Hanover County for the possession, sale and distribution of animals belonging to the zoological order Carnivore other than the domestic dog and cat and the maintenance of other wild or exotic animals. Section 1. Possession, Sale and Distribution of Animals Belonging to the Zoological Order Carnivore Other Than The Domestic Dog and Cat Unlawful. It shall be unlawful in New Hanover County to possess, sell, distribute, trade, barter, exchange, adopt or give animals belonging to the zoological order Carnivore other than the domestic dog and cat. These animals shall include but are not limited to foxes, raccoons, skunks, weasels, ferrets, minks, otters, bobcats, civet cats, margays, ocelots, golden cats, fishing cats, leopard cats, cheetahs, lynxes, cougars, leopards, jaguars, wolves, coyotes, dingos, and hybrids resulting from crossbreeding domestic dogs with wolves, coyotes, and dingos except as follows: (1) Institutions registered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture pursuant to the Animal Welfare Act, as amended, the North Carolina Zoological Park, and other zoological parks approved for this purpose by the North Carolina Zoological Park Council may possess these animals. Dealers licensed pursuant to the Act may distribute or sell such animals to these parks and institutions. (2) A person in possession of a carnivore included in this regulation on October I, 1987 may continue to possess the animal if by January 1, 1988, the person obtains a permit from the Animal Control Division of the New Hanover County Health Department. To obtain a permit for each animal in possession, the person shall submit the fOllowing information: a. The person's name, address, and telephone number; b. Location of where the carnivore will be maintained; c. Number of carnivores in possession on October 1, 1987; and d. Statement from a licensed veterinarian that each carnivore has been spayed or neutered. All permits issued pursuant to this subsection are non-transferable and shall expire at the death of the animal. Upon death of the animal, the Animal Control Division must be notified. (3) A licensed veterinarian may have of the aforementioned carnivores for the providing veterinary services. in possession any sole purpose of Section 2. Other Wild or Exotic Animals, Maintenance of. Employees of the Animal Control Division of the New Hanover County Health Department shall have the right to inspect the premises where any animals commonly categorized as wild or exotic are to be kept to determine if the animal may be kept or maintained without menacing the health and safety of any persons or property. In furtherance of such goals the Board of Health may require that any such animals be caged or secured and may, after due notice, make additional rules regulating the keeping of these animals. Section 3. Animal Control officers are authorized to enforce the provisions of this section and shall have the right of entry pursuant to G.S. S130A-17 for this purpose. Section 4. This act shall be effective the 1st day of October, 1987.