08/05/1987 BOH Minutes ~~~ , ."~ The New Hanover County Board of Health met on Wednesday, August 5, 1987 at the Health Department. Members Present: Jean Credle, Vice Chairman Donald Blake Carl Durham Michael Goins, OD Julius Howard John Leonard, DVM Nolan O'Neal Peter Pappas, MD Irvin A. Roseman, DDS Members Absent: Sheram Robinson Jim Strickland Others Present: Robert S. Parker, Secretary to the Board Frances F. DeVane, Recording Secretary Mrs. Credle called the meeting to order at 8:00 am and called for corrections to the minutes of July 1, 1987. Dr. Leonard moved the minutes be approved as presented. Dr. Goins seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Department Focal: Maternal Health: Betty Jo. McCorkle, Nursing Supervisor and Debra Cushing, PHN III, Perinatal Coordinating Nurse, presented a report on Maternal Health Program services. This report was presented to give the Board information on Health Department services available to prenatal patients in our community. Health Promotions Committee: Julius Howard, Chairman, presented the Health Promotion Committee Goal: To Reduce Leading Causes of Death, Disability and Disease in New Hanover County. Recommendations concerning the Risk of Smokin9 in New Hanover County were presented to the Board. They were amended and read as follows: The New Hanover County Health Department will: a. Ask and encourage New Hanover County businesses and governments to adopt smoking policies to allow for smoke-free areas for their employees; b. Ask and encourage New Hanover County businesses and governments who serve the public to establish smoke-free areas for the public they serve; ~ . c. Ask New Hanover County businesses and governments to consider the economic cost of smokers to them and society and provide smokers with incentives and deterrents to stop smoking (e.g., reduced health and life insurance premiums for nonsmokers); lOG d. Provide no smoking signs to all New Hanover County businesses and governments upon request, and e. Work with New Hanover County businesses and governments in providing smoking cessation clinics. - - The Board voted unanimously to adopt the recommendations as amended. Mr. Durham requested there be a continuation of smoking cessation classes and education for New Hanover County businesses and governments. Capital Improvements Committee - Mr. Durham, Chairman, reported to the Board that the construction award for Capital Improvement of Health Department date was changed from February 1, 1988 to June 1, 1988 with completion by June 1989 instead of February, 1989. The delay of this project costs $3,000 per month in lease payments for leased office space. Mr. O'Neal stated that this a county wide problem due to growth. Mission Statement - Mr. Parker announced that the staff is in the process of developing a Mission Statement or Motto for the department. A $20.00 bill will be presented to the staff member who writes the winning statement. The Board of Health and Management Team are to participate in the selection of the winning statement. AIDS - Dr. Pappas expressed concern to the Board regarding the lack of funds aTTOcated by the North Carolina Legislature. After discussion, the following resolution was presented to the Board to be voted upon: .... - RESOLUTI ON: The New Hanover County Board of Health is appalled that the AIDS Prevention and Education Bill was not funded by the N.C. General Assembly Super Sub-committee and we beg the General Assembly to consider funding for this great need. Mr. Durham moved that the Board adopt the resolution. Dr. Goins seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Mr. Parker stated that the Southeastern North Carolina AIDS Task Force held its first meeting at the Health Department on July 27, 1987 at 7:00 pm. Twenty-eight health professionals from the Southeastern Area Health Education Center Region attended. Mrs. Credle thanked Dr. Pappas for bringing the AIDS lack of funding issue to the attention of the Board. Board of Health Members - Dr. Roseman announced that on October 19, 1987 at the Terrace Inn at 6:15 pm, past Board Members will be recognized. Animal Control - Mr. Blake stated that he felt that the letter to Felix Cooper from a citizen commending Ron Currie, Director of Animal Control, was well - deserved and that he thought it appropriate to mention it to the Board of Health. - -' ........-,... Health Director's Comments: Staff Positions - Mr. Parker reported that there are 143 staff positions in the Health Department. Association of North Carolina Boards of Health - Mr. Parker announced that the second annual meeting of the Association of North Carolina Boards of Health is to be held on September 15, 1987 at the Bordeaux Center in Fayetteville, NC. Mrs. Credle is the voting representative. This is prior to the North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Meeting. United Way Campaign - Mr. Parker invited the Board Members to participate in the Health Department United Way Campaign. The staff collected $2,473 during last year's campaign. Orientation - Mr. Parker introduced David McCullough, Animal Control Shelter Attendant, and Wilbur Mintz, Animal Control Officer to the Board. He stated they were attending this meeting as a component of their staff orientation. Health De artment Annual Re ort - Mr. Parker gave the Board Members the Health Department's annua report w ich is a statistical fiscal year to date report and narrative report of new accomplishments. He asked the Members to please read it and tike note of all the new and exciting things the Health Department is doing. Mr. Parker requested that Board Members and staff remember Ray Price, husband of Mrs. Price, Secretary to the Board, who is ill. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 am. Respect~ull>'}~bnyi-1;t~, , ' j/':/ " t ~ "G~L'J (thairman, Board of Health (I~~ ~ p~ Secretary to the Board Approved: