07/10/1941 113 REGULAR }"ONTHLY J:EETIlG, BOARD OF HEALTH BEW Ih OFFICE OF DOARD JULY 10, 1941. ( '-. Present: ChairrJan Addison Hewlett, Dr. D. R. ,orrison, and r. H. h. Roland. ~:inutes of the last meeting were read &Dd approved. The Health Officer presented the monthly reports. It was l'loved b;y ,r. llol,md and seconded b', Dr. ,.orrison that the Health (jfficer be allowed to use the bal.ances in SOl,le accounts to paJ' the deficits in other accounts in last year's budget. Carried. Dr. l"orrlson s~conded ..r. rcoland's move that Liss Annie Lee pmvell be elected office clerk, effective July 1, 1941. Carri.ed. There bein[ no further bUsi.neSs, the .Joard adjourned. Al proved Yo II 1941 JiLcfd Clerk r '-