11/13/1941 119 J.~-XlUL,r...ll J,.OUTIlLY L };rrlrJG IlO;';lD OF lI'~,LTH HELD Il' OFI~;c OF IlO"RD I:OVE;.]LI1 13, 1941 Present: Chairnum Adu.ison IIev,jlett, Dr. J. C. l:'1e,-)se11, Lir. H. lA. Roland, Dr. W. IIou0ton 1\.oore, Dr. D. H. Morrison. The minutes of the lust lllcetirw were read and elP' roved. The IIeellth Officer presented the Iaonthly reports. 1;1r. 13. Il. Dryneln, alone with several other plumloers, elp,.ed.I'- ed before the Board to discuss Vii th the Board members the problem of contract plwnbers employing helpers and leavine them on the job alone elt times. "Iso to report that in their opinion onequalificd plumber had been declined reciprocity while another plumber Hho they claim has never been licensed was I:ranted reciprocity. ,tfter a [:eneral discussion, the Health Officer and the Plumb- ine Inspector ,./ere instructed to carefully investi6'ate nhether f)"t" not these [:leD VJere entitled to reciprocity. IJo action \''!<J.S taken on the enploynent of helpers. There beinr no furtl}f-;r business the BoarJ adjourned. "pproved vlSJe., II 19/J. f(~ , ,- /-.