10/15/1942 147 r REGULAR MONlliLY MF-ETING BOARD OF HEALTH HEW IN OFFICE OF BOARD OCIDBER 151 1942 " Present: Mr. Hewlettl Mayor Bellamyl Dr. Wesselll Dr. Moore and Yr. Roland. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Health Officer presented the monthly reports. After a general discussion of the Hugh MacRae sewage disposal problem, it was moved by Mayor Bellamy and seconded by Dr. Wessell that Mr. Goldburg be instructed to enforce the action formerly authorized by the Board of Health carrying the instruc- tions of the Board at that time. Carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Approved -/v8-i: /", 1942 I-fIt~ Clerk l._