04/13/1944 1" 183 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING BOARD OF HEALTH HElD IN OFFICE OF BOARD APRIL 13, 1944 ( I Present: Chairman Addison Hewlett, Mayor Bruce B. Cameron, Dr. J. C. Wessell, Dr. B. R. Morrison and Mr. H. M. Roland. " Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Health Officer presented the monthly reports. The Health Officer asked for and received authority to proceed with the rat proofing of the John Ponos property at 105 Grace Street. Mayor Cameron explained that he was Mayor of the Town and therefore Ex- officio member of the Board of Health, but that he was speaking then as a representative of the tax pa,yers of the City. Ma,yor Cameron read to the Board members a series of prepared figures on the assessed values of pro- perties within the City limits and beyond the City limits and quoted figures on what percentage of joint City-County appropriations people living within the City paid. He then gave the data on taxes to a representative of the press. The Mayor then referred to the amount of filth, stinch and sewage he had seen on two inspections made by himself and a committee of City officials in connection with condemnation for demolition of certain residences and buildings. He read parts of letters between the City Manager and the Health Officer regarding the question as to why such places had not been found and corrected in routine inspection (copies of letters attached). Conditions found in Goldstein's Alley were most severely criticised. Mayor Cameron explained that he had no personal feelings against Dr. Elliot, but that he (Dr. Ellipt) was afraid to hurt anybody's feelings, that his administration was weak, that he did not make the health department employees work and that he did not enforce health regulations. He said he was not going to stand for sloppy administration, that as far as he was concerned no man was bigger than his position and that if Dr. Elliot did not have intestinal forti- tude enough to do his work, let him get out and let the Board get some one who would. Dr. Wessell coaunented that one of the sanitary inspectors was partially dis- abled by reason of poor health. Mayor Cameron replied that if a man was sick he was sorry for him, but that he had no right to be paid with tax money and that it was up to Dr. Elliot to get rid of him and get some one who could work. , The Mayor said that the City could get more for their money by running their own health department. The Health Officer read a telegram from Dr. J. C. Knox of the State Board of Health on the number of sanitarians employed in various health departments "~.,, ~.,.,,~.. -...-- '~"".",..., . ._, 184 and what proportion of their time was spent in the inspection of private premises (copy attached). He also read comparative figures on the num- ber of cases of typhoid fever, a typical example of filth born diseases, in a group of other cities and counties as compared to Wilmington. The Health Officer then asked the Mayor if he would not have to admit that that was a pretty good record. To this the Mayor replied · just luck". .I"I~ Mayor Cameron then said that the whole health department was in a rut and, in effect, that the tax payers were not getting anything for their money. .,.,' Mayor Cameron moved that the Health Officer be instr'Ucted to request the United States Public Health Service to send a man here to make a survey of the health department I s work and make recommendations for im- proving the service. Seconded by Dr. Wessell. Carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. APproved; ~ / J 1944 U:~. Clerk ~ "'" $ Charge to the account of WESTERN UNION 1206-H ./ CHECK ACCOUNTH1G INFORMI>.TlON TIME FILED ... ,. l.LA';'; of SlEVICE ll<::;IRED MEST1C CABLE f'J-"-i"r,;~ ORDlllARY 0", URGlNT lrrTFR R,\TE iOR\L [lIrERR[D " ,", t1Il;I1T LEn'f! LETTfR ,,~rV,1 ';HlP "tHI'IC[ R~LllnGRAM l'",,,,o. ,ru,ul,j cb,,,k d""""l""n'io. J,,,;,,'<I; ~,b",Wi... tbe m""""sewill be \t"3.n,rnitted ...,p\"~"mor orJin.'ll'Y,'ublewam. -, ---' --- __ _n _--. lthe following me:;sage, subject to the terms on back hereof which are hereby agreed to R. B. WHITE PRE:S'OE:NT NE:WCOMB CARLTON CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD .J C WILLEVER -'R,~T "lGE:_PRE:S'OE:NT u_ ,__ --- --. ----- COP Y CFA 157 59-RALlUGH NCAR 13 125 1 P 1944 APR 13 PM 1 25 DR.A. H. ELLIOT- COUNTY HEIILTH OFFICER V1IUlN- ASHEVILIE CHARLOTTE SIX SANITAIUANS EACH ONE EACH GENERAL SANITATION INSPECT PlUVATE PREMISES ON COMPLAINT. I'1INSTOM SALEM TOTAL SIX ONE ROUTINE PRIVATE PREMISES INSPECTION GREENSBORO TOTAL FIVE. ONE INSPECTS PlUVATE PREMISES ON COMPLAINT. DURHAM TOTAL SEVEN. ONE ROUTINE PRIVATE PRl<-;MISES INSPECTION. RALEIGH TOTAL FOUR. THREE PRIVATE PREMISES INSPECTION ON COMPLAINT. ROCKY MOUNT TOTAL TWO SMALL PERCENTAGE TIME INSPECTION PRIVATE PRElIISES- DR. J. C. KNOX , ' ALL MESSAGES TAKEN BY THIS COMPANY ARE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS: To glllll"d 8.l!ain$ mlstnk<'8 or delay~,. the sender of Ii IllN;Sll,Il:'e ahouJd orrfer It r~pea\E'd, that is, tclegn>phE"d back to thf' orlginntlng om!'!' for ('ompar!soTl. For .Ibis, oll"-h:111 th(' n~':~~~~~~o'f:i~~a~~'.~Jla;:e ~~r~m~dCl~?Il~~g~.t~?sIli:oll;r~~~JlB othcrwJ1;c lnulcated on Its la('(', Husls UIl unrt'IJCIHed IlJCSSlIgc nnd P~jd tvr as such, in ('l}IJsul"rbu,m Wh"fpof it 18 flgrPf'll l>"lw<'('n 1. The COlllll:ln~' sLall not he Iiahle tor mli<t.akcB or delays In the trallsmlsslon nf dcllv('fY, or !(l1" nOIl~(lrliW'ry of auy mess!lp;c r{'('('h"ed for trallsll,issioll at Ow unrep,'llt"d-UH'S8, ,-j!f' :;;,~":';;~~,1, 't,;:'~::J ~f,:i,i,';~~dJ:~ r~:J;~;J':fofr,:,~:'~:,1~;' ,~;,,1,11:i~::,g},' ,::;j~mi;;~',~~"J J~;'~',\::;" ~;j:,;,ii;':;:':l~;:ci"i:.r,'rn,~g:~;ro;,e;;;i:bg ~:;;r~i'~n:j7l,,;\ if:,; i:,;';':~:;:'; iu dJ\hC'f or O!J:;ClIfC messug{'s. :!. IIIUll)! ('venl the "ompIln~' FllillI not I1e Ibhlc for dlllJ1ages Jor mistakes or <!ebys in the- tmn::mbsion or dpllnn", or for the nOll-lJ"lhery, of 'UlY me~Hlig~. Whf'llJf'r _"ilU<lc'i hy I.he ]wgH.C'''!lCf) 'J! its gery:wts or otherwise, !lPyond th" ~um of fi.ve thousand dollars, at which am011l1l. ('~('h llK~,~lig"l' J.-; .d,'emed tn "to' v:1I1I('<1. unkES 11 f!""ut.(T \:"IIC iF sratf'q II' \HIT ing by th" SNider then'of at tile flint' the nJcss::tg" i" leodefl'd for trunEmls~l(lll. and unless till> rep<'lltcd-meSJiHgC fute Is paid or a~;r('ed to be pal,), unci ~u addltJonal ehurg(l CllU,li tn OIle- tCllth of Oil!' pereent or the amount by wIdeh sli<'h vahrutinn /';IH1I1 excecd five tlJOuaand dollars. .. 3. The COlu[mny h lJcrr>hy made the n<.:"nt of th(' scmll'f. wlll10ut Haullity. 10 {orwardtbls mrR,"aRE' O\Tr tllPllnrs oJ any other roml'nn~' wh{'n n""".-;~ar;' fo f{'U{'u its fle.~tinali()ll. 0' 'oeh4om;;O!i:':ii:;;'M;1:'J';~ '\~,~::iwnJ1~fo~~:'\'j,:;;';1~,~:;~ W,~ ~,~;,;;~,"S~,;'~'j,t'~~~,;~,:;"t;' .:;~(; \L!I;\~~mJ:;:"~i1,:'~m.~'j,:11:.\,;11::\ ~,g:":JJ;O~;~~,~;,~ ;M,;;;i, ':;;lb\~h~~::"T~~:!,j;1 his e>:perl8r. {'nl!l'avf1f to routrrH'1 f'Jr lllID for Ruch (ll'l!\"O'[~' at a rt'ason"LI{' prlo-{'. tb, "';;P"~?/,;g;;:,;,~~g:\,g\:;':;hii;,'th:'ii;,,;g;:;r,~~; ;,;."::::;:t'j,"i,;:'~;;;;,::'."il th, "n" '" ",,,,,,,,, ,,' one ,,' i" ',.,,,,miHin, ollk,'", onil iJ" m'$"" 1.' ,"'0' <0 ",," om", I,; 00,,,:,,..- {;. The 'oJJlpany WlllllUL I>e liable for Ualli:l;::('d ur HlatUlory Dcnaltl!'fJ i!l :\n~' cnsE' wtl'rC' the rbim Is n,,(, pr"sf'nluJ in writing t.o Hw rO!\I!l:lny witJ,ln sixty <In).',> afl"I' ttu' IW-,I;.' is fth.d wIth the ""mpilIlY Jur traU:;i)ji~~IOn: provided, h01\eVer, tll'lt tlli5 condition ~hall not apply tu l"i:Jl!j,,; f',r dal1l"g,'~ or uverclur;.:ps W!tl,in the IJtlrnew of C<('<'1ioJ] 415 of t 1\" , "Him catl"u,,;Act of 1[1:;1. 7. It Is ll!:"rpert tlHlt in all)' ilrlioll hy the cOlJJP:,uy In f("",v"r tJj~ lOlt~ fur ally ml's~':l!,", vf !lJ<'~H:igt'S Oie prOllJpt :md "orrcr1 tr:;ll~nd~sjon md drliY':n- Hh:-!",,,! ,~1U\1l i,c fll"<e~lJlJ aubj('.rt tOff'J'll1tallJy rOl"IlNplJi ..ndr.n,'t'. .... ~P"(' ,<II Unlll> gUVl'ritlllg llle UIH\l>llil~"ioll of ll1r(;Sl\gt'~ aCc'unllng' to lIwir l'l~~_~('.~, h~ "lllJlljf'!"alt"d IocilJ"", ~h"ll u!lJJ1~' to lll('~su;;(.s ill /'l\I'h of ~T1l'h r{'~Jlulh'" tl:l~eR ill 1!d,lJtj toMI t.he fOrl'!:"(jlIlgt('fl1l~. ~. ::\0 C-lUl,lo}<,,, ur the <'''mnal1;. l~ aur.\lurized too vary t!Jt: !uregUlug. 1-38 TELEGRAMS A fUll-ratee:q'etlitcdser\"k". DAY LETTEFtS A defnrcd ser~r"':lt JUW{'t Hum tll,' sl~"<l,,r<1 tf'lrgraUl rates. SERIALS DOMESTIC SERVICES CLASSES OF SERVICE THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH I"COAI'ORATED R. B. WHITE;, PR1;511)[fH COMPAN' . ORDINAPIES CABLE SERVICES Tl,{' O:bnrbrdllcrvke, al tun r"l,'~. ',,<iI' l1JC'~~..l;:~~_ n')",i~;ilL!; uJ ,,!-](,ttt"J' gr"LJlJ~ "'!!Y. lltulv\\P;':'"te. :r..Iessn.gessent. in srrtions {hlflllg thcHaUlt' <1,,\ NIGHT LETTERS DEF"ERREDS Pl.lin lungUag" m."~~ag<'~. ~llIlJ"~t to IJ~IJH, 'ld"rre{t ill 1~' ,I oj tui!-r"l" 'lL':I;~".":B. Ar<.('ptcd up to 2 A.M. for dl'Jlver~' not "arlieI' titan UJ(' Inlluwlnll" morning at rat{'!l SUbstantially JO\\!.'f than thlllit:lllUard tl'legf"Dl or day l~ttcr rates. SHIP RADIO(iRAMS NIGHT LETTERS O\eflligJ'1 pLin-luil).(lI:l:,;('m{'s_"l<",'g. A servipe t.o Ilhlllll at sea, in nil fJart:.< (Jl till' world. l'Jal11 Inllgllagl' or code langu.age may l'l'u~ea. URGENTS Telegrams of tl'1ecategories listed at the right, to any Western Union destination In the United States ::\le~~ag('s taking" pr, l'~d"l1c{' nV"f :dt UliH"f (He~~a::;{~ eX(-CIII :::ovenUTlf'lIt, fJ1('ssagce TELeGRAMS OF PRESCRIBED FIXED TEXT 'THERE IS A SPECIAL LOW-RATE WESTERN UNION SERVICE FOR EVERY SOCIAL NEED GREETINGS AT Christr'J:lS ~Tf>W Year Easter Yalentine'~ Day :r,r"th'_'r ~ Day Father's Day Jewiilh New Y,'ur Thanksgiving 25~ 35~ CONGRATULATIONS ON Allnircrsarie<i 'Weddings hjrt.hda~ S COmmencement Birth of a Child TELEGRAMS ,OF SENDER'S OWN COMPOSITION (first 15 words) HOTEL or TRANSPORTATION RESERVATIONS ~ TOURATE TELEGRAMS, fo.. TRAVELERS \ (first 15 words) 35~ MISCELLANEOUS Bon Voyage tdegntl1l:l "Pep" telegrams Kiddi<,gramil (.~o 35r tate) "Thank You" telegrams ASK ANY WESTERN UNION OFnCE OR AGENCV FOR FULL INF"ORMATION CITY OF WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA March 23, 1944 Dr. A. H. Elliott Consolidated Board of Health Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Dr. Elliott: Any be appreciated since I on of hous or locations where ut in back yards. d 308 Campbell Street. some time and it has tions have been made by see that such are cor- In connection with condemnation this week there were d" waste matters and sewage from hou These locations were 502 and 504 These conditions seemed to have prev developed inquiry as to what tary your inspectors to check ers rected before they are "st ard to this matter would ion to answer the inquiries. A. C. Nichols A. C. Nichols City Manager ACN:DLW j} --- March 28, 1944 Mr. A. C. Nichols City Manager Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Mr. Nichols: The question raised in your letter of March inspections are made by our inspectors as emptying into back yards may be answe as much routine inspection of premis toilets, as time permits and that to in your letter are reported to With only three men spe!l<:ling part 0 the vast majority of such conditions tenants or neighbors seek r om t You know, of course, scores and sc tubs, lava regulatio other h e water ~s concerned that of homes do not have any bath . tche ere such facilities exist our require that they empty into the sewer system. On the the regulati do not make these facilities mandatory. 1:; sanitary ewage and e water g that ou do, cially out r the ones referred ts or the neighbors. on routine inspection our attention as the onditions. Our men work diligently posed of and I believe disposal are called to 1 sewage properly die- es of improper sewage Mr. Hun back yar anything and empty J our jurisdiction. itary inspectors, has informed JIl9 that the cond Street did not, in his opinion, have itute a health hazard. There was some lumber ard which, in his opinion, did not come within Any time that you receive these complaints we will be glad to investigate and, if possible, clear up all health hazards. Yours very truly, A. H. ELLIOT, M. D. County Health Officer AHE/B CITY OF WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA April 11, 1944 Dr. A. H. Elliott, Health Officer Consolidated Board of Health Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Dr. Elliott: I have had occasion recently to go trips for the purpose of viewing and cond that the committee considered unsafe fo conditions very bad at numerous place I think the conditions reflect bad on two ins operty in tation. I itation standpoint department. On our first trip we found se ditions in backyards were terri and I we happened to have Goldste" the alley the stench almo in this area were inadeq long time ago by the hea letter after our first The City of Wilmington i work and sanitary inspect inspecting ab pie sanitary st ing on the ground. Con- criminal. This morning ist. When we went into he toilet accommodations houl ave been condemned a had Mr. Nichols write you a answer was not satisfactory. arge amount of money to health observations on two trips, rty, the average was bad from a etter in advance of our next Board of Health meeting a in at that meeting concerning the unsanitary conditions inspection trips. As a member of the Board of Health tter job could be done even though conditions under which rks are being administered are hard. If there is a lack of 0 s that would keep our health department from re- quiring people to clean their premises then we should put such machinery in force at once. I don't see how we can have a healthy city with con- ditions existing such as I saw this morning. Yours very truly, (s) Bruce B. Cameron Bruce B. Cameron Mayor BBC:DllV ------ NORTH CAROLINA LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES "Only Official Auoelation of the Municipalities of the State" SEVENTH FLOOR, RALEIGH BUILDING (- / ... I" RALEIGH, N. C. ..j} f-". i; ( t~ ,j; I Z, r 1"[ ,I I --7 I I ,.( Dr. A. R. Elliott Covnty Health Officer New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C. Dear Dr. Elliott: The W.P.A. ~ronicipal Governmen Surv~J which is jointly sponsored by the North Carolina Local overnment Com- mission and the League of 1runicipalities has ncluded in its scope of study public health activities in citie Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Fox of the State Board of Health are operatin~ in this work and we have been able to obtain a c nsiderable amount of pertinant information from the various reports received by the State Board. It is my understanding that New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington have a joint health department. We do not have, however, information on the history of your depaet- ment; i.e. date the city-county department was organized, growth of activities and the special legislative or charter act under which authority your Health Department is operating. We are considerine; the pl1bltcation of e. report on this subject and are esp8cie.lly interested in the four city- county health departments which have been organized in the State. "':~uld greatly apprecie.t.e your sendinl': us whatever information :rou have covering the above items. Thankin~ you in advance for this favor, I am HBWjpmr Very truly your s, --?./.iffi...;. tfJ 8. ~~.. tr_____ HilUe.rd B. Wilson State Supervisor L 1,~unic.lral Government Survey ADDRESS: , . 121~ South Sahsl,ury St. Raleigh, North carolina