01/11/1945 201 ( itEGULrJ1 LCNTHLY L.;:':J:;TING 3O.d..'i.D OF J-lErlLTE H~ID IN CFFICE CF r-CrtRl) JnI,U,,1Y 11, 1945 '- Present: 11r. l1.ddison IIrHilett, Chairman, LdJTor T,le i10nald Lane, Dr. 1\'). Hou~ton Loore, Llr. H. L. J,oland, Dr. J. -,;. de~:sell and Dr. James H. ~ Smith. The minutes of the last mcetinf:' y\'ere read G.nd approved. ~he Health Officer prAsent"d the monthly reports. This bein,' the J"''111ary meetin[" of the odd ye,"r, the ex-officio [;lembers, on motion by l~r. Roland seconded by Lia.yor Lane, elected Dr. W. Houston Loore and Dr. J. ~. ',.e8sell to the positions as llledical members of the board :,nd Dr. James H. Smith to that of dental memb~r of the board. The entire board then re-elected all the employees of the departl'1ent. After discussinr. the; use of OrctIlgeburr. Fibre Pipe, it was moved by I.:r. Roland seconded by I.:a.yor Lane, that in case it is impossible to secure cast iron pipe Orancebur[ Fibre Pipe, type thr"e, may be used from a point five feet beyond th~ house to the municipal seHer; provided, first, that all connections to the cast iron line be made with the proper fitting Hith hot, poured, approved, joining compound und, second, that illl such Oranr.eburg Fibre Pipe must be laid at a level not less than twelve inches at all points below ~he\normal surface of the Ground throufh which the pipe is laid. C j.' ,\ \ t ,~ "t the Health Officer's re',uest and, on 1'10tion by 1.layor Lane seconded by Mr. Roland, Dr. rieesell wus appointed Deputy Health Officer, without pay, [Jrimarily to observe public health conditions at the beaches and to act as advisor to the nurses r<Cfarding the handlinI' of tuberculous patients that cannot be hospitalized. There beinf no further busine's the neeting adjourned. [ approved F/-d ~/ 191,,5 ~~ Clerk