02/08/1945 203 , H.LCUL-...1. LONTIILY 1,~,,::rlIIJG BOhR;'; uF IE~n.L'I'II l~aD n.j CFFI:E CY I30n.::ill F""D1W,,;(y 8. 1945 " Present: tir. n.ddison Eevilctt, :::;hdirH,,-~n, La~Tor 1[. rronald Lane, ut'. J. 0. lie :Jell, Dr. . Hou';ton ~..oore, Lr. E. L. :'-tol3.nd ;.J.Dll Dr. James H. ~nith. v The r:unutp3 of the 1,1st tn<. etin{' VJerf':' r2<J'l and o.pr;rov8u. The ilcc.lth Officer presented ths monthlJ' reports. There VJ<....S :.l fE:;Derr_l dis0.UESion b~{ Dr. l;'ie - sell of th e co ntents of the survey of the dep&rtLlent m,,rle by tlr U. '. Public Heulth Service. :Jr. 1..es8e11 rE_rorted that th"~re ,;ere L1.3..ny i.."ood SUfTP8tions 0..n that it viould be practicul to put many of the];, into effect. ethers he stdted Vlould involve the exrt~nditure of d. vt:ry con:..:id.:-.rable Ci.raount of Lloney. li..fter d rdth'_,r brief discuesion of the r"nort, it VI"-S sugrested tl-Jat th'c Heulth Ufficer have copies LlrJ1C so thi.lt e~.ch P.l8Plbcr of the 00urd could have 0. cory and study it.s cOlltAntc: t!-~nt'ou[h1y. It 'F(j:: tber. moved by ll~ror Lane, scconcleri by Dr. T '8:-;~iell, Lii.i.t cOfif.S he oi vc'n e;;-...ch 1',er1her of the DOCird hnd tl",...;.t aftc:r they had studie<i it tJ:C)rou~'hly thf'":Y h::.ve c:.nother meetinr- for discu:-:sion of th'2' r'..;port (jnd thl:-'Il tLrn tbe report over tc thl' Cit,)' Souncil ana tlu.i.t the,y' ~n t,li.rn ;'ivc <:i C'JIY tu th~ Py.t-,s~. :w~ri:,cl. In .0nC,-,-,-;)T niCht, FLbruar~r 12, thsrc ','JuS .j, c..:i.lled r,:.eetill€-" of the SOurd &t 'which tine th~ ~)carrj Liernbt:1"2 di ct,,-.tcd a SUIdIllary of their rc:actiOrlE to the rl:'port <.J.rl,j c.i. lett r tr;;.;.n::.;; ittinl. ...:.. COp? of the rE:IJort d.nJ of tr.8 SUTlUll<ir,Y to the ::;ity ::::,'luxlc~l, Lh'~ :';OUl toY ]oJ iLrrssioncrs, .....t~~r-h.~;1';s anci the .wveninr Po:st. There beine He further uusint;~_s th.;; n,~et-.J_nj~' b.d.journed. -~ "pproved :. J;;-- 1945 w~ 81..:rk r I.