02/14/1946 229 REGUL.!l MONTHLY J.l::ETING !3O,L'W OF HE>u.TII HELD IN OFFICE OF BOAHD FlJ;BRU",RY 14, 1946 " Present: Mr. ~ddison Hpwlett, Chairman, Dr. W. Houston Moore, Mr. H. j.t. Roland, Dr. James H. Smith, Mayor 1'1. Ronald Lane. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Health Officer presented the monthly reports. Mr. Emmett Bellamy, "Uorney for the Town of Carolina Be~ch, along with Hr. Jewell and Mr. Little appearEld before the Board of Health with the re,~uest that the Town be permitted to appoint its own plumbing inspector and collect the plwnbing fees. Mr. Bellamy dis- cussed at length the legal aspects of such an appointment and the ~ttorney General's interpretation of the laws on this n~tter. The Health Officer read a letter from Hr. ',Jm. B. Campbell, City rittorney, dated February 12, 1946, discussing this same subject and saying that in his opinion it is mandatory that the Hoard of Health appoint a County-wide plwnbinc; inspector. The members of the Board were of the opinion that this was a matter to be settled wuong the lawyers and suggested that Mr. Bellamy have a meeting with Ilr. Campbell, City Attorney, and Mr. Varsden Bellamy, County Attorney in an effort to try to arrive at a settlement agreeable to all. This Mr. Bellamy agreed to do. It was further suggested that if it were impossible for the said attorneys to reach a settlelOOnt it might become necessary for the Beach authorities to enter a friendly suit and obtain a court ruUng. There being no further business, the m"eting adjourned. _u__ -'ltcf~> Clerk ( APproved~946 "