01/09/1947 253 REGUI.J,J( LOLTHLY lLETIt:G Bo/an OF IlE"LTIl HELD IN OFFI~~; OF BOARD Ji\lJU,ffiY 9, 1947 , Pre~ent:Ur. "ddison Hewlett, Chairman, Layor' . Ronald L<me, 1.Or. I!. ;,.. Rol<md, Dr. ';1. Houston Loore cilid Dr. Jdmes Il. Smith. The Jnflutes of the L;.st meetin[ ,Jere reCid iind ['J.'froved. The liealth Officer pre~enteu the monthly reports. ..- This bein[ the January Jaceting of the odd ye&r, the ex-officio mer,lbers, &S re'luired by State hew, elected the professional members. It iidS moved by Layor Lcne, seconded by ,..r. ;bl~nd, thdt Doctors J. C. Wessell <;lId '". Houston Loore be reelected as uedical members and James Il. Smith be reelected u.S dentdl member. Ctir::-ied. It v'JhS then moved by i'layor Lane, "econded by hr. Hol"nd, thut the pT'€sent personnel of the depc-rt- ment be reupjlointed on the recoLluendation of the Ileci.lth Officer. C"rried. "fter a iJrief discussion of a f arI'ler' 5 request thut he be permi ttud to kiil ~OEle senti-wild Cuttle Jll his farm r,ther lhun try to haul them to the abclttoir, it \IdS Lloved by Dr. hoore, seconded by 1.Ir. Roldfld, that no e':ception be In6.de to the re{;ulutions rc. ,uiring thclt Cut tIe be handled throut'h an "-pproved uiJuttoir. Curriced. There bein[ no furtl18r business, the meetin,; adjourned. ~roved ,F-,,). / J 1947 f:!# ~, C erk f