11/13/1947 273 ( REGULA.1t MONTHLY 1.:l':ETING BO,JW OF EEALTH IELD IN OFFICE OF BOA.1tD NuVELlBLR 1;3, 1947 .... Present: l.rr. Addison llevllett, Chairman, Dr. James H. Smith, Dr. W. Houston !.:oore and !lr. ll. ,.:. Ro13.l1d. The minutes of the last meGtin[ were read and approved. The Health Officer presented the monthly reports. There w,,-s Cjuite "- full discussion of the annual examination of school teachers, but no official action WaS taken. The Bo"-rd members discussed briefly the need of cleaning, paintinE and minor repairs to the Health Dephrtmetlt building. No official action Was taken on this matter. There being no furthrer business, the JJeetinl' adjourned. Approved, ~ J /19lt7 H~ Clerk i \.. J