01/06/1960 287 REGUlAR 110NTHLY ~lliETn;G BOARD OF HEALTH HElD nl OFFICE OF BOARD JANUARY 6, 1960 . Present; Dr. J. 11. Hall, Jr., Chairman; ~Byor E. S. Capps, Dr. J. C. Knox, Dr. James H. Smith and Dr. R. Bryant Hare, Jr. tfotion "dS made by Dr. 'Smith that the minutes of the last meeting be approved ,d.thout reading; copies having been sent to the Board members. l1otion seconded by Dr. Knox and carried. A letter from Dr. Norton, state Health Officer to the Chairman of the Board of Health ,IaS read in .ulich he asked that something be done to bring the New Hanover County plumbing code in line with the State law. Hr. lassiter reviewed the past action taken by the Board on this matter. In his review he stated that the State law does not permit plumbing contracting to be done by anyone other than a person holding a master plumber's license in toviilS or cities with a population greater than 3500. He also stated that at the present ~ime we are issuing permits to journeyman plumbers not holding master plumber's license to contract plumbing in the City of vlilmington. Hr. lassiter further stated that several years ago this Bourd made a ruling that no permit be issued for plumbing within the City of Wilmington unless the applicant held a master plumber's license from the State. This ruling VIaS rescinded by the Consolidated Board of Health when Hr. John J. Burney and Dr. lake appeared before the Board and asked that it be rescinded. They 1~ere appearing in behalf of legal clients. In view of the recent request from Dr. Norton end tIlne fact that our ordinance is in obvious violation of the State law, after much discussion in which the members e:>''Pressed their general feelblg as to the Stute provision, it viaS felt that regardless of the individual member's feeling it vJUS a State law, and therefore, should be complied with. . . Dr. Knox made a motion that such changes be made in the Consolidated Board of Health policy regarding issuance of permits so as to comply with the State laVl governing plumbing contracts in cities or towns of over 3500 population. ~lotiom seconded by Dr. Hare and carried. It VIaS decided rather than issue written notices to the plumbers concerning this change, \ that the Health Director instruct the plumbing inspector to give this Wormation ' verbally to the local plumbers, and that a letter be directed to Dr. Norton stating that our regulations and policy in the near future would be in conformity ,lith his letters of October 8 and December 10, 1959. The Board expressed their deep regr~ts in the death of ~~. Charlie C. Davis, a member of the local Plumbers Examining Board, whose services to the Board over a number of years have been of inestimable value. Mayor Capps presented the name of Hr. R. Granville Smith to fill the vacancy created by th~ death of Hr. Davis. Mayor Capps then made a motion, seconded by Dr. Knox, that Hr. R. Granville Smith, Haster Plumber, be elected to fill this vacancy on the local Board of Pllliilbers Examiners. I1otion carried Ullanimously. V l'.r. lassiter reported additional violations of the plumbing code by Hr. John Galog. The Board instructed the Plumbing Inspector to proceed with the issuance of warrants for Hr. Galog in view of his many past and seemingly Vfilful violations of the plumbing . code. ~ Mayor Capps called to the attention of the Board that Hr. To. I. watkins and others had discussed with him a notice issued December 21, 1959, by the Health Department to ,d.\ ,,' 288 connect with the City se\ver and, asked ill something could not be done to, change the date of compliance Vlith this notice. Hr. lassiter stated that before the notice VIaS issued he had been in touch with Hr. Benson regarding this matter. ... Hr. lassiter stated that we would be glad to cooperate veith the City authorities in this matter, ~ I1otion to adjourn 'VllS made by Mayor Capps, seconded by Dr. Smith. APprovee,2tJ I~~r Clerk 10 1960. ... ""-.."'" ... --"