08/03/1960 , 299 .. . R&:;UIAR HONTHLY lLJ<.TllJG BaMill OF HEilTH HELD IN OFFICE OF BOARD AUGUST 3, 1960 ~ ,~ Present: Dr. James H. Hall. Jr., Chain'1&n; Dr. J. C. Knox. Dr. H. Bryant HarlJ, Jr., Dr. James H. Smith and Hr. &.rl C. Funderburk. On motion by Dr. Knox, seconded by Dr. Smith, the minutes of the last meeting were approved .,ithout reading; copies having been sent to the Board members. Carried. ~. Ec.rl C. Fundc,rburk, new Superintendent of Schools, .,as welcombd to the Board as an ex-officio member of the Board. ( ]11'. Lassiter, Public Health '"ngine"r, reported that due to the fact that 111'. Biddle, Plumbing Inspector, ,;as in the hospital Mr. Galog ',vas not asked to attend the Board of Health meetine, and the Galog plumbing problem remained status quo, ,/ Dr. Knox reported that he had been called regarding mosquitoes around Greenfield Lake. and asked ,mat the situation is regarding the mosquitoes. Hr. lassiter reported that there had been very few c.omplaints, up to this time, about mosquitoes and they had been given to !1r. LonG for his attention. ~ .. ,. The Urban Redevelopment was discussed at length. It was mentioned that some day the City will have to put in a sewer main parallel to the river; this should be a part of their planning program as it ,'lould probably save the City a lot of money. It "as sug,ested that this be called to "he attention of the Urban Redevelopment authority and recommend that consideration be given to this matter. and that a copy of tilis sugGestion be sent to "he City officials. I'lotion to adjourn VI1lS made by Dr. Knox. Approved ,~ 1J , 1960 ff-J~ .. .,