09/07/1960 . . ' iL&UUh j'iOi'h'IL" i1J:J,TLJG BOhJW OF HEiu::J'H HELD I1J Or'FIGE OF BOAhD ~EPTEl'ill~H 7, 1)/60 ~tll -- Present: Dr. James .i.',~. Hall, Jr., Ch':lirlI:.B.:l; Dr. J. C. Knox, Dr. James H. Smith, Dr. R. Bryant Hare, Jr., and !,~. R~l'l c. Funuerburk. On friotion by Dr. Knox, 58conued by Dr. Sl:lith, G~le minu-:,cs of the last m-...:ct.ing 1^lere 21 )roved 1,,'ithout reading; copi'-::s having been sent to the Dcal U merr~bcl's. Ca~Ti,--,d. A deficit of ;;583.89 in th8 City of \'lilJnil16Lon appropriation i'or the fiscal year 1960-1961, as compa,'od I'rich th, appropriation of the County of 11m,! iiaClover, on a basis of 5/6 and 1/6 in the regular budGet, W'dS called to tn,) attc'iition OL the Bo&rd. Chain~B~ Hall stated that sint.;e this -...10.5 an adJ,linis-e,ra':-"ive matter, I.litjs iJolyn, 3ccretc~:'''Jr, -,'Fe.S inst:cuct~-ci. to contact Hr. Benson, Cit., I.Ic.t,nagex", to get this a.. ~lO.rt;;nt discre}~ncy adjusted. . . Hr. Dolo Kerr'lOn, Hr. Halter Stokley and Hr. Billy Stokley, repr2senting the Stokley" Septic 'l'ank Company, appearud before the Bo'-'rd recardi..'lg a septic tank job they' had bid on. They cla:iraeu the.t thej' had bid under cerlain specifications, but that the contruct ,;ao a"rarueu to the HOr.le lJnprove!'lent Compa;1;!; that the sepcic lank installed by tile Home LnpruV8;nent Co""ps.n;y did not muet the opecifiudtions as to tank ca}Jacity anci nitrification area. under ",hich the StoLley Company had bid. The Stokleys claimed that they Here treated unfairly o.nd I,;ished to be assured that this 1-Iould not ha;)pen in che future. Hr. ladsitor stCitdd thdt ;cr. Fulcher had informed him that the job instu.lleu by the Home lrnpj:.uvement COi.'Lpany clid meet the specifi(.;ation furnished to t.he Stokley Company e;,ccpt "s to length 01" tile line 1-Ihich l'!aS compensated 1"or by additional trench 1d.dth. Chain:an Hall 3tdted that Nr. l"ulciH_r, "mo C..,'B,.3 out oJ: the Cit~/ today, llvould be gi en E.n OlJ..'ortlL.Y1ity to p::.'escnt hi~ oi0e 01' Lh8 ca::;e, D.nd asslL:ed tne Stokleys lhiit every effort 'Noulci be maue to be fair to ail bidders. .... Chairman r1v.ll read to the LOdrd the folloliing .Letter dated Scpt. 6, lSi60, from 1.1r. H. G. Houck, hxecutive Sec"':':~tc.-,-';Y 01' tbe Joara of CountJT COi,~.t.~iG::Jioners: "lIr. J. H. Hall, Jr., ChairElD.n Consolidaced boo.rci of Ih:alth r...ilraington, North C; roli!la Il.u:::~&.l" ~ll'. .dall: "At a regular semir.aonthly meeting OJ. the I..Jei-r Hanover County 130urd of C:o:wlrussioners held tudaJT, a matter 01' unfinished busineGS relating to a deci~ion concernins the salary of 'ohe Health Director was considered. ..... UAfT,er :. brief discussion of all -Lac 'knolvu salient f&.c"Ls sur..'ounding GIlC:: mat,Ler, a motion l'kS duly adopted stipulati.ng thC;."c. the salar~y of our Healt.h Director should reJ;i11in at ,,11,520. shich is the same as last year and that any fU:lds paid for his service by Brunswick County be placecJ in che revenue of the Consolidated board of Hval tho There \','as an illi',)l'ence cO U1e e_ ect that BrunsFick County i'las will in;; to pay up to $2400 for the fiscal ye"r ;,5 co;np3.l'ed to ",1920 last year. The Board unanimously aGreed ti1&t should BrunsHick COWlty deci<le to pay ",,4BO. more, it should ue aLlded to the salary of the Hc2llh Director, but the fund~ 11lUSt be placed in the ConsoliJateu Doard of rh.~~l-Lh Hevenue BudGet (O;.nu disper0(~d ciS a.duitional salary to the He.:::.ltl1 Director a~;; th8~T felt he vms entitled to any increase t~L1e~T should happen to make. "It Hill be appreciated if you ,;ill acquaint the Conoolidr.tc<l Eoard of Health Hith tnio action at your ne;d Board mGet~!g. Your~ very Gluly, 0I~,-l'T~: 1'~. G. houck 302 Following a lengthy discussion of the content.s of the above le'Gt.er; Chairng.n Hall stated tilat he v,.ould discuss the legal questions raised concel'ning this J lTlo.tter Hit.h the County Attorne~y and attempt to get an early opinion IrOla the Attorne;' General as to the respective P01'''"''S of the 10arJ of County CO~Er.iG5ioners .. and tlle Consolidnted Board of H821th. The He&.lth Director stated thaL. he had Ot:8:1 paid for Jul~1 and August 1960 by Bruns1.'ick County. Dr. Smith Idade a Illotion that in the tuture t.he salar;;r of Dr. Davis b~ paid on a basis of :;1;960.00 per month de,~ucting the ai.l0unt that he is paid b~' BrunsHick County until such time as this IllB.tter is clarified by the Att.orne~T General. Hotion hias seconded by Dr. Knox and c8.1'.."ied. The He..alth Director Hished to go on record &S strongl;y disapproving the action taken by the Board of County COlwaissioners as set-forth in the above letter. Li.ns Bolyn informed the Board that the 1960-1961 buJ[;et bad to. be prepared for the ;)t::t e Board of tkalth, and. since "he salary of the Health Director ,;as UJ1- settled she Hould like instructions as to the preparation of this bUClget. She ,;as instructed by the Bouru to prepare the budget as approved by the appropriating authorities, c.nd if any changes ,;".rer8 1ade in the Health DirecGorr s salary they could be changed in the budget. l-iotion to adjourn -,'J<lS J:,~de u;y Dr. Knox. Appro"ed &X b'-- 1900 of::!- J1r J J