06/05/1963 36'7 ~ . ,REGULAR HONTHLY HEETIN OOARD OF H~::ALTH HELD IN OFFICE OF BOARD JUNE 5, 1963 ..... Present: Chairman James M. Hall, Jr, Dr. R. Bryant Hare, Jr., Dr. James H. Smith, and Dr. J. C. Knox. On motion by Dr. J. C. Knox, eeconded by Dr. R. Bryant Hare, Jr., the minutes of the last Board meeting were approved without reading, copies having been given to Board members. Carried. Mr. and Mrs. l1urray Sonsky appeared before the Board and requested that they be allowed to use one outlet for connection to sewer line with two connections to two separate houses. After a general discussion, Dr. Hare made a motion that the Board stand by the Plumbing code unless it was found that Mr. Sonsky had a point of law. He suggested that Dr. Davis contact Attorney Tillery on this matter and then Mr. Sonsky of the decision made. Dr. Smith seconded this motion. Carried. ~'~ The resignations from Phillip S. Jones, Sanitarian 1, Mrs. Mary Helen Casteen, Stenographer 11, and Mrs. Lula L. Johnson, Clerk 11, to become effective June 18, July 10, and June 30, 1963, respectively, were received and on motion by Dr. Knox, seconded by Dr. Hare, were accepted with regret. Also a letter to I1rs. Johnson thanking her for her many years of service was to be written by Dr. Davis. - Dr. Smith made a motion that the Board renew the contract with Cherry, Bekaert and Holland, C. P. A. firm for the new fiscal year of 1963 - 1964. Dr. Knox seconded the motion. Carried. Dr. Knox made a motion that $200.00 be transferred from the Contingent fund to Janitress and Janitorial Supplies fund in order to finish out this fiscal year. Dr. Smith seconded this motion. Carried. Dr. Allen passed out copies of the Advisory Council Minutes of May 9, 1963, for the Mental Health Center. After an general discussion of the minutes, Dr. Hare made a motion that $148.00 be transferred from unanticipated revenue for fees to be used for salary of Secretary. Dr. Knox seconded. Carried. Dr. Knox made a motion that the tentative budget for the Mental Health Center be approved. Dr. Hare seconded this motion. Carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Approved ~'7~ ;7 , 1963. Secretary ~~ s.:1 4 jJ' ......