04/14/1965 40: REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING BOARD OF HEALTH HELD IN OFFICE OF BOARD April l4, 1965 -- Present: Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Chairman, Mayor O. O. Allsbrook, Dr. William Wagoner, Dr. J. C. Knox, Dr. James Smith, Dr. James Tidler. }linutes of March 3, 1965 meeting were approved by motion of Dr. Knox, seconded by Dr. Smith. Dr. Davis reported that our Air Pollution project has been approved and that we have hired an additional Sanitarian to be paid by this program. The Southeastern NCPHA meeting which is to be held here April 20, 21, 22 was announced and invitations given to the Board Members to attend. Permission was asked of the Board to pay Registration Fees, Banquet Tickets, Luncheon Ticket for our employees who wished to attend. Mayor Allsbrook made the motion that we use money from either Travel or Contingent to pay for this since we did not have enough in Public Health Meetings. Motion was seconded by Dr. Smith. Motion carried. - Mr. Harry Berman and Mr. A. V. Saffo appeared before the Board to present a request that a ditch in the Masonboro area, which we recently completed, be made deeper. He said that they had paid an engineer to look at the situation and that their engineer had said the ditch was not deep enough to drain the area SUfficiently. Hr. Cranford reported that the State Engineer felt that it was sufficient to do the job that we originally intended it to do and had in- spected the area before and after the ditch was dug. Dr. Smith made the motion that we have the State Engineer to reinspect the area on his next trip and that we reevaluate and give Mr. Berman any consideration we can. Mayor Allsbrook seconded the motion. Motion carried. ,....... The question came up as to whether Mr. Bradford Tillery would remain as our Attorney since he has resigned as County Attorney. Dr. Hooper will check with him concerning this and if he continues as our Attorney will ask him to attend our Board Heetings. A letter was read from Hr. H. McC. Biddle, Plumbing Inspector, stating that .he would like to remain as Plumbing Inspector as long as his Health permitted. Since he has not returned to work as yet, the Board feels that some action will have to be taken since we must have someone in this position. Dr. Smith made a motion that with Mr. Biddle's permission, we get a report from his doctor as to whether or not he will be able to work again and if not that we proceed to hire a Plumbing Inspector. Dr. Wagoner, Dr. Davis and Mr. Cranford are to investigate the Bituation and do whatever is necessary. Dr. TidIer seconded the motion. Motion carried. A report was given that the Plumbing Code which had been presented to the Building Code Council had been rejected. Dr. Smith made a motion that Mr. Cranford, Mr. McKenzie and Mr. Tillery review the Plumbing Code status and make recommendations to this Board as soon as possible. Also, that we stick as close to the State Code as is possible. Dr. Wagoner seconded the motion. Hot ion carried. - Hr. Cranford asked that Clifton N. Dixon, Sanitarian lis, salary be increased at this time to $435.00 per month beginning with April. Dr. Smith made the motion that since we had available funds this be put into effect. Dr. Knox seconded the motion. Hotion carried. (Dr. Hooper voted "No"). Annroved: Mav 12. 1q6~ 'R':>~T'\P""T.p,,11TT c",hYn';++.c.~ /?2Jd -('j ~