08/03/1966 43~ , ' RmULAR MEETING BOARD OF HEALTH, HELD IN OFFICE OF BOARD August 3, 1966 ~- Present: Mayor O. O. Allsbrook, Acting Chairman, Dr. J. C. Knox, Dr. James Smith, Dr. William Wagoner, Attorney Bradford L. Tillery ~.-.... Also Present: Mr. Aaron Goldberg, Attorney, and his client, Mr. Long, and Mr. Bryan Reif, City-County Planner Mr. Goldberg, on behalf of his client, Mr. Long, presented the problems connected with the Plumbing Inspector's placing a Condemned sign on the House Trailer which is parked behind Hr. Long's Service Station on Shipyard Boulevard. They wanted permission to use the septic tank which also serves the station. Mr. W. H. Cranford, Director of Sanitation said this trailer has not been registered with the Health Department and there was no permit issued for him to hook up to the septic tank, therefore on July 28, 1966 our Plumbing Inspector gave him a twenty- four hour notice to vacate (this was done under the direction of Mr. Tillery). Mr. Reef reported that he has had complaints from people living in the Pine Valley area about the trailer being there. He also reported that this area will be re-zoned in the future and when this is done no trailers would be allowed in this area. Dr. Smith made the motion that Mr. Cranford investigate to see if it can come under a hardship case and that Mr. Long be permitted to remain in the trailer until investigation is completed. Dr. Wagoner seconded the motion. Hotion carried. ..... Developmental I!.'valuation Clinic: Motion was made by Dr. Wagoner, seconded by Dr. Knox, that the Board ratify the poll taken by telephone in favor of the Board of Health acting as receiving agent for the funds to operate this clinic. Motion carried. Mal Practice Insurance: Motion was made by Dr. Knox, seconded by Dr. Smith to ratify the poll taken by telephone in favor of covering our nursing staff with mal practice insurance. Motion carried. Trash Dump: A report on meetings of connnittees, etc. on the trash dump brought the Board up to date on developnents. Mr. Cranford will check with Mr. Coleman to see what progress has been made for using Kerr Farm as a landfill for the refuse. Mr. Tillery reported that he has talked to Mr. Yow, City Attorney, and they had agreed that most of the smoke in question comes from burning stumps (to burn these stumps they have to burn tires along with them to get them to burn), and that if they would stop receiving stumps and if the Health Department would work out a program to get rid of the rats - that this might be a sort of solution. The committee consisting of Mr. Batuyous, Mr. Brandon, Mr. Coleman, Mr. CranfOrd, Dr. Smith and Dr. Knox (Mr. Harrington of the City Council will also serve on this connnittee) will DIIIet and work something out, then call a Board Meeting on or before the 17th of August to settle this thing. All members of the Board agree that this has been put off too long now. ~ . Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. - There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Date approved: September 7. lI3J66 Respectfully submitted, /7Z"",-k~ r~J