11/13/1968 47'; MINUTES OF BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING, November 13, 1968 Present: Dr, J, W, Hooper, Jr" Chairman, Dr, James Smith, Dr, James Tidler, Dr, Heyward Bellamy, Attorney James Fox Minutes of the September 11 and September 27 meetings were approved by motion of Dr, Smith, seconded by Dr, Tidler, Trailer Park Ordinance: The following is taken from a letter written by Mr, Fox to Mr, W, H, Cranford, Director of Sanitation, on October 15, 1968: "On March 6, 1957, the Board of Health enacted a regulation reciting that the minimum lot area for a residence would be 15,000 square feet if both well and sewage disposal system were to be provided, and 10,000 square feet if a public water supply was available and only the sewage disposal system must be provided, The regulation further provided that a smaller lot might be accepted at the dis- cretion of the Health Officer provided it met the necessary sanitary qualifications as to water supply and sewage disposal, On September 23, 1963, the State Board of Health issued a memorandum to Health Directors and Sanitarians, indicating that persons installing sewage collection systems and sewage treatment plants to serve mobile home parks must secure permits prior to their construction from the North Carolina State Stream Sanitation Co~ittee, This memorandum further provided that approval of sewage collection system disposal facilities for small isolated groups of mobile homes that do not have a sewage collection system and that were served by residential type septic tank collection systems (1,200 gallons maximum capacity) would be a function of the local health departments, On April 1, 1964, the Board of Health determined that sewage regulations for a trailer dwelling on a private lot would be the same as that for a house situated on such lot, depending on the number of bedrooms," The question has come up as to whether or not we can require 10,000 square feet for each trailer in a mobile home park or if we must still go by the 3,000 square feet as set forth in the Mobile Home Park Ordinance, Attorney Vernon F, Daught- ridge of Wilson, N, C" on behalf of clients, has written a letter calling to the Board's attention, Section IV, subsection 2 of our Mobile Home Ordinance, which states that the spaces shall consist of a minimum of 3,000 square feet, In Section V, subsection 2 it is stated: "Each mobile home space shall be provided with and each mobile home connected to the sanitary sewerage and water supply systems, as approved by the County Health Officer," Dr, Smith suggested that we write to the proper department of the State to see if there is a State Trailer Park Ordinance and if not, if there are any plans in the near future for one, Mr, Fox stated that he would write such a letter, Dr, Bellamy made the motion, seconded by Dr, Tidler, that this Board write a letter asking the County Commissioners to request legislation enabling the County to adopt and enforce proper regulation and development of Mobile Home Parks in New Hanover County, Motion carried unanimously, Dr, Hooper has written the following letter, attention Vice-Chairman of the County Commissioners: .....-- "The Board of Health requests, as soon as practical, that you appoint a represen- tative of the Board of Commissioners to confer with Senator Burney and Representa- tives Snead and Penton, and Dr, Joseph C, Knox, County Health Director, to discuss legislation concerning the passage of a County-wide Mobile Home Park Ordinance, 478 The Board of Health has wrestled with the problem of regulating Mobile Home Parks within the County for several years. It is the unanimous opinion of the Board of Health that enabling legislation should be provided for the County for the proper ~ regulation and development of Mobile Home Parks within the County, This is essen- tial from the standpoint of health and from the standpoint of proper development --# for the protection of our citizens living in these parks and adjOining property owners. Copies to: John Burney, Edward Snead, Howard Penton Dr. Smith made the motion, seconded by Dr. Bellamy, that the Board of Health support the present policy of the County Health Officer as spelled out in Section V, sub- section 2 of the Mobile Home Park Ordinance. Mr. Fox will advise Mr. Daughtridge of this decision, and that our Health Officer has adopted 15,000 square feet where water and sewage are not available as a rule of thumb, but that each place shall stand on its own merits. (See attached eXBrpt from Mr. Fox's letter) Resignation from the Board of Health: Dr. Joseph C. Knox submitted his resignation as a member of the Board of Health, effective October 31, 1968, Dr. Knox assumed his new duties as Health Director on November 1,1968, The>Board expressed appre- ciation for the many years of faithful service as a member of the Board and directed that a letter of appreciation be written to Dr. Knox. Motion was made by Dr. Smith, seconded by Dr. Bellamy, that we wait until January to appoint a replacement for Dr. Knox. Respectfully submitted, Approved: December 11, 1968 ., ...J ~ ..J ,- NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH NOTICE Regulations entitled "Regulation of Water and Sanitary Sewerage Facilities Serving Mobile Homes," were adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Health at its November~, 1968, meeting. A copy of said regulation is posted at the west door of the New Hanover County Courthouse in the City of Wilmington. and a copy is on file in the office of the Board of Health of New Hanover County at 21 North 4th Street, Wilmington, N. C. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH By: 0(&~ Dr. J. C. Knox REGULATION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWERAGE FACILITIES SERVING MOBILE HOMES 1. Sewerage collection and water supply systems serving mobile homes on 3,000 square foot lots will be approved where such systems contain treatment facilities so that they are adequate to serve the mobile home park as a whole. 2. Where there are no water supply and sewerage collection systems (including treatment facilities), so that each individual mobile home must be served by its own individual well and septic tank, such individual well and septic tank will be approved as an adequate water supply and sewerage system provided the lot upon which the mobile home is situated contains a minimum of 15,000 square feet. 3. Where there is a water supply system (including teeatment facilities), but no sewerage collection system, so that the indivi- dual mobile home is served by the "public" water supply system, but by its individual septic tank, such water supply system and indivi- dual septic tank will be approved as adequate water supply and sani- tary sewerage facilities provided the lot upon whiCh the mobile home is situated contains a minimum of 10,000 square feet. The foregoing policies may be varied in any individual situation, provided public health is adequately protected in view of the cir- cumstaaces applicable in connection with the property involved, and provided further that the applicant requesting the approval of the County Health Officer can demonstrate to the latter's satis- faction that such is the case. *4U~':"L,fl_, L-rv }j1h.-, _ 71-e~,." - ~-<--w<.-t-,A-- ~ 'f) 3 1/ / q {, J" 7>?,j'~