12/03/1969 503 rOSJJ MINUTES OF BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING, December ), 1969 Present: J. Van B. Metts, Jr., Chairman, Dr. James Smith, Dr. James TidIer, Dr. Heyward Bellamy, Dr. Frank Reynolds Minutes of the November 5 meeting were approved by motion of Dr. Bellamy, seconded by Dr. TidIer. Plumbin~: Since the representative of the plumbers did not appear at the Board Meeting, Dr, TidIer made the motion, seconded by Dr. Bellamy, that we proceed to draw up an amendment to the plumbing code concerning the journeyman plumber. Motion carried. It was suggested that Dr. Knox choose a qualified plumber to help in drawing up the amendment. Scout for Drain~e Pro~ram. Mr. Cranford has secured bids on a right hand drive Scout for use in the Drainage Program. Dr. Reynolds made the motion, seconded by Dr. TidIer that the bids be accepted, subject to approval of the County Attorney. Air Pollution Equipment: Dr. Knox advised the Board that we would be able to keep the equipment bought with the Air Pollution program monies, if we continue to collect samples on a limited basis. Milk Problems. Dr. Knox reported some of the problems we are having with several dairies. Several producers have been cut off because of mastitis in the herds and because DDT has been found in the milk. Also, several dairies have been watering their milk. . New Quarters' Mr. Metts asked Dr. Knox and Dr, Bellamy to investigate the cost of fixing up the building at James Walker Hospital, with a minimum of repairs, for the use of the Health Department. Dr. Reynolds made the motion, seconded by Dr. TidIer that this investigation be made. Motion carried. Laboratory. Mr. Metts asked that Dr. Knox maRe a study of the cost of space and operation of the Laboratory. Pine Valley School: Dr. Bellamy reported that the water supply has finally been cleared up at the school - but would like help in the Drainage problems at the school. Dr. Knox agreed to ask Mr. Keith Oates to investigate the situation and see if it can be approved for our dragline to do this work. Dra~line. Mr. Metts asked if the Board of Health, and Dr. Knox, would agree to request funds for the purchase and operation of another Dragline. By common con- sent, the Board agreed. Dr. Knox told the Board that this has already been suggested by Mr. Keith Oates of the State Board of Health. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, '7fL~ 7.3 r~ Approved: January 7, 1970