01/07/1970 , ,( 505 rGSOS BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING, January 7, 1970 Present: J. Van B. Metts, Jr., Chairman, Dr. James Smith, Dr. Frank Reynolds, Dr. Heyward Bellamy _. ,~ Minutes of the December meeting were approved after adding "request funds for" in section under Dragline. Mr. DeBo: Mr. Bill DeBo appeared before the Board to call attention to several things he feels the Board of Health should have regulations on. Mr. DoBo installs Community Water Systems in New Hanover County. 1. Check Valves: Mr. DoBo explained that as houses are tied on to the Community Water Systems, if the lines to the new houses are not clorinated properly, this can cause the water in the main lines to be contaminated due to a feed-back from these houses into the main lines. He showed the Board a check valve that would solve the problem and asked that we require it as a part of the plumbing regulations. 2. Private Wells in City: Mr. DeBo feels that private wells within the city that are used for sprinkling systems should have to meet the same requirements as wells used for regular water supplies. He called attention to the fact that he had seen children drinking from these sprinkling systems and that most people have these wells fixed so that they can convert their systems from city water to their well, sometimes causing a feed-back into the city lines. ~ 3. Mr. DoBo also brought up the question as to who should clorinate the new houses before they are tied into his Community Water Systems. He feels that the plumber is responsible for clorinating his own work and asked that the Board put this into the plumbing code. _...... The Board assured Mr. DoBo that proper study would be given the situation and that action would be taken to see that the right thing is done. (Dr. Smith suggested that Mr. Cranford find out what the State recommends and what other counties are doing regarding the check valve.) Plumbing: Dr. Smith made the motion, seconded by Dr. Bellamy, that we get our lawyer to upgrade our plumbing ordinance to include an examination for the Journey- man plumber, and to also draw up an examination for these plumbers. This to be done as soon as possible. Motion carried unanimously. New Quarters: Dr. Knox and Dr. Bellamy had visited the old building at JWMH and agreed on a plan which they submitted to the Board for consideration as a recommen- dation to the County Commissioners. After considerable discussion, the Board decided the best approach would be to get a contractor to see how much it would cost to make minimum changes in the first floor, clean and paint the whole building, install necessary plumbing and lighting, heating and air conditioning and bring this figure to our Board for study - then to present this to the County Commissioners' for action. Laboratory: Figures were given to the Board members as to the cost of operation of the laboratory and the retail cost of tests done. These figures will be studied and discussed at the February meeting. - . Medicaid Contract: Motion was made by Dr. Bellamy, seconded by Dr. Smith that Dr. Knox sign the Medicaid Contract as soon as he is sure it is all in order. Carried. ( 0506 506 NuBlue Contract: Signing of this contract was delayed until it could be deter- mined if other insurance companies are offering this same type of coverage, After checking with the Insurance Commission this contract will be discussed by the Board, .., Sewage Collection for New Hanover County: Dr, Bellamy made the motion seconded by Dr, Smith that the Board of Health go on record as encouraging the County Commis- sioners to go ahead with the feasibility study of a county operated system of sewage collection and treatment, Motion carried unanimously, A letter will be written to the Chairman of the County Commissioners advising the Commissioners of the stand the Board of Health has taken on this matter, (letter written 1-9-70), -J There being no further business the meeting was adjourned, Respectfully submitted, , -)[ '.AL/-L/ :6 ;;)/A__~ Approved: February 4, 1970 .., - ~ -